Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Where Are The Women And Children?

Sausage Partyan event or group in which the majority of participants are male.

     Sex Ratio is the proportion of males to females in a population. If the Sex Ratio were 8:1, this would mean that for every 8 males there is 1 female. While these Sex Ratios have not been formally examined among the Five Percent, when you look at our ciphers around the Nation, our Sex Ratios are grossly disproportionate and imbalanced. It does not matter what the occasion, Five Percenter males far outnumber the presence and participation of Five Percenter females. I've heard people give various reasons why this occurs. Regardless of those reasons I think we can all agree that the absence of women and children undermines our national growth and the growth of any nation. Without the Earth, seeds or soil, there is simply no life. These disproportionate Sex Ratios, combined with the low retention rate of women remaining citizens of our Five Percent Nation, is problematic and must be addressed. There is no silver bullet to address this, yet there are some things that we can do to help change this trajectory of our Nation. Here are a few ideas:

120 Degrees Are For Women Also
     Over the years of being a citizen of this Nation I've heard differing perspectives on if women in our Nation should know 120 Degrees. I've always been an advocate that she should know 120 along with Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet. Why shouldn't she? Some brothers have said that 120 Degrees are FOR MEN ONLY, which is one of the most asinine statements that I have ever heard. Some other brothers think that you should only teach a woman 120 Degrees because she is going to be your woman. Which is also asinine because I am not sure how dudes handle that situation when an underage girl outside of their family is striving to learn or a woman they're not interested in having a relationship with. One of the primary reasons that learning 120 Degrees is important, whether we are a male or female, is because it represents 6/8th's or 75% of our cultural curriculum:

1. Supreme Mathematics
2. Supreme Alphabet
3. 1-10 (Student Enrollment)
4. 1-14
5. 1-36
6 1-40
7. Actual Facts
8. Solar Facts

   When a person only knows the Supreme Mathematics they only have access to 1/8th or 12.5% of what they need to know about our culture. If they only know the Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet they only have access to 2/8th's or 25% of what they need to know about our culture. That is completely unacceptable. You cannot expect a person with 12.5% or 25% knowledge of our culture to have wisdom and understanding. 
     If a man is the only one that possesses 120 and something happens to that man, those Degrees will die with him also; as we have seen with some of our elders and the widows and children they left behind. It is obvious that these Degrees were that important for him to know and use in his daily life to the point of reciting them word for word. Why then are they not as important for a woman, especially upon his physical death? When a woman knows 120 Degrees her children also have direct access to them, regardless to whom or what. This is important to understand because the Woman is naturally the closest teacher of the child during their formative years.  This period of growth and development is the transition from a child's pre-verbal to verbal years and the manifestation of their mother tongue. As I mentioned in my article Semantic Enigma: How To Speak Five Percenter Language 101, learning our language that is comprised of 120 Degrees, Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet "promotes positive cognitive, social, emotional, language and literacy development. Make no mistake about it, a child [or any person] with access to a language that reinforces an identity of power and infinite potentiality has a profound effect on brain architecture and psychological orientation." Whatever a woman knows and understands will be what she will give her children. To deny her access to information, that we as a man deem important enough to live by, is criminal.
     How can a woman knowing 120 Degrees help change the Sex Ratio trajectory and low retention rate of women remaining citizens within our Nation? Women who know 120 Degrees will have an opportunity to be more invested, more empowered and have a greater sense of emplacement within our Nation. This will also serve the purpose of holding women to a higher cultural standard and both of us, men and women, to a fairer degree of accountability concerning our relationships, social norms and resources we provide for our families and communities.  When we are both in the know we have more potential to grow.

Encourage and Support Women Specific Events
     Some brothers are concerned that if women are encouraged or supported to create women specific projects, programs and initiatives that men will be left out. You obviously will be left out if you are not helping out. In all of the numerous projects, programs and initiatives I have organized or been involved in over the years, those Sex Ratios I spoke about earlier are flip flopped; men are in the extreme minority. If it is a guy thing then the guys come out, sometimes in droves. Yet if it is something concerning women and/or children I have never seen the same degree of equal participation. 
     I am not advocating that men abandon projects, programs and initiatives that are specific to our growth and development in order to support women. Naw, that would not be equality. I am saying that we should equally support what we are both doing for the growth and development of our families and communities. Those women who have seen me give all that I have and do all within my power to support them were/are more likely to support what I am doing. I also need to note that there are projects, programs and initiatives some women are advocating that do not have the family and community in mind nor are they working towards a sense of reconciliation or understanding with men. Some of these women are misandrists and I would not encourage men to support them, the same way that I encourage women not to support misogynists. None of them are about family and community; the propagative pillars of our Nation.

City Science, Social Science and the Role of Cultural Capital
City Science and Social Science is the knowledge of inhabited places, its people and their relationships. In considering where we live and how we function as a Nation, there are two unavoidable questions that we must answer for ourselves: 

1.) If what we can offer as a Nation in regards to food, clothing, shelter and other resources is not on par or greater than what the larger society is offering our women and children, why should we expect them to be fully committed to our Nation? 

2.) If we cannot offer women and children protection and security from being abused physically, emotionally, financially and etc., why should we expect them to be fully comfortable within our Nation? 

While these questions do not reflect the status quo within our Nation, they do exist in some places. And like MLK said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."
     Without these provisions and protections we are not dependable. When we are not dependable we are not trustworthy. And without trust, there is no way of building solid relationships that establish and maintain families and communities. This requires Cultural Capital; a network of relationships and resources rooted in shared customs, principles and values that mark our way of life. These relationships of reciprocity, trust and the cooperation among citizens of our Nation systematically advances our cultural interests. Cultural Capital is the practical link between City and Social Science. Talk is cheap and the only real value of our culture is its investment in our people and the places where we live. 

     As we continue to embark upon our personal and interpersonal journey of Knowledge of Self, keep in mind that we need each other. No one is better or more important than the other. Culturally speaking, both men and women within our Nation should have equal access and exposure to 120 Degrees, not just our Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet. When we have unequal access and exposure to this cultural map, and its terrain, it undermines our ability to read/interpret that map and navigate that terrain. Men are not the only ones qualified to teach 120 Degrees to others. When a woman has 120 Degrees she is held to a higher cultural standard and is qualified to teach other women and children. She is also qualified to build with a man who has 120 Degrees, or who is learning his Degrees, and can share her wisdom and understanding with him. Every female that a man teaches 120 Degrees is not automatically his woman. That is ridiculous! There are many young girls, some underage, who are striving to learn and it would be wrong, and in some cases outright criminal, to expect a companionship from them. Our goal is to teach and we should simply expect more teaching in return. 



  1. As a personification of Allah in the persons of th Blackman, we cannot escape the fact that man,woman and child(ren) are necessary family and families are necessary for nation; which is paramount for civilization. We cannot teach civilized behavior without a sense of humanity: This is the knowledge which makes us fathers of civilization. No one will not want to be a part of an operating system which does not ensure freedom, justice and equality. Equality in this case means to, "treat me as you want to be treated"--"give me my fair share in things" (justice)--and "enable me to have the same things that you enjoy." As the conductor of such things, this can't be done without man and women knowing the principles and law of this nation, which are extracted from our 8 part curriculum--otherwise her sense of things will come from the devil's civilization we were abducted into. We don't want that comparison, we want a knowledgeable woman of our stock to choose our free nation over continued enslavement; this can only be achieved by study and a sense that she is just as important in this world. Peace Life Justice

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