Monday, February 08, 2010

Queen Wisdom Born AKA Ms. Modesty Blaise

Blaise InFitness

“So I inspired you to get nekkid too huh?! LOL” she said, in response to a shirtless Profile Picture I posted on FB. We were jokingly chatting about that, and the type of response she’s been getting from Gods and Earths about the New Fitness Trainer/Fitness Modeling Business she launched; Blaise InFitness!

Within The Nation of Gods and Earths (The NGE; Five Percenters), a traditional part of our Regalia is that our Women (Earths) wear 3/4th’s clothing. A cursory glance at Women all over the Planet Earth, throughout the annals of time, will show you that in any Civilized Society, Women dress and have dressed modestly. The Original Woman, whom herself is composed of 3/4th’s water, is symbolic to The Planet Earth, which is likewise “covered under water approximately 3/4th’s of it’s surface” (8/1-40). Phrases such as Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and even down to the analogy of Africa’s Nile River being the Fallopian Tube of Humanity are just a few of the obvious signs to express the twin-like relationship the Original Woman has to our Planet. Anytime an Earth in this Nation doesn’t adhere to our 3/4th’s Cultural dress code, she looks suspicious. This dress code isn’t like the ninja styled burqa Muslim Women wear, nor is it like a bohemian gypsy garment. This dress code is more along the lines of long skirts, headwraps, loose fitting clothing that’s neither churchy or flighty! LOL If some Earths aren’t wearing a headwrap, they’ll still be covered 3/4th’s of their body and wearing their natural hair. Most Earths understand this tradition, b.u.t. there are females who claim to be Earths in this Nation, who dress and look no different than the average female on the street. These females have perms, weaves, wigs, etc…, and wear form fitting clothing so tight they make Alicia Keys look like she’s wearing jogging pants.

Now…, because this Earth isn’t wearing the traditional 3/4th’s in her New Fitness Trainer/Fitness Modeling Business, she has drawn a lot of National attention! She informed me that while most Gods have been openly supportive and inspired by her, the feedback she’s gotten from some Gods/Earths, Earths in particular, hasn’t been as positive. I thought to myself… From a females perspective, maybe it’s a “game peep game” situation that’s above my microcerphalic head? Maybe it’s just some good ole fashion hatin going on? Maybe people are mad because she’s holding up a proverbial mirror to them and their portly mate? Maybe the Queen is just striving to let Gods know what she’s working wit, she is surprisingly single? Whatever it may or may not be, I want to explore this topic, and hopefully create some positive dialogue around this subject of Professional Earth Attire.

First and foremost, I’ve known Queen Wisdom Born for a long time, at least a decade, and she’s always been synonymous with pro-activeness! She’s been one of the forerunners of our Nation abroad (Canada), and I’ve always respected her for being about this Culture regardless to whom or what. You often don’t find that in an Earth because many of them come into this Nation via a Man or for a Man, and as soon as that situation goes sour they’re back to Lil Kimmin’ it in The Club. From my relationship and experience with the Queen, she ain’t that kinda female. A while ago we were building and she was telling me about different Training Courses she’d been taking such as welding, etc., how her babies were doing, and how her Business ‘Earth Science’ (that specializes in Designer Crowns & Headwraps) is going. When it comes to ‘Earth Science’, I remember yeeeeeers ago when the Queen first started this Business, so she’s been on the grind for a quite some time! Over the years, and with her continued dedication to her craft, ‘Earth Science’ has become THE hallmark to Designer Earth Attire, and a priceless accessory for any Woman that’s striving to create modest clothing ensembles that reflect her inner and outer beauty!

Fast forward to 2009/2010…

The Queen is still doing her Business ‘Earth Science, b.u.t. has added another Plus Degree to her Training Units; Blaise InFitness, a Fitness Training/Fitness Modeling Business! When I first learned about Blaise InFitness, I was taken by surprise. Not because I expected the Queen to be sweating in 3/4th’s throughout her Instructional Videos, b.u.t. because the last time we built, she was doing something completely different. Although welding and working out both start with “w”, they were two different fields of endeavor, at least in my eyes they are. Ceeing the passion, energy, and commitment she was now putting into her Fitness Trainer/Modeling Business was very inspiring to me! I was proud and happy to cee the Queen adding an additional contribution to our Nation and Civilization as a whole. I wasn’t aware of and still am not aware of any Earths who are actually providing this type of Service to People. As a Nation of People, we need Professional Male/Female Fitness Trainers just like anybody else, and I was glad to cee that the Queen has filled this niche. Positive growth and development happens on both a Mental and Physical level, so to invest in the Mind and neglect the Body is never a good thing. No matter how we try to rationalize why we’re not taking care of ourselves, the neglect itself will eventually destroy our Mental/Physical faculties to rationalize this! We cee this in our Communities every day, and it’s never a pretty sight!

Now, there are some Gods/Earths who strongly disagree with what I’m saying, and view Blaise InFitness as a savage departure from our Culture! In their Mind, the Queen is just a Rogue Earth who’s simply showing her ass! They think that if she is the True & Living Earth, she needs to be covered in 3/4th’s, because rocking damn near nothing in them training videos and fitness model pictures, she’s sellin sex and setting a bad example for our Nation, especially for other Earths! Functionally speaking, they do make some valid points. Like with any Professions Gods/Earths have, be it Entertainment, Educational, Legal, Retail, etc.., there may be some Gods/Earths out there who may look at it and get some ideas, both positive and negative. In regards to Blaise InFitness, on the positive side, people will obviously be inspired to start taking better care of themselves, consult with her as a Personal Trainer, develop Businesses in conjunction with Fitness Training, etc... On the negative side, some Gods/Earths may look at this as a Disrobing Test Market to co-sign some bullshit they wanted to do in the first place such as exotic dancing, being a video vixen, and in extreme cases, porn! So like with anything, even the Word of God, people will always find a way to use something to suit their needs and wants, be it positive or negative.

When it comes to Fitness, there is no denying that there are some serious Mental/Physical health issues within this Nation and with People in general; Obesity, Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Nicotine Addiction, Poor Diets, Impotence, Lack of Exercise, etc… There is also no denying the fact that a combination of Fitness Training and Natural Health Consciousness have/will correct these issues! My advice to those Gods/Earths who have a personal problem with Blaise InFitness is simple. I challenge those of you who’re directly/indirectly talking shit about how The Earth ain’t wearing 3/4th’s, to do something constructive about it! Help develop a fabric/outfit that would allow the Earth to still provide this much needed Service AND maintain our Cultural Tradition of Earths wearing 3/4th’s! Develop a Fitness Training Clothing Line for Gods/Earths! On another level, Invent some type of all-natural organic health drink, energy bars, etc… the Queen might be able to exclusively promote with her Business! Add on by doing something constructive, and bring something to the table besides your hot breath & opinions. Knowing the Queen, I’m sure she’d be happy to cee what you’re doing, discuss the possibility of networking, or connecting you with someone you can work with. Why not? It’s all about elevation right?! As a Family, whenever we think or feel like our Brother/Sister may be doing something not right and exact, it is our Duty, as Civilized People, to give them or show them a positive alternative! I personally don’t have a problem with Blaise InFitness. I think she’s doing an excellent job Showing & Proving the importance of being “symbolic” to the Sun, Moon (Earth) and Stars, and not literally lookin like ‘em. So if you’re serious about supporting the Queen’s Blaise InFitness Business by developing a God/Earth Centered fabric/outfit or Clothing Line, paleeeeeeaze do your homework. Don’t be bringing her no hot ass Mork & Mindy lookin jumpsuit with a Universal Flag patch over the heart. She might end up having a damn heat stroke in that shit, and we can’t be letting that happen! WE NEED HER, just like we need you, and everybody else in this Nation to add a personal AND collective contribution to Civilization! If your intention is not to add on, you can only take away…


To Connect with Queen Wisdom Born AKA Modesty Blaise, click on the below Links

Earth Science

Blaise InFitness


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