Thursday, June 28, 2018

Did Yacub Exist? In Search of Homo Capensis

   The first time we even heard about Yacub and his role in manufacturing the Devil was a book published by the Nation of Islam on February 20th, 1934 called the Supreme Wisdom Lessons. That book was only made available to registered members of the Nation of Islam and contained instructions to its laborers, a mathematical problem book and a series of lessons. Some of those lessons introduce Yacub and lay out who, what, when, where, why and how the Devil was manufactured. The primary book that was made available to the general public that summarized some of those lessons, and expounded upon Yacub’s narrative, was called Message to the Blackman in America. When the Message to the Blackman was published in 1965, Allah, the founder of the Five Percenters, had already founded the Five Percenters a year earlier on October 10th, 1964. Upon his departure from the Nation of Islam, Allah kept only the lessons from the Supreme Wisdom book and eventually developed an alphanumeric system of numbers and letters known as the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet that unlocked hidden meanings and connections within those lessons. Allah then began to share this cultural perspective with the youth in the streets of Harlem who were neglected by the religious, political and social organizations within his community. 

   My reasoning for giving a general background of the lessons, the departure of Allah, his establishing of the Five Percent and the eventual publishing of the Message to the Blackman was to give context. When the Five Percent were introduced to these lessons, especially those pertaining to Yacub, it was not within a religious context. One of the reasons behind Allah’s departure was what he was learning in the lessons were not being taught in the Temple. So he decided to leave the religion alone.

Patmos; an island situated on the Aegean Sea

   So let me give a brief overview of Yacub. Yacub was an original black man, a scientist, said to be born 20 miles outside of the city of Mecca in the year 8400 among 30% of a population who were considered dissatisfied. 70% were of the people were content with the societal conditions at that time. Known as the father of the Devil, Yacub was aware of his determined idea at the age of six. In fact, he communicated this idea to his uncle one day while playing with two pieces of steel. A brilliant child, Yacub finished all of the colleges and universities of his nation at the age of eighteen and because of his unusual sized head people often referred to him as the “big head scientist.” It was at this age that he started teaching among the dissatisfied within the streets of Mecca about Islam and making promises of luxury. As his followers began to grow the authorities became fearful of his influence and started persecuting and arresting them. This had the opposite effect and Yacub found himself the leader of 59,999 followers who began to overfill the jails. Upon arresting Yacub, the King visited him in his cell to negotiate an agreement to stop the civil disobedience. Yacub requested that the King give him twenty years of resources to start his own nation away from Mecca. The King agreed and rounded up all of Yacub’s followers to board ships that were destined for the island of Patmos [Pelon] situated 2,000 miles away on the Aegean Sea. Yacub examined all of his followers and those who were not healthy, strong and good breeders he sent them back. In the Message to the Blackman the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that those who were unfit were thrown overboard. Those who were considered not good in multiplying were married at the age of sixteen. When Yacub arrived on Patmos he as the King chose doctors, ministers, nurses and cremators as his top laborers. Next he gave these laborers laws of birth control; a system of eugenics to breed out the dominant black traits and keep the recessive brown traits. Yacub’s society had zero tolerance and advocated the death penalty. Anyone who was found guilty of breaking the law were killed. The Doctors were instructed to examine all those who desired to marry. In turn, through fake blood tests, he qualified or disqualified them to the Ministers who would only marry those that were unalike. Only brown skinned people were given privileges to marry and have a family. If the couple bore a child that was black the nurse would kill it by sticking a pin in its head or feeding it to some wild beast and then lie to its mother that her baby was taken to heaven. The cremators would burn the black babies whenever the nurses would bring them. According to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, after 200 years of this society’s brown skinned privilege, there were no more black people on the island of Patmos. After another 400 years all of the brown people were gone and there was an island of only people who were yellow and red. In this 600 year this became a society of blue eyed white people; Devils. Yacub was said to only live 150 years so he never saw his own creation. Sometime after the 600th year these white people journeyed to Mecca and turned the entire city upside down within 6 months of being there, causing the black and brown inhabitants to fight and kill one another. When the King realized what was going on he instructed his people to round up every white person that they could find and prepared to exile them. The people of Mecca took everything from them and made them walk every step of the way across the Arabian Desert to the Caucasus Mountains in West Asia as they now call it Europe. The journey was 2,220 miles and they would remain bound to these caves for 2,000 years until Musa was sent to teach them civilization.

   The above narrative is both directly communicated in our lessons and in the Message to the Blackman pages 110-127. Whether Yacub was a Doctor Moreau-like character who died on the island of Patmos in the year 8,550, there is no evidence to support that. I am also not aware of any archaeological dig on that island that has produced a Homo Capensis shaped skull from 6,000 years ago. This does not means that Yacub did not exist as an actual person. It means that if a person thinks that, it’s what they believe. White skinned people walking around today does not literally prove the validity of the above narrative or even the existence of a person named Yacub. What the narrative does communicate are proven conclusions in areas of psychology, sociology, genetics, group-think, axiology, geopolitics and other sciences of life that we see every day. Let me add-on…

   The story of Yacub is a narrative about the potential destruction that can be produced from a psychological state and social condition that is rooted in dissatisfaction. Left unchecked, that dissatisfaction can manifest the personification of evil. It is an example of how socioeconomic engineering [eugenics] and political science is oftentimes the outgrowth of a mindset that may have been cultivated in a person as a child. This is why psychoanalysts, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and any professional who is striving to assess our current state whether physically or mentally, starts with our childhood and family history. Yacub lived 20 miles outside of Mecca, away from 70% of the population; a demographic who were satisfied with their station in life. The only family members mentioned in Yacub’s life is an uncle, not even by name, during his formative years; at the age of 6. There is no mention of his family dynamics or early childhood development. In regards to brain development, 95% of the child’s brain is formed by the time they reach 6 years old. This is the reason a child’s head at that age is not proportionate to their body. The brain goes through a process known as “synaptic pruning” to eliminate synapses to help the brain run more efficiently. Ideas up to this point become determined and form the neurological blueprint of the child’s future development. This is why children enter Kindergarten [which is actually a “garden”] right before the age of 6 when the seeds of development are first rooted and cultivated. Our lessons tell us that Yacub made a declaration about his determined idea at the age of 6 while playing with two pieces of steel. In early childhood development children are encouraged to participate in ‘dramatic play’ because it promotes social emotional development. Yacub playing with steel, envisioning building a nation when he was older is dramatic play. It indicates that even in what would be consider to be “innocent play”, a deep determined idea is work.
   A synonym for Mecca is “magnet” which means a place that everyone wants to visit. Again, Yacub was born 20 miles away from this location among the dissatisfied who were without. The two pieces of steel he played with at the age of 6, one piece with magnetic and the other piece without, is a metaphor for how he viewed the 70% satisfied and the 30% dissatisfied; the haves [with] and the havenots [without]. Like with many of us who have grown up in similar conditions, low/vacant esteem became the seedlings of an inferiority complex that encouraged us, like Yacub, to overcompensate for what we didn’t have. Some of us chose sports, the creative arts or other things to overcompensate with. Some of us, like Yacub, chose academics. So at the age of 18 Yacub was said to have finished all of the colleges and universities of his nation. Another curious thing that was mentioned about Yacub is that he had an unusually large head. While this could imply that he was Macrocephalic or that he suffered from a condition known as Hydrocerphalus which causes the head to enlarge due to spinal fluid around the brain, there is no evidence of this. The fact that he finished all of the colleges and universities of his nation and was known as THE, not “a”, big head scientist does imply something about his personality when you do a psychological profile. What it would indicate, according to a DSM, is Narcissistic Personality Disorder [NPD]; an inflated sense of self importance, delusions of grandeur, lack of empathy, manipulative and demanding. His narrative is an almost textbook diagnosis of NPD and hints at other health conditions related to Megalomania.
   As Yacub started to gain followers in Mecca he also began to challenge the status quo. Growing up on the outside, Yacub developed a sense of disdain towards the 70% satisfied who looked just like him, yet didn’t recognize the concerns of the 30% who were dissatisfied. This disdain was Yacub’s self-hatred that echoed how he essentially felt about himself. Why? Because who he considered oppressors, 70% satisfied, looked just like him. This is no different than a young male growing up despising other males based upon his negative experience, or lack thereof, with other males. In some instances, males like this have such contemptment for or ingrained prejudice against other males, that they desire to be a female. Yacub, as a black man, had a determined idea to destroy the black population in order to make a nation to rule in their place.
   Yacub wasn’t a person in a laboratory pouring potions in beakers trying to make a new man. Yet the island of Patmos, because of its isolated, alienated controlled environment, geographically represents a laboratory. This being the name of the place where the Devil was manufactured, Yacub was the big [senior], head [lead] scientist. An island “is-land” surrounded by a body of water. The brain is an organ that is also surrounded by a physical body of water. Patmos is an external replication of how the brain actually functions. The same way in which Yacub’s determined idea was manufactured on the island of Patmos, thoughts are manufactured in the brain. His Patmos society was managed by laborers who governed the life cycle of human beings to insure that his undertakings were successful. According to Yacub’s society and like today, the medical, ministerial, nursing and death care [doctors, ministers, nurses and cremators/morticians] industries are present at the beginning, throughout and at the end of a human being’s entire life cycle. Our lessons state that these laborers followed his law and were bound to secrecy in the same way that these modern day professions require confidentiality and won’t disclose client information. The nurse's law of Yacub in particular is reflective of the racist program promoted by Eugenicist Margaret Sanger. According to Yacub’s narrative, after 600 years of ethnic cleansing, that society produced a white Devil; the personification and archetype of evil. Evil that's likened to the white supremacy/nationalism, colonialism and institutional racism that has turned the whole world upside down today.

   As this article is already lengthy so I won’t go into the history/symbolism behind the Devil going to Mecca, turning it upside down and then being exiled into the Caucasus Mountains until Musa came to teach them. I was inspired to share this article and some of these points, especially for those who believe that this entire narrative can be simply summarized by the physical appearance of white people. That is not only unscientific but it's completely absurd. Yacub by definition means to supplant, replace, override or trip up. This is what the name functionally means, regardless what we may call ourselves. Practically applying this narrative gives us the tools to self-assess if we are playing this role of a big headed scientist. It enables us to help teach and redirect the youth in our community; helping insure that dissatisfaction, lack of family structure, disenfranchisement, low/vacant esteem and a sense of inferiority does not become a breeding ground for future Devils. It empowers us with the ability to recognize how anti-social behavior, separation and disassociation is an Patmos-like island and that island could be a tell-tale sign of a laboratory of sickness or even suicide. Lastly, this narrative shows us that our lessons are not to be taken on face value... 


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