Sunday, May 30, 2021

From Student Enrollment to Solar Facts


     First and foremost I would like to say, "PEACE" to my brother Sincere Asiatic who knowledged 120 recently! I am very proud of the God and appreciate the time, effort and consistency he has shown to be successful in this undertaking. For those who have taken this sacred journey from Who is the Original Man to Pluto know that this is not an easy task. Once we have this knowledge we now have the potential to grasp its wisdom and understand how to apply these degrees in our every day life. That also is not an easy task. The knowledge of 120, wisdom of 120 and understanding of 120 equals 360 degrees or a complete cipher. That cipher or code, in addition to our Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet, is a vital part of codifying our Five Percent cultural worldview. Celebrating milestones, especially milestones like this, are an important part of measuring our growth and development. If we do not acknowledge where we have been and how far we have come, it is difficult to fully appreciate where we are and where we can go. 

     When we are learning Five Percent culture some of the principles and values that we are exposed to may be unknown or theoretical to us. Learning about the legacy of Allah, his community outreach and youth advocacy, some of us have never done any of this work before. It is an entirely new world to us. It is not uncommon to meet those who claim to be Five Percenters for years.., yet they have no history of community outreach and youth advocacy. It it also not uncommon to find Five Percenters in the heart of any community actively building with the youth.

     Today I want to take you through Today's Degree to give you a sense of how we build on our degrees. This is not THE ONLY WAY and only serves as an example of my self-styled wisdom. Meaning, this is my unique perspective and how I may practically apply this degree and its correlations to other degrees, our Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet.

   As Today's Mathematics correspond to the current date, Today's Degree is a degree or lesson within 120 that also corresponds to the date. If today were the 13th, Today's Mathematics would be Knowledge (1) Understanding (3) all drawn-up to or all being born to Culture (4). Today's Degree, Knowledge (1) Understanding (3), would also correspond to one of our 13th degrees within 120 as shown below:

13/1-14: "What is the meaning of C.A.P.T.A.I.N. and L.I.E.U.T.E.N.A.N.T.?"

13/1-36: "What is his ownself?" 

13/1-40:  "But brings rain, hail, snow and earthquakes?"

13/Actual Facts: "There are 790,613,581,824,000,000 square inches on the Planet Earth."

     So if another Five Percenter were to ask me, "How do you see Today's Degree?" I would reference one of the above degrees, recite the question and answer by heart and then share my understanding of the degree and how it applies to life. Suppose today is the 20th, here is an example of how I may build on Today's Degree:

     "Peace! Today's Degree in the 1-40 is, 'What are the prescribed laws of Islam for the said person of that ability? That the civilized is held responsible for the uncivilized and must be punished by the Nation of Islam.' In this degree we learn that for any said ability, meaning, even if we simply said that we had a certain ability, there are certain rules and regulations that govern that ability and expectations that come along with that ability. If I were to say that I was a plumber, there are certain rules and regulations that govern that profession and expectations that I am held accountable for. Imagine if I said that I were a mechanic and someone hired and paid me to perform a job that I didn't have the ability to complete. There are a variety of consequences, including legal, that are the result of me not being responsible for following through with what I said. The same applies to us when we call ourselves civilized, righteous, Fathers, Mothers, Gods, Earths and etc. when we don't live up to who we say that we are. Regardless if a person punishes us or not, life itself penalizes us for being irresponsible. This is one reason why it is important to not say we have an ability that we don't have. It is only a matter of time when we will be forced to show and prove it. It reminds me of my 6th grade students. When I introduce them to a new math concept I always stop to ask the class if they understand. There are always some students who nod their heads in agreement knowing good and well that they don't get the math. After calling them up to solve a problem on the board, I remind them to not say that they know something that they don't know. You will have to show and prove it and sometimes you might get put on the spot. More importantly, I remind all of them to not be afraid to say that they don't know something and to ask for help when they need it. You may think that you can fake it until you make it but you will eventually break it; whether that is a broken object, a broken promise or a broken relationship.

     When something is "prescribed" it is a recommendation that is considered beneficial. In regards to this wisdom cipher [20th] degree in the 1-40, responsibility for the uncivilized is what is recommended for those who are civilized. Why? Because those who are civilized possess knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture, refinement and are not savages in the pursuit of happiness. Thus we have the capacity to help temporarily guide those who are uncivilized. I say temporarily because the goal is for others to ultimately help themselves.  While we learn that we get punished for not following the recommendation of being responsible, the benefits of this prescription is not expressed. We learn, through experience, that the benefits of being civilized is our direct access to righteousness, knowledge of self, the science of everything in life, love, peace and happiness. 

    Again, this is the Wisdom Cipher [20th] degree. The importance of only speaking about an ability that we actually possess and being responsible for assisting those who are in need is wisdom [2] that helps solidify and sustain our cipher [0]. In fact, it is the exact same wisdom many of us have been taught in our family's cipher, community ciphers, academic ciphers or employment ciphers growing up. My parents always told my siblings and I about not writing a check with our mouth that our ass can't cash. As members of the Black Panther Party they also taught us about the responsibility of being civilized and teaching others. Peace!"

     Above was just a brief example of how I may build upon Today's Degree. If I were to cross reference other corresponding degrees and elaborate on the 2nd and 20th letter in the Supreme Alphabet, the above build would be even more extensive. It would be too lengthy to read, thus I share builds like that via FB LIVE or YouTube LIVE or on Atlantis Build Talk Radio. If you would like me to build on any degrees please email me your NAME, COUNTRY, STATE/PROVINCE, CITY and QUESTIONS to



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