Monday, April 30, 2007

"The EARTH revolves around the SUN yet rotates around herself"
Divine Union
Peace Family, in my last Article I talked about some of the Cultural Coordinates that I think would serve a positive purpose in guiding our National Journey towards obtaining our Collective goal (What We Will Achieve), and I highlighted a few "Rites" to serve that specific purpose. Well back a couple years ago I designed a "Divine Union Rite". My inspiration behind this was multilayered;
1. Spark interest and dialogue about the loosely defined Unofficial concept of "Marriage in the Mind", with the idea of establishing a well defined Official Rite upon entering into it.
Having something structural in place for my Young Queens that reinforces our Cultural Worldview and supports the functional concept of "Marriage in the Mind" when they get old enough to began a relationship.
2. Having something to address the low retention rate of Women who leave this National Body because of a lack of attention/support to their social status and needs.
3. Having something that supports my and other brotha’s perspective of "Marriage in the Mind" without assimilating, compromising or building a Prison House using the Rules and Regulations of American Cultural concepts of Marriage.
4. Having something to stabilize relationships and establish accountability so that Queens don’t have to continue being alienated when a God decides he wants to step off. Usually these Queens become social outcastes forever widowed in a way of life where Gods don’t particularly like going behind a brother to deal with his Ex-Earth.
Shortly after I borned this "Divine Union Rite" I made it partially available (in soft copy form) to quite a few people who I thought would cee it as useful land. If anything I hope that it sparked people to think on a higher level, produce dialogue around the subject and inspire people to use at least some of it’s elements to forge definitive terms of a Union.
One thing that really struck me was that here we are as a Nation talking about how much a Queen/Earth our women are yet we never considered the fact that you can’t productively & positively be united with a Queen in an Unofficial capacity! To simply say "We Married in the Mind" without clear, concise definitive terms is a very Unofficial Capacity! Sure this is an essential understanding of a relationship b.u.t. it’s actually an intuitive sense of oneness that a man/woman ripens into. "Marriage in the Mind" is a phrase that denotes progression from a specific point of origin and it is that point of origin that I think needs to be clearly defined! If you ask 10 Gods/Earths how they cee Marriage you’ll probably get 10 different answers. Many of them will most likely say "We Marry in the Mind" yet how to began this process and sustain this Union is based upon the situation. Some get married like common folk, some go to the Justice of the Peace, some just have a get together to acknowledge they’re union to family & friends, some just live together and others don’t live together b.u.t. they’re fuckin’! There is basically no National Consensus on this and I can cee how this has taken away from many of the relationships we (Men in particular!) try to build! If your having dissatisfaction issues with your Wiz and ya’ll been together for some time then it may be because ya’ll been together in an Unofficial Capacity. This sense of instability makes very unsettling conditions for our Wiz to live under and we all know that "the Devil isn’t settled", and "there wouldn’t be any Peace"! Be honest and think about it G! How do you think ya’ "True" Queen feels (yes they are emotional!) when she cee’s Build Power bitches getting married around her everyday, overtly/covertly talking big shit about it every time they cee her and causing trouble amongst her by accusing her of telling lies about what type of relationship ya’ll got?! This is often the root of why ya’ll cooped up in the apartment fighting and trying to kill eachother! That is a form of psychological warfare (HELL) that our Queens deal with (on top of the other gender oppressive bullshit!) every time they set foot in this wilderness lurking outside the door!! All this HELL simply because they have LOVE for this Math with hopes that everything is gonna be all RIGHT. Through my own Koran and ceeing that of other brotha’s I can cee how we Gods have been fathering this type of Devil simply because we haven’t Nationally provided our women with a clear, well defined idea of what "Marriage in the Mind" is or even considered designing a Divine Union Rite and Day to Honor the Queen of all Queens! Not that I’m putting Queens/Earths on a High Horse above other women, I’m just saying that coming from a world that doesn’t even want to look at the Black Man as "a Man", to have a Wiz by your side that respectfully addresses you and treats you as the True & Living is more than it’s weight in Gold, Platinum, Plutonium or whatever!
It’s also kinda sad when I cee other females perpetrating like they a Queen on they Marriage Day while the real Queens stand back knowing that it’s bullshit b.u.t. powerless to show & prove who, what, when where & how, in that context of course! Call it what you want b.u.t. I think that our Women deserve the Honor and Opportunity to show & prove to these bitches how the True & Living Queen’s Day (Divine Union) is supposed to be! As Men we may think that this is petty and trivial b.u.t. Women are going to compete regardless of whom of what, consciously and unconsciously, based upon sheer numbers of female/male ratios worldwide! On a deep biochemical level, the name of this game is survival of not just the fittest b.u.t. the flyest to acquire and Alpha-Male of their own, and hence the phrase "How to KEEP a husband"! I predict that if Gods continue to not take this seriously that our low retention rate of Women staying in this Nation will plummet even further. I also predict that those Women who have been dissatisfied -with lame ass Gods talking that "Marriage in the Mind" bullshit- will began to start asking definitive questions of an Official Capacity about the terms of their "so-called" Union!! Now God, I’m sure her questions will of course be alittle "unsettling", b.u.t. just look at them as putting the weak aspects of undefined relationships on the Poor Part, so you can preserve the Best definition for yourselves! Well enough about that, here’s a blueprint of the Divine Union Rite I designed. It’s just a soft malleable copy not etched in stone so preserve the Best Part for yourself;
Nation of Gods and Earths
Rites of Divine Union

This Rite was created as a means to celebrate and preserve the cultural legacy of Our Nation and to emphasis the sacred bond between Man, Woman and Child. This Rite was also developed as a means to acknowledge our unique experience as a people within the Western Hemisphere (and in America in particular), and positively respond to the conditions that have compromised our ability to be a unified black family. So it is in the mindset of self realization, self determination, self definition, and sacred duty that we officially, publicly (or privately) use this Rite to:
"Celebrate our collective worldview and cultural values as a Nation. Acknowledge and Restore the balance of true family relationships, and establish an Official/Formal entrance into Marriage in the Mind. Help establish a National consensus using a system of organized social norms particularly during life cycle celebrations that mark important transitions in our National Koran."
Essentials of Divine Union Rite
These "Essentials" of the Divine Union Rite are non-religious. They are designed to enlighten, express, and impress the elements of our God-centered Culture. This "Rite" is specifically designed to allow those people who are familiar and unfamiliar with our way
of life to learn some of the rudimentary elements of WHAT WE TEACH & WHAT WE WILL ACHIEVE as a Nation.
Seasonal Symbolism
*Must always be synchronized with the Full Moon (waxing towards). This symbolizes the fullness of the Moons reflection to the Sun and a Woman’s commitment to reflecting the guidance of the Man. This bond to the natural order of the Universal Family.
Spring: Symbol of bringing forth a new life together. Fertility and new growth of sowing the seed of a new beginning.
Summer: Symbol of purification and development. The heat of Summer refines the will of self development and symbolizes the maintenance of higher goals.
Autumn: Symbol of change and harvest time. The distinct changing of the season and harvest time symbolizes the reaping of divine seeds. It also symbolizes beauty, abundance and diverse unification.
Winter: Symbol of rest, stability and preservation. As life rests, this symbolizes a time of preserving nutrients for new life to come forth. It also symbolizes inner awareness and time conservation.
*Colors associated with each season must always be synchronized with the natural color expression of the Earth. This symbolizes the commitment of the Sun to the beauty, expression and life of the Earth. All colors should be in relative season.
Prerequisites of the Divine Rite Ceremony
-Non-religious venue is preferable.
-Man must knowledge 120 before Rite can be performed.
-No presiding religious figure to perform the rights only an Elder (Male or Male and Female Couple) of the NGE of respected status or Licensed Celebrant/Officiate of the NGE. The Rite can also be presided over by the couple who are entering into a Divine Union. The Rite verbiage must be adjusted to accommodate this choice.
Rite Specifications
-Standard colors are Black, Gold and White in any combination. Seasonal color schemes are also acceptable.
-Universal Flag Ring for male and Earth Ring for the female (with inscriptions).
-Programs written to explain the symbolism of the chosen day.
-A table placed towards the West with a white cloth and a symbol representing the Universal Family. (Statue of Man, Woman and Child)
*This symbolizes the light that was shed upon the black family in the West, in the Wilderness of North America. The white table cloth corresponds to the color of deception represented in our Flag that shrouded our true identity and conceptualization of family.
-A large Universal Flag stationed in full view for the audience.
-Righteous Garments for all participants.
-Kufi/Crown for the God (if desired).
-Crown for the Queen. (Headwrap or other unique head covering)
-An official (standard) NGE Divine Union Certificate issued to each couple to acknowledge the sacredness of their Born day.
-Any Elders present must be seated up front with the family.
-Ring Bearers and Flower Girls must be children of 6 yrs or younger.
-Rite will be performed by presiding Elder (Male or Male and Female Couple) of the NGE of respected status or Celebrant Officiate of the NGE.
-Incense to cleanse and purify the venue (if in doors) that the Rite will take place at.
Supreme Mathematics
Knowledge represents self awareness, and the ability to listen, observe and respect. Through Knowledge, a proper foundation is laid in order to establish the proper infrastructure for the unified black family to stand upon. Wisdom represents discernment, good judgment and motion. Through Wisdom we apply what we Know in order to cultivate the best of our ways and actions that help to maintain our foundation and fulfill our family vision. Understanding is insight, and the clarity of our vision. Through Understanding we combine what we Know and have experienced in order to see all things for what they are and not what they simply appear to be. Our Culture is our God-centered way of life that is Free from the negative vices of this world that seek to oppose and infiltrate it. Power is the truth we use to defend our way of life and the force that Refines the best of what we offer to ourselves, eachother, our family and our community. Equality is balance, fairness and unity. Through Equality we desire for eachother the best of what we desire for ourselves. We utilize this principle to establish the harmony that maintains our unity as a family. God is the nature and functioning role of the Original Man in regards to himself, his family and his community. Through God-conscious realization, the Original Man assumes his rightful position as the greatest expression of who and what he was born to be. Build or Destroy is the natural process of Life and Death. Build or Destroy symbolizes our ability to add on the things that improve our quality of life and to rid ourselves of those things that are detrimental to us. Born is creation and the principle to bring forth to life. Born represents the new life we create together as a unified black family. Cipher is circle that symbolizes the eternal sphere of perfection and the unbroken bond that is eternal. This Divine Union is the circle of life that preserves the legacy of our ancestors, and re-establishes the consciousness that continues this legacy through our future generations.
Ceremonial Rite
All Guests will be given Programs and seated.
All seating will be arranged in this particular order
1. Family & Elders in the front rows
2. Friends and Associates in the next rows
3. Seating can also be arranged in the form of a Crescent Moon with the Rite taking place in the center or in rows.
All Divine Union participants assume their proper position.
Either stationary or paired off to walk down. Music can proceed them if desired.
1st Ring Bearer walks down:
Comes down carrying the Gods Universal Flag Ring and assumes their position to the
left of the God (which would be on the left side of the Earth facing East).
2nd Ring Bearer walks down:
Comes down carrying the Earth’s Ring and assumes their position to the right of the
God (which would be on the right side the Earth facing West).
Flower Girls proceeds the Earth:
Throwing down flowers and ringing bells shouting "The Queen has arrived"! They
trail off and assume their position.
The Father escorts the Earth to the alter:
Music or Jimbe Drums can be used to celebrate her entrance.
Opening Statement: -Presiding Elder-
-First acknowledge the Elders and the Seeds- (Build about the reason why)
"Peace to all those who are present here today in celebration of this Divine Union. As
the Heavens are aligned by those celestial bodies known as the Sun, Moon and Star
that serve as physical lights to maintain the order of the Universe, Man, Woman and
Child are those terrestrial bodies on Earth that serve as spiritual lights to maintain the
order of this Universe we call the family. As it is in Heaven so shall it also be on
Earth, and this Union symbolizes the establishment of Heaven here on Earth through
these Divine beings."
Build about Today’s Degree: -Presiding Elder-
A breakdown of today’s mathematics and their significance to the day that the Divine
Union is celebrated on. Also explain the season’s significance that this Divine Union
is taking place in.
Calls couple together: -Presiding Elder-
"Would you please face eachother".
Calls forth the Earth: -Presiding Elder-
"Earth" would you please take the Gods hand and repeat after me:
Sacred Vow: -Earth- (based upon 11/1-14 & 12th Supreme Alphabet)
"I place this ring upon your finger to symbolize my word as a bond to you as your Queen. I acknowledge that your role and identity as a Man, a Husband and a Father has been compromised due to our struggle as the Original family in this country (wilderness), and I will do everything within my power to help you re-establish your rightful position as a strong and dignified leader of this family. I promise to uphold truth, modesty, morality and peace and to love you through hell until things will be right. You are my King and I shall place no one above you. For it is through your sacred mind that God was born, and through you that God exists. Like the Sun, you are the substance of my light and my sustainer. This word is bond and bond is life, and I shall give my life before this word shall fail."
Instructs the Earth to get the Ring: -Presiding Elder-
"Earth" would you please take the ring and complete the Cipher by placing it on the
Gods hand.
1st Ring Bearer: -Child-
Child presents the ring to the Earth and she takes it and places it upon the finger of
the God.
Earth: (Takes ring from the child and places it on the finger of her God) – This is done in this order to symbolize humble submission and trust that the Woman places in the Man as being the natural leader of the family. The Universe revolves around the Sun, not the Earth.
Calls forth the God: -Presiding Elder-
"God" would you please take the Earths hand and repeat after me:
Sacred Vow: -God- (based upon 11/1-14 & 12th Supreme Alphabet)
"I place this ring upon your finger to symbolize my word as a bond to you as your King. I acknowledge that your role and identity as a Woman, a Wife and a Mother has been compromised due to our struggle as the Original family in this country (wilderness), and I will do everything within my power to help you re-establish your rightful position as a strong and dignified sustainer of this family. I promise to uphold truth, modesty, morality and peace and to love you through hell until things will be right. You are my Queen and I shall place no one above you. For it is through your sacred womb that God was born, and with you that God exists. Like the Moon, you are the reflection of my light and my comforter. This word is bond and bond is life, and I shall give my life before this word shall fail."
Instructs the God to get the Ring: -Presiding Elder-
"God" would you please take the ring and complete the Cipher by placing it on the
Earths hand.
2nd Ring Bearer: -Child-
Child presents the ring to the God and he takes it and places it upon the finger of
the Earth.
God: (Takes ring from the child and places it on the finger of his Earth) – This is done in this order to symbolize commitment and faith that the Man places in the Woman as being the natural sustainer of the family. The Universe establishes life on the Earth, not on the Sun.
Ring Exchange: -Presiding Elder-
"These rings represent a Cipher. A Cipher is a circle that symbolizes the eternal
sphere of perfection and the unbroken bond that has no beginning or an ending. Let
these rings likewise be a testimony to the unbroken bond of love, peace and
happiness that this Union seeks to eternally establish.
Announcement of Oneness: -Presiding Elder-
"Although I'm officiating here today, it is not truly in my power to sanctify,
legitimize or bless this Divine Union in any way, because the two of you have already
Married in the Mind. May you use this righteous covenant as a vital building block to
preserve the family unit and to carry on the cultural legacy of our Nation. And now
that you have stood before us and exchanged these rings and these vows, it gives us
all great pleasure to bear witness to your oneness. P.E.A.C.E.!!!"
Exit of Divine Union: -Presiding Elder-
Procession leaves the venue with the Officiate leading the God and Earth, the flower
girls, the Ring Bearers and the other Divine Union Participants. Music, Jimbe
Drums or Singing of the Enlightener can be used to celebrate the closing of
the Cipher.


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