Monday, August 11, 2014

"The Pookie Chronicles" available HERE
The Art Of Knowing
By Allah Universal Lord Life Justice Shabazz
It’s natural for man to have doubts.  It is the thing which makes wise men go on quests.  Doubt is the taming power of the great.  Without doubt, man will likely become arrogant and unreceptive to what life has to offer.  True indeed, all life comes to earth from the great sun and this makes it a singularity, but due to our education in Western society, we have tendencies which lean individuality.  Truly man is a social creature, for civilizations have their universities, man unites with women and makes babies which leads to families, and knowledge of what came before gets disseminated amongst the people, even if they think they are all different (7/1-14).
Doubts should produce uncertainties.  Uncertainties arise from not knowing.  Knowing is not believing, although many base their lives on faith in the unknown.  We who have Knowledge of Self are gently persuaded to consider otherwise.  In other words, those who know—know better than that. We are scientists, and scientists are devoted to knowing.  We have a way of proceeding to remove all doubt; in this world, some call it a Scientific Method.  A scientific method, are methods undertaken in order to form theories.  Theories are defined as a supposition or system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained: In other words, one does not go out to prove what he believes to be true, he bases his theories on general fundamental truths reasoned out of experiments or rules extracted out of general behavior.  For the scientist, belief manifests as an educated guess or hypothesis—made on the basis of limited evidence or feelings as a starting point for further investigation; but the key words here are further investigation.  For the scientist, all theories must be put to the test (to see what the results manifest): For how often do we hear the words SHOW AND PROVE?

Further investigations are proven through a chain of reasoning, leading to the truth.  Reasoning isn’t beliefs but knowledge established by a means of widely accepted truths called theorems.  This works within the scientific community; because the given premise is, they all are devoted to knowing.  In general civilization, this is not the case because there are forces of good and evil at work, amongst the society; preying on the unsuspecting millions (13/1-40).  The powers that be, in western society, continue daily to teach that all that one sees and hears comes from that mystery god (that no one will be able see before he dies).  “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try [trial/test] the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world”—1 John 4:1.

We who are wise need to distinguish between our lessons and the world we are living in: The lessons teach us the truth about the colored man and his Western society; we are only occupying a world in which Europeans created—called the New World; we call it, The Wild-erness of North America.  A scientist should always examine anything which comes into his or her sphere of awareness.  This is not a society that seeks to elevate the consciousness of its members like the Taoist, Buddhist or Five Percent: America is a capitalist society, whose primary goal is to capitalize off of people’s needs, desires and pursuit of happiness [17/1-40; 18/1-40]. The ungodly will not make this distinction between the society we are living in and the civilization they are living under.  They will read the papers, watch TV, go on Facebook and Twitter and take popular consensus as their basis of established means of widely accepted truths.  Donald Fagen says of this, “Don’t believe I’m taken in by stories I have heard, I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.”

Recognize family, it is our wariness which keeps us from falling a victim to the devil’s civilization; and our use of mathematics and lessons that helps us establish our theorems or widely accepted truths or knowledge.  Don’t let popular opinion or peer group pressure or conformity fool you.  We are original people, we are older than the sun, moon, and stars.  Our knowledge precedes all human form. Stick to what you know, not what you feel or believe.  Don’t let "nobody" fool you (25/1-36).
Allah Universal Lord Life Justice Shabazz

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