Thursday, June 07, 2007

NURSE MILDRED RATCHED- "One Flew Over the Cuckcoos Nest"


Peace ya’ll. Today’s Article is about a word my Educator coined called "Nursism". "Nursism" is a concept that refers to the Nurses Law in the 28th Degree (1-40’s). The 28th Degree speaks about this Law by saying, "The Nurses Law was to kill all black babies at birth by sticking a pin in it’s head or feeding it to some wild beast and then would tell it’s Mother a lie that her baby was an Angel Baby and was only taken to Heaven and one day when she die’s he will have secured for her a home in Heaven. But save all the brown babies and tell it’s Mother that she was a lucky Mother and that her baby was a holy baby and that she should take good care of it and educate it because one day he’s going to grow to be a great Man." Gods are quite fond of building about people "sticking pins" in ya head! These pins (needles) can not only kill you, b.u.t. they kill your inspiration, love, finances, relationships, discipline and a host of other things that can be positively used to help your growth and development. Gods often readily identify when people, places and things use our head for a pin cushion, yet they often fail to take it a step further and put it in the context of "Nursism". Nursism defines the educational conditioning, family background, environment and case history that alchemically produced the Nurse. Nursism also distinguishes the different levels of being a Nurse such as a CNA, LPN, and RN. Because many Gods limit their perspective to ceeing the Nurse simply sticking pins, feeding you to a wild beast and tellin’ lies, they often miss "the other Rules and Regulations that are not mentioned in this Lesson"! It’s important to understand that Nursism is the essence of the Nurse. Nursism represents the diverse Rules that actually Regulate the Nurse’s Law. Rules that are genetic, conditional, educational, cultural, political and etc.. !
Cee, there are many methods of sticking a pin and a lot of different tangible/intangible objects/ideas that serve the purpose of a pin. Sometimes these pins don’t need to be stuck in your head to kill you because you may have survived your symbolic birth. This is what’s meant by the use of the word "OR" when the lesson states "OR feed them to some wild beast". There’s an obvious choice here! The fact that it say’s "some" wild beast shows you that their exists even further choices. Now, when it comes to telling a lie about "securing a home in Heaven" there’s not one way of accomplishing that goal! People have more than 790,613,581,824,000,000 ways to bullshit you! I mention these things just to highlight the vast potentialities that exist not just within a Degree, b.u.t. within the words and short sentences in a Degree! There are many subtleties that Gods generally overlook simply because they trying to spit Lesson’s like they Twista or some shit! Always take your time, there is no said birth record wit this Math Sun!
Here’s a few examples of Nursism in the form of "Rules and Regulations that are not mentioned in this Lesson" (28/1-40). Although there are Men who are Professional Nurses, most of my examples express Women in the role of Nurse because that is her natural role. A Nurse is inherently a trustworthy, nurturing, maternal position in all of the most vulnerable stages of life. This is very positive, yet in the process of Manufacturing a Devil a Nurse is the epitome of Trick-Knowledge! It is this Trick-Knowledge (Devilishment, Stealing, Telling Lies & How to Master the Original Man) that I will be highlighting in the examples below;
1. One day at the Justice (short for Justice Cipher Born or JOB) I was building with this Native Wiz who just recently got engaged. Since she’s gotten engaged she’s been proudly and faithfully wearing her engagement ring. She is very beautiful, sweet and has a very courteous and optimistic personality that carries the qualities that females could look towards for "how to act abroad". I don’t know how she "acts at home" though. I met her man at a Wedding Reception Party for a couple in our Dept. who got married and he’s a cool dude. He’s Half-Original, is a boxer and has a great deal of discipline with his diet and lifestyle because of that. I could tell through conversation that he didn’t have much experience with women and I noticed how domineering this Wiz was over him. They’d been together for awhile and she said she had no idea that he was going to propose to her. From ear hustling the day she showed her ring off to our co-workers I found out that part of the reason why her man proposed to her is because the day before her and her sister went out all night with a couple guys in our Department. Her mischievous smile confirmed that shit. Anyway, sometimes I randomly mess with her by checking to cee if she’s wearing her ring. On one particular day when I did that she excitedly said, "The other day I did forget to put it back on because I took it off when I was doing dishes at my Mother’s house. I didn’t notice it until I was riding in the car with my Scott so when I noticed I forgot it I told him ‘Sooorrrryyyy, I forgot to put your ring back on when I was doing the dishes’". He didn’t ask about it or even notice it b.u.t. she felt that she needed to tell him! When I asked her what did he say she said he paused for a moment and then said "that’s alright". Classic Nursism used to take a Man’s pulse in order to measure his stress levels or tension associated with the emotional "R.O.P.E." he bound himself in. Ultimately, this was a basic tactic used to ensure he stays "not good in multiplying"!
2. I was walking down the street after leaving my Mentor Program one day and this Wiz that works in a different Dept. at the Casino saw me as she was parked outside the store with her two sons. One son is about 14 and the other one is 11. When I cee her at the Cafeteria I speak when we’re directly in each others path b.u.t. I don’t go out of the way and I keep it moving. We had a couple non exclusive conversations in the Cafeteria when I built with her (and other’s) about various topics including my L.I.F.E. Afterschool Program. On the day that I saw her I was half-way down the block before she jumped out of the car and yelled flaggin’ me down to stop! I stopped and walked back to cee what she had to say. As I stood there looking through her she smiled and started asking me about tutoring lessons for one of her sons. This wasn’t strange to me b.u.t. there’s about 4 weeks of school left until the end of the year, kinda late to be thinking about reforming some grades! I didn’t say anything just sat back and listened to her "sales pitch". Eventually she gave me her phone number (using tutoring as "a shield" for her dirt) and told me to call her. Another Classic example of Nursism. Telling lies to try and master the Original Man by prescribing me a fallacious relationship Law based upon my "said" ability I made known in the Cafeteria!
3. I met this Venus type Wiz who was a renegade wannabe Quasi-Earth. Basically she dresses in damn near ¼’s, doesn’t know Lesson’s b.u.t. carries a name that would have you think that she has a background rooted in our Culture. She has no Educator, no Lineage and no actual Social Equality with the true and living. When I first talked (not build!) with her she came off with this arrogant vibe about how she’s in College, has a background in Philosophy or whatever else she could think of to lend creditability to who she is. She went on to say how intimidated Gods have been of her and blah, blah, blah. I simply listened to her false sense of self importance and she eventually brought up the 8th Degree in the 1-40’s (What makes rain, hail, snow and earthquakes?) to try and engage me in building about Lessons. This was the "build your self esteem" tactic that a Nurse often uses before they give you a painful shot! Wisely, I simply told her that I don’t necessarily go into Degree’s with a person that I know doesn’t have them because they really wouldn’t be able to follow along with what I’m saying or really appreciate what particular points I’d be referencing. I basically told her that I teach a person according to their knowledge. Offended, she kinda backed off when she saw that I didn’t Egocentrically jump at an opportunity to run my mouth! So I kept the conversation humble, and dealt with General Civilization and basically got some more background information on her. She basically had stories about God failing her, from selling drugs to leaving her for a white girl. The next time I talked to her she brings up this Gods name that I met one time. I never spent any considerable amount of time around him to even know him like that, yet I will say that when we did meet we didn’t initially share a common understanding. Because she animatedly brought him up and tried to get me to talk about him and our brief encounter I knew what her determined idea was; to cause trouble. As she began to question me I kept it humble, didn’t go into anything and emphasized the fact that I don’t really know him. This also made her realize that he couldn’t possibly know me! After she realized that I wouldn’t go into anything she tried to turn it into a competition to bring out Four Devils in me! She said she met him through the internet and was ranting about how swift he is with his Lessons, on point and blah, blah, blah. She was basically trying to make me Jealous and Envy what he was supposed to be, make me Lustful about her and hopefully make me start Hating on him! I quietly listened to this elementary shit and insightfully said, "It’s good to meet a person like that and have an opportunity to spent a considerable amount of time around them in order to really get to know them." I said this because I knew she hadn’t actually spent actual time around him because of the distance they live apart. This was basically some Myspace shit. I cut this Nurse off completely and haven’t talked to her since, and I guarantee that some ignorant ass needy Gods was hitting her up on Myspace today!
As I said, these are just a few examples of Nursism. The worst part about this whole Science is that many so-called Earth’s are Professional Nurse’s! They may be rockin’ ¾’s b.u.t. they’re on some Nursism shit just like an average bitch! Those Women who can say through their actions "I Sincerely Love Allah’s Mathematics" will agree with me 100%!!! Here are a few things that identify some of the overt signs of a so-called Earth who practices Nursism. Some of these insights were painfully gained though personal experience and some are just observations of different Gods/Earths I’ve ceen, met and learned from. DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS:
1. They are chronically Manless! There are some reasonable situations where a Woman doesn’t have a Man and male/female demographic ratios is one of them b.u.t. when she never has a man, that’s a habitual problem! Once you get to know her better, her "chronic manlessness" may be more than just "Nursism", it may also indicate an issue with her sexual orientation. This is like Nurse Ratched in the classic movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest".
2. They’re overtly/covertly self-proclaimed "Atheist’s"! This clearly speaks for itself, regardless if they say it’s in relationship to a Mystery God Concept or not. The first time a Wiz like this encounters a situation that she can’t figure out (as it relates to God) she’s gonna project that "Atheist" attitude into the situation and functionally view him as nonexistent! Now, with all this thunder above her head, she’s still not gonna try to learn who is causing all this to happen by letting him teach her because he don’t exist! This is the type of Nurse that’ll take shit into her own hands and make irrational decisions that are oftentimes life changing.
3. They’re unstable in their living situation and unsettled in their career. We are taught in the 1/1-14’s that "The Devil isn’t settled". When you meet a Woman who’s "all over the place" with/without children she’s a Survivalist in the Wilderness! Under these conditions it’s impossible to truly "live a respectful life" because she hasn’t "built a home for herself" (4/1-14). If given the opportunity she’ll take advantage of you in order to get by because she’s been using Trick-Knowledge to survive for so long that’s it’s damn near "Forgotten" ("Forgotten Trick-Knowledge" -Devilishment, Stealing, Telling Lies and How to Master the Original Man: 4/1-14). This is the type of Nurse that makes a lot of mistakes, that’s why she’s bounced around from place to place, it ain’t a career move.
4. They either rationalize how Polygamy ain’t right "for them" or they promise to secure you this type of "Home in Heaven" just to get you married off (so you won’t be good in multiplying) and trapped in Knowledging her Equality (28/1-40). This is the classic shot a Nurse gives you after saying, "Oh it won’t hurt, you’ll just feel alittle prick!"
5. The Lesson’s she has learned takes on more of a Competitive angle than one that is Complimentary. There’s still a deep rooted post-trauma associated with living in a Gender Oppressive Society and this makes her overtly/covertly not want to accept a Woman’s natural role of Earth! It hurts her to hear the phrase "A Woman can rise no higher than (6) Equality" and "A Woman is secondary but most necessary"! Why? Because she can’t accept the fact that she can’t be greater/better than a Man, only equal!! Yeah, she may be wearing a headwrap, b.u.t. she usually put pants on first (with a male’s zipper in the front)! These Nurses take their Position too far, they actually think their a damn Doctor even though they only got Nurse credentials!
6. She still overtly/covertly thinks that she can Master God with the power u (sex) because she still tries by giving him random "Pop -that coochie- Quiz’s!! She’ll try to "Uncle" (cee: PIMP by Iceberg Slim also 6/1-36) a God in a minute under the pretense that she’s just "testing" him to cee if he’s worthy of leading her! As if the God don’t already have enough problems to solve in the wilderness waiting outside of his door, she brings the shit inside the HOME, when it’s supposed to be founded in Peace! These Nurses love it when your on your back and vulnerable, it’s easy access.
7. When she "selectively" say’s "God" & "Allah" in relationship to the Black Man or "The Black Man is God" there is no sincerity, authenticity or conviction in her words! It really comes across like she’s trying to convince herself to cee the good in a Nigga! This just lets you know that the Culture of I-God ain’t really in her heart. This is like the fake smile the Nurse flashes you when your dealing with a serious problem.
8. Instead of Building, her conversation is basically some Mathematical Gossip! The difference between her and any other bitch off the street is miniscule. She’s wearing clothe to hide her hair and another Wiz is wearing weave. Her Vegetarian diet got her portly and another Wiz is fat off of hog mauls & hot sauce. Both of them can’t stand eachother because they both got a BPC (Beauty Pageant Complex)! This is a Nurse who took up this Profession as a job just to pay the bills. If something else comes along more appealing she’s out!
To conclude today’s Article I want to just reemphasize the importance in analyzing the statement in the 28/1-40’s that say’s, "There are other Rules & Regulations of Yacub’s that are not mentioned in this Lesson." Just as the Doctor didn’t simply examine couples seeking marriage, Ministers didn’t simply marry certain couples, the Nursing Profession didn’t just consist of using pins, feeding babies to wild beasts, and bringing babies to a Cremator. Think outside of the box and make comparison’s of how the Nursing Profession functions today! Ask the females in your family or friends who are Nurses about their job/career! Learn about their daily affairs and find the subtleties that gives context to that 28th Degree. Although they may be good, humanitarian, nurturing people who love their job/career, find out what potentialities exist if they were the type of people to be on some ill shit! Ultimately, unlock insights that are even unmentioned in this Lesson on Nursism! P.E.A.C.E.


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    Over genuinely, Omega Watches are noticeable all over the location, from tv to magazines. Celebrities have greatly popularized Omega Watches with younger generations by flaunting and singing in regards to your watches within their paperwork. Omega Watches could also be observed at red carpet routines where the enterprise sponsors different Hollywood award shows and charities. Omega watches have also been creating an entire good deal of press more than their 2012 assortment. Omega??s 2012 assortment consists of the Millenary Chronograph Observe Assortment for the two males and females. The gathering is rich with specifics resembling the Roman Time period. With its distinctive attributes of Roman numerals, oval models, leather straps, and in addition the variety of pink, yellow or white gold situations, the gathering is not going to disappoint. Currently pretty well-liked with view collectors and fanatics, Omega??s 2012 assortment proceeds the business??s acceptance for distinction, design, and elegance.

    Because of this of its immense popularity, Omega Watches are a few of the most costly. A big variety of will invest a sizable variety of bucks just to don an Omega See. It could be possible, but, to get pleasure in the magnificence and style and design of an Omega at a fraction in the price by getting a low cost watch rather. Very good terrific replicas are just as magnificent as the exceptional but cater towards the intelligent buyer who is a lot more choosy about investing their money. This purchaser usually would like the top decent excellent coupled using the best worth. At the moment, Inexpensive Omega Watches are significant over the internet. By way of on line retailers individuals can protect time and money at the same time as avoid the literally annoying products income pitch. To not stage out the pretentious revenue buyers operating in the large number of higher finish retailers. In distinct, our via the web retailer guarantees shoppers the proper great Omega replicas provided anyplace. Our on the internet keep also offers users very easily and safety for his or her internet transaction, so now the elegance and kind provided by.

  46. [url=]オメガ デビル[/url]

    Van Cleef & Arpels Folie Des Pr The Respection For Nature

    In fact, it is the spirit of creativity and dedication to fine craftsmanship that has given birth to Van Cleef & Arpels remarkable timepieces and jewelries. So does the Van Cleef & Arpels Folie des Pr collection. It is really another aesthetic innovation in watch and jewelry-making. Inspired the infinite and vivid nature motif, the new collection combines femininity and glamour with simple but various styles and fresh color tones, paying a tribute to the blooming flower in enchanting Spring season.

    Van Cleef & Arpels jewelries feature pieces of different shapes of flowers with asymmetric way skillfully. Single jewel seems just like petal, and a string of precious metal blossoms, making every luxuriant pieces more glaring and dazzing. In fact, flowers of the Folie des Pres jewelry series are made from 4 showily gems: pink and purple sapphire, blue sapphire, yellow and green gradient sapphire, and pure diamond.

    If you are searching for a dazzling piece of diamond watch jewelry, look no further than the amazing Van Cleef & Arpels Folie des Pres watches. Inspired from the natural motifs, the Van Cleef & Arpels watches of Folie des Pr line also bring us to the marvellous and mysterious fairyland. It features 18k white gold paved with various of sparking round diamonds and sapphire. The gorgeous flower design on the case is repeated in variations along the bracelet, with diamonds glittering everywhere. Bearing a unique work of art serving as a substitute for the fragile miracles of nature, each timepiece comes with a unique dial enamelled by hand and each featuring a revolutionary movement developed especially for Van Cleef & Arpels. The distinguished designs, not only for nice-looking but comforts in wearing. See Rolex watches and Omega watches.

    Frankly speaking, all of these fabulous items are my fancy. What about you?

  47. [url=]オメガ デビル[/url]

    Invest in Classy Rolex Watches With 18k Gold With Original Diamonds

    Watches are one of the more well known add-ons to improve your type and add a touch of luxury for your vogue. There are numerous watch brands to choose from, but when you might be seeking to make an opulent type statement, Rolex watches in Canada are among the list of best while in the marketplace. As well as Rolex, Panerai and Gucci brand names also rank substantial in the world of celebrities and luxury. Heres a search at these fine masterpieces and what they have to provide you with regarding wealth and fashion to each women and men.

    Rolex Watches Canada

    Rolex watches Canada can be found with 18 karat gold and unique diamonds, enough enough to produce its mark on the planet of ultra high vogue. Rolex is often a Swiss-based watch producer of opulent timepieces. Seeing that its beginning, the brand continues to be deemed because the supplier of ageless sophistication. Rolex watches are linked with fame, power and status. Owning a Rolex view sets you above the ordinary, a privilege reserved to the worlds 1%. The brand was ranked among the best 100 high-class global companies by Online business Week. It manufactures an astonishing two, 000 timepieces a day, even while earning returns in billions. Authentic Rolex watches in Canada are offered at certified retailers likewise as real Rolex shops.

    Panerai Watches Canada

    The sophisticated Panerai watches have their origin in Italy. It really is amid one of the most exclusive worldwide brand names immediately. Panerai includes a exclusive means of promoting its fine timepieces. The brand manufactures luxurious watches as extraordinary or constrained editions; it functions by generating fewer watch pieces compared to the general marketplace demand. Normally, retailers get only just a few hundred constrained edition objects just about every 12 months. This drastically increases their cost and worth. Panerai watches literally spell out distinctive and rare because of the way in which the organisation operates in establishing the watches with excellence likewise as its promoting programs.

    Gucci Watches Canada

    Gucci watches are intended to cater both the standard as well as elite individuals. The Italian based mostly brand styles watches that happen to be largely acquired by trend-setters. Youth are the prime target of Gucci, with its elegant upper-class types. A number of the prime components of every Gucci timepiece are soft silver, stainless steel and sapphire crystal. The watches are available in varied colours and patterns without any compromising on elegance and sophistication in order to cater to your younger people. Gucci watches are the two alluring and charming, fitting any one that has a tall sense of vogue and class.

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