Friday, October 22, 2021

Where is the next home of our Universal Parliament?

Universal Parliament, P.S. 154 Harriet Tubman elementary school 
November 28th, 1982]

     For over four decades P.S. 154 Harriet Tubman Elementary school has been the home of the Universal Parliament of our Nation of the Five Percent. Now it seems to be the end of an era, yet the beginning of a new opportunity. As I expressed in my article The Political Science of Five Percenter Parliaments:

"Parliament comes from the Old French "parlement" which means to speak. By definition, a Parliament is the legislative body of a government. The role of that body is to make and amend laws and hold the government accountable for its policies, actions and spending. In the context of the Five Percent, our Universal Parliament in Mecca [Harlem] was established for our nation's citizens to function as an informal legislative body and government. The Old French etymology for Parliament meaning to "speak" means "to build" [communicate/add-on] in the language of the Five Percent. Thus as Five Percenters we come together monthly at our Universal Parliament to build, introduce and amend policies, actions and spending related to our national headquarters in Mecca [Harlem, NY].

I go on to further explain that:

"Our Parliamentary Procedure, whether nationally in Mecca or among our international, regional and/or local legislative bodies of Five Percenters, is based upon our nation's principles and customs, namely the concept of social equality. Coming together for one common cause and being equal in everything insures that any present member of our nation, regardless of their age, gender or physical ability, has the right to build upon policies, actions and spending at our Parliament. If a decision needs to be made regarding a certain policy, action or spending, all input is gathered by the present members and a decision is made based upon majority rule [vote]. If a decision cannot be made, the issue is tabled until the next scheduled Parliament.

   The global pandemic surrounding COVID, the 2020 shutdown, social gathering/distancing restrictions and now vaccinations mandates has been a huge adjustment for all of us. Educational institutions had to pivot to online learning models that most were not prepared for. In the mid 2010s I taught a free online self-development course via the Periscope App and since then people contacted me about teaching another one. This was prior to the LIVE function being incorporated into the Facebook and Instagram Apps that people use today. It was through that demand for an online course and my desire to create something more comprehensive that I created seven Youth Outreach Development Courses in 2018. Pre-pandemic and during the initial shutdown from February to May 2020 I also co-taught an Online Class For Women via the Zoom App. Heck, prior to this podcast wave we currently see everyone with a voice riding, I had a Gabcast talk radio show in the early 2000s before Blogtalk Radio existed. Even with all of this forward-thinking making these digital learning opportunities available, I was still not fully prepared for the huge adjustment this pandemic has caused. Even though I received some criticism from Five Percenter colleagues in regards to teaching online, the majority of them had to reassess their stance. When the shutdown happened and people were not allowed to gather in public spaces, some of these colleagues adapted and started looking for online platforms to build/connect with one another through. Along with classes, some even began to hold online Parliaments, which I've had the opportunity to attend. 
    As the country began to open back up with some restrictions, and people have been allowed to gather, we [Five Percenters] recently learned that P.S. 154 Harriet Tubman is no longer available to us to hold our Universal Parliaments or any group. According to School Administration Staff whom I spoke to, the auditorium space is not available to the public due to COVID gathering restrictions and unclear vaccination status protocols. While we have been able to adjust during the Summer months by holding Parliaments outdoors, as we approach the Autumn and Winter months this will become problematic without an indoor gathering space. As I shared above, we have utilized Harriet Tubman for over four decades. How we handle this critical point in our nation's trajectory will shape the future of our nation. In my perspective, whenever there is an absence of something, that is my evidence of opportunity.

So what can we do about this?

      One of the obvious solutions is to simply find another location, which will not be around the corner from our Allah Youth Center. While challenging, this may also be a great opportunity to establish a collective presence in another community! Once we find another location we should be expected to rent that space which means we will need the money to secure and sustain it. This will require more than a few people pitching in to keep things going like we sometimes see with Five Percenter projects, programs and initiatives. Another solution is to continue our online Parliaments until the Spring or Harriet Tubman becomes available to the public again. Lastly there is a current initiative being promoted by Born Black and Divine Prince for 100 Gods to contribute $100.00 to purchase a $10,000 heat sustaining enclosed tent that is 30ft wide x 40ft long and 12ft high. That tent will be assembled and erected inside of the courtyard next to the Allah Youth Center and used for Universal Parliaments and other projects, programs and initiatives going forward. 
     Whatever decision will be made, if any at all, we will still be here as the Five Percent. However, whatever decision we make, if any at all, will affect our social norms and how we congregate moving forward. That can be a positive or it can be negative. We can build upon these challenges to grow or allow these challenges to destroy our tradition of Universal Parliaments. It is on us, as it has always been.



  1. Peace good stuff. I've striving to get access to Allah School In Medina to no avail. Nevertheless, I agree we can rent a space until the yard project is complete.
