Wednesday, January 01, 2020

9 Ways To Born A Determined Idea

   Reflecting upon how positive and progressive 2019 has been for me and looking towards 2020, I wanted to take a moment to share some of my thoughts with all of you in regards to being successful in our undertakings. As a Nation we do not advocate Gregorian New Year Resolutions and strive to be resolute in all that we say and do. In part, this is what “word is bond, bond is life and I will give my life before my word shall fail” means in our 11th degree in the one-to-fourteen. This degree is not simply something to recite. It is a declaration of being resolute and it highlights the integrity, fortitude and consistency to follow through with our word. In fact, when our word is truly bond we will not be broke, or broken.

   I have accomplished much in 2019; from being my city’s prestigious 2019 Civil Rights Achievement Award Recipient, helping coordinate a Walk To Freedom Public Art Mural Project to releasing my seventeenth book Once Upon A Time In Amerikka and being featured in the soon to be released six-part international docuseries "Enslaved" that is Executive Produced and Hosted by Samuel L. Jackson. As one of our cultural ambassadors I take great pride in knowing that positive contributions such as this continue to expand the global footprint of our Nation. This means nothing if I am unable to show others how to also be successful in our undertakings. There are certain things that I have done, and continue to do without fail, that have allowed me to take my ideals from knowledge to born, from inception to conception. So in this article I would like to share these thoughts as 9 Ways To Born A Determined Idea:

1. Although it is your personal idea, our idea should be something that improves (progresses) you with the intent/consideration of making you a better resource to others and this world we share. Life is interdependent, we all play a role in how the world turns and there is a constant process of giving and receiving. This intent/consideration ensures that our idea is in tune with the universal order and is something that is sustainable -because we are actively providing a service (and/or products) that others, and the world, needs. If all we are thinking about is what we can get (keep), and not what we are able to consistently give, what we get (keep) will eventually run out. If you don't believe this, try it with your breath. Keep it to yourself and see how long it takes for your oxygen to run out... In short, we are not the 10%.

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