Monday, April 14, 2008

-Trickin' Off With Mathematics-

Peace Ya’ll. I know, I know, “What’s the God Saladin dealin with now?!” Elevation as always fam! -smile- Today’s Article I want to deal with the science of “Trickin’ off with Mathematics”. Yes, what it sounds like IS EXACTLY what it is; Tricking da fuck off! For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the phrase “trickin off”, ask somebody or check out an online Urban Dictionary or sumthin'. LOL Well here we go.....

When it comes to the realm of sex, there are always those amongst us who’re willing to simply pay for it, literally. This person is called a “Trick”. When a person is “trickin off’, they’re in the process of basically spending money or exchanging some material good for a sexual favor. Although this phrase is usually related to the realm of sexuality, people can also be considered “Tricks” or can be “Trickin’ off” for other things besides sex, and use ‘other than’ money. I’ve ceen dudes trickin off divine I with females so she’ll buy him a Playstation 2 for Christmas. I’ve known females trickin off meals for dudes so they’ll give her a discount at Old Navy. I’ve even ceen boys trickin off change for ice cream so I girl will mark the “YES’ box on an “I love you do you love me?” love letter! Call it “trading amongst them” (9/1-14) if you want, b.u.t. it’s not. Trading is dealing with equality, b.u.t. in a “Trick” situation, the price a person pays is never equal to what they get. Never! As a matter of fact, what a person ultimately uses to pay for any of these things; Integrity, is something that cannot be traded. To believe in this exchange is the actual trick and their lack of knowledge makes them either a Victim to ‘trick-knowledge’ or a Perpetrator of ‘trick-knowledge’. As God/Earth, I want to address the science of compromising one’s integrity by “Trickin off with Mathematics”! As I said, either we can be a Victim to ‘trick-knowledge’ or a Perpetrator of ‘trick-knowledge’.

There are those people (especially females!) who strive to learn 120 by hiring the services of a Temporary/Part-Time Enlightener or through grafting information from different Gods/Earths in order to produce a ‘Make-shift’ Book of Life.

Sometimes people can go through experiences that leave a real nasty taste in their mouth. Oftentimes, these experiences become ‘promises’ that dictate the way they write present and future Koran. Even if these ‘promises’ do not work in the best interest of their present growth and development, they still may stubbornly hold onto them for various reasons (fear, insecurity, control issues and etc..). For example, I’ve known females who were taken advantage of by males in past relationships, hence they have trust & control issues. The trust issues make them doubtful, skeptical about any and everything; Conspiracy Theorist. The control issues make them Micromanagement freaks; Shitty Independent. Many of these females prefer getting Public Assistance (Welfare) or other forms of Assistance because it’s not an actual ‘face’ associated with the help THEY NEED (10 & 11/1-40). This way, they try to rationalize that ‘they’re still in control’. It’s often the same way with getting 120 Lessons. I’ve come across many so-called Earths who go from Enlightener to Enlightener to Enlightener like a whore does sex partners. Real talk. And the worst part about it is there are maaaadddddd so-called Gods who’re so ego starved for attention, that they dignify their bullshit by taking them on as Students; Trick off wit ‘em! Instead of this being an actual Queen & God Paradigm, it’s a Quean & I ‘John’ Paradigm.

Now, there are many reasons why a Wiz (or male for that matter) chooses to become a whore. The foundation of this is her low or sometimes vacant self esteem. Of course Society (Misogynistic Patriarch) plays a structural role in shaping the foundation of a Wiz’s identity, good or bad, b.u.t. it’s important to realize that we all have the power to define our own Worldview. I am strictly building about those females (and males) who choose to be whorish! Couple this low or vacant self esteem with "Mr." Black Man stories and you’ll have a female bred to hate herself and her Man. The Black Man (and Black Woman) have been criminalized before we got to this Wilderness and have been made other than ourselves. When it comes to the female, there’s a general lack of confidence to receive our Captain-like orders and respect our natural functioning role; The Most High. This is not only Original Women, b.u.t. generally speaking, the entire Human family via Global White Supremacy. Of course there are many Black Men who have no clue that this is their natural functioning role, so they contribute to this general lack of confidence, b.u.t. this in no way justifies a female’s “I told you so!”, combatative, ego-driven, pride before destruction attitude towards ALL Black Men, especially the True & Living God. Not only does this ultra-sensitive, defensive attitude undermine her growth and development, b.u.t it keeps her stagnant; waiting for a ‘My-story’ (Mystery) God (10 & 11/1-40).

What I mean by a ‘My-story’ God is, a female who arrogantly requests a Man to be IN HER LIFE or a God to teach her based upon the egocentric specifications of ‘her story’. Basically, she either gets a male that becomes a commodity on her clock or she ‘hires the services’ of a Temporary/Part Time so-called Enlightener that she has the leisure of getting with. Someone who she doesn;t actually cee or spend time with like that. This is the type of female who wants Enlightenment without ‘an actual’ Enlightener, who wants Full Time Benefits b.u.t. puts in Temporary/ Part-Time hours. And, like I said, there are so-called Gods out there who ‘trick off’ Mathematics with her by agreeing to fuck around.., I mean teach her. -smile- They dignify this type of whorish behavior and agree to email/mail them Lessons and enlighten them over the phone/internet. It never occurs to them that you can’t even ‘train’ a dog that way, let alone teach "Training Units" (14/1-14) to somebody! Females (and males alike!), who set up these ‘My-story’ God conditions to learn 120 Lessons, will never develop the capacity to truly live this Culture until they come correct! I am not saying that building over the phone/internet or transmitting information via email/postal mail in not good and does not serve a purpose. Hell, I’m transmitting information all the time! LOL It’s just not good if people are trying to use these mediums as ‘the primary’ (key phrase!) way to get 120 Lessons (KOS) and can never equal nor be a substitute for actually ‘Walking With’ an Enlightener! If you ain't actually spending time with a person, you don't really know shit about them.

I said this in another Article b.u.t. I’m gonna say it again; The only choice that a Student has when it comes to learning 120 Lessons from an ENLIGHTENER is walking out the door. A Student has no power to dictate nor define how they want to be taught. When females (and males alike) make-up ‘My-story’ God learning situations where a person (they call an Enlightener) is not actually involved in their lives (i.e. getting Lessons over the phone, email/mail from someone who they don’t literally/actually cee), they’re systematically striving to graft from the Original. They may rationalize that they’re trying to protect themselves (and possibly their children) from being hurt or being taken advantage of (LIKE IN THE PAST), b.u.t. in this situation (Student & Enlightener), that attitude is never appropriate because you can never learn to live this Culture that way. That attitude, posture or approach always works against them. The point is, Living Mathematics is a solution based, result orientated way of living, and if a so-called Student deliberately/ignorantly desires to make a learning situation that limits their Enlighteners ability to really ‘cee’ (Show & Prove!) how they’re actually living, then “keeping them apart from their own Social Equality” (8/1-14) ain’t good, even if a person ‘happens to have’ good intentions!

Think about it, if you’re ‘educating’ someone over the phone or internet and never cee this person or how they live (not what they want to tell you!), it’s bullshit. YOU CAN NEVER TRULY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SO-CALLED STUDENT OR HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE TO CERTAIN THINGS, and this the exact type of situation that this so-called Student wanted to ‘make’ in the first place! This is no different than fuckin’ around! They want some divine I or power u, b.u.t. they don’t want the responsibility or be accountable for a ‘Total Commitment’ (relationship), and they don’t want to give a person that responsibility or accountability. WAKE –UP! Besides, how much of a ‘real relationship’ can you have through correspondence (over the phone or on the internet) anyway? It’s funny, because a female will be quick to rationalize how possible it is to get KOS this way, b.u.t. if you put it in the context of a Marriage, they’ll NEVER except no correspondence shit! The truth is, getting 120 is symbolic to being married to this Math, and an Enlightener helps you obtain this ‘License’. If a person can’t be committed on that level, then they’re only wasting their time and yours; fuckin around. All in all, ya’ll Gods need to stop “trickin off ya’ Mathematics” with these females like that. You might catch something! Now ask me how I know. LOL

Earlier in my Koran I came across females like this, b.u.t. not too many as of recently. I remember one time I met this Wiz who asked me to be her Enlightener yet I knew she lived in an area where there were quite a few Gods and Earths around her. I knew many of them personally. Anyway, I start asking her some questions about that cipher to try to ascertain why she wants to get basically the same thing from me that she can get right in her own backyard, aside from the fact that “I’m such a GREAT GOD” as she said, to boost my Ego! -smile- Of course I understand that we have our own ‘self-styled’ wisdom so she might have felt a kinship with how I carry Mathematics, b.u.t. that’s wisdom! I was interested to find out why she didn’t choose to get “THE SAME” knowledge from right amongst her. Anyway, she starts to tell me these so-called horror stories about the God who was teaching her and who ‘HE’ did this and that. There was nothing good she had to say Mind you, nor did should explain why ‘SHE’ didn’t do this and that. When I asked her about getting taught by someone else in that cipher she basically said they were associated with him so she didn’t want to. I kept her on ice and told her I’d get back with her about that. I didn’t take what she said on false value, nor did I simply brush off what she was saying as bullshit. She had some valid points. Some.

Now, if you’re a God (or even Earth) who’s ever been confronted with a situation like this, here is the standard procedure YOU MUST USE before taking on a Student like this. Especially when it comes to a female because unbeknownst to you, ya ‘building til you’re blue in the face ass’ may be nothing more than cannon fodder or a pin-like projectile used against another God! To some females, getting Knowledge of Self DOES NOT OVERRIDE THEIR TASTE for “lying, stealing, cheating and how to master the Original Man (or Woman!)” (4/1-14)! Nor does it curb her appetite for ceeing a Man dealing with the 4 Devils she cooks up; Jealousy, Envy, Lust and Hate. Word is Bond! Especially when ‘she feels’ she ‘has a bone to pick’ (pun intended!). Anyway, here is what you do: (Keep in Mind that this procedure also applies to a male who wants you to be their Enlightener)

1. Let her explain to you the situation that went down with her Enlightener. As an Enlightener yourself, you already know the ins and outs of what’s necessary to learn. Even though you may not know their Enlightener personally, take note of the red flags that are ‘general protocol’ that this person hasn’t been following that all Enlighteners deal with. Question them about this protocol and stay ‘20 miles outside’. Nuff said.

2. Ask them to elaborate about their Enlightener if they already didn’t openly begin to tell you about ‘Mr.’ (cee “The Color Purple”). Simply listen and don’t judge. Whether you know their Enlightener or not, it’s important that you find out the science of what went on and if you can give them advice for reconciling the situation. If you can cee where they, as a Student, can reconcile the issue then give them the advice and cee if they’re willing to follow through with your advice. If they do, that’s Peace. If not, ask them why they didn’t follow your advice and have them explain why. If they don’t want to or aren’t direct, take note, this is the ‘kind’ of so-called Student you’ll be agreeing to teach.

3. Get some information about their Enlightener even if you already know them. Analyze the consistencies/inconsistencies there are with being God. Keep in Mind that this person (so-called) Student, usually knows little to nothing about the Culture. They are here to ‘supposedly’ learn, so there is not much that they can actually say about the issues they personally have with an Enlightener. Certain things they may have issues with are primarily from their own social conditionings or cultural perspective. Why? Because they don’t know much of anything about what we deal with, especially if they don’t have any degree’s like that! As you’re getting information about their Enlightener, ask them to contact them so you can build with them personally. If they don’t want ya’ll to communicate, take note, b.u.t. find out why. If they’re not on speaking terms, ask them is it alright if you contacted them personally in order to build with them.

4. BUILD WITH THEIR ENLIGHTENER, “ENLIGHTENER TO ENLIGHTENER”. After this, and ONLY AFTER THIS you should decide if you want to take this female (or male) on as a Student. Anything other than this is some “face value” shit! (9/1-40)

Like I said, the point in using this procedure is to avoid being used as cannon fodder or a pin-like projectile against another God who she may have been trying to master, or who she now wants to watch in a ECW ‘Cage Match’ with the 4 Devils!! Be “allwise, right and exact” (1/1-40). I’m not saying that all Wiz’s are on some shit like this who strives to build with another Enlightener because some of them may have legitimate reasons!!! B.u.t., it is your responsibility to find out for yourself and don’t believe “on face value” (9/1-40) what she or anyone has to say! IF YOU DON'T BUILD WITH THEIR ENLIGHTENER (“ENLIGHTENER TO ENLIGHTENER”), you only got one side of the story. And I’m not saying that their EX-Enlightener is blameless either. I’m saying that it’s important for you to find out what the science is (with them and their EX-Enlightener) before you take on a responsibility like that! You may not look at this way b.u.t. this Student/Enlightener ‘thing’ is actually a relationship. And like I said, the same way I Wiz wouldn’t accept no long distance Marriage, as God, you should never accept her dealing with no long distance Marriage to this Math (i.e. spending more time emailing/postage mailing info, sitting on the phone, chatting on the internet)! Again, if animal husbandry can’t accomplish ‘teaching and training’ animals like that, what makes a God think that a human can learn ‘teaching and training’ units?! Naw, word up though, I know exactly what it is. -smile- I was young, naive, gregarious and egocentric with this Math before too B.U.T. now I’ve outgrown alot (not all!) of these things. LOL

Those of you who need (not want!) to be a Student, keep in Mind that regardless of how you personally feel about it as a so-called Student, if you want to learn this Culture, the only way is to personally be amongst the True and Living God/Earth. I repeat, YOU CANNOT LEARN TO LIVE THIS CULTURE from emails, postal mail, from paper Lessons, over the phone or off the Internet!! It’s an insult to those of us (True & Living Gods/Earths) for you as a Student to expect us to even consider teaching you on these weak (and potentially wicked!) terms! That’s some “Mystery God” (10 & 11/1-40), “which can’t be seen by the naked eye” (15/1-40) BULLSHIT!!!

So to conclude Today’s Article, I ask you Gods (and some of ya'll Earths!) to “PLEAAAAASE” stop ‘trickin off ya’ Mathematics” with these females (and males!) who only wanna fuck around with this Culture! If a person isn’t willing to ACTUALLY COME AND BUILD WITH YOU IN PERSON-“swim 9,000 miles” (32/1-36) or “walk every step of the way” (4/1-14)- to come and learn and get 120 Lessons REGARDLESS OF WHOM OR WHAT, they’re wasting your time and theirs! Not to mention the fact that you’re contributing to the rapid spread of ‘NGE STDS’, which I will build about in a future Article. LOL


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