Sunday, November 21, 2010

Classes, Dianetics & Colored Girls

A.S.I.A. Civilization Classes
Back in the early 2000’s, I started holding Civilization Classes at the Public Library here in Atlantis twice a Month, and also Volunteered at a local Recreation Center doing After School Civilization Classes for the Youth every Wednesday. I did this consistently for about a year and half until I was able to establish the support and secure the funding/space necessary to operate my own Mentorship Program: ‘L.I.F.E. Afterschool Program’. Since then, and with the addition of various other Offline/Online Projects and Programs I’ve created, I haven’t organized Civilization Classes in my City since that time.

Through a series of FB Notes I was tagged in by CB’S Alife Allah dealing with the importance and functions of Civilization Classes, I reflected upon some of the recent changes I’ve made in my Schedule, and saw the perfect opportunity to once again reorganize these Classes in my Local Region. A.S.I.A. Civilization Classes began in October, are held twice a Month, and here is the PURPOSE and GOALS:

To promote Personal/Collective Growth & Development and Responsibility through, but not limited to: Group Study Sessions, Workshops, Presentations, Field Research, Volunteering, Entrepreneurialism, and Guest Speakers.

1. To provide a Local/Regional Meeting Space and Learning Environment for Gods/Earths and Original People who are striving to gain ‘Knowledge of Self’. To educate People about our Nation and What We Teach.

2. To offer 120 Classes for Gods/Earths who already have or are currently learning our 8-Point Cultural Curriculum; Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabet, Student Enrollment (1-10), 1-14, 1-36, 1-40, Actual Facts, Solar Facts, *12 Jewels

3. To Network with Local/Regional Organizations and Businesses that implement/fund Programs to combat Family Dysfunction, Juvenile Delinquency, and Community Deterioration.

If you’re interested in seriously Participating, please email me at: for Dates, Times, and Location(s).

The NOI & Scientology (Allah in the person of L. Ron Hubbard)
I wrote about The Nation of Islam (The NOI -under the Leadership of Min. Farrakhan) changing it’s orientation a while ago. So the fact that Min. Farrakhan is now steering his Believers in the direction of learning ‘Dianetics’ via The Church of Scientology, doesn’t surprise me. Hey I’ve studied it myself, as I have/do various Worldviews, so I do cee the value in that! What I still don’t agree with is The NOI’s “straying away” (7/1-14) from their Traditional Foundation: “The Teachings” (The Supreme Wisdom Lessons). Now correct me if I’m wrong b.u.t., I don’t think there’s anything more important or sacred for an NOI Believer than studying, learning, and being committed to the actual Words/Teachings of ‘Allah’ in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and ‘The Messenger’ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I also don’t thing there is anything more important or sacred than studying, learning, and being committed to The Bible if you’re a Christian, The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures if you're a Jehovah Witness, the Old Testament if you’re Hebrew, the Koran if you’re Muslim, and etc… So to cee such excitement going on amongst The NOI because they’re now studying under L. Ron Hubbard, while 'The Supreme Wisdom Lessons' remain a relic of the past, collecting dust in a Temple basement, is really a tragedy. Like I said, I’ve studied ‘Dianetics’ and Scientology and cee value in the information yet it's “nothing in comparison to that of the Original Man.” (32/1-40) I personally think it would be much more beneficial for Min. Farrakhan to establish MANDATORY ‘Supreme Wisdom’ Study Classes for his Believers. I’d definitely be willing to attend and add on, as I’m sure many other Gods/Earths would!

Now, I posted on my Facebook Status about researching the relationship L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology Founder) had to Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley. For those of you who keep up with this Journal, I briefly wrote about the importance of studying Aleister Crowley approximately 4 years ago on Nov. 21st, 2006: LINK HERE. As I also stated in my Facebook Status, I don’t expect NOI Believers to disobey Min. Farrakhan’s orders to not study ‘Dianetics’, b.u.t. I did encourage them to do some more research while they’re there. Doing this research is very important if they want to really get a broader perspective.

Ultimately, I think this new Direction taken by The NOI (under the Leadership of Min. Farrakhan) is taking his Followers further and further away from “The Teachings” of ‘Allah’ in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and ‘The Messenger’ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And I base this statement on the fact that “The Supreme Wisdom Lessons” still remains a National Non-Priority in The NOI across the board.

For Colored Girls
"It's like creating a world that's women-centered, so aberrant male forms really look aberrant." -Ztozake Shange 1986 in speaking about her Stage Play “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf

As a Black Man, here's four important things to consider before passing up an excellent opportunity to learn something: 1.) Most Black Women who've ceen this Film can identify with the Character Profiles and Experiences of the Women in this Movie, some more than others. 2.) Most of their experiences happen(ed) 'behind closed doors'. 3.) None of these experiences were openly discussed with Males, especiallythe Males in their lives. 4.) This Film is 'Female-Centered' which means it's a rare opportunity to cee ourselves as Males/Men as an extra. Most Films are 'Malecentic' and it's definately a benefit to be a fly on the wall to cee/hear what some Women really think about, deep down inside, yet would never share with us in a "trillion years" (10/1-40).

For Colored Girls was very educational and intricate. I personally think People need to watch it at least a couple times. Not because you won’t get it, b.u.t. because it’s so many layers to it, complexities of Characters, and situation dynamics, I think it’s hard to appreciate it viewing it once. This was not a Movie, it’s a Social Study, and as far as “craftsmanship” is concerned, I think that this is by far Tyler Perry’s best Movie.

For those who aren’t aware of The Original 1975 Stage Play which was later made into a Movie in 1982, it was originally Titled “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf”. The “When the Rainbow Is Enuf” alludes to the gender politics of the Play’s Creator ‘Ztozake Shange’, who is a self proclaimed Black Feminist. Tyler Perry did an excellent job at translating the themes of this Original 1975 Stage Play to the Big Screen. Although the “…Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf” was dropped from the Title, the poetic backdrop and gender politics were still accurately conveyed in Tyler Perry’s Movie. The only drawback from For Colored Girls is the fact that I can cee many Original Women walking away from the Theatre feeling empowered and more conscious of the importance of Sisterhood, while still maintaining a negative opinion of Males/Men; “Gurrrrl we gotta stick together cuz these, niggas, ain’t, shit!” Although Sisterhood was a major theme of For Colored Girls, the real work of reconciling Relationships between Black Men/Women and forging functional Family Units was a theme not specifically addressed or discussed. It left me wondering, “What’s next for ‘us’ (our Relationships)? Considering the gender politics of Ztozake Shange, the questionability of Tyler Perry’s sexual orientation, and the fact that this reconciliation was obviously excluded from the Movie also begs the question, “Is resolving the dysfunction between Black Male/Female Relationships even important?” To paraphrase a statement the God Life made on the Queen By All Means Blogtalk Radio Show, "The Relationship issues our Women are speaking about are legitimate issues, yet the proposed solution to these issues are not if it doesn't involve a reconciliation with their male counterparts." Some Women will argue the point that this Movie was For Colored Girls, and the more Women can share and support eachother in resolving their issues as Sisters, they’ll be more equipped to make better choices and forge better relationships with Men. I can cee the value in such a statement, and only hope that this is ultimately the determined idea of my Sisters AFTER the final credits roll. In order to consider and hold such a sacred position, a Woman must be capable of identifying with and looking past the multiple “Mister” Monstrosities that represented the general Character Profiles of the Males within this Movie -that are unfortunately a very real segment within our Communities! However, it is also very real that there are many Brothers who’re loving Fathers, Partners, Providers, Protectors, and everything else a Righteous Man should be.

One of the most important things People must realize when approaching and assessing any of these types of Movies that show the dysfunction/trauma going on with Original People in America is: The Institution of Slavery set the stage for most of these issues. Not only did the Institution of Slavery set the stage, b.u.t. it’s unaddressed trans-generational effects and further oppression/disenfranchisement of Black People further exacerbated these issues. So ultimately, we must never loose sight of the fact that we’re watching Victims victimizing themselves and eachother. This does not nullify taking responsibility for this dysfunction or uncivilized behavior, b.u.t. this lets us know that there’s much more than meets the eye. If we plan on seriously solving these issues as Adults, we need to know the full dimensions of our problems as a People, as a Family, as Companions, and as an Individual.



  1. Peace God.

    Whoa! I too am pretty shocked at that news about the direction you described the NOI (under Farrakhan) is heading. Can you please provide any additional links or information regarding this?

    Down south in GA and FLA where I reside when I do run into a brother in the Nation, he/she have known and were studying the Supreme Wisdom albeit it seems likes its an optional thing to do, but those whom I've had the chance to build with were still studying, memorizing and reciting them none the less. BUT these were older brothers so they may have just had a better foundation then the new crop of converts, believers, etc.

    Thanks and Peace G.

  2. Thank you for posting this, it was quite helpful and told a lot
