Monday, November 26, 2012

Albert Pike 33 Degree
“One of the most influential American Freemasons”

Pike Dreams

This Article is not an Albert Pike Expose, nor is it a trip down Illuminati Lane. This Article is about the difference between advocating Social Justice vs Social Status and knowing how to properly recognize the difference. I use Albert Pike as a model to illustrate this because his varied background provides a great social study for us to recognize these differences. The reasoning is to get us, especially Black/Brown people, to learn to think more critically about the Sociopolitical platform of Societies, Organizations, Fraternities, Clubs, Businesses and Institutions before we join or become affiliated with them.

To give you a basic backdrop of the social and political factors that played a significant role on in Albert Pike's life:
  • He settled in Little Rock Arkansas in the early 1830’s becoming a Teacher and Writer for the Arkansas Advocate Newspaper.
  • He became the owner of the Advocate in 1835 and used it as a vehicle to promote views of the Whig Party that he was affiliated with. The Whig Party comes from the Scottish Word 'whiggamore' and were known as American Patriots, anti-Democratic and took many of the stances that would be considered ‘far-right’ today. The Whigs were succeeded by the Republican Party.  
  • He passed the Arkansas Bar in 1837 and became the first reporter of the Arkansas Supreme Court writing notes on points in court decisions, publishing and indexing the court’s opinions. In 1842, he published the Arkansas Form Book, providing Lawyers with models for the different kinds of motions to be filed in the state’s courts.
  •    He left the Whig Party because of their failure to take a unified pro-slavery stance. Pike then joined the Know Nothing Party. The Know Nothing Party’s platform was xenophobic (fear or dislike of foreigners/outsiders), anti-Catholic, against immigration/naturalization and often violent. This Party was considered semi-secret because members were instructed to reply, “I know nothing” If asked about the Party’s activities. To join the Know Nothings you had to be a Protestant Male born of British ancestry.
  •   In 1850 Pike became a Master Mason (Blue Lodge) at Western Star Lodge No. 2 in Little Rock, Arkansas. He received his York Rite (Red Lodge) Degrees between 1850-1853. He received his Scottish Rite (Green Lodge) Degrees in Charleston SC in 1853 from Albert G. Mackey. Pike received the 33rd Degree on April 25, 1857 and was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859 and held that office for 32 years until his death. *Note the Red Lodge (York Rite) is a religious orientated wing of the Masonic Body and the Green Lodge (Scottish Rite) is a military orientated wing of the Masonic Body.
  •  Pike was pro-slavery and a Confederate General during the Civil War from 1861-1862. He supported Succession from the Union and published a pamphlet in 1861 on that position titled State or Province, Bond or Free? In regards to acceptance of Blacks as Masonic Brothers, Pike was quoted as saying in a 1875 letter to his brother, “took my obligation to White men, not to Negroes. When I have to accept Negroes as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall leave it.” (History and Evolution of Freemasonry 1954, page 329).
  • Pike was said to be an active member of the Arkansas Branch of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK); a Movement founded in 1865 in Pulaski, TN by six Confederate Army Veterans. There are no public records of his involvement with the KKK. However, the book ‘Ku Klux Klan’, written by Walter Fleming (1905) states that Pike was the Chief Judicial Officer of the Klan. Also, the ‘Authentic History Ku Klux Klan, 1865-77’, written by Susan Lawrence Davis (1924) cites Pike as the Grand Dragon of the Klan for the state of Arkansas and Chief Judicial Officer appointed by Klan founder, Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest.  
  •  From 1867-1868, Pike worked in Memphis, TN (about 4 hours away from Pulaski, TN) as editor of the Memphis Daily. He also established a new Law Partnership with Confederate General Charles W. Adams. In 1868 Pike wrote in the Tennessee Daily Appeal, “With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the administration of justice becomes a blasphemous mockery. A Loyal League of negroes can cause any white man to be arrested, and can prove any charges it chooses to have made against him. The disenfranchised people of the South can find no protection for property, liberty or life, except in secret association. We would unite every white man in the South, who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a few should execute the concentrated will of all, and whose very existence should be concealed from all but its members."
  •  The Shriners, of which Pike was not a recorded Member, is a Masonic Body (founded in 1870) is not recognized as an appellant Masonic Body in the State of Arkansas. Reference: Article Prior to 2000, in order to join the Shriners a person had to complete either the Scottish Rite and York Rite degrees of Masonry. Nowadays any Master Mason can join and they’ve streamlined Shrine Membership. William J. Simmons, founder of the 2nd Klu Klux Klan and Imperial Wizard was a Freemason and publisher of the KKK ritual handbook called the 'Kloran'.
  • In 1871, Pike published the 900 + page Masonic handbook known as Morals and Dogma of the Ancient andAccepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Although Pike published other Masonic Works, Morals and Dogma is solidified Pike as the Philosophical Father of American Freemasonry to this day this book is traditionally given to many new Initiates of a Masonic Lodge.
  •  By 1888, there were 7,210 Shriners in 48 Shrine Temples in the United States and Canada. Although the Shriners are said to not be connected to Islam and the Order originated from the imagination of Freemasons Physician Walter M. Fleming and Actor William J. Florence, in the "Former" History of the Imperial Council of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine it states that "the Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine was instituted by the Caliph Ali in 656 AD" (Page 36-40). Reference: History
  •  Pike is still the only Confederate General to have an outdoor statue displayed in Washington, D.C. and the Statue is at Judiciary Square.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, do these images/symbols associated with Albert Pike's legacy make sociopolitical sense?

Original Ku Klux Klan Costume (notice the star and crescent)

Original Ku Klux Klan Costume (notice the star and crescent)

Ritual Book written by KKK Gand Wizard/Freemason William J. Simmons (notice word 'Kloran' is a play on the Islamic word Koran/Quran

KKK Language (notice word 'Klaliff' is a play on the Islamic word Khalif/Caliph)

Image of a Shriner (notice the word Islam, star and crescent)

Shriner Patch (notice the Freemasonic square and compass where the star usually goes)
Racoons, known for being "tricksters", were the early symbol of the Whig Party.
The racoon also symbolize being "frontiersman" (pioneering colonialists)
Know Nothing Party Flag (Native Americans referred to "Native-born White Citizens")

Confederate Flag (symbol for the South who were pro-slavery)

Confederate Flag/Masonic Decal (Pike was a Confederate Army General and 33 Degree Freemason)
Symbol of the Scottish Rite. Latin for "My Hope is in God". The two-headed eagle symbolizes
guarding it's agenda in the East and West. Pike was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme
Council for 32 years. 

 The Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction's Supreme Council Headquarters in Washington DC

Scottish Rite Temple dedicated to Pike on the US National Historic Registry

Albert Pike Memorial in Washington DC

Contrary to what many people would like us to believe about Albert Pike, he was far from double-headed and his affiliations/views were consistent throughtout his lifetime. Now, upon closer examination of Albert Pike's colorful legacy and affiliations what does this tell you about his Sociopolitical Worldview? Can you say that the allegiances he forged and partnerships he formed were for Social Justice or a Social Status (Quo)? More importantly, are the allegiances we forge and partnerships we form for Social Justice or a Social Status (Quo)?

"When you look at an Organization with so many Members at the top of the Socioeconomic Food Chain, in so many Industries, do you NOT THINK they'll do whatever is necessary to put mechanisms in place to protect their group interests, it's members and maintain their Status Quo?" -Life

I received an anonymous email the other day from a 'Jane Doe' who asked me, "Can Gods and Earths become Freemasons?" My response to her, if it was a her, was that people can choose to do whatever they want yet the question is what is their reasoning for those decisions and are they Right & Exact? If a God/Earth is truly invested and committed to our common cause and recognizes that 'God' or 'Earth' is the apex of their identity, there is no need to 'become' anything else. I'm not saying that we shouldn't forge alliances with others. It's important for others to add-on with us and to share a common cause as long as it doesn't fundamentally compromise what we teach or what we will achieve as a Nation. Unfortunately, there are alot of Gate Keepers; people and groups that are only interested in maintaining and upholding the Status Quo, not true Social Justice. So for us to claim a sense of Social Justice and simultaneously join or affiliate ourselves people and Societies, Organizations, Fraternities, Clubs, Businesses and Institutions that are maintainers of the Status Quo it neutralizes us from bringing about any effective change. Especially when they're 'Special Interest Groups' we as Black/Brown people didn't have a voice in founding or don't have a voice in modifying their Mission Statement.  Albert Pike was a man of many faces. Yet when you look at his affiliations and the social and political factors that played a significant role in his life, you'll cee what his Determined Idea was. Obviously all of these Political Parties, Societies and Good Ole Boy Networks provided common, consistent resources for him. If not, he couldn't have used them, he wouldn't have been involved in them nor would there be any traces of his affiliation. Among other things, this Article shows you that being a White Protestant, Freemason, Shriner, Confederate, Anti-Immigrationist Klansman is not contradictory and there's obviously a place in all of these White Special Interests Groups for someone who has these views to flourish and prosper... This Article also shows that there are built in mechanisms in place that will undermine, neutralize and dismantle any progress towards true Social Justice because that was never the objective of some of these White Special Interests Groups from the beginning. I say "some" because Freemasonry (and Shriners) was established for the purpose of raising upright men (and women who belong to masonic bodies). Yet like one 33 Degree White Mason/Shriner once told me directly, "In the 32 years I've been a Mason there is only one flaw that I've found. It's made up of human beings and you can never say what you'll do in a given situation!" So after all this conversation about Freemasonry making good men better and how the working tools help build a perfected man he not only tells me how human "they" are and how "they" will fall short b.u.t. how they ultimately accept these falls/flaws as a part of who "they" are. (9,10/1-14) That sounds like "Hug Your Imperfections", "Proceed With Caution" or worst yet "Enter At Your Own Risk" to me; not very encouraging when it comes to a trustworthy relationship where you can depend on someone to do the right thing when situations get rough. As Gods/Earths we strive for perfection and don't settle for mediocracy, especially when it comes down to doing the right thing. Culturally speaking, that weak posture and attitude contradicts (destroys) what's Divine. Our stance is "we are just and true and there is no unrighteousness in us" because we are committed to "show forth our power that we are allwise and righteous... WITHOUT FALLING VICTIM TO the devils civilization" (37,38/1-40). So regardless how rough situations get, we're determined to seek the right way and trick-knowledge, devilishment, stealing, telling lies or mastering others is never an acceptable option (4/1-14). I've ceen and heard people make the argument that, "they had to do what they had to do" or "the ends justify the means" when in reality they're simply confirming that they don't really recognize righteousness as the ultimate standard to adhere to "regardless to whom or what" (11/1-14). In otherwords, they're still NOT CONVINCED that righteousness is infallible (unfailing) and that there's always a right way to act or respond in any given situation. That is a tragedy for them and will be tragic for anyone around them whenever these people feel like situations are getting too rough...

In closing, I ask all of us, regardless if we call ourselves Gods/Earths, Moors, Hebrews, Muslims, Kemetians, Nuuwabians or etc., are we truly seeking Social Justice or a Social Status? Are we like the double-headed eagle of the Scottish Rite; claiming we're about Social Justice (revealing the truth to all who seek it) yet simultaneously upholding the Status Quo (concealing the truth from the uninitiated)? Many of the special interest groups many of you are intrigued about joining don't even offer you the benefit of full disclosure and transparency about what you'd be committing your life/finances to upfront! For you to even be interested in that means that you either have done or can cee yourself doing the same thing; there's an affinity for the 10%. Committing yourself to something under these clandestine circumstances is like agreeing to marry somebody you don't really know and who's not allowed to tell you much about themselves  until you say "I do!" Regardless of how great they say they are, the benefits you'll get from the relationship and etc., the very foundation is untrustworthy and unequal. You have no way of judging whether that's true or not and you're completely vulnerable (open) to what they need to get from you. In otherwords, there is nothing restricting you from sharing everything about yourself with them yet they're restricted from sharing everything equally with you. It reminds me of those who 'petition' to join a Lodge or go 'on-line' for Fraternities/Sororities; there's a thorough investigation done on you yet you have limited resources to actually investigate it's members or the Group you want to join... Then if they do decide to let you in, you're required to uphold the same standard. If anything, it says alot about a person's self esteem and social ambitions to put themselves in that position to begin with. Nobody who's truly concerned about Social Injustice would put themselves in such an unjust position.

So for those of you who're truly about real Social Justice, be mindful of joining or affiliating yourselves with anything that serves the purpose of neutralizing your efforts. If you've already made decisions like this and now you cee those Societies, Organizations, Fraternities, Clubs, Businesses and Institutions undermine your ability to work towards Social Justice then you have a serious choice to make! And when I say undermine your ability to work towards Social Justice, it can be anything from paying dues to them that could otherwise go towards something else or even actively attending their Events that create conflicts in your schedule for participating in our Events. Some of you will dismiss this Article by simply saying you only joined or are affiliating yourselves with certain Societies, Organizations, Fraternities, Clubs, Businesses and Institutions to preserve the best part for yourselves and add-on to your foundation. What you really mean is you're trying to climb the social ladder, seek upward mobility or get a piece of the American Pie. My questions to you are Who's ladder? Up to where? Who's pie? Others will even go as far as to say that some Special Interest Groups (Societies, Organizations, Fraternities, Clubs, Businesses and Institutions) aren't keepers of the Status Quo. I've heard Prince Hall Freemasons claim that they're independent from England and American Grand Lodges so they're not keepers of the Status Quo yet when I ask them, "Who gave them permission (their Charter/Quo), Where is this Charter kept in a vault, Where is the Cornerstone of their Original Lodge said to be kept and does all of this reflect true self determination and autonomy for us as a people?" they don't have any answers. Well I'll leave all of you with this thought: If your involvement and participation in something is clearly keeping you apart from "our own social equality", then that ultimately reveals where your allegiance lies. And to believe otherwise is nothing but a Pike Dream. (8/1-14) For those of you who already know what's up, I appreciate the work you're doing to continually advocate true Social Justice. The Father (Allah) and other Men and Women who demonstrated this unwavered integrity couldn't be bought or sold! And it was because of this commitment to our common cause that we are here today.



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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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