Monday, February 01, 2010

Supreme Alphabet Soup

Peace Ya’ll! With all the downloadable information about The NGE on the Internet, our Culture “appears” to be right at peoples fingertips. Obviously it’s much much more than reading something off a Website or having some information on paper! Today I want to spend alittle time on our SUPREME ALPHABET, and briefly explain “What?” it is to me and “How?” I use it.

For those of you who don’t know what the SUPREME ALPHABET is or looks like: CLICK HERE! There are various stories about how The Father and/or his Closest Companions came up with The SUPREME ALPHABET. I am not writing about, Who, When, Where, and Why. This Article is strictly about “What?” and “How?” I use this Intellectual Property of The NGE. Whatever these stories may be, what we do know for a fact, is that we’ve been using this system since the birth of this Nation, and no one can claim ownership to that b.u.t. us. For those of you who’re interested in learning the “Who?, When?, Where?, Why?”, or other Information about our Nation that I may not specifically address, I encourage you to please consult with other Gods/Earths. In addition to some Gods/Earths Links I have on my right sidebar, here’s a short list of Books you can also check out:

Knowledge of Self Anthology
The Immortal Birth
In the Name of Allah Vol 1

In the Name of Allah Vol 2
The Naked Truth
The Five Percenters

When I first got Knowledge, my Enlightener never gave me The SUPREME ALPHABET on a piece of paper. So from the very beginning, I never conceptualized it as letters and words on a flat piece of paper! I learned The SUPREME ALPHABET as a system of Conceptual Applications in real time. It wasn’t until some months after I finished knowledging 120 (Lessons) did I take the time to actually write them down. So when I learned a Concept like “Master” (13: Knowledge Understanding), it was through direct experience, not reading a piece of paper and then gazing up a ceiling to imagine what “Master” means.

First of all, let me explain what the SUPREME ALPHABET is not! It is not a coded language to talk about people behind their backs. It is not a Morse Code to plot crimes and avoid The Law. It is not for spicin’ up your lyrics, and it’s not Neo-Ebonics. It’s not Gang Lingo, and most importantly, The SUPREME ALPHABET is not just some words we assign to each letter in the English Alphabet.

When it comes to The SUPREME ALPHABET, the Words that we assign to each letter of our ALPHABET are SUPREME or ‘Higher’ Concepts of Life. As you think, then so are you, and this sets the stage for what you’re inclined to do! So the way Gods/Earths view the Basic Alphabet orientates us in a very unique way. This orientation allows us to tap into profound Psychological, Emotional, and Socioeconomic Properties; Properties evoked from thinking/using a language where Concepts such as Love, Queen, Nation, Born, Power, God, Divine, etc. are integral parts to it! So each letter in the Alphabet serve as triggers that illustrate these ‘Higher’ Concepts. For example, when I cee the 10th letter “J”, I automatically think about Concepts of “Justice” and Knowledge (1) Cipher (0)! Imagine if a child is taught this? Imagine the type of orientation and conviction that would be instilled in our children through associating the Alphabet with SUPREME Concepts? So in addition to them learning that the 13th letter “M” stands for Monkey in Kindergarten, imagine if they also learned to associate “M” with the Concept of “Master” and Knowledge (1) Understanding (3)! In their eyes, a Monkey would never look the same! LOL

The purpose of a language is multifaceted. Essentially, a language is a system of signs & symbols used to define, articulate, convey, and preserve ones Cosmology/Cosmography (Creation Story) and Cultural Worldview! A Cosmology/Cosmography is how we define and articulate Creation and the origin of the Universe. How we cee Creation, and it’s origin, will ultimately determine how we define, articulate, convey and preserve our Cultural Worldview. Why? Because this serves as our basic understanding of The Creator, who is ultimately the author of Creation. A person who’s Cosmology/Cosmography (Creation Story) believes that all things originate from Nordic Gods has a different orientation and Cultural Worldview than someone who believes that all things had a happen-stance origin. Cee, American Culture is a montage of various Cultural Worldviews, and is based upon a Christian Cosmology/Cosmography (Creation Story). These Cultural Perspectives (Worldviews) were transported to America by people through a system of signs & symbols; language. America has Moorish, Iroquois, Spanish, French, German, Roman, and many other Cultural elements that were used to forge it’s Worldview. If you take a quick glance at an English Dictionary you’ll cee that there are very few English words, and most of them are derived from other languages. So, the language or better yet ‘dialect’ called English is a makeshift system of signs & symbols used to define, articulate, convey, and preserve an American Worldview! It’s also important to note that Hip Hop is one of the most contemporary forms of Culture, created by Original People, as a means to stretch, bend, modify, and alchemize this American Worldview to suit the needs of Oppressed People. Because there was very limited or no access to Dance, Art, Music, Fashion, and Media Schools & Industries, we produced our own, and this served as the self empowering basis of HipHop! -smile-

The purpose of The SUPREME ALPHABET is to construct a language that defines, articulates, conveys, and preserves the Cultural Worldview of Gods and Earths. It is a system of signs & symbols that’s Ancient in Principle, b.u.t. Contemporary in Expression. What this means is that our Ideas aren’t new at all! Some of the ways we express these Ideas are new, and that’s based upon the era, geographic location, and social context we’re living in.

The first letter of an Alphabet symbolizes the cornerstone upon which that language is built! This cornerstone must serve as a solid foundation because the weight of how the Cosmology/Cosmography and Culture is defined, articulated, conveyed, and preserved will rest upon it! Fittingly, the cornerstone to our language is “A” which is symbolic to “Allah”. Allah simply means ‘The God’, and this is the nature, functioning role, and responsibility of The Original Man; the foundation (basis) of Creation (Universe) and the Family (Unit). This does not mean that “Allah” is THE ONLY word to describe this nature, functioning role, and responsibility. Now Philosophically speaking, “A, Allah or ‘The God’” being the foundation of our language is no different than a Christian saying, “God is first in my Life”, a Muslim saying, “All praises due to Allah”, etc… As Gods and Earths, the basis of our language that defines, articulates, conveys, and preserves our Worldview is ‘The God’, nothing more and nothing less. We’re not talking about God in the abstract or unseen entity independent and outside of ourselves, b.u.t. God as the essence of the Original Man that is likewise reflected in the Divinity of the Original Woman. This Idea serves as the basis (cornerstone) of our Cosmology/Cosmography and Worldview. It’s no different than a person saying that God, by whatever name they call the Creator, is the source of all things!

The last letter of an Alphabet symbolizes the keystone. The keystone ‘crowns’ the Alphabet and gives context to the proceeding letters. The keystone holds them in their proper order and place. In the building trades, the keystone is the highest point of an arch and locks all the other pieces in place. An arch spans a doorway, and a doorway determines the entrance and exit of a structure. From a Christian Perspective, the ‘keystone’ of Christianity is symbolic to Christ! That is why he’s called “the door” to Salvation. Muslims cee the Koran as a ‘keystone’, so they hold the highest regard for Al-Fatiha (“the opening’) Surah, and view Muhammad as “the seal” (close) of the Prophets. The keystone to our Alphabet is “Z”, the last letter in the Alphabet, which is symbolic to “Zig, Zag, Zig”. Zig, Zag, Zig represents ‘undulation’; the rising & falling, wave like, pendulum behavior of everything in the Universe. As the 26th Letter, this conveys the Wisdom (way) of Equality (balance, reciprocity). As 2 + 6 = 8, the number “8” symbolizes the Mathematical Symbol of the Universes ‘infinity’ or rising & falling, wave like, pendulum process of Building and Destroying. This ‘motion’ spans the doorway of all Creation, and determines the entrance and exit of everything within the Universe. The Concept of ‘motion’, Zig, Zag, Zig, is a keystone because it holds Creation infinity in place. It is also the Concept that holds the proceeding Words in The SUPREME ALPHABET in place, giving them the proper context to the structure of our infinite Culture (reference 9/1-10). In other words, our Cornerstone is our Concept of The Creator; “A”, and our Keystone is our Concept of The Creations movement; “Z”.

Each and every Word assigned to each letter in the SUPREME ALPHABET establishes a Sequence, from “A” to “Z”. “B” follows the letter “A”. The very next motion of the Creator (“A”), is to “Be” or “Born” existence, in order to Cee (See) or be seen! All processes in the Universe follow this motion or sequence. This is what is meant by, ‘The unseen manifests the seen”! Each and every Word assigned to each letter in the SUPREME ALPHABET serves a functional purpose. The 18th Letter is “R” and represents “Rule or Ruler”. 18 is Knowledge (1) Build or Destroy (8). One of the most important things to Know about Building or Destroying is the ‘tools’ and ‘proper approach/attitude’ we need to complete the task. One of the most important tools is a Ruler; an instrument used for measuring and drawing a strait line. Without a Ruler, we’ll be ill-equipped to govern with authority (Rule) any Creative (Build) or Destructive (Destroy) process! Why? Because there’s nothing to draw the line to distinguish the two! This is just one example of how The 18th Letter is “R” (Rule or Ruler) functions. On another level, we use the corresponding Lessons in 120, such as 18/1-40; “What is the Duty of a Civilized Person?” to further elaborate on how The 18th Letter is “R” (Rule or Ruler) functions. The fact that this Lesson mentions “Duty” (responsibility) and “Civilization” (direction/guidelines), this reinforces the importance of having the ‘proper approach/attitude’; “Rule or Ruler”: measuring and drawing a strait line. A Ruler’s (one who governs with authority) inability to recognize Civilization and Duty means they won’t be able to draw the line between Nobility and Tyranny! So even though a person may have the SUPREME ALPHABET…, without a proper understanding of how these Ideas/Words function, and without the Lessons to correspond to these functions, you can cee what’s clearly missing. They’ll have no way of Knowing that in order to Build or Destroy, they must know “What is the Duty of a Civilized Person?”

Any female can know that the 17th Letter is “Q” and is symbolic to Queen, b.u.t. is takes a special Woman to understand how this relates to The Knowledge (1) of God (7), and “What is the meaning of Civilization?” (17/1-40) Any female can call herself Queen, b.u.t. it’s her Knowledge of God, the meaning of Civilization, etc. that ultimately determines if she’s living out that reality! The same thing goes for Gods! We can call ourselves God (7) all day, b.u.t. if we never establish a solid foundation “Y” (Why; 25th letter) we call ourselves this, our shaky belief/feeling won’t be able to hold any weight!

The SUPREME ALPHABET empowers us with an ability to spell out how we’re living. Not spelling out Words like ‘God u now’ for ‘Gun’, but using Letters/Words to define/redefine Ideas that serve our Cultural Interests. This is the proper use of not only our SUPREME ALPHABET, b.u.t. also our Supreme Mathematics, 120 Lessons, and The 12 Jewels. When I cee the letter “F” I automatically think about a “Father” (6th Letter), and how this relates to “Equality” (6). If I want to take it further, I may consider the 6th Lesson in the 1-14’s; “Why does the Devil teach and keep our people illiterate?” This makes me consider the things that add on to or impede my ability to be a Father to my own children, and a Father to the Fatherless. Knowledge of Self is a process of re-orientating our thinking, in order to redefine ourselves, the World, and how we attend this World. This is no different than the Christian Concept of ‘Renewal of the Mind’! We take it a step further, realizing that this ‘Renewal of the Mind’ begins with analyzing, omitting and redefining many of the Ideas/Words in a language we’ve been taught to use. Again, this is done to ensure that this language (Ideas/Words) support our positive growth & development, and Cultural Interests as a People! THIS IS NOT RELIGIOUS and doesn’t mean that all Gods/Earths think about is The SUPREME ALPHABET, Supreme Mathematics, 120 Lessons, and The 12 Jewels to find significance in our lives. Whether I’m watching Icarly or Rope, I’m learning what may/may not correspond to my Cultural Principles, Values, and Priorities. Whether I’m listening to Living Proofe or Ultimate Spinach I’m learning what may/may not correspond to my Cultural Principles, Values, and Priorities. I must also note that this is how I learned to manifest this Culture! Don’t expect all Gods/Earths to be as open minded to learn other things, because some Gods/Earths do practice this Culture as a Religion! To them, they treat The Father Allah (Clarence 13X) just like Christians treat Jesus, Buddhists treat Buddha, and Cavs Fans treat Lebron James.

So in closing, KEEP IN MIND that the language of the Gods/Earths is not some twisted use of the English dialect to sound cool, intelligent, do parlor tricks, or make up words. LOL It’s more than just taking the letters “A.L.L.A.H.” and saying that it’s “Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm and Head”. The SUPREME ALPHABET has profound Psychological, Emotional, and Socioeconomic Properties when we’re able to identify and apply the Concepts behind the letters IN CORRESPONDENCE TO The Supreme Mathematics, our Lessons (120), and basic Life Lessons we’re learning each and every day!



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