Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Deportation of the Moon

Peace Yall! As some of you know, I’ve written a Mathemanual about relationships that I’m still refining, so when it comes to “relationships” there’s alot of things I don’t build about simply because it’ll be in the Mathemanual. Anyway, I do wanna share this info with ya’ll because it’s been heavy on my Third. First and foremost, for us -especially males- to get a wholistic view of Society it’s very, very important for us to understand that not only is it fundamentally Racist b.u.t. it’s fundamentally Sexist! As a matter of fact, this Society was Sexist before it was Racist and because of this Sexism, MEN AND WOMEN have been negatively influenced to view themselves and eachother in ways that are terribly distorted! Consequently, this distortion has set up power relations between Man and Woman that has never advocated one common cause or equality. Today I wanna focus on ‘The Deportation of the Moon’. I also wanna give shout out to my God Brother DRE Allah for recently puttin me -and many others- on to a recent Cosmos Article bearing witness to the Concept of the Deportation of the Moon!

Not sure if many of you know this b.u.t being God -or Earth- isn’t easy, and you constantly come in contact with people who can only define you in the limited terms of their intellectual tools & Worldview. Since most people believe in a Mystery God, when they do meet the True & Living God he’s nothing b.u.t. a “Mysterious Man”. Because of this, people go through what is called Cognitive Dissonance -a Subject I’ve built about extensively in another Article- where this new information completely challenges their accepted Worldview. Cognitive Dissonance is really nothing b.u.t. a Proverbial Mirror where a person is forced to look within themselves and reevaluate how they cee themselves in light of the new information that’s brought before them. There are three basic reactions to this “Mirror” and one response:

* People react by openly attacking this information.

* People react by denying the information by blocking it out through humor or by avoiding it completely (disassociation).

* People react by injuring themselves, getting sick, going crazy or even killing themselves because their challenged Worldview isn’t the only thing that exists any more.

* People respond by evaluating the information and updating their perspective.

As you can cee by the above three reactions and one response, there is only one Scientific approach; the fourth, and unfortunately, this is hardly the step that people are willing to take; it’s EGO shattering scary and directly confronts their sense of self importance.

Anyway, when it comes to females in Society, before they’ve taken their first breath they’ve been prenatally shaped with the Sexist/Societal Idea that they’re a Sexual Object. What this means is that overtly and covertly, Women are institutionally taught to define themselves in purely sexual terms with their reproductive ability being Primary to this adopted Value System. Couple this Worldview with males who’re are encouraged to reinforce this bullshit with as an institutionalized Status Quo and the result are Women who’ve been inundated this the Sexist idea that their “Best Part” (1/1-14) is solely between their legs. What this functionally translates into is: it’s all about what they can do in the Bedroom or Maternity Ward. NOW, here’s the first Scientific Principle I’ve discovered over the years:

1. A female who has consciously and subconsciously learned to primarily define herself in sexual terms will run into a psychoanalytical ‘brick wall’ when she meets a Man (or God) who does not define her as a sexual object. The thickness and texture of this ‘brick wall’ will be based upon her age, ethnic orientation, religious affiliation, family dynamics, environment, education and past relationships; all influences that are governed by a Sexist Society.

Let me elaborate; when a God is getting Knowledge of Self -or Man is seeking to develop himself- we learn very early on that we can’t expect to master ourselves while being controlled by our desires, and sex is one of the greatest natural desires! Make no mistake about it; females are very, very powerful and part of that power is in their ability to carry and born physical life. The other part of this power is in their ability to “stimulate life” (sexual/sensual attraction); this is a very powerful experience too! Because we exist in a Sexist Society, the only realms of real power a female is afforded is in the Bedroom and the Maternity Ward, and even in these realms, Men still control, govern, dominate and define them. As stated, this causes a fundamental problem for a female -who’s taught to primarily define herself in sexual terms- when she meets a God -or Man- who does not reinforce this Misogynistic Status Quo. This brings me to the second Scientific Principle:

2. Since the only realms of real power for a female is the Bedroom and Maternity Ward, when a female -taught to primarily define herself in sexual terms- has this power taken away or suppressed, she goes through the same EGO destructing side effects of a Sensory Deprivation Subject.

Sensory Deprivation is the science of taking a person’s five senses away and studying how the Mind reacts under these EGO destructuring conditions. Basically, a person is ‘suspended’ in a tank of water in complete darkness where they can’t cee, touch, taste, smell or hear anything. After a certain amount of time -which the subject has no concept of- their Mind begins to hallucinate; suffocating the EGO which aimlessly reaches out in this Triple Darkness to validate itself. Some people have flipped out from this experiment, others have found a profound sense of Self Awareness beyond the “primary” terms they’ve learned to identify themselves with in Society. In this sense, when a God -or Man- challenges a female to reassess the way she’s learned to primarily define herself -in sexual terms- by ‘suspending’ her ability to be empowered in the Bedroom or Maternity Ward, this ‘think tank’ forces her EGO to go through the same exact effects as a Sensory Deprivation Subject.

Why would a God -or Man- even want to take this power away from a female who has consciously and subconsciously learned to primarily define herself according to these sexual terms? Because this is necessary for her to cee herself essentially; beyond the sexual terms she’s learned to primarily define herself according to. There are two type of Men who will take this power away from her and show her what this power truly means; a King and a Pimp! While the King teaches a female that she’s a Queen and sex should not be used as a Weapon, a Pimp teaches a female that she’s a Quean and sex should be used as a Weapon for him. Both a King and a Pimp DO NOT THINK WITH THEIR DICK! A King and a Pimp understand that many Kingdoms and Stables have been destroyed when a Man THOUGHT WITH HIS DICK, got enchanted/caught up by a female and couldn’t control his desires; again: sex is one of the greatest natural desires! A King and a Pimp enjoy sex just like that next Man b.u.t. they understand The “Politics” (Politics: the Science of POWER or force) of Sex that that the average Man doesn’t. A power that every female begins to learn before she starts to crawl!

As God (a King), helping a female recognize that she has consciously and subconsciously learned to primarily define herself according to sexual terms -because of this Sexist Society- isn’t easy! Many Women actually believe that they’re meaningless, worthless, insignificant and even ponder suicide when a God -or Man- chooses to redefine Sexuality outside of the context of American Societal Standards; this changes the “Politics” Power Relationships of the sexual act itself. For instance, if a Woman chooses to leave after sex -even if the Man wanted her to stay- she’s O.K. with that, b.u.t. if a Man tells her to leave after sex -if the Woman chooses to stay- she won’t be O.K. with that. Although the sexual act is the same in both instances, what would cause the different reaction from the female? Sexual Politics. When a Woman doesn’t get her way in the sexual arena this experience makes her EGO lash out in various ways to validate ‘itself’ because ‘it’ thinks that she may be looked at as a Whore! In order to rightfully govern as a King or to Pimp a bitch, these Men must systematically make a female confront and identify the Sexual Devil that Society has manufactured within her. The King encourages her to cee herself as a Queen so she can obtain true civilization and inner wealth. The Pimp encourages her to cee herself as a Quean so she can perpetuate the devil’s civilization and he can “make himself rich from her labor” (9/1-40). Like I stated earlier, this causes Cognitive Dissonance and she goes through the same EGO destructing effects as a Sensory Deprivation Subject! “Am I a fucking Whore?!” is a fundamental question the King or Pimp wants to raise in a females Mind, b.u.t. they have two entirely different deermined ideas and support systems for cultivating that thought.

When it comes to a God teaching an Earth, this fundamental question underlines every interaction that takes place throughout her education; she must learn that “sex” (SIX in Latin, HEX in Greek) IS NOT the True and Living God besides God! This brings me to Scientific Principle number three:

3. Regardless if he’s a self defined King or a Pimp, helping a female come to terms with her Sexual Devil Society manufactured is “experimenting with high explosives” (8/1-40) and by involving yourself in this relationship “you will give your Life before your word shall fail.” (11/1-14)

A King and a Pimp takes a Woman’s power in the Bedroom and Maternity and redistributes it back to her; the King based upon Righteous Terms, the Pimp based upon Unrighteous Terms. The reality is, all females are by nature Queens -Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and White- b.u.t. ALL OF THEM have been and are being systematically taught to be Queans (Whores). Many females have been using sex as a Political Tool for so long that their unprincipled motto has become, “The means justify the end” and will do damn near anything to get what they want using sex as the vehicle. How does a God -or Man- challenge a female to reassess the way she primarily defines herself in sexual terms? He expresses an attitude of patience, sobriety, respect, moderation, etc. when it comes to the sexual act itself along with techniques of self control so that he doesn’t allow himself to be ruled in the sexual arena. Why? Because ‘6’ is symbolic to the Woman and her World; the number ‘6’ denotes gender (Equality), is shaped like a pregnant Woman facing east, and is translated as SEX in Latin among other things. In order to obtain Godhood or ‘7’, it is paramount that a Man be able to control his sexual appetite. I’ve never come across a Religion or Spiritual System that advocates mental ascension that doesn’t emphasize Man’s responsibility for controlling his desires, namely sex! On a practical level, no Woman can respect, seek security in, willingly follow, or trust a Man who she can control sexually. Although she may try -because she was made to be other than herself-, once she accomplishes the goal of mastering a Man sexually she eventually looses interest; he’s no longer a challenge. I know the Women are listening because they already know this! LMAO! MEN YOU NEED TO LEARN TO RECITE THIS SHIT! LMAO!

Now this concept of a female defining herself in sexual terms takes on a whole new complexity when a God -or Man- is actually educating a female about how the Sexual Politics she’s adopted and often used her whole life are “the wrong” foods (sex) (10/1-36). The complexity -or “high explosiveness”- takes place when a God begins to teach a Woman about these “wrong” foods (sex) without negating food (sex) itself; it’s a very fragile, intimate and potentially volatile place for both parties to be in! Therein lies the science of ‘The Deportation of the Moon’. -deep breath-

The Deportation of the Moon

In short, Elijah built about a dissatisfied Scientist -referred to as Jatu; Shabazz’s early Ancestor- that wanted the World to speak the same language, so he took some dynamite, put it inside the Earth and blew off a portion of the Earth that separated from the Planet and became a Satellite, later to be known as ‘The Moon’. When you do the knowledge to ‘The Deportation of the Moon’ there are other subtleties/nuances that give you deeper insights.

First of all, the Moon is symbolic to the Original Woman’s Mind/Mentality because the Moon responds to the light of the Sun (Man) as luminary partner. The Moon also functions as a mirror-like flashlight; reflecting & redirecting light in order to show the Sun what it’s shining. “The Sun and Moon have an attracting power on the Planet” (8/1-40) meaning the collective intelligence that is transcendent of the Woman’s physical body (Earth) influences her tides (emotions; sympathetic nervous system) and atmosphere (emotions) -“there are many different layer so currents real cold and warm, others very swift and changeable” (8/1-40). On the humorous side, at one point in the Lunar Cycle the Moon gives the Sun it’s ‘Full’ undivided Attention, b.u.t. when she’s acting brand ‘New’ she shows her natural black ass! LMAO! Anyway, the Scientist separated the Mind from the Body, Moon from the Earth; a clear distinction was made between what a Woman thinks (Moon) and how a Woman feels (Earth). This distinction was necessary in order for her to distinguish the double-talk -duel languages- that continuously go on within the Earth; what she thinks and how she feels. Every time a Woman gazes into the Mirror, the Moon is pulling on the tides of the Earth, critiquing herself. Sometimes her critique is optimistic or pessimistic; Perigee or Apogee, these ‘high’ and ‘low’ tides represents the Love/Hate relationship that was born/reinforced within a Woman through the socialization of this Sexist ‘Patriarchal’ Society. It is this Love/Hate relationship that the Scientist desired to reconcile and underlines his quest to make the World speak the same language. In this quest, his experimentation with high explosives caused a Planetary Earthquake that forever changed the World.

As God, we become the dissatisfied Scientist with a desire to cee the World speak one language when we’re educating a female who only recognizes the Earth; while being oblivious to the Moon. This is a female who primarily defines herself according to sexual terms and cee’s herself as purely physical (terrestrial). The ‘stick(s)’ of dynamite the Scientist puts inside the Earth is sexually symbolic and represents the high explosive politics that defines the ‘power’ relationship between the sexes. By symbolically putting this phallus symbol ‘in’ the Earth literally and/or as a political idea, this act brought about a cataclysmic change in the World that had never been ceen before. As I said, this action was ‘explosive’ within itself because it brought to the surface the Sexual Politics -inner turmoil, divisiveness, self aggrandizement, and narcissistic behavior- that kept the World from speaking the same language! This, my friends, is the undeniable Psychodrama that plays itself out when a God is teaching a female Knowledge of Herself, and the results of this Dylan-like folklore can be devastating! Some females develop homeostasis and learn to make the functional distinction between Moon and Earth. Some females go into a deep depression and choose to disregard the Moon completely; feeling as though they’ve lost a piece of themselves. Some females begin to grossly identify with the Moon to the extent where they become Amazon Women on the Moon, and many Women suffer from mild to severe cases of schizophrenic behavior; waxing a waning between bouts with celestial-like aloofness and terrestrial-like gross materialism!

Although a God may not be sexually involved with the Woman he is educating, sex (gender) still plays a Political Role in their Teacher/Student relationship; ‘The Deportation of the Moon’. This is the main reason Gods elect to not get involved with a female Student sexually until she’s educated enough to understand that the Sexual Politics of a God/Earth Paradigm is not the same as what she’s learned from Society. Women who are determined to still have this sexual experience with a God -although they’re unprepared- will find themselves in limbo (Triple Darkness/Sensory Deprivation) trying to figure out why he’s not reacting to or valuing sex the same way males in her past values sex and Society as a whole values sex and defines gender! Although Women are quick to say that they’re not ready to have sex, Gods take the exact same stance, and mean it. If a God does choose to engage in sexual activity with a female he’s educating it’s not only because of desire. Some Gods deliberately engage in sexual activity with a female he’s teaching to cause her to look at herself and reevaluate the Sexual Politics she’s adopted from this Sexist Society. Some Gods are just like any other Man and they’re nothing but “a savage in the pursuit” of some pussy (17/1-40). Ultimately, ‘The Deportation of the Moon’ must take place in order for a female to fully comprehend her place in the Universal Flag.

As a God, when manifest ‘The Deportation of the Moon’ by confronting the Sexual Politics between a males and females, you’re damn near psychologically “buried there” (5/1-14) by a Woman who just can’t figure out where you’re coning from, even when you tell them! I’ve been called every name in the book, been accused of being a Womanizer, accused of running game, taking advantage of a female, or simply not giving a fuck, all because I don’t validate/co-sign the Sexual Politics a female was learned to define herself in accordance with; AKA: Cognitive Dissonance! It never crosses a females Mind that there are actually Men out here that aren’t homo/bisexual, that enjoy sex, who don’t have a chick on the side, that ain’t on no Pimp shit who make a conscious decision NOT TO BE CONTROLLED by a female’s sexual ‘power’; and the only way he will acknowledge this power is in the context of refinement. Now I’ll admit, I have been alittle harsh with tactics (explosives) I’ve used to encourage a female to look at how she’s learned to use this power; even to the extent where they’ve said they hate me! Let me tell you, “One of the most ‘explosive’ positions a God takes is minimizing the role that sex is going to play in the education of a female Student.” Her limited experiences and background teaches her that the only male able to do this is either Homosexual or possibly a Religious Leader, and nothing can possibly prepare her for a God; a Heterosexual Man who loves sex just like any other male b.u.t. isn’t Religious. There is no manual, handbook or brochure for him! -smile-

To conclude Today’s Article, I just want to reemphasize that whenever a male/female relationship take place there’s gonna be Sexual -Gender- Politics because this Sexist Society has set the stage for that. Gods who are in the position of teaching females this Culture: KEEP IN MIND that it’s very, very important to always consider what a person has been through before you bring them through something! I once made the terrible miscalculation of using too much dynamite when it came to teaching a female. Although I was “Right” in my intent, I wasn’t “Exact” with the method I used (1/1-40). Ultimately, I ended up ‘making rain, hail, snow and earthquakes’ (8/1-40) that forever changed the structure of the Earth. Although I apologized because of my method, it’s yet to be ceen if one language will ever be spoken -as she gains a deeper understanding of her ownself and ‘The Deportation of the Moon’.



  1. Heavy build Almighty!!! Very necessary as well.Peace

  2. You talk a lot. How is this blog focusing on the other Gods and Earths in Atlantis when all I see is you rambling and pushing your books? Many Gods and Earths have tried to reach out to you but you seem too high and mighty to ever respond. A lot of people omplain about you within the Nation. You are egotistical, narcissistic, and an all out bore.

  3. Peace "Anonymous"

    If they talked about "My Righteous Brother" -Jesus- (5/1-14) I know I'm gonna be talked about too; it comes along with the territory. -smile-

    Thanks for your comments though; I'm sure alot of people got something out of it.


  4. Peace 7

    Yo this is a subject i'd recently heard about and wanted to know the science on it. I read through it Wisdom times and i'm gonna print it out too! Heavy mentals indeed!



  5. Peace, I wanted to make a correction on your posts about the deportation of moon which is commonly made- shabazz/jatu wanted everyone to speak the same dialect of language and not the same language, meaning he wanted everyone to speak the same way regardless of their geographical locations. ex. most of us in america speak english but depending on where your located your dialect or vocal expression of the language will be different. A god who grew up in brooklyn will sound different than a god who grew up in atlanta, they both speak english but their accent is different and that is what shabazz was trying to force into oness across the board, but its impossible for everyone to speak the same way or dailect even if we are speaking the same language because atmospheric pressure, location, tempature in various locations want allow it. Flag of Islam book by Elijah Muhammad pg.10 states "It was not the idea of the god, who took the moon from the earth to make that part a satellite for earth. HIS IDEA WAS TO FORCE HIS RULE UPON THE PEOPLE OF OUR PLANET AND FORCE ALL TO SPEAK THE SAME DIALECT, WHICH HE WAS NOT ABLE TO DO." Dialect•the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English"; "he has a strong German accent." Peace
