Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Bateleur Eagle

"Bonified Snake Eater"

Build and S.O.S.
-(Share Our School)-

Fundamentally and realistically, the true teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths take place in all places. What we teach is never geographically, historically, socially or economically out of context because our teachings are the synthesis of universal law which is "Mathematics". Mathematics are the symbolic representation and function of what is, what was and what will be. Principles, if you will, in the most essential form. Therefore there is not a "specific" place that we need to meet in order to teach, but there are in environments that may serve as a more effective backdrop for someone to grasp a certain concept. You find us (Gods and Earths) in all places, teaching in the boardroom, the courtroom, the classroom, on the corner, at a church, at the club, playing baseball, at the zoo, in Iraq or wherever! The best of us are able to turn any circumstance, situation or environment into a classroom at any time. First Born Prince Allah (PBUH) was one of many of our Elders that was able to do this!

I received knowledge while I was in college at Central State University in Wilberforce, OH so I was already in a so-called study environment. For me this was very convenient and strengthening to my education. When I left in Born Power (95) and brought the knowledge to Atlantis the people that wanted to learn had a very different backdrop and it took me time to learn that they weren’t going to get the knowledge the same way I got it. I had to take a different approach because to most of them it was really a task to get up and walk four blocks to the library in the winter to do some research. What it comes down to is the fact that each person goes through their own personal challenges (hell) for things to come out right. As an Enlightener, it is our responsibility to see this and formulate a curriculum that takes into consideration all factors that will help or hinder them from growing.

To go back to my original statement, you will see actual Allah Youth Centers throughout America and these "Centers" act as laylines or magnetic poles that serve as gathering places for us and outreach centers for the community. It’s important that we support these structures and maintain them especially our root of civilization. Our National Headquarters is literally in Mecca (Harlem, NY)!

The reasoning behind this site maximizes our ability to communicate, share information and network with eachother wherever we may be. I also hope that it will inspire others to use the net as a medium to start an online/offline "school" because in the not so distant future we will be able to offer a variety of self improvement courses in specialized areas of interest that are relative to our teachings. Stay in-tune for "Supreme Mathematics" (The Key)

"The essence of education doesn’t take place inside of a building, it takes place
inside of your building." -
Saladin Allah


1 comment:

  1. I'll start from early on in my evolution... I am a biracial man whose father is African-American and mother is Caucasian. My parents met in 1959 when my un-wed mother was in a nursing school where my father was employed as a nurses aide. At the time my mother was engaged to a white man who was attending engineering school. My father had an African-American wife and (5) children at the time of his extra-marital relationship with my mother. At some early point of my mothers pregnancy with me she made the decision to marry her fiance, and to lie to everyone about who the father of her un-born child was... she achieved this by claiming that I had been afflicted with a skin-disease called "melanism".
    My mother and step-father had four more children together in the space of nine years after I was born, and we grew up together in a middle-class household in white america where the subject of "race" was never discussed. My earliest recollections of having to be aware of race was when I was asked questions about the color of my skin by other classmates in first grade... "Why was my skin dark?", "Was I adopted?" race was certainly a hot-button issue in 1965-66 when I began school , but any awareness that my mother and step-father had achieved from growing up in their white neighborhoods in the 40's and 50's was insufficient in preparing them for raising a biracial child... and to complicate things, they were both in complete denial of their complicity in my mis-education. When I came home from school after having been asked questions by fellow students from my all-white school district, my mother then explained "the skin-disease story" to me... "other kids with this disease usually have dark blotches all over their bodies, so you should feel fortunate". When I would tell my mother about other boys and girls who would call me names or act aggressively for no apparent reason, I began to understand that I would get no further assistance from her to explain this rationale... my step-father was even more removed from the conversation and would only add, "You know what your mother said".
    By the time that my step-father transferred jobs and our family of (7) had moved from the all-white Cleveland, Ohio suburb of Stow to the all-white school district of Portville in Western up-state N.Y. it was the spring of 1970 and I was in fourth grade, and already the veteran of many racial incidents and altercations between myself, classmates, and even some adults. My four younger siblings had also been told the same story, and had to explain the same things to their friends when asked why they had a brother who was black... "Hey, did your mother fool around a little bit??" I remember how much that hurt me when I heard it, and I'm sure that they felt just as badly when they did... nonetheless, this was a "subject" that we never discussed as a family, not once, at least in my presence.
    I was taught through my observations of my mother and step-father to keep quiet about things that I wasn't sure about, and I was also taught to ignore the obvious.
    As I matured into my teen-aged years and began to experience societies issues and insecurities in coming to terms with this countries racial in-equalities during the 70's, I felt an increasing need to rationalize and then codify the information that my mother had given me, regardless of what I was beginning to realize inside... I felt an increasing discomfort, yet there was noone in my life to offer any prospective... I had learned that black people were a part of society that we didn't talk about. ( There was a black family in my small town, and they were poor and lived in a run-down house near the river...I never had any opportunity or reason to associate with them)
    I was a "B" student and also began taking an interest in sports where I was above average. Meeting other schools and student athletes were opportunities to then be exposed to populations that had not been inured by my story yet...I was just another black kid to them.
    Communicating my experiences to my mother and step-father was difficult because they had no experience with racial prejudice, therefore when I had problems with other children it would be looked at as an issue that "I" had in getting along with others(as well as intra-family sibling issues).
    Because "race" was being ruled-out entirely, by my mothers denial of my father, she could not logically use that rationale to explain any conflicts that I would have. My step-fathers complicity in this was to blindly support my mothers viewpoint.
    The "white" viewpoint has always been that blacks(black society) were pretty well cared for, and what contact they did have would be polite and careful... What, with the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts being passed, the playing field had been leveled.(re: my mother and step-father's generation)
    The feelings and comfort of my mother were apparently what was important, and her inculcation had to have been partly comprised of the idea that white society acted as the gate-keepers and care-takers of an infantilized black population.


    How has black society formed its identity?

    What role models have been used, and how does white society react to positve
    black roll models today? (Are they held to a more critical prism??)

    Is there enough information readily available for black people to easily form a
    positive racial identity?

    Is it important that black society is able to connect accurately the dots of its social
    evolution in America? and is it also important that white society can connect those
    same dots??

    What is White Privilege?

    What is White awareness?

    What is Whiteness?

    What about Affirmative Action?

    Is Race just a social contruct?

    Dave Myers
