Friday, November 20, 2009

The Science of Life

Peace! First and foremost I wanna take a moment to THANK ALL OF YOU for taking the time to visit A.S.I.A... It is my hopes that what I’ve shared and will continue to share with you will contribute to your positive growth and development. Today I wanted to build about a few topics that I’ve been thinking about lately…

“Who are we?!”
Recently I’ve taken the time to do the knowledge on some of the Debates that have been going on in Mecca. For those who are unaware, there’s been ongoing public Debates between Black Men representing their particular Worldview (House of Konsciousness). There’s The NOI vs Moorish Science, Kemet vs Islam, Hebrew vs Kemet, etc.. There’s also been Debates surrounding issues such as, “Are The Lessons true?”, “Is God a Woman?”, “Is Islam white Arab or African?”, etc… It’s been interesting to cee how all of the people in these Debates, in some form or fashion, have been using Phrases, Gestures, Concepts, etc… that are specific to the Gods and Earths WITHOUT bearing witness that we’re The Fathers/Mothers of that. Look, I’m not saying this because I’m begging them for credit, I’m just sharing what I’ve noticed for the purpose of correction. Why? Because when a Hebrew, Moor, Afrikan, Muslim, etc… “mixes, dilutes and tampers with” (9/1-14) what we teach, by adding their beliefs to it, the people they come in contact with will get a distorted perspective of what the Gods and Earths are about. Another thing I recognized is how people want to be us, b.u.t. don’t want to be us! LOL People want the swag, b.u.t. DO NOT want to do what it takes to earn that swag, or adhere to the rules & regulations that codify the swag!

One of the major arguments that these Great Debaters have been wrangling about is, “Who are we?” Some argue that we’re Moors, some say Hebrew, some say Muslim, some say Afrikan, some say Black, some say Kemetic, and the list goes on and on… They’ve also been debating about, “What’s our most ancient tradition?” and “Which track of land on the Planet Earth is our original homeland?” Well people, the Gods and Earths have always had a very simple way to solve these misunderstandings: We’re the Original People, who have no said birth record, and the Planet Earth is our Home, period. If people want to solely identify with certain Names, Eras and Geographic Locations that’s fine. -shrugs- The reality is, we’ve called ourselves many things and have lived many places! By calling ourselves ‘Original’, we just identify with the essence of all of that. There’s a statement in our 7/1-14 (Why does the Devil call our People African?) which says, “He wants us to think that we are all different”. The “He” is referring to ‘The Trader’ (Devil), the one who came to Central Asia (Africa) to enrich himself using divide & conquer tactics on the Original People. The above statement, “He wants us to think that we are all different”, is one of the main reasons why you usually don’t/won’t cee Gods/Earths getting into any of these back & forth Debates about who we are. Also, no Moor, Hebrew, Muslim, Afrikan, or Kemetian is gonna argue with us that we’re Original People; it’s not debatable! LOL Another reason we don’t get caught up in this is because our Lessons teach us that the Devil was made through a grafting process of separation, alienation, antisocialism and isolation -all components derived from ceeing ourselves as different! So as Gods and Earths, we greet eachother and People with the word “Peace!” and leave in “Peace!” for a reason; it expresses our fundamental desire for unity and the absence of all confusion!

Now some of you will say, “Don’t ya’ll advocate that you’re different when you say there’s 85%, 10% and 5% on the Planet Earth?” YES, these “differences” are the psychological and socioeconomic results of thinking we are all different. 85% haven’t benefitted from this perspective, 10% enrich themselves from this nepotism, and 5% come from the “poor”, as “righteous teachers” (16/1-40) who are striving for “equality” through “advocating a Societyor Group for one common cause” (8/1-14); Civilization (17-20/1-40).

I’m not saying all of this to trivialize, minimize or dismiss learning about our Chronology and various Cultural, Geographic and Religious transmutations of us as an Original People! IT’S VERY IMPORTANT to study the science of the Hebrews, Moors, Afrikan Tribal Beliefs, Islamic (Muslims), Christian Denominations, Kemet, Nuwaabians, etc… IT’S VERY IMPORTANT to study what we’ve thought AND where we’ve lived throughout the Planet Earth. What’s more important than that is to not get caught up in petty tribalism or squabbles over whether our original name is ‘Moor’ or ‘Kemetian’, or if we’re indigenous to North America or Alkebulan (Africa). All of this leads us back to the fact that we’re Original People and the Planet Earth is our home, period! And as far as our true and original Nationality is concerned, regardless what we have chosen to call ourselves as a Nation of People, this Nationality has always been based upon our concepts of ‘God’ and ‘Earth’! Again, to simply things, we are a Nation, based upon these concepts of ‘God’ and ‘Earth’. -smile-

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you’d hardly cee us arguing about, “What language is our Original tongue; Metu-Neter, Hebrew, Aramaic or Arabic?” Although we do study languages, some of us more than others, we realize that all languages go back to and must adhere to Mathematics. Therefore, we speak and use Mathematics; the Mental System upon which all language is structurally based. So in other words, we teach that the Black Man’s “proper” Name is Allah. Proper simply means ‘appropriate, satisfactory and fitting’! This doesn’t mean “the first” or “only” Name. Allah: ‘THE ALL IN ALL’ is simply a fitting Name. -shrugs- Now those of you who’re questioning why we use Allah, an Arabic word, as a part of our Nomenclature, PLEASE make sure you’re using your so-called “native tongue”, in it’s entirety, to debate your point! Using English will make you look like you’re relying on a Power Point Presentation to explain how inappropriate and ineffective Microsoft Office is. LOL -shakes head-

Some people like to accuse Gods and Earths of using or not using certain terms! What people don’t realize is that we have a God-Centered ‘Operable’ Worldview! This means that we’re ‘Principally’ concerned about ‘operations’ (function); cause & effect, building and destroying, rewards and penalties. SO, debating somebody about if a ‘Big Headed’, dissatisfied Scientist named ‘Yacub’ actually made a Devil is not our determined idea or reason for having our Lessons. Functionally speaking, we all cee big headed ass, egocentric, dissatisfied people making devils each and every day! LOL THIS DOES NOT MEAN that we don’t study the his/herstorical and geographic significance of our Lessons, we do! From the vantage point of ‘function’, it doesn’t matter if a person believes the science of Yacub or not; it’s clearly ‘Operable’! Because it’s actually operating, a person’s inability to identify how it’s functioning in their life puts them at a gross disadvantage in “taking the Devil off their Planet” (34/1-40). The irony in this is the fact that this is in our 34th Degree; Understanding (3) Culture (4). So this gross disadvantage is always synonymous with lacking a basic Understanding of our Culture -which is ‘God’ (7) Centered. (3 + 4 = 7). -yawn-

Youth Power!
A couple weeks ago at my Mentorship Program, me and my Man Serpico were working with 5 males ages 8-11. We started off building with them about ‘Abstinence’ b.u.t. they ended up sharing stories about what they’ve gone through. I had to hold back my tears. This is the first time, in a long while, that some of these young males shared that kind of pain with us. Some of them couldn’t even finish their stories because they were crying trying to tell it! Most of them knew exactly what it felt like to sit in the back of a police car: from the way they described the seating, to how thick the glass was between the front and back seat. One of the boys talked about being sexually abused by his physical father. A boy that was 9 told us he watched his older brother get stabbed up as they walked to the store. His brother was in the hospital as he spoke. An 11 year old talked about how his older brother tried to molest him and his younger sibling. It was very, very painful to hear this kinda trauma our youth are dealing with, and more painful realizing that there is only so much I’m able, by law, to do! I NEVER feel like I’m spinning my wheels, b.u.t. I always feel like there are too many people that don’t give a fuck about the youth, and oftentimes their own children!

Through all the years I’ve been working with the youth, there has been one common theme that many of them shared; they hate, disown, dislike, and have no contact or relationship with their Father –for various reasons. I cee, first hand, the dilemma that absentee Father’s, or the lack of a positive Man Figure, creates in the lives of our youth! A bigger problem is the fact that many of the Single Women trying to raise these children by themselves, are out here looking to have their personal needs met, not their family needs. Therefore, they have the warped mentality of simply wanting a dude, not needing a Father/Father Figure to help establish and secure a strong family unit. Now the biggest problem is the fact that dudes just ain’t being Father’s and are abandoning their responsibilities! I have a real issue with that, and can’t stand a dead beat ass nigga who chooses to be a stranger to his own child(ren). Roaches even have more integrity than that, and YES, there are “so-called” Gods who are dead beat ass niggas too! -shakes head-

This is why The Father was called “The Father”, he represented a solution to this problem by taking responsibility for these youth and being a Father to the Fatherless. From his consideration was birthed a Nation, founded upon one of the Core Values that, “The children are our link to the future AND MUST BE nurtured, respected, loved, protected and educated.” Many of the behavioral problems we cee with our youth is simply because a Father/Father Figure isn’t present. The idea that ‘The Five Percenters are a Gang’ is rooted in behavioral problems that oftentimes stem from an absentee Father/Father Figure. Some of you look at the youth and even your own children, when you’re a Single Parent, and cee these behavioral problems as anger, hate and frustration that’s “buried there” (5/1-14). This anger, hate and frustration comes across like they simply don’t care or give a fuck! Well as a Mother, who’s had a child or children by a dude that doesn’t give a fuck, you must understand that part of your child does not care or give a fuck; the so-called Father’s part! Your child(ren) are going through a lot, trying to cope with the unresolved issue and cold reality of, “Why their Dad isn’t there?”, and you only make it worst by not striving to have a Father/Father Figure in their life or establish a stable family unit. Unfortunately, buying your child a lot of stuff, taking them alot of places, enrolling them in 1,000 activities, etc… won’t compensate for what BOTH OF YOU are truly missing. On the positive side, I PERSONALLY know people who credited their Mothers with why they got their Masters Degree, won an Award, became a successful Business Owner, have a beautiful family. I also PERSONALLY know people who blamed their Mothers for why they’re gay, a drug addict, alcoholic, pregnant, murdered somebody, or committed suicide. In both instances, a Father/Father Figure wasn’t present. The point is this, if it took two people to create a child, it takes more than one person to raise that child properly. You need to have a Father/Father Figure in your child(ren)’s life to help you raise them, period. If not, you’ll become the blame for your child(ren)’s anger, hatred and frustration for this dysfunctional situation. Why? Because you didn’t come through for them by helping to provide what BOTH OF YOU needed, and they’ll always question what kind of Woman/Mother you were because of that. Yeah it’s going to be painful and feel unfair, b.u.t. also realize that it was also unfair to buy your child a WII, take them to Disneyland, or enroll them in activities when all they wanted was the nurturing, respect, love, protection and education of a Father/Father Figure.

So with all that said, I urge all of you Men to start today by making yourself available to the youth. Speak to them! Introduce yourself if you don’t know them! Stop, and, talk, to, them! They might look at you weird because they may not be used to that, b.u.t. that’s the point, GET THEM USED TO THAT! -smile- Ask them how they’re feeling and let them know how important they are. Be a part of the solution by helping our youth grow to become positive, productive members of our Families, Communities and Society as a whole. As for the Single Women/Parents…, stop worrying about the lame who has continuously shown you he’s irresponsible and doesn’t give a fuck about his own child(ren). He’s a lost cause if you got to try to get him to do what he’s supposed to be doing! Instead, get rid of HIS emotional baggage you’re still carrying, so that you can move forward with you AND your child(ren)’s life. Also, get a positive Father Figure in their life as a supplement to their growth and development. If you’re interested in ultimately having a family, then start working on becoming a Companion capable of having a stable family unit.

God being God
Mike is an Original Man who’s a Slot Technician in my Department. He’s in his early thirties, married and an earnest Christian. I pulled Mike aside the other day in the Employee Lounge and posed the following question to him: Suppose someone came to God and said, “God, I need to know what kind of relationship this is because there are a couple idols who’re interested in having a serious relationship with me, and I don’t want to feel like I’m cheating on you. If God were presented with such an ultimatum, what would God do?” From this question was sparked a very insightful build. Here’s a few of the things Mike elaborated on:

-God gives us free will and won’t impose himself upon us. If we want to explore other options or religious faiths, God will not stand in our way.

-God allows us to test things out for ourselves so we can cee if it’s true or not.

-God wants us to be faithful to his word because we choose to be, not because he’s making us be.

-Our way of thinking is not the thinking of God.

-In order to know what God will do, we must learn about his Character through reading his word, and ceeing how he handles situations.

After thinking about my question for a moment, Mike began to tell me how if God were given this ultimatum, God would not react by doing what this person demanded. Instead, God would step back from the situation and allow this person to explore their options. He also jokingly added, “While they explore these options they should pray that they still have enough time to come back to God’s word if they find out they were wrong!” LOL! When I asked Mike, “Why wouldn’t God try to prove or explain how he feels about them, so they won’t decide to worship the idols they set up beside him?”, Mike responded by saying, “Our thoughts aren’t like how God thinks. God tells us from the beginning that there is only one God. If a person isn’t convinced, then God allows them to find out for themselves if it’s true or not. When Judgment Day comes, they will find out what was the truth.” My response was, “Well if God did force a person to do what he desired of them, or even dignified their ultimatum by going out of his way to prove he’s God, God wouldn’t be God right?” “Yes” Mike said, adding on that God tells us from the beginning that there is only one God, so he doesn’t need to try to stop them or stand in their way. They’ll eventually cee that there are no other Gods beside God. I thought that was real Peace and enjoyed the insight Mike shared with me about his Worldview.

In addition to what Mike shared, I think it’s important to think about the Principles and the Dynamic at play. First of all, the Dynamic is ‘God to Person’. If God says he’s one, yet turns around and allows a person’s ultimatum to force him to prove he’s more God than the idols they set up beside him, he is consequently giving life to these idols. By giving credence to such an ultimatum by responding to it, God calls into question his own Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence. This also causes a shift in the Dynamic. The essential nature of God doesn’t allow him to even dignify a person’s ultimatum with a response! If I am truly Omnipotent, then to even consider and acknowledge a power outside of myself would question the integrity of my foundation: Omnipotence. If God allowed a person’s ultimatum to force him to prove himself, then he would be proving that he isn’t. He'll actually be proving that he’s less than God by even allowing someone to set up idols beside him. Philosophically speaking, we cee the same Principle at play when the Devil tempted “our Righteous Brother” (5/1-14) Jesus in the wilderness by trying to get him to prove that he was the Sun of God! This is also why some Emcee’s don’t battle with people talking shit about them, Writers don’t spend a lot of time writing about other Writers, and Barack Obama doesn’t dignify certain questions/comments with a response. We learn in the 38/1-40 that God MADE Devil! The last portion of this Degree says, “Otherwise to SHOW & PROVE that Allah is God, always has been and always will be.” So ultimately, God MAKES Devil to SHOW & PROVE. The Devil, or any person for that matter, doesn’t MAKE God!

Although Mike and I don’t agree on everything or ultimately share the same Worldview, we did agree on God’s Perspective when it came to dealing with that ultimatum. We also agreed that God’s ways are not our ways. What I mean by, “God’s ways are not our ways” is this: The way of God or Godliness transcends what our personal feelings or preference may be, because what’s ‘Right’ (Just and True) is no respecter of persons. This is why people who lack Discipline, a sense of Sobriety, and Emotional Maturity/Stability cannot be Godly or attain a level of Godliness. The reason is because they are unable to “rise above” (8/1-40) their personal feelings, preferences, etc.. about a situation in order to do what is appropriate or what a situation demands of them. In simple terms, they have no self control! Regardless if we want to call our uncivilized actions and emotional instability ‘passion’ or not, it still produces the same result; making yourself, and those who supposedly share your Worldview, look bad because you have no self control! -shakes head- The purpose of being God-Centered is to rise to the occasion; to do what is best because we expect the best of ourselves! Right? If you cee people who claim that they’re God or Earth, yet show no Discipline, a sense of Sobriety, or Emotional Maturity/Stability in how they treat themselves, others, or handle situations, then they lack a true concept of Godliness! WE ALL have to deal with these “different layers” (8/1-40) of emotional currents, b.u.t. without Discipline, a sense of Sobriety, or Emotional Maturity/Stability, these different layers will end up dealing with us AND everyone we deal with!

Many people, especially in this Nation, have the blind misconception that saying we’re God means that we can say/do WHATEVER the fuck we want, have zero accountability to the world around us, and adopt a childish “do me” attitude! Although we can do whatever we choose to do, there are consequences to our choices. As God, there are certain responses that are demanded of us regardless to how fly she is, how good the sex was, how much the job offered us, how far our children live from us, what time I need to get up in the morning, how it tastes, what he said to me, etc.. Because many of us don’t strive to develop the Discipline, Sobriety, and Emotional Maturity/Stability that’s necessary to make the best decisions, we continually fall short of the glory of God. Sometimes when we do fall short, we end up becoming jealous of others who express a degree of mastery over the things we’re obviously struggling with. So instead of consulting them we criticize them by calling them self righteous, arrogant, goody two shoes, etc… because they’re exposing our own ineptness. This separation is the making of a Devil and signifies “the island of Patmos/Pelon” (27/1-40) where these people “manufacture Devils” based upon despising the real wisdom of God! Many of them even take it a step further recruiting people to support their dissatisfaction, and they use their time spreading diabolical “rules & regulations” (28/1-40) that completely contradicts what God stands for; Righteousness. For example, for a person to claim they’re God yet have no relationship with their own child(ren), this is completely illogical and UnGodly. Even the most ignorant amongst us knows that God has a relationship to his own Creation. Now if his Creation chooses to go astray, that’s a different story! I’m talking about a nigga that don’t have shit to do with his child(ren) yet claiming he’s God. Another example is a dude claiming he’s God and he’s advocating you can do WHATEVER you want. That’s the epitome of bullshit logic. If this were true, what distinguishes God from Devil? What’s the dividing line that indicates the difference between God and Devil? What are the guidelines that determine Godliness from Devilishment? It was the ‘do whatever I want’ perspective that got Satan kicked outta Heaven in the Bible, and the ‘do what thine wilt’ perspective that grounded Aleister Crowley’s teachings and founded Anton Levy’s Church of Satanic. It’s deep!

Anyway, there is nothing passionate about or attractive in being a loose cannon; it’s no different than being a child throwing a temper tantrum at the grocery store. Regardless what we call ourselves, in order to establish and maintain a ‘Godly Perspective’, it starts with having a sense of Discipline, a sense of Sobriety, and Emotional Maturity/Stability. If we don’t have or aren’t trying to develop these qualities, we’ll never have the capacity to do/cee what is ‘Right’ (Just and True). I know for a fact many so-called Gods and Earths don’t care about a so-called ‘Godly Perspective’, they simply want to do WHATEVER they want and not be bothered. Why? Because they’re ultimately Hedonists; their personal feelings or preferences is what they value most, and their pleasure seeking is what truly drives them, not concepts of Righteousness or Ethics! So it’s easy for a person with that perspective to buy themselves a plasma T.V. instead of buying their child(ren) school clothes. It’s hard for them to have a decent, civilized conversation because they have no control over their emotions. It’s hard for them to not do things that sabotage their relationships, and it’s easy for them to even think that giving God an ultimatum is somehow alright. God being God…., there are certain things that God simply can’t/won’t strive to do. He wouldn’t/couldn’t be God if he did!



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