Friday, August 14, 2009


My KOS Anthology

Peace Ya’ll! Today I wanted to build about the idea of “bringing something to the table”, and share with you “some” of the skill sets I learned through my Ole Earth (Mother) prior to me learning about The Father. This is not to dismiss my Ole Dad (Father) and the significant role he has played in helping me develop -I will focus on him in another Article, b.u.t. today I’m going to build about my Ole Earth and part of her contribution to my Civilization.

THIS is the White Man’s Bible” my Ole Earth once said to me as she sat at the kitchen counter studying for a College Exam. I was a pre-teen at the time, sitting at the kitchen table working on an essay for English Class. The “THIS” my Ole Earth was referring to was her Psychology Book she was holding up as she slowly removed her reading glasses to make a final point, “You better learn all you can about THIS!” This experience was my “formal” Introduction into Psychology and a reference point along my Anthological path of Knowledge of Self (KOS).

We’re often told that as boys, the template in how we assess/interact with a female is learned from our Ole Earth. Well, my Ole Earth was a Trained Psychologist who earned her Degree (Major in Psychology/Minor Sociology) at Niagara University in 3 years, in her 40’s with 6 children. She was very, very swift; as a Woman, a Mother and as a Psychologist. I often tell people, “A Woman with Psychology is like a Lamborghini with Nitro!” LOL Anyway, although I in no way consider myself the foremost authority on the subjects of Psychology & Sociology, I have definitely learned some skill sets from my Ole Earth that has equipped me with a unique insight into myself, others and ultimately how I view 120. Because of this, I grew up in a household where Psychological/Sociological Terms, Lingo and Procedures were formally/informally used in the same way that other households may have been orientated around Religious, Sports or Entertainment Nomenclature. My Ole Dad was more orientated around Black/Native American Nationalism, and this is another important part of my upbringing I will get into in another Article.

Anyway, at the age of 11 I’d watch my Ole Earth talking to my Ole Dad about his use of ‘Transference’. I’d cee her Psychoanalyze a person as dealin with ‘Self Mutilation’, ‘Obsessive Compulsion’, etc… and these were normal conversations in my household. Before I was 13, me and my Brothers loved looking through her Medical Books and DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses). Of course we didn’t understand alot of the shit in those books b.u.t. the point is, we had access to it. In Elementary School I was able to describe Microcerphallic, Macrocerphallic, Elephantitus, Anorexia Nervosas, etc... like I knew the attributes of He-Man Characters. My Ole Earth used to get me and my siblings together -who were closest in age- and take us to a public place just so we could sit there and “People Watch” -as she called it. I’m saying all of this to not only give ya’ll a better insight into where I’m coming from, b.u.t. to emphasize the role The Mother -mine in particular- plays in laying the psychological foundation and social framework of grasping The Father. The Mother is indeed our first Teacher, even if we believe she taught us nothing!

Psychology is the science of the Mind and Behavior in the Individual. Sociology is the science of the Mind and Behavior of a Group. Because these terms -not the actual methods- were coined by Caucasian’s, it’s important to realize that their own Psychology or Sociology shaped the definitions, terms and classifications we learn about in Psychology and Sociology. This must always be taken into consideration! Therefore, it’s important to fully realize that although those people who classify themselves as ‘White’ represent the deepest levels of psychosis & pathology, they utilize themselves as standards of normalcy in the fields of Psychology and Sociology! So in other words, when you study Psychology you can’t just take on face value what you’re learning without critically analyzing the Psychology and Sociology of the Psychologist or Sociologist. Some of the views of a certain Psychologist may be strictly from a male’s perspective without any regard for a female’s mentality! A person must be able to cee this! I’ve read a Sociologist give a sociological analysis of HipHop Culture yet be completely ignorant to the influential role The Nation of Gods and Earths played in HipHop’s inception. A person must be able to cee this too! It’s also important to realize that Psychology and Sociology as a science did not originate with Caucasians, only the actual terms and certain concepts and methods did! Through the study of various Classical Civilizations and Indigenous Cultures you’ll find Psychological and Sociological Systems/Processes before there was even a concept of a Caucasian or before a Caucasian came amongst Non-White People.

A People’s Psychology and Sociology is born out of their Mythology, Folklore and Legends. It is through these Psychodramatic Tales that a people are introduced to modes of thought, behavior, interrelationships as a group and their relationship to the environment. For example; Constant themes you cee throughout Greek Mythology is the preoccupation with Time, War, Procreation and the Objectification of Women. This gives you a lot of insight into the Psychological and Sociological framework of Western Society. By studying the Mythology, Folklore and Legends of a People you’ll discover “other rules and regulations that are unmentioned…” in their Society (28/1-40).

People contact me all the time asking about 120 Lessons. Some people ask me about historical things, others ask me about what something means b.u.t. everyone wonders how do they use it! First and foremost, it’s important to understand that 120 is a Psychodramatic Manual. A Psychodrama is a story that uses conflicting forces within persons, places, things and events to bring awareness to a certain psychology. A Psychodrama allows a person to read into common or uncommon themes that reflect, effect or are disassociated from their own mentality. It’s a Tale designed to shed light on one’s own inner triumphs or tribulations. When ceen from this perspective, studying the science of the 27/1-40: “What is the name place where the Devil was manufactured?” is less about a fact finding mission to unearth the skeletal remains of big headed Scientist and a Frankenstein-like Laboratory buried on Pelon and more about one’s inner journey into the Psychology and Socioeconomic manifestation of evil (Devil)! I AM NOT MINIMIZING THE FACT that we must always invest the time to research our Lessons from a His/Herstorical Perspective, b.u.t. if a person can only talk about Musa as some historical figure buried in the past and not cee Musa as a contemporary theme functioning within their own -or other’s- Psychology or in a Sociological framework, then learning about Musa as just some historical figure is completely useless! Like Musa, all of the Characters we’re introduced to, Places we travel and Objects we cee throughout 120 highlight various Psychological/Sociological Themes (Lessons) throughout life. The fundamental forces that define this Drama are between the dynamic opposites of God (Righteousness) & Devil (Wickedness). In other words, 120 is a System of Lessons about our Mentality, how our Mentality shapes/modes our Behavior and the Societal/Environmental effects of our Mentality and Behavior. As stated, the forces within this Psychodrama are God (Righteousness) & Devil (Wickedness), and the Lessons simply express the interplay between these dynamic opposites and/or the psychological ‘Stages’ (geography & dimensions) where this Drama takes place. For example: Musa’s plight in the 2/1-14 tells you about the interplay between these conflicting forces on a ‘Stage’ called West Asia -as they now call it Europe. The 22/1-40 tells you about the interplay between these conflicting forces within Yacub’s ‘play’ at the age of 6, on a ‘Stage’ 20 miles outside of Mecca. KEEP IN MIND that these “Lessons” give you insight into the interplay between these conflicting forces WITHIN US in various ‘Stages’ of life! This is the deeper science to why we Re-cite our Lessons! -smile-

In saying all of this about 120, I can’t neglect to mention that it’s imperative that a person take the time to critically analyze the Psychology and Sociology of those who consolidated these Lessons and put them in book form; Master Fard & The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. For those who are within The NGE, it’s also important to critically analyze the Psychology and Sociology of The Father (and his Companions) who packaged these Lessons for the Youth! The fact that Master Fard was a Half-Original (AKA: Mixed) Immigrant, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a Freemason and The Father was in Harlem in the 1960’s are just a few basic examples of what must be taken into consideration when researching the Psychological/Sociological “context” of 120. The fact that The Lessons were compiled in the Lower Lakes Region during the Era of the Great Depression (the 1930’s) says something within itself about their socioeconomic construct and psychological “context”! Without analyzing the Psychological/Sociological Backdrop to 120, it’s impossible to learn the proper “context” in which this information was given and functions. 120 NEVER DID, DOESN’T AND NEVER WILL EXIST IN A VACUUM!

So to conclude Today’s Article, I just want to reiterate the importance of considering our own KOS Anthology. The path of Self Knowledge does not began with your Enlightener. Technically speaking, it never began -when looking at our essential self being the infinite Consciousness dwelling within our physical form. In a physical sense, we can technically say it began when we took our first breath! Although an Enlightener plays a very, very significant & critical role in helping us make sense out of our metaphysical/physical path, our path itself is an Anthology of experiences -both good & bad- that we bring to the table prior to us meeting our Enlightener and our Enlightener meeting us! This is no way meant to minimize my role or any God/Earth’s role as an Enlightener, it’s just meant to put our Position, as Enlighteners, in the proper context! We learn very early on in the (9/1-10) of our Student Enrollment that “we have no said birth record” and that we are “older than the Sun, Moon & Stars.” This Lesson does not say our said birth record is, “1934, 1964, 1969, when we met our Enlightener, when we finished 120, etc…) To consider our growth and development in such limited terms becomes a “rope to bind” (4/1-14) in our perception & sphere of consciousness! So YES, The Father and his Companions did a wonderful job in bringing The Lessons (120) to the streets, yet there are many others who’ve also done a wonderful job in helping mode and shape our consciousness into who and what we are, including ourselves! So give credit where credit is due, NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS. And while you’re supporting The KOS Anthology Book, make sure you continue to support your own personal KOS Anthology; the Koranic script you write through your experiences each and every day! -smile-



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