Sunday, December 20, 2009


Peace Ya’ll! In response to some of the HOUSE OF KONSCIOUSNESS videos that have been circulating throughout Mecca (Harlem) and on the Internet, I posted a couple videos on A.S.I.A. TV to express our stance on the topic, “Is the Black (Original) Woman a Goddess?” The importance in doing this is to ensure that a clear distinction is consistently made between what we, The NGE Teach, in comparison to this New Group called The RBG Nation. As Gods & Earths, we understand many of the things that Nation are trying to do, yet we do not advocate some of the things they’re teaching AND methods that they’re using. If this distinction isn’t made, we’ll find ourselves catapulted back in a 1960’s Era where people mistook the Gods/Earths for being Muslims, a Gang, a Black Supremist Group, a NOI Offshoot, Splinter Group, Sect, and etc... NONE of which we are! Because there are some past & present NGE Members, NGE Sympathizers, and people with NGE Affiliations who have joined The RBG Nation, it’s that much more important that they’re distinguished from us. Because many of these past & present NGE Members, NGE Sympathizers, and people with NGE Affiliations still speak our Language, use 120 (our Lessons), and carry our Names, it’s easy for an onlooker to assume we advocate the same teachings, WHICH IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE! It’s similar to that “50/50” Half Blood & Half God phenomenon that’s been going on throughout many of these East Coast Prisons!! I’m not saying that The RBG’s are like The Bloods, I’m just pointing out the potential for disaster when a person is unevenly yoked…

Anyway, when I posted my videos on A.S.I.A. TV, I strived to break down, as simple as possible, The NGE’s position on the Woman being a Goddess. I ended up receiving countless comments, messages and emails from people voicing “their feelings” and “opinions” about it. So much for simplicity. LOL! Now if you haven’t checked out the Latest Episode of A.S.I.A. Talk, please take a moment to do so. I have the God ‘Life’ as a Special Guest addressing topics such as the Goddess issue, Nationality, Internet Enlighteners, Black Power!, and etc.. Well in Today’s Article, I want to go more into depth about, “Is the Black (Original) Woman a Goddess?”

Allah is in the Earth and in the Heavens above…Understanding God Degree (37/1-40)

First of all, it’s important to understand that we, as a Nation of Gods and Earths, define God (The Creator) according to our own Worldview. In conjunction with this Worldview, we have our own Theology, Cosmology, and Language to articulate and convey this definition of God. In the same way many Indigenous Societies have no concept or function for words such as ‘maybe’ or ‘might’, within our Society, Gods & Earths have no concept or function for certain words.

God, as a Concept, represents Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence. Although God, as a Concept, is represented by many names, in The NGE we refer to God as Allah meaning, “The All in All”! This doesn’t mean that we don’t acknowledge or are collectively against other names people use to symbolize “The All in All”. From our Cosmological Perspective, “The All in All” is the Supreme Consciousness or Universal Mind which is ALL ENCOMPASSING. There is nothing outside of the perimeters of ALL! This is the whole idea of “One God”, God is indivisible, God is whole/complete, and why the Bible & Koran continuously spells out that “there are no partners/idols beside God/Allah”. Now, if I claim that God is Omnipotent, there exists no power outside of being ‘all-powerful’ (Omnipotence). If I claim that God is Omniscient, there exists no knowledge outside of ‘all-knowing’ (Omniscience). If God is Omnipresent, than no place exists outside of everywhere (Omnipresence). Once you make a claim that something is ALL, it cannot be partitioned off or separated from itself. To acknowledge that God is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, and then turn around and try to partition or separate Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence, by adding “dess” to God, is a walking contradiction! If you adopt such a view, God, as a Concept, cannot truly be whole and completely Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. Why? Because something (‘dess’) was add to it. It’s equivalent to saying your Wife is the only one, she means everything to you, and your relationship is whole/complete, then you turn around and have an affair on the side! It’s a contradiction! Your claims about your Wife being the only one, meaning everything to you, and your relationship being whole/complete can’t be true! If it was true, there would be no need to add on to what’s already whole/complete! So as Gods and Earths, we don’t teach or advocate the concept of a ‘Goddess’ because we understand that the concept of God is more than enough (ALL ENCOMPASSING). -smile-

Now some people have been trying to argue why they need to add a “dess” on the end of “God” is because our so-called Kemetic Ancestors taught and advocated that. First of all, there were no “Goddesses” in Ancient Kemet. The concept of Goddesses is a bone headed, Egyptologists (another misnomer) mistranslation of the Kemetic Concept of ‘Neters” or “Neteru’. Ausar, Tehuti, Maat, etc.. were ‘Neteru’, which means ‘forces of nature.’ These ‘forces of nature’ were symbolized as Zoomorphic Archetypes to convey Principles & Universal forces of nature. So-called Egyptologists, fixated on the forms, divided up the Neteru into Male/Female, called them Gods/Goddesses, and labeled our Ancestors Polytheistic. The whole idea of Gods & Goddesses is some Greek Pantheon Math, and is not rooted in what we taught in the Nile Valley. Some of these dudes trying to rep Nile Valley Civilization or Kemetic Culture aren’t even aware that they’re using Eurocentric approaches and methodologies to assess, articulate & define Nile Valley Civilization or Kemetic Culture! It’s important to understand Epistemology; the study of how we know something. Unfortunately, as Original People, especially in the Diaspora, we cee things through the lens of being “made other than ourselves” (12/1-36). This means we must work extra hard to insure that WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW we’re assessing, articulating & defining what we’re ceeing isn’t “mixed, diluted or tampered with” (9/1-40). If we disregard Epistemology, we may end up teaching and advocating ideas & methodologies that don’t work in the best interest of ourselves, eachother and the environment. Worst than that, we may be dressing up or putting a black face on ideas & methodologies that are completely oppositional to us as an Original People! Some will sit there and say, “Well you’re using the word ‘God’ which is Eurocentric?!”. Yeah, that’s why I’ve specifically said/wrote “GOD AS A CONCEPT”. What this means, Einstein, is that I’m using this familiar word, God, to explain OUR Conceptualization, Definition, and Worldview behind this familiar word. The whole discussion of whether THIS CONCEPT should be called Yah, Jah, Allah, The Great Spirit, Yahweh, Jehovah, Ausar, Ra, Dios, etc.. is a different conversation altogether. That’s something you should talk to DRE Allah or Wesley Muhammad about. As for myself, I’d actually prefer the word “Jaga”, and I also wouldn’t have a problem with naming my next daughter ‘Queen Thundera Divine’. -shrugs-

-switches gears-

Dichotomy, Dynamic Opposites or the concept of Ying/Yang was established when Nothingness gave birth to Something; when ‘No-thing’ manifested ‘A-thing’ and consequently ‘All things’. The ‘essence’ of dichotomy is symbolized by an Indivisible glyph known as a Cipher (O). This Cipher represents the ALL ENCOMPASSING nature of Allah; “the All in All” and NO-THING simultaneously. It was from this wholistic state that the dichotomy of all form was born! Although this Cipher gave birth to dichotomy, the Cipher itself is not Dichotomous; it’s above dichotomy. Why? Because Nothingness is undifferentiated, immeasurable matter energy which has no shape, form, speed or vector. There is no variance or difference in such a state. Differences were only manifested when the first particle of matter was willed a purpose, thus forging the first ‘thing’, and establishing the concept of dichotomy! So God is the Author of dichotomy, b.u.t. is not ‘essentially’ dichotomous. Although there exists a dichotomy of ‘forms’ and ‘function’, there is no dichotomous form for God (“The All in All”). To dichotomize God, by making ‘Goddess’, undermines the very nature and ‘essential’ integrity of God!

Now the next logical question is, “Why is God expressed as the Original Man and not the Woman?”

From the Cipher (O) was born Knowledge (MAN=1), and then Wisdom (WOMAN=2); THIS IS A SEQUENTIAL ORDER. The essence (nature) of God is expressed through ALL THINGS (O). Both Male & Female, Man & Woman use this Supreme Consciousness to ‘function’ differently, through different physical vehicles. ONE VEHICLE IS NOT BETTER THAN THE OTHER! It goes back to what I said about ‘Dichotomy’. For Supreme Consciousness to manifest Creation from a formless state of undifferentiated matter energy, the dichotomy of forms, in various states, had to be manifested. Once these various forms were manifested, a sentient form had to be produced to contain this Consciousness to survey it’s own Creation. In otherwords, that which conducts had to create a conductor, the driver had to produce a vehicle, the Mind produced a Brain. So Supreme Consciousness or the Universal Mind had to produce a repository to serve as a transmitter and receiver of it’s “ownself” (13/1-36). It’s a process of the Potential becoming Actual, the Subjective becoming Objective, the Subconscious becoming Conscious, and Subsistence becoming Existence. The PRIMARY (1) host of this Supreme Consciousness is Male/Man. The SECONDARY (2) host of this Supreme Consciousness is Female/Woman. Because of the genotypical/phenotypical differences between Male/Man & Female/Woman, Knowledge (1) & Wisdom (2) “in form”, we carry out complementary, corresponding functions. These functions are congruent, b.u.t. are not the same! Male/Man has the functioning role and responsibility of God (potential), while Female/Woman has the functioning role and responsibility of Earth (actual). If Males were designed to do everything Females do, we wouldn’t need Females. If Women were designed to do everything Men do, they wouldn’t need Men. The Dichotomy of Male & Female is Man & Woman, Knowledge (1) & Wisdom (2), and God & Earth. This is not chauvinistic, gender oppressive or misogynistic, B.U.T. THERE ARE Males/Men who use the SEQUENCE of Knowledge (1) proceeding Wisdom (2) to express chauvinistic, gender oppressive or misogynistic ideologies! THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ADVOCATE!!

As I said, Males/Females, we are both mentally connected to the Supreme Consciousness or Universal Mind, b.u.t. as physical conduits, we transmit and receive this Consciousness/Mind differently for different purposes. The corresponding medium between God & Earth is “LIFE”. In order for God to be God, the Earth produces his Creation (LIFE). In order for the Earth to be Earth, God has Creation (LIFE) to be produced. In otherwords, if we didn’t need eachother as Males & Females, we would either be Androgynous or Asexual. As the head of the Family Unit, it is part of Man’s functioning role and responsibility to protect & provide. Inherent to Man’s ability to protect & provide is unlimited authority/influence (Omnipotence), unlimited awareness/insight (Omniscience), and being present at all times (Omnipresence). This is the functioning role and responsibility of God ‘in form’! As the foundation of the Family Unit, it is part of Woman’s functioning role and responsibility to nurture and sustain. Inherent to Woman’s ability to nurture & sustain is unlimited authority/influence (Omnipotence), unlimited awareness/insight (Omniscience), and being present at all times (Omnipresence). This is the functioning role and responsibility of Earth ‘in form’! Although Males & Females share the same nature “in essence”, we have different functioning roles and responsibilities ‘in form’! Again, in essence, Male/Female are both conduits of Supreme Consciousness or the Universal Mind. Man functions as the primary conduit as God (A Plan), and Woman functions as the secondary conduit as Earth (A Planet). The Central Paradigm in our Culture as well as most Metaphysical, Religious or Spiritual Systems is Creator & Creation, God & Earth.

To conclude Today’s Article, I want to offer my perspective on why people have been advocating a Goddess teaching:

1. People generally lack a basic understanding of Cosmology, Metaphysics, and the meaning of ‘Sequence’. One of the things they may be confused about is the idea of Allah, or whatever they choose to call The Creator, creating self from “a womb” of Triple Darkness. Because they equate “a womb” with a Woman, they reason that a Woman (womb-man) is God because she came before a Man. Well, “a womb” is indeed a feminine aspect, yet the masculine potentiality proceeds this feminine aspect. How? This masculine aspect is “Will”! You know, as in “The Will of Allah”? Therefore, Supreme Consciousness was a potentiality ‘willed’ through ‘a womb’ to actually exist! Keep in Mind that we’re not discussing Men or Women at this point, only Masculine & Feminine. As Ying/Yang both contain alittle of each; Men & Women contain alittle of both Male & Female, Masculine & Feminine aspects. Just because the Masculine is primary doesn’t mean it’s better than the Feminine that’s secondary. It simply means that potential must proceed the actual, the transmission must proceed the reception, God must proceed the Earth, and 1 must proceed 2. This is all about ‘Sequence’! Human Life cannot be created unless a Man’s ‘potential’ to determine the ‘actual’ sex is present first! If a Woman were present first, she would be incapable of producing/reproducing life.

2. Some dudes are promoting a Goddess concept just to appeal to Women. I know some Gods that do the same shit by calling Women “Queen”. When I was at Allah School I watched an Older God saying, “Peace my Queen!” to every Woman that walked by, while looking them up and down like a porter house steak! LOL It’s just a game to holla at some female who’s used to being called everything “other than” (10/1-10) that! It’s no different than a boy telling a girl, “You’re pretty!” A clear sign that it’s bullshit is the fact that these dudes cannot justify a specific, functional, role that a Goddess is supposed to actually play. When you ask them to elaborate, they won’t be able to tell you anything ‘outside’ of what a Women naturally does! You’ll cee that all they’re doing is using the word ‘Goddess’ to make shit sound good! LOL

3. Many Women simply believe they’re smarter than Men. So the idea of a Goddess is a way for them to live out that belief system. They cee the addition of “dess” to the concept/word “God” as an extension, improvement, expansion, or perfection of God. It’s no different than the philosophy that, “When God made Man he was just practicing.” LOL They may claim that the word ‘Goddess’ is to show balance, equality, etc.., blah, blah, blah between Man/Woman, b.u.t. they really don’t mean it. They just have a problem with a Man, having the audacity, to identify himself as the Supreme Being, because in her experience with Males/Men, she’s ALWAYS BEEN more Man AND God than he could ever be! In her Mind, “If these niggas is God, I GOTTA TO BE a Goddess!” LOL

4. Females are discontent with her nature, function & role as The Earth. The same way you have Black People who despise being Black, you have Females who despise being The Earth. To compensate for this, you have many Black People who’ll do everything within their power to not identify with Black People; from bleaching their skin, getting plastic surgery, changing their hair texture, choosing only White Companions, modeling a Eurocentric lifestyle, and worshipping White Iconography. This is the same with Females; many of them do everything within their power to not identify with being The Earth. OF COURSE this is the post-traumatic results of living in a Racist, Gender Oppressive, Misogynistic Society. So their claim as being a Goddess, is simply a overt/covert disdain for being a female (The Earth). One thing you’ll find with many Females with this mentality is repulsiveness towards being Maternal, a lack of Parenting Skills, Feminist/Lesbian Ideologies & Physical Expressions, serial dysfunction in Relationships with Men, and indifference to outright hatred for her Mother & most females in her family.

5. Many dudes are just unsure/insecure about taking the position of being “The Sole Controller” (as my God Brother ‘Precise’ commented to me). Striving to live out the reality of being the True & Living God is scary to them, in the same way being a Man and living on their own is scary. Because some males have a problem with living on their own and taking care of themselves, they latch on to females. Under these circumstances it’s easy for them to rationalize that a Goddess is a counterpart of God! One thing you’ll find in these dudes is an obvious inability to take care of themselves and their child(ren) if they have any! You’ll discover that he hasn’t really lived by himself before, has a sketchy work history, is disorganized, emotionally immature/dependant, and compromising. Ultimately, he advocates that a Woman’s a Goddess because he doesn’t intend on being a God.

6. Some Women are grossly independent, have control issues, and simply want their own, “INDEPENDANT” of Males/Men. They micromanage everything and want their own money, car, home, etc…, and even God! LOL Their philosophy on life is, “No Man is gonna control me or tell me what to do!” So if Man is God, he’s not going to tell her what to do either! In her Mind, if a Man can be a God, she has the right to be a Goddess, not based upon any intellectual discourse, study, building, etc.. b.u.t based upon “her opinion” and “ how she feels”. Instead of acknowledging the Concepts of God & Earth, this type of Woman will chooses three basic categories when it comes to her Worldview:

-Most of these Women accept God strictly in the abstract; as a Spirit, a Holy Ghost, a Mystery, or some Supernatural so-called Man named Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha; Things/Men they don’t have an ‘actual’ relationship with, and Things/Men they don’t/won’t have to ‘actually’ answer to face to face.

-Some of these Women reject Religion and avoid the subject altogether. In turn, they look at other females who advocate it as sell-outs for “The Man”.

-Other Woman claim to be/worship a ‘Goddess’; AKA “God’s Manager”.



  1. Peace to the God, great points brought up in this build and it doesn't get much simpler. It's funny that this topic had to even be built on before within the NGE. I always said "Naw that's the Nation of G&G (Gods & Goddesses), not the NGE (LOL). To see this having to be revisited is funny, even if it is external from the NGE.
    Its funny, because any bullshit that someone wants to believe, they can probably find that same BS in at least one book. I couldn't even get away with that 1 book proof shit in 4th grade for a science experiment, now as so-called adults "we" are so suppose to except that, Emphatically Now Cipher.

    Divine King Allah

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  3. Peace God. Thank you for listing your philosophy on the matter, but I so respectfully disagree with you.

  4. Peace Almighty, I greatly appreciate your build, it properly align itself to 8 He or Her (13 or 31)!

  5. My question was in the beginning wasn't for a brief moment in time of its early years wasn't the nation called Gods and Goddesses
