Tuesday, January 09, 2007

"Whatever Nigga', you ain't no muthafuckin' Super-Man!"
-The Inner Dialogue of Someone's Wiz-
TGBT Disorder

Peace Fam. Yeah I know ya’ll wondering what did I come up with now! I was doing the Knowledge to this old Movie that Woody Allen Stars in/Directs called “Annie Hall”. If you haven’t seen it, take the time to get it, there’s a lot of Jewels in it! Anyway, at the end of the movie Woody Allen tells a joke that goes like this; “A guy goes to a Psychiatrist and tells him that his brother believes that he’s a Chicken. The Psychiatrist ask’s him, ‘Why don’t you turn him in?’ and the guy responds, “Because I need the eggs!”. Woody Allen goes on to articulate that we oftentimes find ourselves committed to relationships that are just like that! Relationships that become like “Dead Sharks” in the water, ceasing to continuously move forward, yet our sense of dependency keeps us there. He finishes by saying that, many of us simply “need the eggs”! This joke is the foundation of today’s Article, TGBT Disorder (Too Good to Be True Disorder).

One of the great benefits of sincerely living this God-Centered Culture is the fact that you set higher expectations for yourself and cease to settle for doing things half-assed. At least that’s how I am and I’ve met other’s who can attest to the same attitude. Knowledge of Self makes you approach making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without bullshitting! I don’t care if it’s a sink full of dishes, you wash every one of them muthafucka’s 100%. If you really real with this Culture like that, Your Conscience will never let you slack because of the Impeccable Standards you adhere to. For Women, that’s the beauty and benefit of having a Man who lives by this Core Value System, he’s not thinking, saying or doing shit for a REWARD or PENALTY, he’s doing what's Right and all within his Power for Righteousness sake, that’s all!

Now, because of this inherent attitude, true God’s often come across as Too Good to Be True to some Women that they meet! Women often find it hard to believe that she can’t “Pussynotize” (Pussy + Hypnotize = Pussynotize) him. It’s also difficult to accept that he loves & educates his children. One of the hardest things to accept is that he’s completely about his business. These among other things is just hard to believe because it contrasts the sociopathological disorders we cee Original Men consciously/unconsciously displaying! I unapologetically speak for many God’s when I say that we often find ourselves dealing with Women who systematically try to find chinks in our armor. Chinks that gotta be there! Why? Because this is just Too Good to Be True. I consider this a functional Disorder because it’s a conglomerated synthesis of these particular symptoms; Compulsive Suspiciousness, Lack of Trust, Cunningness/Guile used to acquire/hide things (animate/inanimate), “Do Me” approach towards her own finances, “These are my kids” attitude towards combined families, Possessiveness, deliberately making Drama (conflict), and trying to control the man through verbal/nonverbal demands. Of course there are other symptoms “not mentioned in this lesson”, I just named a few that tend to serve as primary rules that regulate behavior.

When your dealing with a Women (or Man!) who suffers from TGBT Syndrome, you find yourself always in Emotional Debt. Always spending your intellectual currency paying for (explaining/justifying) emotional expenditures. While making ends meet, you never seem to get a chance to invest in anything current or in the future because some shit is always coming up! People suffering from TGBT Syndrome also have a built in Self Destruct Mechanism. They fear Success more than Failure so they use psychological sabotage tactics to make themselves fail. To these people they would rather deal with rats & roaches then shoulder the responsibility of dusting the woodwork of a Mansion. It’s sick but truer than a muthafucka’! They purposely use drama to make conflict so that repulsion (repelling) is grafted from an Original state of Peace! In other words, they cause fuckin trouble using often innocuous methods. When given the chance to do better, they’ll give you every excuse in the book why they can’t, including “I tried”! Sometimes they simply feel unworthy of having you so they go through extreme ways to show you just how much “you don’t want them”! If they do stick their foot in to test the water -oftentimes for years- your entire relationship will consist of a Partner who compulsively looks for erroneous evidence to support a conviction they handed to you before ya’ll even met! Guilty without a chance to show and Prove your innocence. TGBT Syndrome causes people to shroud themselves in Defense Mechanisms at time when they least need them. They develop a Conspiracy Theorist attitude about everything, except themselves! It’s a very vicious cycle that I’ve seen last for a lifetime, all because a person simply looks as you as Too Good to Be True.

Check the prognosis. First of all, our 9th Degree in the 1-40’s tells us that “The 85% Knows that it rain’s, hails, snows and also hears thunder above their heads BUT DO NOT TRY TO LEARN who is causing all this to happen BY LETTING THE FIVE PERCENT TEACH THEM. THEY BELIEVE IN THE TEN PERCENT ON FACE VALUE”. The first thing you must realize is that this “Belief in a Mystery God” Mentality is not based upon blind ignorance, ya Partner “Knows that it rain’s, hails, snows and also hears thunder above their heads”! This tells you that they are quite aware of the “many layers of currents that distill in the form”; intangible deeds that translate into sensory perceptive evidence of who you are! These people see, touch, taste, smell and hear what the fuck you do! The problem is, “They do not try to learn”! Why? It ain’t because they simply lack the interest, they just don’t want the responsibility. By learning the “cause” of something (especially if it’s negative) you are automatically indebted to reconcile it’s “effect(s)” in some way. When people come across like they don’t want to “let you teach them”, don’t! Don’t kill yourself trying to raise the dead, they would rather “believe shit on face value”. It’s easy, efficient and outright entertaining for them to deal with things that way. Entertaining because when you simply believe, “It’s a world of Pure Imagination” as my man Willy Wonka put it. If a believe that I am not writing this Article right now it ain’t shit you can do to make me bear witness that I am. In the world of belief, Actual Facts, Universal Laws and often Ass Whuppin’s do not apply!

Now I’m sure your wondering how you deal with this frustrating situation huh’? It’s simpler than you think. As I said, since everything you do is somehow a fluke, good luck or the just the fact that you ain’t get caught yet, this person is really on some “Mystery God” is causing all this to happen shit! What it comes down to is that their dealing with a lot of Ghosts! Restless Ghosts of their past that still haunt them. Unbeknownst to you, you tried try to build a home and live a respectful life which turned out to be an Amityville Horror House with no respect for the true and living. Sometimes a person like this may have a good heart but they just carry out post-traumatic responses rooted in a negative past. There is chance “because the lost-found was once mentally dead and many of them recovered from it, but they were not dead physically, only mentally” (13/1-40). So as long as they are physically here, you got an opportunity for recovery. It will be ruff, yet there is a chance so if you want to hang in there you must approach the relationship with the attitude that there’s a slim chance for recovery and it may take years. To get out of this type of situation respectfully bow out. If you don’t leave on your own good terms you run the risk of getting “further” entangled in a karmic web of resentment, spite, hate and a host of other nasty little poisonous spiders.

Now the other approach I’d recommend is strait exile or taken off the Planet because this person is more of a problem then anything else. If your being Righteous and the muthafucka’ is systematically trying to prove you can’t be, fuck them! You don’t need that. Original Women have a bad habit of “testing” the Original Man. Some Women would ignorantly say, “You gotta test him to cee if he’s a said person of that ability”! Here’s ya error bitch, Life itself is a problem solving reality. We wake up in the morning and naturally face problems, whether it’s what will I wear, if I should eat alittle something, which way should I drive to work and etc.. . What does it say about a person who sits there and concocts tests to go along with the natural problems we already gotta deal with in life? That’s some Devilishment! If you want to cee if a Man (or Woman!) is a said person of that ability just spend time with them and do the knowledge on how they handle the natural problems that come along with life. The Father didn’t include the Problem Book with our 120 because he said we already have problems, it makes damn good sense! We know from our 10/1-14 that this person “Is 100% weak and wicked and will not keep and obey the laws”, and also in our 34/1-40 that “No all the Prophets have tried to reform him (or her) Devil and were unable so they have agreed that it cannot be done unless he (or she) is grafted back into the Original Man (or Woman) which takes 600 years, so instead of losing time we have decided to take him (or her) off our Planet, who only number 1 to every 11 Original Men (or Women)”. In a nutshell, this tells you clearly how you can handle this problem! It may seem harsh yet our 10/1-14 tells us further, “also if allowed to live they will just sting someone else”. Through experience I learned that “you can’t build prison house’s for these people” (so-called “Correctional” Facilities) in order to be successful in your undertakings. You got to have a zero tolerance, capital punishment mentality for everyone who falls a victim to the law because you already deal with yourself like that.

To conclude today’s Article I wanted to say Peace to those people (Black Men in particular) who strive to live impeccably! Don’t allow another person’s doubt (especially your so-called Partner) be a pin in your head (leadership!). We are dealing with the same sickness that many of us recovered from so be patient enough to be empathetic and also stern enough to use the sword of justice when needed. Sometimes it’s a very subtle insight that allows you to discern which approach/attitude to take in order to resolve your situation. All in all, it is ultimately our God-Centeredness that will determine our destiny, with or without those who bear witness to the greatness in “themselves”, period! Unless of course, “you need the eggs”!



  1. Peace, Peace and Peace.

    Plenty of jewels here!!!

    1-There at times that we feel we 'need the eggs' but when we really look they the frozen substitutes! Dang bio-food chemist...

    2-TGBT Disorder... hMMM sometimes things are!!! Somethings are labelled ALL NATURAL, when looked at the label more carefully you still see that it contains corn syrup... yeah its a natural ingredient but is it good for you especially if its listed FIRST?

    3-Once a person sets a standard of greatness for themselves, choosing a mate less than standard, just wont do... that's settling. That's the beginning of an UNsettling future that will be full of misery and distress. It's not arrogance especially if you really LIVING this life and not 'portraying' to live this life.

    4-Interesting combo of word to describe a man being 'whipped'... LOL. I was not going to comment on that but... there women out there that can attest to the same type of description for men thinking that if they just 'laid it down' the woman would be what he wants her to be... whatever that is!!! Pimp/whore, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, dog/cat... whatever!

    5-There is nothing more attractive than to see a man who loves and educate his children AND WASH DISHES!!! Even for lost-found women...for real, for real!! Lets take a survey.

    5-Nay sayers, those that try to find chinks in armors of the righteous are placed in our lives to test us, the righteous, NOT themselves!!! Some of them know who and what they are. They seek to find something that is similar so that a bond could develop and either The GOD in you overtake them or the devil in them overtake you...

    6-If someone displays to me the symptoms you described that I'm TGBT then I probably am for Them. Not for the 'right' person. Why waste time even thinking or writing about that person. NEXT...

    7-I humbly agree that when we invest in another's troubled ways and behaviours we gain an average MUTUAL FUND rate of 7%. Same could be said about investing in those with God-Centered ways and behaviours. We ultimately decide where to place our investment and there is no middle ground! (Unless of course you place your investment under the mattress or in a regular bank account!)

    Well, I could go on with this comment, but you are probably thinking, Dang, Kathe, get your own BLOG... (Smile)!

    All in all I and other Queens can attest to the fact that all you wrote in this Blog can be the same for righteous women. All too often as we consciously or unconsiously search for that 'one' we hear from others(men and women): 'your life style is too complicated'; 'you don't know how to have fun'; 'you human-you mean 'God' don't allow you to make mistakes'; 'can't you just pray and erase all your mistakes'; 'aren't you hot with all those clothes'; 'how do you know what you buying if you have not sampled it?' And many more lost-found remarks, that I myself may have thought prior to coming into this KNOWLEDGE. I tell people all the time that I am not perfect and they dont have to be either!!! I am by no means where I want to be, but at least I know where I am going!

    We all have been on both sides of this Disorder...truth be told. Does this mean we loose the lesson we've learned? No, we just put that in our jewel bag and keep it moving.


    Thanks for sharing this blog, cuz I sure nuff need to use the sword of justice on some slackers!

    Humbly Submitted by
    Kathe X

  2. Peace!

    Dang, I really could have wrote my own Blog!

    Sorry for being long-winded! ;)

    Kathe X
