Monday, May 29, 2006

Chef Dave Martin
BRAVO'S Reality Show "TOP CHEF"

"I'm not ya' Bitch, Bitch!!"

Over the last two month’s I learned a new word for the first time, Bitch! I am Understanding Knowledge (31) and I have never used this word in my vocabulary my entire life. I can say that I never saw a use for it in describing what I see, but all that has changed! Now I use the word “bitch” where it applies. Particularly in reference to these savage bitches I see on a daily basis. It’s interesting to see how low some of their expectations are, especially when it comes to sex. I heard people say stuff like, “A no good man made a no good woman!” and that’s “generally” an accurate statement. We just can’t overlook these bitches who continue to be grimy and live a savage way of life regardless of the circumstances. They have a choice, and many of the bitches I see “choose” to do the shit they do! Maybe it’s something in the water?

Population ratio’s of females to male dictates a lot of the grimy shit that these bitches do in much of the same way that colored people gravitate towards devilishment seeing that they are facing global genetic annihilation. In many places, women are in a situation where they are 11 to every “1” Single, Educated, Truthful, Employed, Healthy, HIV Negative, Strait, Identity Conscious, Non Criminal, Black, Man! Black women often look at eachother and live by the mantra "Either I must compete or get beat on my feet"! For the Black woman in America she is facing some very slim choices. Statistically, many of them won’t ever have the opportunity to deal with the above mentioned type of man. They will either settle for some other type of male, turn lesbian/bisexual or find other unnatural methods to compensate for this unbalanced population ratio of females-male. Shit I got two young Queen’s myself and I know the potential for them to become one of these grimy bitches who will phuck another woman’s man just to say she has one! Not on the basis of available choices, but based on the fact that there aren’t many Single, Educated, Truthful, Employed, Healthy, HIV Negative, Strait, Identity Conscious, Non Criminal, Black, Men around. Choices are very slim indeed and the Rap Music serving as the theme music for their generation doesn’t look promising either!

Now that I’ve gotten that off, check this out. First of all I’m not putting up with the shit. I don’t think these bitches are cute showing they ass, running game and parading around knowing they got kids somewhere. I ain’t entertaining nor “trying” to civilize none of these bitches either! Most of them know exactly what they’re doing and they ain’t ashamed about it. I also need to speak on these headwrap wearing, cutthroat, Little Kim lyric quoting, ¾ wearing, closet freak, trying to use my mathematics to boost my Ego, game playing, frontin’ satisfaction, toxic earth bitches! Ya’ll don’t move me either! You a bitch wit knowledge, a bitch that basically know better!

To get a clearer understanding of where I’m coming from do the knowledge to “
Axiology”. It’s the science of how people arrive at certain value systems! Axiologically speaking, because so-called “Men” have been on some misogynistic, patriarchal, oppressive bullshit towards women for centuries, we forced women to adapt and cope with specific societal roles as best they could. Unfortunately, this became a proverbial “pelon”, a psychological/social place where many Devils were manufactured! A Bitch by definition is “a female dog” and because of our backwardness as men, we simultaneously prepped many women to become other than themselves too! This of course is speaking from a historical perspective, but it is entirely up to us (once we know this!!) to choose if we want to make this type of mentality contemporary. For instance, as a brother who knows this, I would be a grimy muthafucka if I choose to try and take advantage of women who are starving for a man, knowing that I couldn’t give them the time, attention and financial support they truly need! I’m just on some pimp shit! Now a woman would also be just as grimy after knowing that statistically it’s 11 to 1 and she decides to get on some “New York” shit (from Flavor of Love) to try and get a man! There are women all across America getting down like this and these bitches are trifling, head wrap and all! And the nigga’s who are on some smorgasbord shit are just as grimy! See, I strive to be conscious of the gender inequality on all levels in society (and it’s manifestations) be it social, economic and population wise. America has been a 5oo pound Gorilla riding both our backs, b.u.t. some of us have learned to use this as method to protect us from shit we think will be worst than our back ache! Feel me?

So what solutions do I see? We gotta’ either honestly and openly try to deal with polygamy, HONESTLY, or start an Earth convent (not a lesbian colony) that will ensure that we can create some equilibrium. This Lifetime Network bullshit got to go, it’s difficult enough already dealing with regular bitches, we don’t need to be sitting there drawing up Asiatic bitches too! The Planet Earth is supposed to be the home of Islam, not a place where a woman is always scheming, manipulating, lying, competing and trying to use devilishment to keep a man, and justifying the shit based upon her “survivalist”, poor part of the Planet mentality! I know some of you are sitting back saying “Yeah all that is caused by the Sun of Man!”. Yeah that’s “generally” true, b.u.t. not in these epidemic cases where bitches know alternatives but still choose to be bitches, and proud flag flying’ bitches at that!

Those women who feel offended, defensive or outright angry about the truth then it’s you who I am talking to specifically. Get ya’ shit together, be honest with yourself and quit running game bitch! When the Black man comes into the Knowledge of himself he knows that he enters a “societal/globally universal” category where each day his value appreciates! He knows that he is the piece with the magnetic because there is nothing in comparison to Original Man and if you ain’t on no Geisha science then you bullshittin, strait up! Those males (not men) who feel offended that I would call you out like that, you need to get off that grimy shit of trying to manipulate women like that! If you can’t be financially (this is America!), emotionally and physically supportive to more than one woman (openly & consistently) than quit frontin’! Your killing yourself (in more ways than one) trying to make provisions to show off your stable at the show & prove each year! It ain’t impressive.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My physical "Golden Sun"
The Quest for Self

The Culture of the Nation of Gods and Earths is an inner sensory based reality. Not to dismiss the external world we walk and experience life in, it’s just that we realize that it is a mirror of what we sense within. Those who seek to learn it go through the same ego de-structuring side effects that a sensory deprivation subject undergoes such as disorientation, amnesia, apathy, hallucination, and mild schizophrenic episodes. This takes place all in the name of re-discovering the truth. Usually when people approach learning they fail to realize that the first step is to often unlearn things that they have been taught. It’s often a case of “a full pot can’t be filled!”.

I’ve met people with a host of determined ideas besides the idea of simply being a student. I’ve had people tell me how they desire to be taught even though they had no knowledge of what they wanted to learn. I’ve had people expect me to assume a Teacher relationship to them through subtle inference in order to avoid feeling ashamed from asking for my help. I’ve had people desire to learn for the purposes of locking it in a safe, taking advantage of the poor & ignorant, becoming rich or to be idolized!

I’ve always said that my life reflects the state of my heart and the expression of my mind. Nothing more or nothing less. Success is rooted in this basic understanding. The Culture we live should be fashioned to Free us from any negative vices that prevent us from being a positive asset to ourselves, our family, our community, the human family and the world at large. Our Culture serves as a repository of ideas that forge a system of values that define our world-view and shape our reality. These values express themselves through a language, diet, way of dress and behavior towards eachother and the world.

If the Culture you live does not serve a positive self/collect interest, then you should consider what re-adjustments need to be made in order to serve these interests. Culture serves as a skeletal structure to support the preservation and prosperity of a collective body of people in partnership with the Planet. From this perspective, it is easy to understand that the masses of people suffer from a collective insanity! Anytime that a person continues to use a language, diet, dress and behave in a way that is clearly destructive to themselves and others, this is insanity! Some people will die today holding on to a tradition that died 2,000 years ago.

I am not promoting the concept that we should discard “all” the things that we have learned. I am simply saying that to embrace the “be like water” concept that Bruce Lee built about from a “Cultural” context is not a bad thing. We must be fluid yet firm and often times “like a fine mist” in our thinking, all the while maintaining who and what we are. We can’t be afraid to learn something new nor to utilize different approaches to solve problems. In the process we’ll discover many things about ourselves and the world that we simply did not see. And to my Universal Family, this is especially true with us. I think that sometimes some of us live this Culture “traditionally” in a way that we conceptualize and follow “The Father’s” legacy like it’s the Hadith! It must be understood that many of The Father’s methodologies were innovative during his time in much of the same way that we need to be innovative! I am speaking on the “methodology” of teaching not the teaching itself. Like my brother I-Majestic built about in his blog about Dipset, “people often like to be around negative people because it’s more fun to be around them!”. That’s all wise indeed!

I’m gonna end this with an experience I once had. I used to go to a few Rally’s that were held at a park out in Bethlehem (Buffalo, NY) on Saturday’s. On one occasion it was organized by this God who rested out there and it was on a Saturday in the Summer. It was a beautiful day, brisk wind, sunny and just one of those days that make you smile. The park was small and there were more than 30 children (boys and girls ages 6-13) playing there, running around, in the sand box, they were everywhere! It was wonderful seeing them just enjoying themselves and it made me smile. Anyway, off from all the activity I see this heavy, dark figure at a picnic table with stacks of books weighing it down. With his head down reading, and dressed like he just came back from a Southern Christian Leadership Conference, it’s the God he called together the Rally! Now I was so turned off that I passed right by him and went to play chase with the seeds, and yeah the irony is the fact that it started at the “Wisdom” hour. I said all of that to say this, let’s not be corny wit this. I know I have been at times and still do but I check myself about it by laughing at myself with the knowledge that life is colorful and full of vitality! Shiiiittttt, I had locks for 6 years and decided to cut them a few months back when (among other things) I realized that my teaching method was coming off like some Daz Efx shit to my students in my program!!! I had to re-invent myself in order to be proficient in what I do.