Friday, December 25, 2020

Animation Series: Solar Facts


In this Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters Animation episode we discuss what is universal about family and the importance of our children having a positive support system to guide them.

Please SUPPORT and SHARE my Atlantis School Renovation Project. I am renovating a property to establish a cultural enrichment early childhood learning center and after school program in my city:

CashApp: $SaladinAllah



Monday, December 07, 2020

Atlantis School Animation: The Universal Family


In this Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters Animation episode we discuss what is universal about family and the importance of our children having a positive support system to guide them.

Please SUPPORT and SHARE my Atlantis School Renovation Project. I am renovating a property to establish a cultural enrichment early childhood learning and after school program:
CashApp: $SaladinAllah


Tuesday, December 01, 2020

#GivingTuesday: Atlantis School Renovation Project

On this #GivingTuesday Please SUPPORT and SHARE our Atlantis School Renovation Project. I am currently renovating a property to establish a cultural enrichment early childhood learning center and after school program in my community. You can learn more at the link below and any donation amount is much appreciated as everything helps in us reaching our goal!!

Learn more at this LINK: Atlantis School Renovation Project
CashApp: $SaladinAllah 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Master Fard Muhammad, Busta Rhyme's E.L.E. 2 and Generation X Nostalgia


   One of my football teammates at Central State University was a Muslim from Detroit named Brother Jackie. Brother Jackie was a stand-up dude and never dabbled in any un-Islamic activities while many of our teammates were doing everything from running trains on girls, selling weed and getting popped. He was clean, yet he had some spooky ideas about the Nation of Islam, Master Fard Muhammad and their teachings that I couldn't rock with. I remember one autumn afternoon we got into a debate about the divinity of Master Fard Muhammad and I asked Brother Jackie, "Would Fard beat Michael Jordan in a one-on-one game of basketball?" arguing that Jordan was Lord of 'that' World. Brother Jackie looked me square in eye with one of the most sincerest expressions and said, "Yes Brother, I believe that he can." I was done. I was done discussing things like that with Brother Jackie or any adult who shared these kinds of delusional sentiments. I realized that no matter how good some of our people can be about aspects of life, religion was a helluva drug and made some of us blind junkies and even hypocrites. That is dangerous. The seemingly harmless belief that Fard would beat Jordan in a one-on-one game of basketball today can easily become the dangerous belief in a People's Temple leader tomorrow.

   With the 2020 release of Busta Rhymes E.L.E. 2: The Wrath of God, the twenty-two year old follow up of E.L.E [Extinction Level Event], I felt like it brought me right back to that college conversation about Fard with Brother Jackie. Never to disappoint, this highly anticipated  Busta Rhymes project came with its share of high accolades and criticism. One such criticism is the record Master Fard Muhammad, named after the Savior of the Nation of Islam, which features Rick Ross. In Master Fard Muhammad Ross raps:

"Road to riches, fuckin' bitches in my favorite shoes
She thought I had a seizurе, told her April Fools
Fuck a lawsuit, bitch I'm tryna make the nеws
Master Muhammed sold silks goin' door to door
Givin' knowledge to the brothers fed who wanted more
" -Rick Ross [Ricky Rozay]

   Hearing this song and watching the video I thought for sure I would hear a strong rebuke of Rick Ross from Nation of Islam believers for using their Savior's name in vulgar laced lyrics debasing black women. I was sure because just weeks earlier the same believers mounted an exhausting social media campaign against DJ Vlad for simply misquoting Minister Farrakhan, correcting it and not publicly apologizing. The rebuke of this record didn't happen. In fact, the total opposite happened. 
   In a LIVE Streamed Final Call Conversation with Starla Muhammad, Managing Editor of The Final Call Newspaper and Dr. Wesley Muhammad, they invited Busta Rhymes to discuss his E.L.E. 2 project. In that discussion Busta Rhymes acknowledged that he received a blessing from Minister Farrakhan to use a snippet of his lecture for his song The Wrath of God and at about 1 hour 15 minutes into the discussion they delve into to the song Master Fard Muhammad. Disappointingly, Rick Ross' controversial lyrics are never discussed. "Shout out to Ricky Rozay, ya'll repped The God [Fard] in boss way" is all that was said about Fard's representation by Wesley Muhammad. I feel that this interview was a failed opportunity for the hosts to have a substantive discussion with Busta Rhymes about his perspective on lyrical accountability, social influence and representation of our cultural icons. I don't think that a song called Minister Louis Farrakhan featuring a vulgar artist debasing black women would be acceptable for Muslims. So why would a song like that, named after Minister Louis Farrakhan's God [Fard], be acceptable? Instead of asking those difficult yet important questions the Final Call hosts sat there; fawning over the chance to be in the same virtual room with a forty-eight-year-old dungeon dragon. I did not expect them to attack the brother, yet I did anticipate something more in-depth. Given the opportunity, that is exactly what my audience would get from me or any of my Five Percenter colleagues; including questions for Busta Rhymes concerning our Five Percent degrees, Supreme Mathematics and our Nation history to clarify some confusing Five Percenterish Muslim rhetoric scattered throughout E.L.E. 2. 

   Some may wonder, "What does any of this have to do with you? You are not Muslim so why do you even care?" Welp, it is personal. First and foremost I respect Fard and his contribution to black people here in North America. It was he and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who authored the Supreme Wisdom book which contains a slight variation of the 120 lessons we use within our Five Percent culture. To trivialize, minimize or disrespect that contribution dishonors that legacy. Ironically, when I released the above Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters animation episode teaching the history of Fard and the Nation of Islam [NOI] I was criticized and even publicly/privately threatened by some registered members of the NOI. It was said that I was disrespectful and misrepresenting "The Savior." Being the first person to ever animate the history of Fard and the NOI, I worked very hard to create this family friendly animation for people to learn this important part of our history. While that negative response from some people was hurtful, it did not discourage me from continuing to create animations that inspire, empower and educate families. In fact, my animation series is now globally available on Roku via the first Five Percenter based streaming platform Seven On Demand
   To see the same NOI Muslims praising a song called Master Fard Muhammad featuring an artist name dropping Fard among vulgar lyrics debasing black women infuriated me. I simply did not think the song content and video reflected the actual title. This eclectic process of uniquely naming song titles is part of the Buffalo-bred GXFR [Griselda] brand. Since their ascendancy within Hip Hop there have been numerous artists using elements of their style. From song title selection, music production, rap flow, album artwork, marketing and promotion, merchandising and etc., I can see their influence in this E.L.E. 2 project. This is not a secret, as Busta Rhymes has been featured on a Griselda project and publicly shared his respect for their creative influence in Hip-Hop when he pulled up on their Almighty Tour

   Over the years many of our people have become very casual about people, places and things that we have traditionally held sacred. The exponential growth of technology and secularization of sacred traditions has contributed to this cavalier attitude. In my article Is Social Media The Digital Turn on, Tune in, Drop out? I discuss how social media and the internet is reshaping our brain architecture, our ability to form meaningful connections and how we explore and attend the real world. Yet even in the midst of this, there are those artists who have remained consistent in treating people, places and things with honor and respect. It brings to mind the record I'm Back by AZ where he also cites Fard among other notables in his opening verse:

"Spirit of Marcus Garvey, Farad Muhammad,
Medgar Evars and Bob Marley, I'm God-Body
The scripture says Allah's inside me, show love
I was hugged by the arms of Gandhi, gave me my strength
You could tell somebody raised me with sense
We all need somethin' to help us through our daily events" -AZ

  While I think the concept, record and video for Master Fard Muhammad could have been more respectfully presented to mainstream audiences, there are records on the E.L.E. 2  project that I definitely enjoyed such as the E.L.E. 2 Intro feat. Rakim, Don't Go feat. Q-Tip and Slow Flow feat. O.D.B.. Sonically, it is not a heavy rotation project. 
 Some have argued, including Busta Rhymes, that simply mentioning Master Fard Muhammad's name is an opportunity to bring many to Islam. My question is, "What 'many' are people talking about, what does that demographic look like?" Rick Ross was added to this song for pop appeal and primarily targets Generation X, my generation. Millennials and Generation Z are not Rick Ross' primary listening audience and they often have no clue who Busta Rhymes is or his discography. The shares, likes and commentary we see about E.L.E. 2 and the features on this project are primarily from Generation X. My generation was heavily exposed to Islam for over a decade during the Golden Era of Hip-Hop and most of us are age 40 and over today. If folks from my generation didn't get this consistent message over twenty years ago, I highly doubt that our folks, en masse, and on the cusp of middle age, are now going to change our trajectory of consciousness because of E.L.E. 2. It is unrealistic at best and delusional at worst. As for Millennials and Generation Z, en masse, combing the internet, buying books about Master Fard Muhammad and joining the NOI in droves? That is also unrealistic at best and delusional at worst. With any trending topic on social media, there will be curiosity on the part of some folks from my generation, Millennials and Generation Z to know what is going on. 
   There were many Hip-Hop projects released in 2020 that are far more impactful than E.L.E. 2. Regardless of that impact, most of these projects are not even trending right now. Even with the inclusion of a Farrakhan soundbite, a Rick Ross featured record named Master Fard Muhammad and free NOI social media hype from attention-seeking Muslims, E.L.E. 2 still falls short of that impact. By December MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO WERE TYPING IN ALL CAPS ABOUT HOW CLASSIC THIS E.L.E. 2 PROJECT IS will not even be mentioning it... For Generation X, E.L.E. 2 is nostalgia. It is a project of records that DJ's used to be spin in clubs that existed twenty something years ago. Clubs that folks on the cusp of middle age with families rarely go to anymore, with their twenty something year old children.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Knowledge of Self: The 5th Element of Hip Hop

This unauthorized, independent White Lion Studios, Knowledge of Self Series and the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters documentary is a thought-provoking exploration into the 5th Element of Hip-Hop; Knowledge of Self. Through never before seen interviews by some of Hip-Hop's biggest icons, poignant narration and entertaining animation, Knowledge of Self embarks upon an uncharted journey to reveal one the greatest stories never told!

   Where did phrases and names like, "God", "word is bond", "cipher", "Peace", "Queen",
"FlyGod" and etc. come from? What do some of the biggest names in Hip-Hop such as Jay-Z, Nas, Tupac, Rakim, Busta Rhymes, Nelly and others all have in common? Knowledge of Self seeks to answer these and many other questions by exposing a narrative of Hip-Hop that has been historically hidden in plain sight.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A PART OF HISTORY? We are currently in Production and offering a limited number of exclusive Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond investment packages. Rewards include: become a Producer on the movie, swag, a role in the movie and more! Upon completion this film will be released FREE to the public. More information at this LINK


Tuesday, November 03, 2020

The Political Science of Five Percenter Parliaments


     According to Dasun Allah in his Five Percent Media article Universal Parliament Takes to The World Wide Web, "The Universal Parliament has been an institution of the 5% Nation since April of 1967 after the return of Allah the Father from his imprisonment in the Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. It built on the tradition of house parliaments, and local and borough wide gatherings of Gods and Earths, bringing them to a unified whole. The purpose of Universal Parliament is for the nation to get to know their righteous family through reports on individual and collective works within the various communities and to tend to affairs of national interest." 
   Contrary to what some may assume or have experienced at our Five Percent Nation Universal, international, regional and/or local Parliaments, they are not get-togethers or vent sessions. Our Parliament also didn't derive from the 1956 doo-wop group that was founded by a fifteen-year-old George Clinton and named after Parliament cigarettes. Parliament comes from the Old French "parlement" which means to speak. By definition, a Parliament is the legislative body of a government. The role of that body is to make and amend laws and hold the government accountable for its policies, actions and spending. In the context of the Five Percent, our Universal Parliament in Mecca [Harlem] was established for our nation's citizens to function as an informal legislative body and government. The Old French etymology for Parliament meaning to "speak" means "to build" [communicate/add-on] in the language of the Five Percent. Thus as Five Percenters we come together monthly at our Universal Parliament to build, introduce and amend policies, actions and spending related to our national headquarters in Mecca [Harlem, NY]. 
     In the United States, the policies, actions and spending implemented in this nation's capital [DC] may or may not affect regional and/or local legislative bodies in different states and cities. Likewise in our nation's capital [Mecca], policies, actions and spending implemented there may or may not affect international, regional and/or local legislative bodies of Five Percenters in other countries, states and cities. Our Parliamentary Procedure, whether nationally in Mecca or among our international, regional and/or local legislative bodies of Five Percenters, is based upon our nation's principles and customs, namely the concept of social equality. Coming together for one common cause and being equal in everything insures that any present member of our nation, regardless of their age, gender or physical ability, has the right to build upon policies, actions and spending at our Parliament. If a decision needs to be made regarding a certain policy, action or spending, all input is gathered by the present members and a decision is made based upon majority rule [vote]. If a decision cannot be made, the issue is tabled until the next scheduled Parliament. Although our Parliamentary Procedure does not follow the entire Robert's Rules of Order [RONR], we do acknowledge these basic RONR guiding principles:

  • Everyone has the right to participate in the discussion if they wish, before anyone may speak a second time. 
  • Everyone has the right to know what is going on at all times. Only urgent matters may interrupt a speaker.
  • Only one thing (motion) can be discussed at a time.

Political Science: a social science which deals with systems of governance, and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts, associated constitutions and political behavior. 

   In 2013 I ran for public office as a 4th District Legislative candidate. I didn't run as a Democrat or a Republican. I used what is called an Independent Nominating Petition and created my own Political Party; the Niagara Youth Party. I was also the endorsed candidate of the Green Party and Working Families Party via my Opportunity To Ballot [OTB] Petitions. Although I was not elected, in the General Election I received 20% of the votes in comparison to the Republican candidate who received 25% of the votes and the Democratic incumbent who received 55% of the votes. In that General Election my name was on the ballot for the Niagara Youth Party, the Green Party and the Working Families Party. Based upon the registered voters in the 4th District, over 95% of the votes I received were from registered Republicans and Democrats. This is unheard of and never happened in my city before because most people vote for their party line. The votes I received proved that regardless of party affiliation, people will actually vote for a person. That is both threatening and viewed as an opportunity for political parties who see this. So of course this voter turnout shocked the county/city Republican and Democratic Committees and to this day I get asked by both parties if I am willing to run for public office again. If you have been watching the 2020 Presidential Race, this is a similar position Kanye West is in regarding his presidential bid via his filed Independent Nominating Petitions for his Birthday Party. The votes he receives will be from people who are voting against their party line. If he receives a national turnout that is similar to the turnout I received locally, he will get the same response from political parties who are seeking to draft him. Why am I sharing even this? Because in my experience navigating political landscapes in addition to community outreach, I have learned and still learn a lot about Legislation and how Legislative bodies function; the cornerstone of a Parliament. It does not make me an expert yet it does enable me to make a unique contribute to our nation. This education affords me, and other brothers and sisters in these political spaces, a vantage point of view that many Five Percenters do not have. There are likewise Five Percenters who navigate other spaces which affords them a vantage point of view that I and others do not have. This is what collectively makes us all-eye-seeing, of course when there is social equality and we share those perspectives. It is through those shared perspectives that we access the knowledge [1] that shapes our power [5] dynamics.

Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters Animation Series
NOW AVAILABLE on Seven On Demand via ROKU

     In conclusion, we are as strong and efficient as our ability to organize. While we can always improve upon what we are doing, I am proud to see those Five Percenters who are selflessly stepping up at our national headquarters, internationally, regionally and locally to help push our nation forward. Parliaments are a key component to this and with COVID-19 it has been challenging for us to gather together. The introduction of Virtual Parliaments have been a great way to help address this issue and maintain our cultural continuity. While immature, gossipmongering "interlopers" still exist on the fringes of our nation, they are becoming less visible and influential in leading people in the wrong direction. The launch of digital publications such as the Five Percenter Newspaper and Five Percent Media, young Five Percenters such as The 5% Percent Connection using social media platforms to globally engage learners and Five Percenters such as Darkim who are now using YouTube LIVE to expound upon our teachings are all positive examples of our collective effort to push our nation forward. This is successfully happening in spite of this current global pandemic and the interlopers on the fringe. 


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Five Percent Pioneering and Flashes In The Pan

Flash in the PanSomething which disappoints by failing to deliver anything of value, despite a showy beginning.

     People who often remark how positive and productive I am usually have no clue WHAT I am working through. Despite the various projects that I have recently shared such as unveiling my Atlantis School Renovation Project on cable news, the Story Time Animation series I produced for distance learners or the premiere of Samuel L Jackson's Enslaved docuseries that I appear in, behind all of this it has been challenging. Over the last year we have lost some giants within our Five Percent Nation due to COVID-19 and other health related issues. This has been tough for many of us. Although some do, I typically don't share public memorials explaining the relationships that I've had with people who have passed, the last time we spoke to each other or etc. I honor them by walking with the best part that they shared with me and I preserve it for myself. 

     With the departure of some of our universal family members, they left a huge cultural void for others to fill. Not for us to take up space but filling that void by doing as much or more than what those universal family members were willing and able to do for us. It is a daunting task, for many. Some of these universal family members were pioneers and to fill a pioneer's shoes you will likewise need to be a pioneer; not someone who is simply walking on the road that they paved. In my experience within this Nation there are many who simply repeat what others have said before them. They do not actually add-on to their legacy and they do not understand the level of vision, effort, discipline, consistency and resilience that comes along with being a pioneer. Especially in this Social Media Era, people often seek attention yet do not grasp the potential ridicule, sabotage, open/closed enemies and change that comes along with the uncharted journey of being a pioneer. In regards to WF Muhammad's journey as a pioneer to find/teach his relatives, we learn to quote "I came to North America by myself" yet often don't realize the vulnerability that comes along with that self-reliant decision. We often don't realize the vulnerability that came along with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad co-founding the Nation of Islam as a pioneer or the vulnerability that came along with Allah leaving that religion and mosque politics to stand on his own and pioneer a youthcentric culture. Again, this is a daunting task for many and I am not confident that many will step up to fill the voids of our universal family members who have passed. We remember those in perfection by striving to be a perfect conduit of their consciousness through our actual contributions. In other words, we must do as much or more than what those universal family members were willing and able to do. Without contributing anything significant to our Nation, why are we even here? Some of us have identified as Five Percenerst for ten, twenty, thirty or more years and all we can tell others is what someone else said or did in the 1960s, 70s or 80s. While knowing past chronology is important, it is also important to understand that we are standing in the midst of current chronology and our actions, or lack thereof, dictates the future chronology. 

     Human activity, movement and the physical environment affects how cultures develop. One of our pioneers of cultural development, UM-Allah, was one of the first Five Percenters to attend and graduate from college with a Masters degree. Through his journey into this uncharted collegiate territory, UM-Allah helped develop our culture in societal spaces where it did not previously exist. Earning his Masters degree from California Polytechnic State University, he expanded the possibilities and progress of our nation. This enabled other Five Percenters to see a growth and development opportunity that did not previously exist. UM-Allah's contributions added a unique cultural mark on the map of human geography and within our nation's chronology. Breaking that social barrier, he paved the way for people like myself to learn this culture from a God in a collegiate academic setting, who also learned from a God who was taught in a collegiate academic setting. UM-Allah is just one example of our universal family members who have recently returned to the essence and left a cultural void for us to fill. 

     Building requires more than Facebook posts and "doing it for the 'Gram [Instagram]." I sense that many of us, including some Five Percenters, have gotten lost in a longing for clout chasing and social media visibility. The problem with this is they unknowingly dive into a content driven stream of 'staying relevant'. In other words, if we are THAT important than we must prove that importance by constantly engaging our network with content demonstrating that value. For example, imagine folks who have been branded conspiracy theorists who are online 3-4 times a week putting out information exposing some government plot, cabal network and etc. In order to maintain that online persona THEY NEED TO CONSISTENTLY come up with content EVERY WEEK without fail. For many, it becomes ambulance chasing; constantly looking for something to post, share and say to keep up the online persona they created. The same applies to those among the Five Percent who try to brand themselves online as youth advocates and community builders. Up until that point in their life most have been on a totally different trajectory. This is not to say that it is impossible for people to change that trajectory, it is to say that it is difficult if you are not really about youth advocacy and community building. That is one of the reasons Allah left the adults at the mosque and focused on teaching youth. This is also one of the reasons Fredrick Douglass said, "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." In my two decades of experience as a youth advocate and community builder I have learned that people who are not really about this life fizzle out after a couple of barbecues, a school supply drive or other events they dress up for and take pictures at. A few short years later it will be hard to find any consistent evidence that they were ever serious about youth advocacy and community building. In most instances people don't even last a year and within weeks to months you will see them still doing things like promoting strip clubs, selling/using drugs, swinging, neglecting their own children, trolling people online, running around with open cases and other dysfunctional behavior. None of which represents righteousness or the duty of a civilized person.

   In conclusion, our elder Dumar Wade was adamant about teaching us to be positive/productive members of society; from the Rotor Rooter Man to the Architect. He was also adamant about us not being a gang, promoting gang activity or cosigning a gang lifestyle. He often remarked that, "We [Five Percenters] are here to STOP crime!" This mindset is the hallmark of youth advocacy and community building because it combats juvenile delinquency, social decay, lawlessness and community deterioration. Dumar, like other elders, simply echo[ed] the same sentiments of our founder Allah, The Father who also taught youth to be positive/productive members of society. This is our national trajectory. If this is not the direction we are leading our family and community members in then we are clearly leading them in the wrong direction.



Thursday, October 08, 2020

Actress Bethany Brown Endorses Atlantis School


Actress Bethany Brown recently endorsed the Atlantis School Renovation Project and encouraged people worldwide to support this initiative.

Bethany Brown (born August 3rd) is a well-known actress best known for her work on Charmed, The Flash, Lego Jurassic World, The 100, Rogue, Supernatural and other projects.


The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters is a private institution established in Niagara Falls, NY. Its Mission is to teach and train youth in the growth, development and control of their powers through important projects, programs and initiatives. We are currently undergoing a renovation project for a recently acquired property that will allow us to centralize our projects, programs and initiatives for at-risk communities. You can support our project at this link: Atlantis School Renovation Project



Saturday, September 26, 2020

Animation Series: Love, Hell or Right

 In this Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters Episode we discuss "Love, Hell or Right."

"Love transcends emotions; it is the highest degree of Understanding between two people. Hell is the tempering fire of experience all relationships go through; in order to remove its impurities and unveil the substance of our bond. Then and only then will we reveal what's Right!" -Love, Hell or Right (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Amazon Kindle) 





Friday, September 11, 2020

Saladin Allah to Appear in Samuel L. Jackson EPIX® Network Docuseries “Enslaved”

Official EPIX® Press Release

New York, NY – Premium network EPIX® announced today [August 4, 2020] that six-part docuseries Enslaved will premiere September 14, 2020 at 10 P.M. ET/PT.  Led by icon and activist Samuel L. Jackson, Enslaved sheds new light on 400 years of human trafficking from Africa to the New World. Based on a DNA test identifying his ancestral tribe, the series traces Jackson’s personal journey from the U.S. to Gabon for his induction into the Benga tribe, with rare and unprecedented access to secret ceremonies and local customs. Following its launch on EPIX, Enslaved will also premiere on CBC in Canada on Sunday, October 18 at 9 p.m. (9:30 NT) and the BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation]. The series is being distributed internationally by Fremantle.

Enslaved Trailer

Using new diving technology – such as advanced 3D mapping and ground-penetrating radar – to locate and examine sunken slave ships on three continents, the series reveals an entirely new perspective on the history of the transatlantic slave trade. The series also tracks the efforts of Diving With a Purpose (DWP), a collaborating organization with The National Association of Black Scuba Divers (NABS), as they search for and locate six slave ships that sank drowning the enslaved humans aboard. Featuring the most dives ever made on sunken slave ships, Enslaved also chronicles the first positive identification of a “Freedom Ship,” an American schooner that ferried African American runaways to Canada.

Each episode follows three separate story lines: the quest for a sunken slave ship, a personal journey by Samuel L. Jackson and a historical investigation led by investigative journalists Simcha Jacobovici and Afua Hirsch.

Enslaved also celebrates stories of resistance, accomplishment and hope; the cultures left behind and the culture that we live in presently… a culture that, in many ways, was born in the bowels of those sunken slave ships.



Monday, September 07, 2020

Political Analyst Angela Rye Endorses Atlantis School


Political Commentator and Analyst Angela Rye recently endorsed the Atlantis School Renovation Project and encouraged people worldwide to support this initiative.

Angela Rye (born October 26, 1979) is an American Attorney and the Principal and CEO of IMPACT Strategies, a political advocacy firm in Washington, DC. She is a liberal political commentator on CNN and an NPR political analyst. She served as the executive director and general counsel to the Congressional Black Caucus for the 112th Congress.

The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters is a private institution established in Niagara Falls, NY. Its Mission is to teach and train youth in the growth, development and control of their powers through important projects, programs and initiatives. We are currently undergoing a renovation project for a recently acquired property that will allow us to centralize our projects, programs and initiatives for at-risk communities. You can support our project at this link: Atlantis School Renovation Project



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Actor Orlando Jones Endorses Atlantis School

Actor Orlando Jones, Mr. Anansi is American Gods, recently endorsed the Atlantis School Renovation Project and encouraged people worldwide to support this initiative.

Orlando Jones (born April 10, 1968) is an American actor and stand-up comedian. He is known for being one of the original cast members of the sketch comedy series MADtv, for his role as the 7 Up spokesman from 1999 to 2002, and for his powerful role as the African God Anansi and Script Writing on Starz's American Gods.

The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters is a private institution established in Niagara Falls, NY. Its Mission is to teach and train youth in the growth, development and control of their powers through important projects, programs and initiatives. We are currently undergoing a renovation project for a recently acquired property that will allow us to centralize our projects, programs and initiatives for at-risk communities. You can support our project at this link: Atlantis School Renovation Project



Friday, June 12, 2020

Atlantis School Renovation Project

Hey everyone and THANK YOU for checking out and willfully SUPPORTING and SHARING our Atlantis School Renovation Project!

The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters is a private institution established in Niagara Falls, NY. Its Mission is to teach and train youth in the growth, development and control of their powers through important projects, programs and initiatives such as:

Despite students of color representing more than half the student population in this country, black men represent less than 2% of that teacher workforce. As a black man and as an educator, my voice and presence within the lives of black children and all children is critical to combating family dysfunction, community deterioration and creating an inclusive workforce that ensures that all of our nation’s students receive a quality culturally enriched education. This is my not simply my profession, it is my passion and purpose! I established the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters as a community-based institution that provides projects, programs and initiatives that promote cultural competence, anti-bias education, social emotional development, optimum health and social justice. By exposing youth to these ideas through DAP [Developmentally Appropriate Practices] at an early age the objective is to set them upon a learning trajectory to become ambassadors of a brighter future and a more equitable society.

We are currently undergoing a renovation project for a recently acquired property that will allow us to centralize our projects, programs and initiatives for at-risk communities. We are seeking donations to help with roof repairs, kitchen and bathroom renovations, learning space modifications and program resources to meet NYS OCFS [New York State Office of Children and Family Services] Standards for our Early Childhood Certificate Program. Once renovations are complete the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters will operate an Early Childhood Development Program and Preadolescent After School Program. 


Friday, May 22, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Lakota Nation Seeks Support of Five Percent Nation Amid COVID-19


Lakota Nation Seeks Support of Five Percent Nation
Lakota Activist/Spokesperson Chase Iron Eyes Releases Sioux Tribe Official Statement

Harlem, New York: May 20, 2020, the Oglala Sioux Tribe released an Official Public Statement via Activist/Public Relations Spokesperson Chase Iron Eyes seeking support from Five Percent Nation members to share in their struggle amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Most recently, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s (R) has refused to issue mandatory stay-at-home orders for South Dakota which has put our Indigenous family members at risk via Covid-19. During an April White House task force briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci shared that in some major cities where we see the epicenter of coronavirus cases black Americans are dying at much higher rates compared to other Americans. While it has been said that both marginalized communities are at a higher risk due to pre-existing conditions, America’s historical geopolitics and socioeconomic factors which contribute(d) to these conditions such as institutional racism, environmental injustice and chronic scarcities of resources are rarely mentioned.

For over five decades, from Wounded Knee to the Standing Rock #NoDAPL protest camps, Lakota leaders have championed cultural freedom and indigenous justice. Over fifty years ago when Allah (The Father) founded the Five Percent Nation [Gods and Earths], we began teaching self-knowledge as the basis of a unique God-centered culture that is free from religious indoctrination and social injustice.

It is within that conscience of cultural continuity and unity as an original people as highlighted within our 120 lessons that we stand in support of the Oglala Sioux and all “7 bands” of the Lakota Nation. Our shared commitment to amplify our unified voice and work collaboratively will enable us expand our efforts to achieve national consciousness, community control and peace.

"As civilized and righteous people, we understand the Lakota People’s right to preserve their Native rights, sovereignty, health, and the Earth. In 2020, these rights should be respected." -Starmel Allah, Author of The Righteous Way


Friday, May 08, 2020

4 DIY Distance Learning Ideas

This Article Appears in The Challenger Newspaper

     With the national economy coming to a grinding halt and educational institutions shutting down to help flatten the corona virus curve, many of us parents and guardians now find ourselves in a unique homeschooling situation that we, and many of our school districts, were not prepared for. Fortunately for us there are those who were prepared and seized this moment as a DIY distance learning opportunity. Today I would like to share some of those ideas in hopes that we can make the best out of the time educating our children at home. 

1. Don't worry, be resourceful. Find out what your child's grade level learning targets are. Prior to the school year Teachers create lesson plans to cover the entire year and these plans are not like a freestyle rap. They take preparation and are based upon the student's grade level learning targets and NYS competency standards. So if your child is in the 6th grade, during any month of the school year 6th graders across the New York State are learning the same ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies curriculum with minor variations. If you want to know for sure what your child's learning targets are reach out to their Teacher and find out. I am sure they would be more than happy to give you that information! Why am I sharing this? Because the initial reaction of many parents and guardians teaching their children at home has been, "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO TEACH THEM?!" If your child was given take home packets and/or access to an online learning platform, those learning packets and online assignments are based upon their Teacher's lesson plan. And their lesson plan is based upon the student's grade level learning targets and NYS competency standards. As a parent and guardian our job is to help provide added resources around our child's learning targets and competency standards. In other words, if your child has a Social Studies assignment about Ancient Egypt, there are many resources online, especially on YouTube, that you can share with them. If it is Math, no problem. You may not know the weird math your child is learning but someone does and there are resources online to support them. There are resources literally at our fingertips. Take advantage of them by connecting with your child's Teacher, School, using social media networks, searching the internet and contacting the School District if necessary.

2. Physical Education is everyday. According to various studies regarding lifespans, the present generation is the first generation that are expected to not outlive their parents and guardians. A combination of sedentary lifestyles, obesity, poor diets and other issues are the causative factors. Nowadays elementary school children are lucky to get more than two days of forty minutes of physical activity each week. Also, lessons about diet, eating the right foods and the importance of optimum health are few and far between. Especially with the social climate around COVID-19, this is an excellent opportunity to reinforce the importance of health and wellness. Encourage some form of physical activity for your child EVERYDAY. It doesn't matter if it is in backyard, front yard or on the side of the house -of course while maintaining physical distancing from others. If there is no place outside, use the basement, attic, living room or bedroom. Create some space so they can get their heart to race. Physical activity does not need to be standard exercises either. If you have a Wii game system, use one of those games that promotes physical activity. Use the TikTok for some fun physical activity. Find some fun activities on YouTube. Also, join them! In regards to diet and eating the right foods, this is also a great opportunity to include healthy snacks in your daily routine and easy to prepare healthy meals that promote optimum health. Health is wealth.

3. Don't forget the life skills. Use this time to incorporate basic life skills in your daily routine. Teaching a child how to separate, wash and dry clothes, garden, how to use certain computer programs, clean the bathroom and numerous other tasks that they will need later in life is priceless. These tasks are usually not even taught in school and this is a unique opportunity to school them. Plus you can make these tasks fun. I mean, I am not sure how to make cleaning a bathroom fun but I'm sure you can figure something out. Incentives always work.

4. Your home is the classroom. Distance learning does not mean to replicate our child's classroom at home. You are now the Teacher, again. I say "again" because you were the first Teacher to begin with. So make your child's learning environment yours. When I taught preschool, during breakfast time my class would listen to a mix of A Tribe Called Quest, Jill Scott, Alice Coltrane, Frankie Knuckles and others. On the walls I had images of black artists at their eye level. After our daily exercises we would meditate for five minutes to slow our heart rate before transitioning into our calendar lesson. It was our classroom. I am not sharing this to tell you to rearrange your home. I am sharing this to emphasize the fact that you determine the structure, time period and resources to support your child's learning environment. If the first thing in the morning you want your child to do is read for fifteen minutes, cool. If you want them to watch a ten minute national geographic video while they eat breakfast, do it. If they usually have math after lunch in school and you want them to knock it out in the morning, that is all good. Do what works for them, and you, and don't be afraid to make adjustments. Also, if you have children in different grade levels, delegate, delegate, delegate. The older children are your TA [Teacher's Assistant]. 

    In closing, I will that these ideas are not only helpful in making distance learning run smoother but also minimize the stress that many of you are feeling from being thrown in this unpredictable position. You have more skills, tools and resources than you may know or even give yourself credit for. I have worked with youth from preschool to college age, in various capacities, for over two decades. One of the most valuable assets that I or any Teacher could have is a relationship with a student. It is only through that relationship can learning be facilitated. For 8 hours every day throughout a school year we strive to build this asset which you naturally have as a parent or guardian. So don't stress, you got this, and when you want support that is what we are here for.
