Monday, December 16, 2013

Jung Money Cash Money Billionaires 

When it comes to being “Conscious” and ultimately “Consciousness”, one thing I’ve begun to realize is that many of the ideas we have are set upon Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung foundations. Much of our language, analysis, and descriptions of the phenomenon called Consciousness, are directly from the books of these 19th Century theorists. Even much of our pedagogy, or method we use to teach about Consciousness, is based solely upon Freudian and Jungian Psychology. The error in this is not because they’re cited. Some of what they taught I agree with. The error lies in the fact that although first world people have been successfully analyzing, articulating, and defining Consciousness for thousands of years before both of these men existed, some of us have not taken the initiative to investigate these classical perspectives before drawing a conclusion on what Consciousness is, isn’t, or even if the word itself is accurate enough to use in order to define this phenomenon.

How we view Consciousness sets the stage for our Cosmology; our creation story and how we perceive the universe came to exist. This is the basis of our Ontology; our sense of beingness, or what it means to be/exist in this universe. Our Ontology paves the way for our Epistemology, how we come to know things, and our Axiology, how we establish our value system. Yet central to all of this ‘ology’, is our fundamental idea of a/the Creator, our relationship to that Creator, and our relationship to the Earth. If we view Consciousness as our brain, this perspective plays a key role in influencing how we process our life experiences. If we view Consciousness as having a Subconscious and equate this with gender (male and/or female), this will likewise influence our values, and how we interact with others. If we view Consciousness as having several different levels, this will likewise influence how we attend this world. How we think influences our way of life.

Carl Jung’s definition of Consciousness is “bringing parts of the collective unconscious into ego awareness. Becoming more aware of the workings of the psyche and the meaning of individuation.” The collective unconscious, according to Jung, is “the realm of the archetypes including the Self. Ancestral memories and religious instinct reside here as well.” In layman’s terms, Jung viewed Consciousness as a process of becoming more aware of the total conscious mind -which consists of discriminating its individual parts. These parts of the conscious mind, according to Jung, are archetypes (inborn pre-formed structures), ideas, memories, instincts, and the Self (guiding center of the psyche or God-image).

You probably have to re-read the above paragraph a couple times if you didn't get it. I wasn't getting it the first time I studied Jung either because it's just plan complicated. Well the key points to keep in mind about Jung's theory are:

1.)  Consciousness is not a state, but a process.
2.) That process is a method to discriminate components of the conscious mind in order to develop as an individual.

Now that you know this, you can see where many people get some of their ideas about components of the conscious mind (i.e. Unconscious, Subconscious, Super Conscious, Magnetic Conscious, and etc.) from, and their quest for individualism (discrimination). It's textbook Jung -with very few, if any, references to first world people's perspective on Consciousness. Again, my concern is not with referencing Jung, it's with using Jung as the authoritarian on Consciousness. Lets take a moment to analyze a few of his quotes to give you a better idea of what I mean.

"There is no coming to consciousness without pain."
     Really? So those of us who buy this believe that unless it's painful, it's not an individual growth and development process. Sounds alittle masochistic to me.

"Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious."
     Here is one of the biggest departures from how first world people generally define Consciousness in comparison to what Jung suggests here. Since the times of Ancient Khemet/Kemet (Egypt) this is what we've taught: ALL is consciousness; undifferentiated matter energy with no variation, vector, or distinction. The term Subconscious or Unconscious is really a misnomer because ESSENTIALLY there is no below (sub), above, or around the ALL. Subconscious is a phrase that only applies in the context of the physical realm, where duality, and the denseness of Consciousness exists. Consciousness, as an essential state, is all encompassing; omnipresent and omniscient. Our physical vehicle, as a three dimensional conduit and lens of Consciousness, only "perceives" and interprets Consciousness as various streams. So ultimately, what people call Subconscious, Unconscious, Super Conscious, Magnetic Conscious, or etc. is actually just ALL Consciousness. Our physical form, as well as time and space, are filters (conduits) of Consciousness. The same way there is relative truth to the denseness and dimensions of the objects around us, in essence, they're ALL one materially (atomically). Consciousness is the same way essentially.

In regards to the term Unconscious the only state that could be considered a dynamic opposite of Consciousness is 'Nothingness' (No-thingness). The negative prefix "un" meaning 'not', as in Unconscious (not Conscious), cannot be the source of, or proceed, Consciousness. Essentially, the only state that is 'not' Consciousness is Nothingness (No-thingness). Since the creation of this universe, everything that was, is, and will be is an aspect of the ALL -there is no undoing that. Regardless what we choose to believe, there is no 366 degrees, or something outside of the ALL (360 degrees). The ALL was first symbolized as a black dot: "O", a cipher/circle. That glyph/concept of completion represents no-thingness, and everything, simultaneously. A cipher/circle is 360 degrees. 3+6+0 = 9, and everything that was, is, and will be goes through a gestation phase,  from no-thingness (O) to something (O), in order to be born complete. That phase is no different than the 9 month process it takes to birth a child. This is also the reasoning behind the glyph/concept "9" being shaped like a spiral, shown to wind around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from that point. Therefore, "9" is shaped like a coil circling around that point (black dot; O), or demonstrates the phase from no-thingness (O) to something (O).

Can you see the number "9" within this circular (O) coil?

Again, the error arises when people only critique Consciousness from the vantage point (lens) of their physical form. So because the body serves as a liaison between the intangible (Consciousness) and the tangible (Material World), people only perceive what they call Unconscious (not Conscious). So I would argue that man's task is not about becoming conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. Our task is to first realize that Consciousness, as an ALL encompassing state, has no below (sub), above, around, or "upward from" it. And everything that our physical form experiences in this material dimension, within these perimeters of time and space, is Consciousness -the ALL- being filtered.
     Now what does this have to do with money? How we view Consciousness directs how we ultimately live, and how we live includes our basic spending habits. Money is what it is and does not equate to an economy. An Economy is the systematic, organized utilization of shared resources that can include money, yet money isn't necessary to have a well functioning Economy. As a matter of fact, Economies have functioned, and still function in some societies, where money didn't/doesn't exist. So the true basis of any Economy is how we relate to each other. It's about relating in a systematic, organized way to share resources in order to sustain each other. This means the people who are working to establish, and maintain, an Economy must share a Collective Consciousness, that Collective Consciousness can be distilled into one practical word: Culture.
     Culture is the sum total of all of our people activities, and these activities are based upon the principles we adhere to, and values we carry. Our Culture is our diet, how we define gender roles, our style of dress, our views on education, the way we rear children and define family units, and etc. Culture either reinforces or undermines the Collective Consciousness we need in order to establish an Economy. One of the main reasons a local Economy is generally absent within black/brown and poor white communities as a whole, across the United States, and in areas abroad, is because we lack a Collective Consciousness, based upon cultural cohesiveness. There are countless examples of people working as a group to empower themselves economically, and this is because they share a cultural basis. They have a common language, heritage, principles, similar experiences, and shared values. These people activities form the cohesiveness necessary to trust, depend upon, and work with one another to preserve, protect, and advance the group. Without this, there is no group reality, sense of community, unified families, or relationships breed division/dysfunction. While many of us are personally looking for money to change our circumstances, we're squandering our cultural capital that will transform our collective condition.
     One of the challenges with black/brown people is the fact that many of us live within societies as a subculture, where our point of view isn't primary, nor the consensus of the dominant society. What this means is that what we're taught about life, including Consciousness, is filtered through the lens of that dominant society. And that dominant society either reflects an American perspective that's only 237 years old, or it's primarily derived from Greco-Roman perspectives that don't exceed 2,650 years. Although there were many positive observations and contributions made during this segment of time, you'd be hard pressed to find them more in abundance then the observations and contributions that first world people shared over the last 200,000 years, When the World Was Black. We must not limit ourselves to 237 years, 2,650 years, or even 200,000 years of observations and contributions. We also must not limit ourselves to the theories, and language of 19th Century Psychologists when Consciousness was well thought out for thousands of years before them, in various geographic locations, by first world people.
     We think how we spend, and this thought process is the basis of our Economy. When we view Consciousness as our ancestors did, as ALL, than we relate to each other collectively -as various manifestations of the ALL. Therefore, we strive to identify with and be sensitive to the common language, heritage, similar experiences, and values we share as one people. As I stated, these people activities form the cohesiveness necessary to trust, depend upon, and work with each other. Wealth is not, and has never been, an individual accomplishment we're led to believe in (i.e. Oprah, Jay Z, Diddy, Tyler Perry, and etc.). It's collective work and responsibility. To believe otherwise only serves to enrich those who know they didn't get wealthy on their own. Oftentimes that wealth is old blood blue money, that's been passed down from family generations. So while we're steady trying to make it on our own, as a solo artist for example, we're being used for a tool, and also as a slave, to make money for family businesses, and corporations, we're not a part of. As far as Consciousness is concerned, YMCMB is really young money. The driving force behind it is really JMCMB: [Carl] Jung Money Cash Money Billionaires. At the end of the day, Carl Jung's ideas about "ego awareness" and "individuation" are some of the central themes that keep the dominant society's well oiled machine called Capitalism going -because many of us buy into it, in more ways than one.


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