Monday, June 07, 2010

Community Service Announcement

Peace! Today I just wanted to take a moment to inform you about some Events coming up this week and to share a thought with you!

Great Awakening Listening Party and How to Hustle & Win Book Signing
Come out to support two of the most informative, resourceful, entertaining and enlightening Artists of their genre of talent! This Event will consist of a Listening Party for Enlightened MC ‘Kalik Scientific’ of the summer takeover Album “The Awakening” & Author of the upcoming Book “Embodiments of the 1st Impression” (due to be released this Autumn), and Book Signing for the Mastermind of Supreme Design Publishing and Author of the best-selling Manuals “How to Hustle & Win”, “Rap, Race & Revolution”, and Co-Author of “The Knowledge of Self Anthology” ‘Supreme Understanding’.

You don’t want to miss this Event and have an opportunity to meet these two young powerhouses in one location! It’s going to be packed with heads from all walks of life because their audio/literary motto is to uplift “all the human families of the Planet Earth” (2/1-14).

THIS SATURDAY!!! (June 12th, 2010)
Nicholas Variety
560 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY

You can contact these Artists here:
Kalik Scientific’s Music
Supreme Understanding’s Literature

Show and Prove
On the weekend of June 13th, 2010, we, The NGE (The Nation of Gods and Earths) will be holding our 39th Annual Scientific & Educational Show & Prove. The Show & Prove is a Youth Rally/Science & Education Fair celebrating the Scientific/Educational Accomplishments of our Youth, and the Legacy of The Father (The Founder of our Nation)! This Event represents the largest gathering of Gods Earths each year! The Time and Location of the Show & Prove will be 2pm – 8pm at the Harriet Tubman Center (Public School 154): 250 West 127th Street Harlem, New York 10027. ALL CHIDREN ARE FREE and there’s a $5.00 Admission for anyone over 16 years old. Dor more information and about The Show and Prove please go to: The Official NGE Website.

Truth or Square
Also on the weekend of June 13th, 2010, we, The NGE (The Nation of Gods and Earths) will be holding our 2nd Annual Truth or Square. The True or Square will also be celebrating our Youth, Family, and the Legacy of The Father! The Truth or Square will be held in Sudan (Dallas, Texas), and was created to accommodate our National Family on the West Coast who aren’t able to make it to Harlem, NY, and those of us who want to travel to the West Coast to visit our Family out there. For more information about The Truth or Square please go to: The NGE in Sudan (Truth or Square).

So for those of you who’ve been interested in connecting with someone in your Area/Region to learn about this Culture, this is the place where you’ll be able to meet someone! Both of these Events represent the largest, single, collective, gatherings of Gods/Earths on the East and West Coast. In addition to the Events, we’ll have various merchandise such as Clothing, Accessories, Art, Literature, Movies, Music, Food, etc.. that you’ll be able to get. So I encourage you to come out to these Events and celebrate the Youth!!

Thoughts about The Father
When I’m reflecting upon The Father, I often laugh to myself pondering what was it about him that had children coming in droves to hang around him! LOL He couldn’t have been corny because that’s the last thing children “willing” want to be around. When I was a child going to Church (Baptist), I was either drawing pictures of People, getting thumped in the back of the head for making noise, or sleep in the pew. The Father couldn’t have been boring like that! The Father was in his mid to late thirties when these Youth, who were just on the cusp of their teenage years or early teenagers, were hanging with him, going to cee him in Court, and riding buses/trains to go visit him when he was in the Hospitals. Regardless of the slanderous things said about him, and things he was accused of, his relationship with the children tells you a lot about what type of Man he had to be! We can say maaany things about him, b.u.t. we can’t say he didn’t directly/indirectly help thousands of Youth, from the 1960’s to 2010, become positive, productive Leaders/Members of Society; many of us are still here as a testimony! The Father had to have a tremendous amount of patience and a profound level of Understanding to be amongst the Youth. The way The Father behaved had to be exemplary; the children valued his advice because they strived to listen to him. If the Youth didn’t have respect for what The Father had to say, there wouldn’t be no me and any other Gods/Earths! Why? They wouldn’t have ceen value in passing it on the next generation. The fact that there are many of us doing positive work in our lives, with their family, and in the Community shows and proves this value! The only reason I am here to exemplify this Culture to the best of my ability is because what The Father stood for, and his Legacy, lives on through me.

There are many things to be learned from how The Father did/approached things. Aside from the many stories Elder Gods/Earths tell who were either around The Father or around those who were around The Father, there’s an audio recorded Interview of The Father that took place at the Otisville Training Institute for Boys on Nov. 15th, 1967. Although this Interview is a very significant piece of our Nation’s History, some Gods/Earths reference it like Sunni Muslims reference The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. I’ve ceen and heard Gods/Earths debating the total validity of something simply because The Father did or didn’t say it in the Interview! Although some things in that Interview are clear, concise, and applicable ideas for Today, there are many things in that Interview that were expressed with a socioeconomic backdrop of the 1960’s, and a specific vantage point of 1967. This is no different than listening to an Interview of Jim Brown and relating it to the NFL Today; some things are still applicable and some things aren’t. I personally approach this Interview by cross referencing what The Father was building about by researching the People, Places and Things of that Era. Although I’m sure many Gods/Earths approach it in the same respect, for those that haven’t taken this approach, a good place to start is probably right at home; ask the People in your Family who’re over 65 what it was like living in the 1960’s. You’ll learn a lot!!!

One thing The Father was noted for doing was telling the Youth, who had unresolved legal issues, to turn themselves into the Court so they can do their time and bring closure to these problems. This position taken by The Father shows that he didn’t advocate crime, glorify criminal behavior, or teach criminology to the Youth! He instructed them to be Righteous, Productive Members of Society by advocating that they go to School (get an Education), Work, and/or get a Trade. The Father was also active within his Community to the point where he was recognized and commended by NYC Mayor Lindsey. These stances The Father took, and many others, are fundamental to our Nation’s Core Values, and represent some of the key reasons for our Nation’s positive growth & development. This is very important to understand because there are many People who claim Citizenship or Affiliation with this Nation who display behavior that’s the complete opposite of these stances. So on the 13th of June we will be celebrating these and other unselfish stances The Father took in order to make his contribution to Civilization, and this Nation great!!!
