Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Science of Everything in Life

Tales of an Urban Sufi

Peace Ya’ll! As I’m sure you’ve noticed, “on the upper part” (9/1-14) of my page are three new Titles available through Platinum Pen Publishing along with ‘Da God’; A.S.I.A. Journal Vol 1 & A.S.I.A. Journal Vol 2 and Tales of an Urban Sufi!! -smile- You can also get these titles through Amazon!

As far as A.S.I.A. Journal Vol 1 & 2 goes, they’re a consolidation of some of my Articles that you’ll be able to walk with; instead of being ‘roped and bound in’ (4/1-14) to the Internet just to read em! LOL! Ultimately, these Mathemanuals will give my insights air to breathe; putting them smack dap in the middle of the (a)cultural Matrix I’m always building about. Although these Volumes have been finished for a few weeks now, I haven’t “Officially” launched them until today, meaning: Even though they’ve been available, I’m lettin ya’ll know they’re available on the E-Store and Amazon today. I wanna give a personal shout out to the person who googled me and ordered one of these Volumes through Amazon before I even made this knowledge born!!!! I really appreciate that. PEACE!

Now....., ‘Tales of an Urban Sufi’ is something very, very different. Those of you who haven’t delved into the Science of ‘Sufism’, take some time to study some of these Individuals I personally consider Sufi Masters: Hazarat Inayat Khan, Carlos Casteneda, Al Hallaj, Rabiyah, Saint Germain, Gibran, Rumi, Nasruddin, Bruce Lee, Idries Shah, Richard Pryor, Attar, etc... If you noticed, I listed certain Masters that would not be considered ‘Sufis’ in the so-called traditional sense of the word; I will explain in a moment. In short, ‘Sufism’ is often defined as the Mystical form of Islam (as well as other Religions/Philosophies) where an Adept comes into realization that they are the truth that they actually seek; AKA, “The True and Living God!” Obviously, this was -and still is- very controversial amongst people who view the Creator as an invisible entity strictly outside of themselves. Because of this -and the fact that these Masters embraced other “so-called” religious texts/philosophical ideas- many of them went underground; developing coded language, parable shrouded stories and social norms to identify, preserve and perpetuate these teachings “undetected by the naked eye” (8/1-40). One famous Sufi named Al Hallaj even got beheaded over this shit; he proclaimed "Ana al-haqq" which means "I am the Truth (God)!" The Father took seven bullets for the same proclamation. It was said that during the time of Muhammad, his closest Companions/Helpers (Ansars) received these secret teachings of Islam.

Like I said, I listed certain Masters that would not be considered ‘Sufis’ in the so-called traditional sense of the word. Although the ideas of God Consciousness “has no beginning nor ending” (9/1-10), the term ‘Sufi’ (Mystic) does find it’s literal origin amongst early Islam. This is to say that my usage of the word ‘Sufi’ is not binding to an Islamic Paradigm, because the nature/essence of this so-called Mysticism or ‘Higher Knowledge’ does not originate in the Arabic Language, Culture, Koran, Prophet Muhammad, etc... The essence of these God-Centered Teachings represent a common chronological thread that runs consistently from -and through- Ancient and Contemporary Worlds; dissolving all social, gender, ethnic, religious, cultural and geographical boundaries Man establishes. In a nutshell, ‘Sufism’ is Jeet Kune Doistic Thought.

Anyway, I’ve always looked at The Nation of Gods and Earths as an Urban Sufi Order, hence the Title of my book; ‘Tales of an Urban Sufi’. Ya’ll I’ve been writing this scribe over the last 12 years; not that it’s 400 pages, or even that I had Writer’s block, it’s just that everything in ‘Tales’ was a precise moment in my Koran and some things took time for me to actually write about. Cee, ‘Tales of an Urban Sufi’ is personal; a very, very intimate journey into my Mind! It’s a Literary Montage of my Insights, Illustrations, Dreams I wrote down, Love Letters, Aspirations, Short Stories, Poems, Prison Correspondences, Essays and everything else that I’ve chosen not to share through A.S.I.A. Journal. In ‘Tales’ I speak candidly about everything from being homeless, dealing with racism, being in love, family dynamics, religion, going through depression, and “the science of everything -else- in life” (18/1-40)! Another reason it took me so much time to complete ‘Tales of an Urban Sufi’ is because I never felt it was complete or had literary closure. I always felt like I wasn’t ready to share the Inner Worlds that it allows people to cee b.u.t. now I think it’s time! Another interesting thing about ‘Tales’ is that I edited it myself; something that many Writers strictly warn against! At one point in this process I took part in this Writers Group and had an associate Writer edit the first page of ‘Tales’ b.u.t. when he was finished he ended up editing many things that were deliberately written a specific way for a specific reason. -shakes head- This experience confirmed for me that I only wanted these writings looked over, evaluated, critiqued and defined by people AFTER ‘Tales of an Urban Sufi’ is made available to them; perfect imperfections in all! -smile- Now don’t misunderstand me, an Editor is definitely important; I just didn’t want anyone involved in this Project because it would have “mixed, diluted or tampered with” (9/1-14) ‘Tales of an Urban Sufi’ on a fundamental level.

Well, to conclude Today’s Article I wanted to share with you a few of my writings from ‘Tales of an Urban Sufi’ to encourage ya’ll to pick it up if you wanna experience more of my Inner Worlds. -smile- Peace!:

Eighty-Five %
A helpless leaf unguarded, subjected to the wind.
Lost while believing, paying homage to their weathermen.

Fork Tongue
The English language is very trifling. Within it exists several meanings for one word, which renders those indoctrinated with it as deceptively defined as it’s Dictionary.

The Unspoken Vows of a Divine Union
In the company of many I often felt alone.
My smiles were veils of idleness,
I’m speechless in my soul.
One day I met a traveler,
her eyes revealed her name.
Our silence spoke much more than words,
we walked our path the same.
Our hearts became so intertwined,
our souls became as one.
She married me beside the Nile,
beneath the setting Sun.

A Mirror
The Original Man spends most of his life toiling to see the face of his Creator when he dies. How sad it must be for him to die never realizing that his Creator actually spent his entire life looking back at him.

Make no mistakes about it!
I was once involved in a relationship with a women who gave me a birthday card which read, “To the Man in my life”. When I read it, I smiled and said, “I didn’t realize that it was your life and I was in it.” From that moment I realized that most of the conflicts that existed in our relationship derived from that fundamental idea; I never realized that she actually saw me as hers; a human accessory in “her” life!

"FRIENDLY" Competition
Be very, very wary of encouraging children to engage in games of competition -especially when they are siblings. Competition promotes the idea of “me against you” or “you verses me”. This creates Division, and division sets an atmosphere of Tension. Tension gives birth to Conflict. Conflict leads to Chaos and Chaos is Disorder! I’ve seen a friendly game of UNO erupt into a shouting match, shoving session and name calling contest between children who were just playing together peacefully before “I” ignorantly handed them the cards!

(A letter addressed to my Love)

Your Highness,

May this letter reach you in the greatest of spirits. I long and miss you much. It has seemed as if a century has passed since we shared each other’s company, yet you remain as close to me as the soundless echo of my thoughts. When I first laid eyes upon you, I felt as if I knew you. “You”, personified my dreams, and answered many questions that troubles a lonely heart. Nothing on Earth could have prepared me for your heavenly acquaintance....


  1. "It was said that during the time of Muhammad, his closest Companions/Helpers (Ansars) received these secret teachings of Islam."

    Said by who? There are no secret teachings of the Prophet.

    I believe you're little confused about something you don't really understand. Al Hallaj never stated he was God only that he was able to join together,pass away (Fana)into God. He stated during fana that: "he was two spirits dwelling in one body". Not that he was God.Just that he joined together with God. That's different then what you're attributing to him. Also I might add saying something incorrectly about the dead is considered slander by Islam.

    As far "sufism" or tasawwuf being a mystical side of Islam this is wrong. Tasawwuf is the science of puriying the soul, learning time honored practices that can one to get more awareness and closeness of God (Taqwa). It has nothing to do with hocus pocus mysticism.

    JKD & Tasawuuf are not linked. JKD's foundation of using no way as way and having no limitation as your only limitation is opposite of tasawwuf!

    The sufi's would say there is no way (Tariqah)without THE way (Shariah). As well as anyone who doesn't guide himself by rules of Shariah has left Islam and there is no tasawwuf without Islam.

    Can there be NGE without the supreme math? A house without a foundation? Clothes without fabric? It is impossible. There is no tasawwuf without Islam and no Islam without Shariah.

  2. Peace Hamza,

    Thanks for sharing your comments on 'Religion'.


  3. Peace Allah,
    I know the depth you go into to Understanding things God, and Cee things for way they are. I know your works are way beyond the 1 is knowledge stuff lol. I've always viewed you as a brother who has used this Knowledge as a tool to utilize "the best part". The Father said "Take nothing on face value, examine everything", and you do that GOD! I look forward to reading them.
    From my cipher to yours,
    Divine King Allah

  4. I just ordered Tales from an Urban Sufi... I am SO EXCITED!

  5. Peace is the joint available on amazon? It sounds Peace from the samples. And yes, there can be sufi without the "religion" of Islam. The cipher started by Hazrat Inyat Khan being an example. And there are other "non-traditional sufi's" who deal with the wisdom of the Prophet and Quran and not the religion. You may not agree with this practise but it does exsist..Peace...

  6. Peace Sufi Jihad!

    Indeed, you can order my Books on Amazon.com


  7. eye can really dig that Bruce and Carlos iz Islam
    Islam did not start with Muhammad
    Islam is the mastery of self and universe

    those higher esoterical sciences are the high forms of Islam
    moving chi is Islam

    navigating the dream world is Islam

    Muhammad cee-ing Jah Breal(Gabriel with wings and all that was no different from the places Don Juan Matus was taking the king indulger Carlos

    muhfuckas wanna religify Islam and dum it down


    ---da man who parly vou telepafic

  8. thank u for bringing me back to earth.
