Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Nation of Gods and Earths

Mission Statement & Service Standards

Peace Ya’ll! Yesterday I had a chance to do the knowledge to this Interview of Busta Rhymes and he was asked about ‘The Five Percenters’ to which he claims to be a part of. Plainly speaking, it was some strait-up bullshit and I was completely embarrassed! -shakes head- This dude was stumbling, bumbling and unable to even give a coherent explanation of The NGE’s History or What We Teach. The irony in all of this is his inability to even quote the 16/1-40, “Who are the 5% of this Poor Part of the Planet Earth?” Busta Rhymes even went as far as to claim that The Father was a General in The NOI in the 1930’s- 1940’s –the Father wasn’t even old enough to enroll in Kindergarten in 1930! -cringe- Aside from that intellectual botch job, to me, the worst part about the interview is the fact that Bussa Bus knew he didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about b.u.t. still “tried” to speak confidently about “what he knew not” (14/1-40)! Instead of just gracefully bowing out of those questions or intelligently speaking on what he actually knew, da Dungeon Dragon chose to grasp for shit to say! -shakes head- Anyway, that heart wrenching ‘innerview’ inspired me to write Today’s Article about a Mission Statement & Cultural Service Standards of The Nation of Gods and Earths (The NGE). Oh yeah I almost forget; DISCLAIMER: Buster Rhymes (Bussa Bus, the guy with the scruffy voice from Leaders of the New School, the Leader of the Flipmode Squad) is not a Spokesperson for The NGE. He learned about this Nation when he was a child b.u.t he does not have any active allegiance to The NGE today.

Since I’ve been a Citizen of The NGE it often occurred to me how Gods and Earths could be all over the place without some consensus on what we’re doing as a Nation of People. I think part of this fragmentation comes from the lack of a Mission Statement. Maybe it was different back in the early days with the early Five Percenters, b.u.t. if I asked Gods and Earths nowadays “What is the Mission Statement of The NGE?” I’ve gotten many different responses. Some of the responses I’ve gotten when I posed this question are as follows:

· To teach knowledge and wisdom to all the human families of the Planet Earth.
· To not be a Savage in the Pursuit of Happiness.
· The duty of a Civilized Person.
· To teach that the Black Man is God, the Black Woman is the Earth and the Babies are the greatest!
· To teach that The Father was Allah.
· To teach the 85%.
· To teach that the Black Man is the true & living God.
· To teach the science of Supreme Mathematics.
· What we Teach
· What we Teach and Achieve as a Nation.
· To get 120 Lessons.

This list only represents only some of the responses. This is not to say that any of these views are right or wrong, this is just to show the various ideas that Gods/Earths have about our Mission as a Nation. A God/Earth who thinks The NGE’s “Mission Statement” is to simply teach that the Black Man is God is fundamentally different than a God/Earth who thinks The NGE’s “Mission Statement” is to simply teach knowledge and wisdom to all the human families of the Planet Earth. Personally speaking, I never saw the iconic worship or religious-like deification of The Father as The NGE’s Mission Statement. When I’d come in contact with Gods/Earths that functioned like the iconic worship or religious-like deification of The Father was The Mission Statement of The NGE we’d often have a fundamental disagreement; I would be more interested in building about what they think, what they have to say and what they’re doing to contribute to this Nation and they’re more interested in trying to mimic The Father’s speaking cadence, parrot what The Father said or talk nostalgically about The Father’s glory days. -shakes head-

In addition to the different views that Gods/Earths have about what The NGE’s Mission is, there are people who claim Citizenship within this Nation who are still unclear on what ‘we’ actually call ourselves. Although there is a general consensus amongst Gods and Earths that we’re The NGE (The Nation of Gods and Earths), there are many amongst us that cee this differently. Some people do not really embrace this notion and consider themselves either just a God, an Earth, a Muslim, a Five Percenter, a member of the Five Percent Nation, a member of The Five Percent Nation of Islam, a Member of The Five Percent Nation of Gods and Earths, etc... Because there is a general consensus amongst Gods/Earths that ‘we’ are The NGE (The Nation of Gods and Earths), there is not much of a debate on this issue with those who don’t come in this name. Now that we do have a general consensus on our name as a Nation, there is still a lack of consensus on our collective Mission Statement and of course our Service Standards. Sure we all have personal Mission Statements and Service Standards as Gods and Earths, b.u.t. collectively we’re still lacking. When there is not a coherent Mission Statement for a Group of People, there can’t be any ‘Service Standards’ in place to uphold and achieve their Mission. ‘Service Standards’ are the Codes of Conduct or Modes of Behavior that I often build about. These Standards are the Norms/Mores that are rooted in the Priorities, Values and Principles we hold sacred as a Cultural Group. In otherwords, our Mission Statement is the context of our ‘Service Standards’; rules that regulate our Culture (our Individual/Collective People Activities). Those of you who may be confused when I talk about Cultural Service Standards, I’m referring to the duty we have to ourselves and others; the responsibility and accountability to serve our self/others growth and development interests. For example, if part of our Mission Statement is: ‘We honor, protect and educate the Earth’, then we should have specific Service Standards designed to uphold and achieve that part of our Mission of honoring, protecting and educating the Earth. Although THERE ARE UNSPOKEN RULES (Service Standards) that Gods/Earths adhere to, because there’s no general consensus, not all Gods/Earths are held responsible and accountable for these Standards. So, while some Gods hold the phrase ‘We honor, protect and educate the Earth’ as an Individual/Collective Service Standard in how they deal with Earths, there are Earths themselves who don’t even adhere to these Standards.

One of the most famous phrases you’ll hear a God say is, “That’s his Universe!” which basically tanslate into, “What goes on in his household is how he chooses to run his household” or even the more contemporary phenomenon of Gods claiming “Personal Earths” -as if to say that the highest value of this Culture lies in her individuality and their personal relationship, not the Nation’s collective destiny. Both of these perspectives limits, minimizes or severs the responsibility and accountability that these “individuals” naturally have to the Collective. So even if a God tries to claim immunity by saying, “This is my Universe”, the Universe itself is an integral part of a Greater Galaxy –where ‘Families’ of Universes comprise a Society (Nation). And if an Earth is “under the impression” that what she chooses to do is her personal choice or is based on her personal relationship with her God, then she hasn’t learned a damn thing about the way the Mind functions, how her own body functions as a system nor her “origin in this World and worships what she knows not” (14/1-40). It amazes me how people can learn 120 and never draw the antisocial correlation between the Devil’s “keeping our people apart” perspective on “Social Equality” (8/1-14), the place where the Devil was manufactured was “an island” (27/1-40) and how the Father of the Devil -Yacub- was born 20 miles “outside” (21/1-40) of the Holy City of Mecca. This is not to say that all of the Lessons I just cited have a completely negative connotation because there were many Serial Killers and Paranoid Schizophrenics who didn’t isolate themselves, who weren’t introverted or didn’t exhibit obvious antisocial behavior. The point is, when people disconnect like that from other people it’s oftentimes easier for them to say and do things to hurt other people. Why? Because when nerves are severed you loose the feeling in that part of your body. So although I’m very cautious of those I allow amongst me or who I choose to be amongst, I never loose touch with the Collective Body of The NGE. I may not agree with the way some Gods/Earths do things b.u.t. at the end of the day they’re still my God Brothers and Earths Sisters.

So to conclude Today’s Article here’s a solution I have:

The creation of The Knowledge of Self Anthology is a monumental step in the right direction and represents a landmark point in our National Chronology. It reminds me a lot of the galvanizing effort that the Gods/Earths in Power Born took to establish The NGE’s 9 Regions. Although there are various Gods/Earths who’ve published Books I think that this Knowledge of Self Anthology is something we all need to collectively support! In otherwords, THIS BOOK can be used as the main reference guide to God/Earth Centered Literature. This is not to exclude what I’m writing or what other Gods/Earths are writing; we all have our own niches, b.u.t. when it comes to this Project I think we all need to advocate this for “one common cause” (8/1-14). If we can continue to get the National Support to advocate this Project, then we can begin to develop the collective force that’s necessary to help make this National Mission Statement and Service Standards a reality. The Knowledge of Self Anthology is an excellent focal point and you can pre-order it HERE!!!

With the galvanizing force and National Unity surrounding the launching of The Knowledge of Self Anthology, we can eventually start to create a Regional/Local Dialogue about our National Mission and Service Standards as a Group. Through creating this dialogue we’ll have a chance to examine different points of views of a possible Mission Statement and Service Standards. After this we can decide if we want to come to some kind of consensus on a National Mission Statement or keep things as business as usual. If we agree on the fact that there needs to be a consistent Mission Statement, then we can move forward and take some time to design it. This process can involve Regional/Local Representatives of The NGE who can bring forth input from their Regional/Local Ciphers. This will take time and won’t happen in one Parliament Session. After this is in order, we can then go into developing certain National Service Standards that Gods/Earths can be held responsible and accountable for. These Service Standards will go beyond the “unspoken” Standards of greeting eachother with ‘Peace!’, knowing 120 Lessons, getting Lessons from an Enlightener, building on Daily Mathematics, etc... This will also take a great deal of time and won’t happen in one Parliament Session. Again, some of you Gods and Earths will protest this and say we already have a Mission Statement and certain Service Standards in place, b.u.t. KEEP IN MIND that there are a lot of Gods/Earths and people who come in the Names of Gods/Earths who don’t know this. The point in all of this is to ensure that everybody is informed, held responsible and made accountable for this information. Again, we have various ideas of what our Mission is and various unspoken Service Standards, b.u.t. there’s nothing really on paper like that! Right now, when I meet another God/Earth then I simply gotta assume/expect that they realize that part of our Mission is to teach and that one of our Service Standards is to know or be in the process of getting 120 Lessons in order to actually teach. I’ve met Gods/Earths who were not even aware of this part of our Mission or that having/getting 120 is one of our Service Standards.

Ultimately, 10 years from now I would personally like to cee our Nation closer, more considerate of eachother, advocating our Collective Mission and living by Service Standards that has aided us in upholding and achieving this Mission. Like with any Nation of People you’ll have “individuals” who’ll choose to do whatever they want, yet one of our future goals should be to ensure that people like this are clearly identified and never mislabeled Gods/Earths. I think it’s a feasible goal that in the next 10 years no God/Earth should have to explain that “WE ARE NOT A GANG!” I think it’s a feasible goal that in the next 10 years a female looking like a hooker is never even considered to be an Earth. I think it’s a feasible goal that in the next 10 years a Drug Dealer calling himself 'Born Master' is ceen strictly as a Drug Dealer, not remotely as a God. I think it’s a feasible goal that in the next 10 years we are no longer concerned/afraid about literally coming in our Righteous Names and our Nation is clearly identified by the Names and Academic achievement of our children. I think it’s a feasible goal that in the next 10 years we have greater numbers yet higher expectations for ourselves, eachother and a deeper qualitative understanding of our Culture and what it means to be Gods and Earths. I also think it’s a feasible goal that in the next 10 years there will be no more Bussa Bus-like interviews misrepresenting who and what we actually are. If we do this right... The Knowledge of Self Anthology can set the tone and demarcate this Movement!!



  1. Peace. I'm gonna be so honest with u right now God. The only problem I cee with BUSTA's interview, IS that he wasn't exact on the time frame of when the Father first joined the NOI. Other than that he seemed on point 4 real. Yeah he may have stuttered a little (he wasn't always the most well-spoken person anyway), but that to me doesn't discredit him as a member of this Nation. Just my opinion God.

  2. Peace to the god. Well as far as the Busta interview I cee it like this if you have had knowledge from the age of 13 and you have always been "ISLAM" should you not know when the father started teaching and his back ground.I have heard alot of untruths come from the Tyheams mouth. Thats what we called him back in uiondale NY I am not sure if I spelled his name correct BUT he had students in Uiondale HS. How can you renew your history if you dont know it. Thats just my cee on it. This lesson #2 was given by our prophet W.D Fard which contains 40 questions answered by Elijah Muhammad one of the Lost-Found in the wilderness of North America February 20th 1934. Makes you say Hmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. Peace! Not that you asked B.U.T. the closest thing to a mission statement, other than the What We Teach and What We Will Achieve, I would say, A. Become Civilized B. Remain Civilized C. Teach Civilization to Others. Yea, Learn it, Live it, Teach it! Peace!

  4. Peace Saladin. I also cringed at Busta's attempted explanations to the interviewer. He is not the only one in the camp of celebritites who claim to have knowledge of self and poorly represent who we are and what we teach. In the booth, he lays it down with such confidence. Where is this confidence and fire when it comes to speaking about our culture. Seemingly, our magnetic waned among the 85% because those whose influence was most dominate in the entertainment industry focused on their career while neglecting their culture. The principle of EQUALITY means a person should find the necessary balance between their culture and their career. If any entertainers are reading this and they have knowledge of self, I say to you, it is possible and rewarding to stay in tune with your culture as you advance in your career. PEACE. -Starmel Allah

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