Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Making Money with 120!!!

Peace Ya’ll! Through the course of my day it dawned on me why there are many people who have been introduced to, once studied or are having difficulty being committed to learning their Lessons (120). Sometimes there are other things going on in people’s lives that take priority over studying. Sometime people just simply loose interest. Ultimately, there are a lot of reasons why people come in contact with 120 and never follow through or take it to heart like that. Today I wanted to focus on what I think is one of the major reasons why people just stop striving to learn this Culture.

I think that people often lack the ambition & commitment to learn this Culture, or any Curriculum designed to positively transform their life, because they can’t cee how it pays their bills or actually enriches their lives! So today I wanted to address the question, “How is 120 gonna pay my damn bills?!” and elaborate on Making Money with 120. -grin- Now aside from the fact that such a question is being asked within the midst of an Economic Crisis (Recession), this is a very valid question to ask under any circumstances! As an Enlightener, it’s important that people actually cee, in us, the tangible application and “Peace and Happiness” (40/1-40) that comes along with having Knowledge of Self (KOS). When it comes to the question, “How is 120 gonna pay my bills?!”, I want to cite some of the things that show you how. This Article is designed to help people cee how these ‘intangible’ Cultural Concepts; Principles we live by, Values we hold sacred, and Procedures we use, are converted into a ‘tangible’ existence! This Article is also designed to expose those so-called Gods & Earths who’re lip professing what this Culture is about, yet have no ‘tangible’ evidence to prove it.

First of all, it’s important to understand that NOTHING compensates for Culture. By Culture, I’m referring to your way of life that consists of all of your people activities (i.e. language, diet, family relationships, views on education, sex, labor, etc.), that are governed by various Principles, Values and Procedures. Whether these Principles, Values and Procedures are Divine or Destructive, it will be exposed by our Culture’s ability to sustain itself. In other words, if a part of our Culture is drinking bleach, the bleaches effect on our system’s ability to sustain itself will tell us if it’s Divine or Destroy! So it is with many things... Our free will to put our theories to the test will ultimately reveal Cultural sustainability and the difference between Divine or Destroy. Even if we don’t want to accept the results of our own choices, our choices will always accept us -and we will have to live with these choices until we change them!

One of the great misconceptions 85% of the people within a Capitalistic Society have is that Money, so-called Financial Freedom, an Inheritance, etc. will sustain “life” or solve the problems in our “lives”. A cursory glance at America, the so-called wealthiest Nation on Earth, with all it’s Institutional problems, shows & proves that currency isn’t the universal solvent! The true solution to any/all of our problems exist within the behavior shaping reality of the Cultural Principles we adhere to, the Values we hold sacred, and Procedures we use. Keep in Mind that within America, ‘money’ is a relatively new concept in the History of this Nation. Prior to that, and in most Indigenous/Classical Societies, we utilized the social system of bartering in order to ensure the sustainability of the Culture. In order to barter with someone ‘Trust’ is of the upmost importance. As mentioned in another Article, ‘Trust’ is the ability to confidently rely on Integrity, Honesty, and a sense of Justness. So the social system of bartering was the exchange of goods & services based upon Integrity, Honesty and a sense of Justness. These qualities, that indicate “Word is Bond and Bond is Life” (11/1-14), were the true medium of exchange when we bartered, and this represented the first ‘promissory note’! This was meant to ensure the equal distribution of resources because the highest Value lied in our Relationships and the Stability of our Society! Why did we think like this? Because we understood that we needed eachother, and all of us played a vital role in the maintenance of the Society. Certain aspects of American Culture do not hold the same ideals. These rugged individual and gross materialistic aspects are a phenomenon born from the Axiology of Caucasians, where the highest Value does not lie in the Relationship; The highest Value lies in the object and acquisition of materials. Axiology is the study of ‘Value Systems’. Coming from a harsh environment and geographic location that isn’t tropical, Caucasians lacked resources and developed a rugged individualistic attitude in order to survive. When Gods speak about the idea of ‘Devil’, we’re not talking about people being a Devil because they have White or very fair skin. We’re talking about their collective Axiology; the Value Systems they’ve adopted and adhere to that undermines the Principles, Values and Procedures of Righteousness. Socioeconomically, we define this rugged individualism and gross materialism as “The 10%”; a small population of nepotistic people that control the Worlds resources and the larger population through these resources. We also use the phrase 10% to represent this mentality, as in “Ten Percenter”. In order to answer the question, “How is 120 gonna pay my damn bills?!”, it’s important to understand the concept of the 10%.

(15/1-40) Who are the 10%?
They are the rich slave makers of the poor, who teach the poor lies to believe that the Almighty true and living God is a spook in the sky that can’t be seen by the physical eye. Otherwise known as blood suckers of the poor.

The beauty of the above definition is the fact that there’s corroborating evidence to support it. Examine any history of the Vikings, various Germanic Tribes, Cave Men, the Dark Ages of Europe, America, etc..., and it’s clearly evident! Also check out different Movies/Documentaries that represent period pieces displaying the cave days, the iron age, medieval times, Rome, early Europe, early America, modern America, etc…, and it’s also evident! Sometimes people don’t know that they’re pawns of the 10% by adopting their ideals of an American Dream. To Capitalize within itself is not Unrighteous, b.u.t. American Capitalism is simply because Integrity, Honesty and a sense of Justness are not the guiding Principles, Values and Procedures that govern the exchange of goods and services. American Capitalism, in Principle, as a Value, and as a Procedure, is not synonymous with, “Social means to advocate a Society of Men (people) or Group of Men (people) for one common cause. Equality means TO BE EQUAL IN EVERYTHING.” (8/1-14). Why? Because American Capitalism is a vehicle of the 10%. Regardless of what many of us would like to believe, the 10% only do what will “make themselves rich from your -85%- labor” (9/1-40). Why does the Devil teach that? “Because he desires to make slaves out of all he can so he can rob them and live in luxury” (12/1-40). Now if the 10% TRUE INTENTION was to BE EQUAL IN EVERYTHING, then there would be no separation! Our 30/1-40 asks us, “Tell us what and how the Devil is made?” The first line in that Degree says, “The Devil is made by the Original People by GRAFTING AND SEPERATING…” Our 31/1-40 asks us, “To make Devil what must you first do?” The answer states, “To make Devil you must first begin GRAFTING FROM THE ORIGINAL.” Cee, there’s no philosophical difference between a self serving savage fighting his clan to the death for a scrap of meat, and a business man wearing a suit selling what he knows, so you can sell what he knows, to people who want to buy it! WTF! In the case of the business man, his method is to ration you out portions, probably 10%, of what he knows in order to ensure that you keep buying and buying into these portions of information. IF THEIR INTENTION was to really deal with equality, they would do what’s necessary to put you on ‘the same tier’ as them, and would never charge you for what you’re investing your life into! Anything less would be uncivilized… One of the reasons why Jesus is acknowledged as “our Righteous Brother” (5/1-14), who taught “freedom, justice & equality”, is because he wasn’t selling his teachings or trying to get people to buy into it! ANYTIME you cee a person doing this it’s an obvious sign that what they’re advocating is “mixed, diluted and tampered with” (9/1-14). This is also the reason why true Gods & Earths would never sell our Curriculum (Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabet and 120 Lessons) to somebody!! It’s not Right or Just. Ultimately, the 10% can only be the 10%, and many of you won’t want to accept what I’m saying and here’s the reason why…

(9/1-40) Why does the Devil teach that a Mystery God brings all this?
To conceal the true and living God, who is the Sun of Man, and to make slaves out of 85% by keeping them worshipping that which they cannot see (invisible), and he makes himself rich from their labor. The 85% knows that it rains, hails, snows and also hears thunder above their heads but do not try to learn who is causing all this happen by letting the 5% teach them. They believe in the 10% on face value.

NOW, no doubt money can help us solve some of our problems, b.u.t. without a Culture to institute appropriate Principles, Values , and Procedures, an individual will eventually crash just like the stock market. So here’s a few things I want to say about the subject of “How does 120 pay my bills”:

1. 120 pays your bills because you learn about investing. Far beyond bad spending habits, many people simply support the 10% “rich slave makers of the poor” (15/1-40) because they’re invested in “THIS” Society and chasing an American Dream of wealth and so-called financial freedom. Because I “don’t believe in the teachings of the 10%, and know who the true and living God is” (16/1-40), there are many things I cee right through, things I will not buy/buy in to, Businesses and Organizations I won’t support, and people I won’t invest time into. 120 has numerous Lessons that give a positive profile on various character traits, angles and intentions of the 10% & 85% who support their ideals. When a person has no clue about the Socioeconomic Dynamics in a Society ran by the 10%, they can and will only be of the 85% -who serve as the Maintenance Dept. for the 10% Heaven on Earth. Having KOS has not only allowed me to make better investment choices when it comes to money, b.u.t. better investment choices when it comes to people, places and things. In the 10/1-40, I learned not to “search trillions of years for that-that does not exist”. Therefore, I don’t waste valuable time on people, in places, or with things that don’t contribute to my Cultural Worldview. In the 40/1-40, I learned to “give all I have and all within my power to see the day” in regards to “peace and happiness”. Therefore, I’m very ambitious about doing whatever I can, and finding effective and efficient ways to contribute to Civilization. This means that I’m not wasteful with my -or anybody else’s- time, energy or resources because there’s a serious job that needs to be done with ourselves, amongst our families, in our communities and ultimately in the World! The 13/1-40 teaches us that, “THE 10% KNOWS that when man dies he will never come back to tell the living whether he lied or not because the dead has never been known to return from the grave. In all the history of Islam it’s never revealed anyone coming back from a physical death…” Although we, as Five Percenters (5%; Gods & Earths), and the 10% know this, the difference is the 10% enriches themselves based upon what the masses don’t know! So on a very practical level, the critical, analytical skill sets Gods & Earths learn through 120, equips us with the proper information, attitude and integrity to invest in the right people, places and things. This also means we’re well aware of people striving to prey/pray on us!

2. Alot of the goals we want to accomplish in life hinges not only upon our skill sets, b.u.t. also our self image. If you have vacant/low self esteem, that’s a defeatist attitude that’ll make you fail before you even start! If a person with that attitude does happen to accomplish something, their poor self image will eventually rob it from them, because they don’t have the confidence or skill sets to actually keep it. If it’s something good, they’ll constantly wonder, “Why me?!” instead of realizing “Why not?!” This all goes back to an unhealthy self image. When you’re learning the Curriculum of the Gods & Earths, EVERY PERSON is trained in the basic arts of Study/Research, Debate, Motivational/Public Speaking, Marketing, and Public Relations. Gods & Earths have a certain swag to ‘em! LOL Not some 85% bullshit that people use to try to mimic us, I’m talking about real live confidence that has nothing to do with our income, clothes, car we’re driving, or things that are “other than” (10/1-10) our essential Self! How does this pay your bills? Because you’re learning the true Value of who you are! You’re realizing that who you essentially are is beyond the things you’ve learned to identify/associate with your said person (physicality). Therefore, this new conceptual basis allows you to tap into the Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence that increases your self awareness, self esteem and intellectual capacity to achieve your goals. I don’t believe I’m the true and living God, I KNOW I AM, so there is nothing I can’t do within the perimeters of what I’m physically capable of doing! That’s my foundation and beliefs can’t change that! Therefore I don’t even think in terms of “I can’t”, I think in terms of “What’s the purpose?” Many people simply don’t accomplish their goals because they can’t handle the inner/outer Debates they’re going to be confronted with that oppose their goals! Some people get their foundation rocked because they only “believed” who they were, they didn’t know it! As soon as someone questions them about their goals they get their spirits crushed. Some people haven’t learned how to speak about their goals in order to get the support they need to accomplish them. In this case, a closed mouth simply doesn’t get fed. Ultimately, the Curriculum of The NGE, clearly shows you the difference between Knowledge & Belief. Because my Self Concept is rooted in Knowing I am the true & living God, this perspective serves as the basis upon which I approach all my goals. This is completely different than a person who simply ‘believes’ or ‘feels’ like they can be successful in something, or a person who only identifies with their limited ‘person’ (physical) as the basis of who they actually are! So how you REALLY think about yourself is a vital component of what you’ll get AND keep in life. If deep, down, inside you feel ‘unworthy’, you’ll only be able of get AND keep what’s not worth it. 120 is the epitome of self esteem building, not based upon ‘belief’ or ‘feelings’, b.u.t. based upon a solid foundation; Knowledge!

3. 120 are Lessons! Lesson’s are learning experiences designed to transmit Knowledge. Knowledge or what you Know represents Principles or ‘the way something functions’. Once you determine how something functions, you can properly assign it’s Value in your life. This Value will then be ordered or Prioritized based upon your needs. If we don’t know anything, and aren’t trying to know anything, our Value System is a botch job, and our Priorities will be completely out of order! This further compounds our problems. When you learn life Lessons, it better equips you to analyze, define and navigate Society! How? Because you’re actively engaged in learning what to do and what not to do! Learning Lessons gives you an edge when it comes to situations you’ll be confronted with, because you’re now dealing with the science of prediction. I’m not just talking about using basic life experiences as your reference materials to handle these situations, I’m talking about making the conscious effort to learn Lessons that increase your available resources to handle these situations! This doesn’t mean that simply because I know 120 Lessons, all my problems are automatically solved. What this means is that I’ve positioned myself to have access to solving these problems. This allows me to pay my bills because my intellectual resources are unlimited, not simply based upon what I personally know, b.u.t. based upon the fact that Gods & Earths strive to discover what’s known.

4. We deal with Mathematics! Mathematics is the Language of all languages and the System of all systems! Our Cosmology/Cosmography is based upon a Mathematical Theology and we recognize that everything was established -in Principle- according to a specific order -even the Devil! In otherwords, intrinsic to our Worldview is analyzing when shit don’t add up! LOL Truth is the evidence of Mathematics, and when shit ain’t adding up, something is either outright untrue or the Truth was “mixed, diluted and tampered with.” (9/1-14). So Mathematics is the Truth or “Word is Bond and Bond is Life” (11/1-14), and we will all, regardless if you live this Culture or not, “give our lives before this Word shall fail”. Why? Because nothing outlives the Truth! How does this pay your bills? Because your Worldview is based upon what’s True; what does or doesn’t add up! So the Truth that people strive to obtain from people, in places, and about things is really it’s dimensions, properties, operations, etc.. (Mathematics). So when we learn our Lessons and discover such Actual Facts like the Diameter of the Earth is 7,926 miles, which makes the radius 3,963 miles, it couldn’t be a Hell in the center of the Earth that burns 1,000 hotter than the Sun! If the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away and we can feel it’s heat, then how come we can’t feel the heat of something 1,000 hotter than the Sun that’s only 3,963 miles away?! That shit just doesn’t add up! Although this is a very basic example, ceeing what does & doesn’t add up obviously saves you a lot of money, time, and headaches because Mathematics cannot lie.

5. 120 empowers you with the ability to choose positive Careers that are models for Cultural Sustainability. What this means is that you learn about yourself, what you enjoy, and how you can utilize these skills to add your Contribution to Civilization! Because we learn -specifically- in the 17-21/1-40 about Civilization and our Duty as a Civilized Person, we further recognize our responsibility to be a Solution, not a Problem. Therefore, we develop the consideration and capacity to choose Careers that we and other people can not only live with, b.u.t. make life more fulfilling! A true and living God/Earth realizes that we’re responsible for those who do not know, so regardless of what our Career choice may be it’s ultimately going to express a component of human services and youth advocacy. This unselfish outlook pays our bills because we’re investing in the Family Units & Communities that ultimately sustain us. Nurturing and cultivating positive relationships with the Youth ensures your place in the future. It’s been 45 years since the formal founding of The NGE, and the Love and Respect The Father invested in 9 young males still exists to this day! Because I likewise adhere to and apply the same unselfish outlook on life, I too will never be forgotten in the Minds of anyone whom I meet! To know yourself well enough to develop a positive Career that you love, through being able to help others, is worth it’s weight in gold. Now you’re living!! -smile- From this vantage point, bills take on a whole new meaning -ESPECIALLY when you have a Companion who “advocates the same common -Cultural- cause” (8/1-14).

To conclude Today’s Article I want to address those of you who aren’t convinced. Those of you love evvvverything b.u.t. Allah’s Mathematics, and still believe in the teachings of the 10%. All of your hopes and dreams aside, we live in a Society that is governed by the traditions, tactics and teachings of the 10% -rich slave makers of the poor WHO TEACH THE POOR LIES TO BELIEVE. It is not the 10% job to deal fairly with you. “They -the 10%- continue daily to teach the 85%...” (13/1-40) these lies, to enrich & empower themselves. That’s why resources such as this Site, various other Sites by Gods/Earths, and other Civilized People, performing our duty is vital in our struggle to educate & empower the masses! Our condition as a people continues to revolve around the false idea that “they’ll receive more gold for their labor...” (28/1-36), if they stay invested in American Values and Ideals of Success -as taught by the 10%. Am I advocating that we don’t work, create our own jobs, hustle, etc… NOW CIPHER, what I am advocating is that we must only work towards investing in our own interests, not as individuals b.u.t. as a people! B.u.t. to do this, we must have something we call our own. To have our own we must ask ourselves the basic question, “What Nation do we pledge allegiance to, and in what God do we really Trust?” I know all of us would love to believe that we’re truly invested in some Nationalistic Ideals, b.u.t. WHAT we’re actually doing on a daily basis, and WHY we’re doing it, will reveal the truth about our allegiance. There are many Gods & Earths who claim this Nation, b.u.t. nothing in their daily lives reflects any activities invested in actual Nation Building. What their daily life does look like is some individual working everyday, if they do have a job, to pay their pay bills and spend money on simple pleasures -with hopes of being rich one day.

Even though I may not completely agree with some of the Theology/Teachings of The NOI, The Moors, The African Hebrew Israelites, etc.., at least they have an allegiance to a Nation, a Nationality, and a Concept of God that doesn’t advocate or perpetuate American Values and Ideals that don’t serve their people’s interest. If they were designed to work in our best interest, then we would have the financial ‘Freedom’ many of us are still striving for, and ‘Justice’ to reinforce this Socioeconomic ‘Equality’! Across the board, this does not reflect American Society. This is not to say that ALL American Values are wrong. I will go as far as to say that many of the things within it’s Value System that are right & exact, originated with Original People! As Original People in this Society, we find ourselves juggling various Values and Ideals, and trying to decide what Values and Ideals are worthy to invest in. All of these choices will be determined by our allegiance. What we’ve been doing, and how we’ve chosen to invest our time, attention, finances, and resources, reveals what we’ve pledged our allegiance to, and in what God we really trust! As a people, we need to realize that our condition is the direct result of our decisions that support this pledge, which is usually “the teachings of the 10%” (9/1-40).

Making Money or a living with 120 is all about being consistent and committed to living out the Principles & Values of this Culture. Plain and simple. If you cee so-called Gods & Earths who’re aren’t looking, feeling or doing good it’s a clear sign that they’re not being consistent and committed to living out the Principles & Values of this Culture. If you cee so-called Gods & Earths complaining all the time, gossiping, talking negative, committing crimes, arguing or fighting, it’s a clear sign that they’re not being consistent and committed to living out the Principles & Values of this Culture. If you cee a so-called God & Earth just generally unhappy with their life and carry a poor attitude and negative disposition, it’s a clear sign that they’re not being consistent and committed to living out the Principles & Values of this Culture.



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