Saturday, October 28, 2006

"Our 'PROPHET' W.D. Fard" -Hon. Elijah Muhammad
(14th Lesson, 1-14's/Lost Found Muslim Lesson #1)

Fard: The Man, the Myth, the Majik

Peace Fam! This subject has been in my Third (Mind) for a while so I thought is was a perfect time to manifest it. I will warn those of you who “Worship” Fard to discontinue reading this Article right from the gate! I know how much stock you place in “the belief” that Fard is 129 years old & studying on the Mothership so you may be alittle too sensitive to put beliefs such as this under a critical, analytical microscope. Those of you who are true seekers of Knowledge I welcome you to look at Fard, as he was; a Man shrouded in Myth and Majik. This Article is about being a follower only to the extent of learning how to Lead!! I want to clarify that I’m gonna approach this Article as if I’m speaking to people who already have a basic idea of who Fard is, primarily Registered “Believers” in the NOI. For those of you who don’t have a clue who Master Fard Muhammad is take a second to click on this NOI link dealing with "Fard" and NOI Chronology. Now here we go.. .

When I first learned about Fard (as a child, literally and intellectually!) he was larger than life to me! I never became a Registered “Believer” in the NOI but I did view the Man in Mythological terms. Kinda like the same way kids glorify Chris Brown today! Anyway, almost every story I heard about this Man would make David Blaine look like an Amateur! “Elijah Muhammad never saw him sleep”, “Fard is on the Mothership studying”, “Fard moved a star with his finger”, “Fard controls the weather” and the tall tales and legends go on and on! In light of Actual Facts, none of these (and other) instances have been Show & Proven to be true. For all practical purposes, these carefully constructed “Beliefs” simply serve the purpose of strengthening the faith of oftentimes faithless followers. I look at it like this, regardless how comforting and euphoric it feels to “believe” our child ate today, it can’t be compared to knowing for a fact that they had a nutritious halal meal. Like one of my Elder’s Abu Shahid say’s, “Belief never supersedes Knowledge”!

In the movie Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee spoke these famous words, “It’s like a finger pointing to the Moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you’ll miss the Moon and all it’s heavenly glory”. To me, I see these “tales” about Fard as just a finger, something designed to point you somewhere else! Many members (not all!) of the NOI that I know seem to always be engrossed in staring at the finger and consequently, they miss the “heavenly glory”. In otherwords, instead of simply co-signing the story that “Elijah Muhammad never saw Fard sleep”, analyze how that practical information (regardless of it’s validity!) can function in your life! The idea of “someone never seeing you sleep” is Peace if you really think about it practically! If many Muslims got the point they wouldn’t “sleep” on the Lesson’s (Supreme Wisdom) that Master Fard & Elijah Muhammad compiled as the FOUNDATION of The Teachings! It’s very, very rare to come across a Muslim (including Ministers!) who study The Lessons enough to know them by heart. I’m saying this because some brotha’s/sistah’s in the NOI try to discredit members of the NGE (Nation of Gods and Earths) because we “supposedly” don’t follow Restrictive Laws. It never occurs to them that it takes a tremendous amount of commitment, endurance, discipline and restrictive focus to memorize all 120 Lessons (the bulk of Supreme Wisdom!) and be able to recite them by heart! I ain’t even talking about breaking them down, I’m just talkin’ about spittin’ them off the dome! So don’t get it twisted fam, the flyest, most spectacular Ball Player’s usually aren’t in the NBA (NOI), it’s the cat’s that rep the streets and we (The NGE) hold this Knowledge like Street Balla’s! We “handle” (dribble) The Lesson’s with a sense of insight, self confidence, flair & finesse that would make the Harlem Globetrotter’s take notes! How else do you think The Father was able to grab the attention of the youth? He was swift, educated, entertaining and socially in tune with the youth, something that many adults find impossible to do!

Nowadays when some brotha’s in the NOI hear that you’re a member of the NGE there’s usually a quiet sense of respect (at least in your face it is!). The type of respect that was shown to the Master of the Green Destiny Sword in “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon”! I understand from some of my Elders that it never used to be like that back in the day. Now all brotha’s don’t have that sense of respect and for the few who have had the unfortunate experience (but blessing in disguise!) of trying to duel with the Lightening Tap, Self-Styled Wisdom of the Gods they learned very quickly never to assume that because we may appear to look like regular people that we are like them! One of the “other Rules and Regulations that are not mentioned in this lesson” (28 Lesson, 1-40) is as follows; “Don’t even step in the Arena if you BULLSHITTIN’ WITH The Lessons, because it’s Mentricide”! Let’s be real about it, because many (not all!) NOI brothers be stiff like Herman Munster, pitifully try to clone themselves into Farrakhan and keep Supreme Wisdom (The Lessons) on they shelf collecting dust they just ain’t ready to test our swift swordplay! It’s like Walker Texas Ranger vs. Tony Jaa! Now the blessing in all this is the fact that we show them how to flexibly express Islam as a living, breathing reality, not as a sterile ritualistic practice. And as painfully as many of them would like to admit it, we show them how it’s done!

Now alot of this stagnated, unworthy servant attitude that many (not all!) Muslims in the NOI have is because of their star-struck “Massah” Fard Muhammad belief that he is above them! This Religiosity is no different than how many Christians sweat Jesus, Buddhists deify Buddha and "New York" praised Flava Flav! To visualize Fard as a Man who got up with an erection in the morning, a human being who urinated/defected, brushed his teeth/hair and hung out with his boy Elijah is damn near impossible for many of them. Even now some of them cringed by reading that last sentence! He was a Man damn it!

Let me humor you for a moment, when it’s said that Fard was invited to dinner over a family’s house and he ate everything they served and then taught them about how to eat to live this is how I see it going down; Knowing that most people in Black Bottom MI migrated from the South, that’s probably the first time Fard had some Sweet Potato Pie, he probably had the shits all night from eating chitterlings & collard greens wit hog mauls, and his blood pressure probably spiked like Billy “White Shoes” Johnson! You know women was definitely trying to holla’ at him, and his pheromones probably made them hoes accost him like Jubelo, Jubela & Jubelum harassed Hiram Abiff! Make no mistake about it, Elijah and Fard rolled together! Elijah put Fard down on the street shit like Bubbles did 5-0 on The Wire. They hung out, they laughed together, shared tears together, and got upset with eachother at times! Yeah Fard is the 24th Scientist who was taught by 23 other Scientists (who happened to be his Father & Uncles), but he came to the Wilderness of North America to search for his long lost Uncle (The 25th Scientist)! The Uncle who his family wasn’t fuckin’ wit like that! Remember, we are of the Tribe of Shabazz right? “Rebellious” ass Black Sheep’s of the family who went into the Central Asia Jungle and thugged it out 50,000 years ago! Study your Lessons.. .

Anyway, when the NOI particularly chooses to focus on “the person of Master Fard Muhammad” instead of grasping “Allah” in his person, they misunderstand the reason that he came! Consequently, you begin see people gazing off in the Universe waiting for a person to return on the Mothership while neglecting their “person-al” responsibility on Earth! Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s perfectly healthy to investigate the paranormal, Ufo’s, Bigfoot, Orb’s and all of that unknown shit, I just think that it is hypocritical for some members of the NOI to criticize a Christian for their “beliefs” when alot of what they be saying is belief’s too! A Christian has the right to believe that Noah put all the animals in the world in one Ark just like the NOI has a right to believe that Fard can beat Michael Jordan in a one on one game of Basketball (That dumb shit was told to me by a NOI brother before)!

I’d like to conclude by saying that although Allah was “in the person” of Master Fard Muhammad, the Black Man “is Allah”. There’s a difference. Fard didn’t come over here to have people performing salat with his image in our mind! Nowhere in our Lessons (Supreme Wisdom) does is say that Master Fard Muhammad “is” God or Allah. A cursory glace at the lesson’s would bear witness to this fact! The Lessons clearly mentions Fard as “OUR PROPHET” on two separate occasions yet the Black Man is referred to as Allah, God, the Supreme Being, the Original Man, and Son of Man countless times! Allah was said to be “in the person” of Master Fard Muhammad because World History even tells you that it’s rare to see Higher Consciousness righteously dwelling in a physical form that’s dealing with the physiological, psychological, social and economic issues associated with albinism! A good illustration of the sense of alienation, aggression, overcompensation, gross assimilation, inadequacy, uncivilization, apathy and pathology that a person with albinism goes through is in Walt Disney’s Tarzan! It’s a lot of weight to carry knowing that you are genetically an endangered species and that anywhere on the Planet Earth you go, your a stranger!! Fard was indeed an exception just like it was an exception for his Father Alphonzo to “go up in the Caucasus Mts.” (pun intended!) to get him a White Girl that he had to civilize and have a son with! I’m sure his brother’s had jokes!

So the next time you find yourself drifting off and fantasizing about the Hereafter when Fard & his Legion of Superhuman’s comes back to slay the fire-breathing Dragonfaced White Man, save “The Believers” and make a pork free Universe, get a grip! You have the right to believe that, but as the 18th Lesson in the 1-40’s states, “The duty of a Civilized Person is to teach he who is savage Civilization, Righteousness, the Knowledge of Himself, the Science of Everything in Life, Love, Peace and Happiness”. As a “said person of that ability” (20th Lesson, 1-40’s) it’s our proactive responsibility to make things happen right now and be clear that “There is no Mystery God” (10th Lesson, 1-40’s) that’s gonna do it, not Fard, Elijah, my Momma or my child, ME! While it is respectfully critical to acknowledge Allah (Universal Mind/Consciousness) that “came in the person” of Master Fard Muhammad, it is essential that we grow in the understanding that the Black Man “is” Allah (Universal Mind/Consciousness)! It’s all in your Supreme Wisdom (120 Lessons) just take a moment to look! And oh yeah, True Master’s produce Grand Masters!!!!


  1. asa! dear brother

    i just read what you said and i just wanted to say that most of wha you say is truth!, but i am very dissapointed that you choose to speak in the spirit in which you are speaking! as a youth min. in the nation of islam i would like to let you know and anyone else know that we are not taught this madness under the guidance of the hon. min louis farrakhan. but for the most part youre right there are those who would want to make the master a thing to be worsipped in flesh or something spooky!, but im sick and tired of these imaginary lines of emotion drawn between the n.o.i and the n.g.e. dont u know that the enemy feeds from this kind of crap.

    this is why as the youth in the nation i must say that this comes from the elders who were too arrogant to seee the need for the moblization of these various groups! we are all one nation with the same core teaching, if you say we are gods and we are we should be able to discuss things like scientist instead of going at eachothers throat in the face of an open enemy!!

    it would make it hard for so-calle beleivers to grasp the truth from this article because of your immature emotonal output. the enemy laughs at us because we claim to be gods but were still boxed in these petty division like animals!!

    dear brother just because you were brought up with this sooky image of the "massa"(lol),and you ran in to a couple of crazy followers dosnt mean you can cast judgement that he built.

    i dont mean to be long winded but if you bear witness that the he was the 24th scientist than how can you turn around and act like it spooky for him to control the weather, this is not some spooky ability this is advanced science that is known by the elders of our nation which fard is the judge of-dont get so caught up in trying to unspook the image of the saviour that you minimize hm in the reality of things.

    but for the most part i understand where you are coming from because i have had anger before, but its nothing to argue about its very simple allah came in person to make us gods in person, so lets stop being idits and crush these imaginary lines of division and get busy building the kingdom of god (allah) on earth.

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  5. So much argument amongst those who should be striving to establish the will of the original God 76 trillion years ago on Earth!!! Every one is just playing a part in the plan and LIVE the lessons and grow from them. People who argu ove ALLAH do not know ALLAH. It's not about anything Except the Will of ALLAH who created himself an infinity ago its about establihing that will BACK on to the EARTH. ACCEPT YOUR OWN BE YOURSELF AND GET TO WORK AND STOP WASTING THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE AND DO YOUR JOB THE PEOPLE ARE DYING.

  6. Instead of finding the differences use the lowest common denominator and connect and build on that!! The lesson are not for just recital they are to foundate and build on and Build HEAVEN. THE 24 do not waste time on searching for that which does not exist and that nonexistance is the seperation that is being spoken of. Stop and Do your duty. Love you all

  7. Its not who you represent its what you represent and if you are not working for the Upliftment of the Total Human family then you are just ego stroking. Grow up and be your selves. The only conversation or debate is how are you going to manifest these lessons into a reality to enable our seeds to be their God and Goddess selves. The Devil will live as long as you allow him to live. Now when is he going to leave? His home is confusion and seperation. Once again, when will he leave?

  8. First and farmost PEACE to all sentient beings throughout the known universe.
    Secondly Master Fard Muhammad was a " SHRINER " bottomline. Within 120 degrees there exist myths, metaphors, half truths. Let's look at some: 1) Yacob, 2)Half originalman "MUSA" or Moses, 3)Jesus,4)Patmos. Let's stop here. Biblical personalities such as the latter was purely metaphorical in nature and content, not HISTORICAL figures. These were UNIVERSAL lessons that was manifested anthropomorphically. To say that such Biblical figures was historical figures is "TRICK KNOWLEDGE", because no ACTUAL FACTS exist of their presence, no skeletal remains, no books of authorship, no statues, or heiroglyphics, nothing! To believe in the latter biblical figures as actual historical figures parrallels a belief in a SPOOK GOD who cares for you and love you and who needs your MONEY!


    The Messenger taught us that the scientists (11) that we have today are the greatest that we have ever had since the creation. He said that these men are so powerful that they could stop the earth on its axis and reverse it so that the sun would rise in the west tomorrow and you would never feel the earth move. Yet these same men tremble in the presence of Master Fard Muhammad. >> >> “And those [the scientist or angels] who are with Him [Allah], are not too proud to serve Him, nor are they weary… They glorify (Him) night and day.” – Holy Qur’an, ch.21v.19 >> >> The Messenger said that Master Fard has achieved the knowledge and has the power to remove the flaw that was in creation in the beginning and make man perfect. He is in his person the fulfillment of what the original God Allah intended in the beginning. The majority of the misunderstanding suffered by your adherents derive from the creation. It seems this is intentional in some cases because it’s impossible to deviate and misunderstand the godhead if you comprehend the creation. I have seen many plus lessons of someone’s theory of how it took place, but my favorite is the liquid, solid, and gas theory. The teaching in short says that before anything in reality is produced it begins as a thought. Which if considered in a vacuum is true, the problem is what comes next. Then they say that thought produced the universe – the sun, the earth and finally man. What initially shocked me about this teaching is that it is awfully spooky for people who think the term ‘religious’ is profane. The Messenger taught plainly that you could not think without brains. That’s like saying you can see without eyes or hear without ears. Furthermore, if you place the creation of the celestial bodies like the sun ahead of the creation of man then how can man be God? Think carefully blackman and woman. If we need the sun to live but the sun doesn’t need us then how are we the Gods? If we need the earth and the earth doesn’t need us then how are we Gods? If we once had the power to produce creation but now we are dependent on it then how are we gods? You all love to quote ‘what makes rain hail snow and earthquakes? – Answer; the son of man’ as if you are men and gods that can. More importantly some of you like to accept a portion of truth and say that you accept the Messenger’s version but since that first God doesn’t exist today then we all have the same potential. That also is a lie just the same. Let’s quote the Messenger; “All praise is due to Allah. Allah is all of us. But we have a Supreme One that we can throw this name ‘Holy’ upon. He is Allah, The One over all of us; The Most Supreme One, the Wisest One, the Mightiest One; The One that Sees and Hears that which we can’t see and hear. That is He. He is rooted in all of us. Every righteous person is a god. We are all God. When we say ‘Allah’ we mean every righteous person. Allah teaches me that He is a man – not something that is other than man.” – OUR SAVIOUR HAS ARRIVED, pg. 26

    In a perfect world I could conclude this teaching here and you would submit with me that this is the truth but this isn’t a perfect world. In this world the blackman in America is easy to lead in the wrong direction and hard to lead in the right. You see for those of you that subscribe to a hybrid creationist teaching the outcome is the same, because if the first God had the power to call forth something out of nothing then where did the power go after he allowed himself to die. I’ll answer, the bible says that God lives from generation to generation. After the first God Allah died by choice, the Messenger teaches that the greatest among us in their search for that mystery God, turned their minds on one another and came to the conclusion that 12 of them were greater then the other twelve an that one among the twelve majors was the Supreme of us all. Of course this royalty if you will passed from generation to generation, but more importantly they set in motion (after t he deportation of the moon) a process to accomplish the intention that thrives in us all, the need for perfection. Man’s nature is insatiable; we can’t be satisfied because our goal is perfection. Our nature is perfect. Our spirit is perfect. But to quote scripture the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The essence of our struggle is in our flesh. Allah took energy and matter or spirit and flesh to make man. All of lower desires or appetites are rooted in the flesh. Lust of sex, rooted in the flesh. Lust of food, rooted in flesh. Lust of wealth, rooted in pleasures of the flesh. All of these primal desires are animalistic, which is why we refer to creatures that are flesh and blood but have no spirit of God are called animals. It is also why Jacob (Yakub) knew that in order to produce an adversary for the blackman he had to separate the energy of Allah from the flesh that was produced from the material of the darkness, and by doing so he created an animal in hu m > an >> f >> orm. Master Fard is the antithesis of Jacob, he knows how to accomplish the perfect balance in man by removing our ability to produce devil. You see the first atom in the universe eventually multiplied until it became the physical man Allah. He went to war with darkness and called forth light, which was the sun. >> >> “Out of the total orbit of the universe of darkness there sparkled an atom of life” -- Elijah Muhammad, Our Saviour has arrived, Pg. 39 >> >> “He was the only One in the whole entire dark universe. He had to wait until the atom of life produced brains to think what He needed. How long was that? I don’t know, Brothers. But He was a Black man, a Black man! Coming out of total darkness at that time, we all could say that we are produced by a white God. But there was no light nor even any white anywhere: there was All Darkness. So God revealed to me. In that darkness, which had no end to it there – that Darkness Created an atom of Life, and the Color had to be Black as there was no light”- Elijah Muhammad, Our Saviour has arrived, Pg. 40 >> >> The nature of light is to manifest that which is in darkness. The purpose of light is to illuminate darkness and manifest defects. This is how come in scripture the Qur’an says that the devil Iblis was made from fire and the bible calls the devil Lucifer which means ‘light-bearer’. What I’m saying is that the scientist set in motion a process that was intended to exhaust all of the wisdom that existed in the blackman so that all defects would be manifested and the essence of struggle eventually removed. This was necessary because the original God Allah wasn’t able to bring about perfection in his creation. He would call forth a star and then watch it go out. After trillions of years of this frustration he allowed himself to die and left the process to us. It took us an untold number of cycles of 35,000 years (before the moon’s deportation) and 25,000 years and 76 trillion years of recorded history to produce Master Fard Muhammad. This man has the ability to destroy t h > e >> en >> tire universe in 15 seconds. The fact that his physical person has been produced of part black and part white is not just for stealth reasons relating to entering America or justice issues involving the judgment he has to make of the white race. His mission is twofold. Notice in scripture he’s referred to as both the ‘son of man’ and the ‘son of God’. >> >> Notice in the Qur’an Allah says he will perfect His light which means that it wasn’t made perfect, but will become perfect. Remember Jesus is suppose to be a man like no other and is referred to as the second Adam. He is the first perfect man and the Messenger said that He is greater than the first God that said ‘be’ and produced creation. He’s also called the ‘fullness of the Godhead bodily’, that is perhaps the heaviest quote in the entire bible. You see that which is full can’t be improved upon, its perfect. Also ‘the godhead bodily represents all of us or all of us that has ever existed. The fullness of it in that context means that he is the fullness of the potential of every blackman on the planet. Which is at the heart of why you can’t be like him. The nature of the universe can not be changed. Study chapter 30 verse 30 of the Holy Qur’an and you’ll see that ‘there is no changing Allah’s creation’. In the nature of man everything bears witness to one.

    The child in the womb survives on one umbilical cord. At the head of every flock of birds or any herd of animals there is but one head. At the head of every nation is but one leader be he or her a prime minister or president, there is but one. So the Qur’an considers your foolish notion and then dismisses it; >> >> “ Allah has not taken to himself a son, nor is there with him any (other) god – in that case would each god have taken away what he created, and some of them would have overpowered others. Glory be to Allah above what they describe –“ >> >> Do you all just ignore these teachings? What is your reasoning for getting all of the truth that you have from Elijah and then ignoring the portion attached to personal responsibility? The answer is simple, truth about it, you have been under the devil for so long that even when God comes to you in person just like Satan himself you acknowledge that he is God and then refuse to submit. Ignorant. You think ‘Muslim and ‘religious’ are bad names but hypocrite is far worse. In fact the Qur’an teaches that hypocrites are in the lowest depths of the fire, that’s lower than a devil. Because there’s nothing lower than knowing the truth and ignoring it. You think that knowledge alone is a badge of honor or some status symbol among yourselves but Elijah said that truth goes for nothing unless you put it into practice. The Qur’an teaches that Allah and Allah alone should you fear. Here’s where you become ignorant. You falter truly because you don’t understand the true definition of Allah neither did Clarence, and because you don’t understand how the Godhead is conducted and balanced between the man on the post and the post itself. What makes you God? Don’t give that acronym of ‘arm leg leg arm head’, because the devil has that and so do most animals in general, but they aren’t gods. Well what is it? You think the power that makes you gods is what you see because the Messenger says that God is a man. But wait a minute if you go to the funeral home tomorrow and look at a corpse you may see the same thing physically that you saw the day before but life isn’t there anymore, where did the power go if the physical is still present? >> >> This is the reason why the prayers were not changed to say “O Master Fard” but continue to be “ O Allah”, because the essence of His power is not in His flesh but in the ‘unseen’. The ‘real you’, for example is not your identity. What you saw, heard, tasted, smelled and felt while in the person of your physical flesh produced your identity. Which is why a person doesn’t have to die physically, a person could simply loose their memory and that identity is dead. So Allah is the power and mind in man, not man’s flesh. Allah lives in the make of man, that’s what makes man a god. Allah is a spirit but a spirit without consciousness is nothing. So man’s body is the house that Allah lives in, and that gives Him awareness through his five senses. However, we all live inside our bodies and look out. So the power is within the flesh not in the flesh. So for trillions of years we never knew who the person of God was, although we constantly sent messengers, his identity wasn’t important and it would always change from one generation to another. Today the original creation is about to be superceded by a superior man, so the world has to be introduced to the new ruler who was born to make 'all things new’. Until he replaces the original creation he still has to live under the physical laws of the first. He revealed his self to us because his word will know no end, making Him the absolute last. The scholars of Islam say that the Qur’an uses ‘99’ attributes to describe Allah, the proper name Allah being the 100th. The Messenger taught us that to prove that he was independent (Al-Mahdi) and to fulfill scripture he chose a name outside of the ‘99’ attributes that should demonstrate to you who this man is. The name He chose was ‘Fard’ or ‘Farrad’. Which means in abstract ‘that which must be done’. However, when you wear it as a name it means ‘one who must be obeyed’, because in His days rebellion to his will is death. During the transition from this world to the next He will be obeyed or you will die with the devil because the ‘wages of sin is death’. You have a problem with being a ‘Muslim’, which means to submit your will to do the will of Allah, because you equate submission with weakness. The person of God is the best among us because He is a slave to His nature. Not a ‘servant’ because a servant has a will of his own, but a slave has no will but the will of his master. So since struggle is necessary to produce perfection, why doesn’t He struggle against His nature. That’s right because He’s already perfect. Your view that your free will is power is false. Free will is the essence of your struggle.

    If you were at one with your nature, then there would be no struggle present, but since you are not perfect then your progress would cease and death would be eminent or desirable. However, since the first God placed the insatiable desire for perfection in our nature then perfection is what we strive for. But since He is already perfect he doesn’t struggle against self. There are no choices to be made, right-or-wrong, He always chooses right. This is not His weakness; this is the essence of His strength, and the gift your soul cries for – freedom from the desire to do that, which is against your success and your nature. Now that we have the foundation let’s begin with prayer.

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