Popa Wu; A 5% Story
If I could choose one word to describe this Documentary I would use “BANANAS”!!! From the time I put it into my DVD Player, until the final credits rolled, I was hooked!!! The God Khalik has been working on this Project for quite some time and I can cee why. He did a masterful job and in my opinion, ‘Popa Wu; A 5% Story’ is his greatest work to date!!! Independently released on his ‘Five Percent Stories’ Company, Cinematographer ‘Khalik Allah’ takes you on a captivating journey into the Mind of Wu-Tang Patriarch ‘Freedom Allah’ AKA Popa Wu. Painted over a musical canvass of Wu-Tang Production Specialist ‘4th Disciple’, Khalik uses his visual artistry to tell Freedom’s Story, “undiluted, mixed, or tampered with in any form” (9/1-14)! With Appearances from the Wu-Tang Clan, various other Wu-Tang Affiliates, Physical Family, and etc.., ‘Popa Wu; A 5% Story’ gives you an all access pass into the Chamber of Freedom Allah; a Chamber that only a few have had the privilege to cee. For all those who’ve always wanted to really know and understand the role and relationship Popa Wu has within the Wu-Tang Dynasty, this Documentary gives it up! In addition to this, it gives People an opportunity to explore the “Wu-Tang” Worldview in a way never before ceen on Film! For example, there’s a segment that explains the science behind Popa Wu’s Guest Appearances on a few of Wu-Tang’s Albums. Appearances that usually went completely “undetected” by the public’s naked eye! (8/1-40) Another example is a superb breakdown of How ‘The Nation of Gods and Earths’ (The NGE/Five Percenters) came to be; What is our Mission; and Who is the 5%, the 85%, and the 10%! For those who are in the know, one of the illest parts is a segment where RZA and Freedom are building about the science of the 33/1-40!
One of the things I immediately saw in this Documentary its seamless transition from one Surah in Popa Wu’s Life to the next -beginning as a man-child and growing to this present date. Sometimes when you watch a Story about someone, the Documentary tends to compartmentalize different segments of their Life. This definitely doesn’t compartmentalize nothing! It’s unapologetically about Freedom Allah and how the World came to know him as Popa Wu. Now I’ve had an opportunity to build with Freedom a couple times, and have ceen him in action on quite a few occasions. He’s from the Streets; a Brooklyn Baby, who was drinking wine at the age of nine. Prior to me ceeing this Documentary, if I were to describe Freedom as an element, I’d strictly call him “fire”! LOL Yes ‘Popa Wu; A 5% Story’ definitely captures this “fire”, FROM THE VERY BEGINNING I might add, b.u.t. it also shows the other elements that make him who he is. For all those who don’t know Freedom (Popa Wu), this Documentary is an excellent Introduction to who he is, and for all of you “Wu” Heads, you’ll definitely gain a better appreciation for Who, What, When, Where, and Why there even is a Wu-Tang Clan! ‘Popa Wu; A 5% Story’ is Entertaining, Educational, Raw, and of course Witty Unpredictable!!
For all those who’re interested in getting a copy, you can order it directly from the ‘Five Percent Stories LLC’ by emailing the God “Khalik Allah” at: khalikone@yahoo.com.
The 39th Annual Show & Prove Review
This years Annual Show & Prove was the first one I attended in about the last five years, and I was very happy and impressed with what I saw in our Nation. I traveled from Power Hill (Philly) to Mecca (Harlem) with three other Gods from my Family Tree; Life Justice, Unikue Thorough Allah, and I-Born Understanding. I-Born Understanding, a Compton California native who now resides in Las Vegas, traveled across the Country to be there and it was a pleasure to finally build with my Brother in the physical. in addition to having a chance to build with Life, it was also Peace to spend some time with my A-Alike 'Unikue'. We also met up with one of Life’s Educators ‘I-Freedom Born’, so I had a wonderful time with my Brothers. “There is nothing in comparison to the mental and physical power of” TRUE Brotherhood! (32/1-40)
Another thing that I really appreciated was getting a chance to meet various Gods, Earths, and Civilized People who I’ve directly/indirectly connected with through the Internet. I think it was equally important for them to cee/meet me because I’m definitely not a “Mystery God” (10/1-40). Although I’ve consistently used my A.S.I.A. Literary/Audiovisual Networks to Show & Prove how I actually apply Living Mathematics in my Family/Community, one of the downsides to using the Internet and these Social Networks is the high propensity for “Trick-Knowledge” (4/1-14) and Disinformation. For example, I can write about how I have a Prison Correspondence Project, b.u.t. when I did a video displaying hundreds of Correspondences from People in Correctional Facilities all of the Country, it Shows & Proves that I do. Being transparent and insuring that People can clearly identify the integrity of my work has always been of the upmost importance to me! So in regards to me, and anybody for that matter, if there’s ever a question of integrity, ALWAYS consider the source; “Who is questioning coming from, and what they actually doing?”
Using Social Networking mediums, People can remain anonymous and graft a whole new identity. So although you cee the image they project in this Cyber World, you don’t know what they really look like, where they really live, what they really do, how their family relations really are, or who really even knows them! Although NOT ALL PEOPLE who strive to remain somewhat anonymous are doing devilishment, there are a lot of People who are. With those who are, by staying anonymous (hiding), it’s easier for them to “steal, tell lies, and try to master” People (4/1-14). So it was good to cee People in person and build with them on the spot! For those who haven’t really ceen me in Mecca like that, KEEP IN MIND that I do travel up to visit our School. I personally like going on the humble, like on a Tuesday afternoon or something. On days like that I really get a chance to cee what kinds of Programs/Events are going on at the School and who’s actually there. This way I also have a better assessment of what we really need, what I can do, etc..!
In addition to the Science Fair and Educational Activities going on for the Youth, the Socioeconomic Aspect of the Show & Prove was indeed the Best Part to me! I loved ceeing the Entrepreneurialism going on and Gods/Earths supporting eachother and especially our Youth in our Educational and Business endeavors. Coming together for this "common cause" (8/1-14) is what it's all about!!
The ‘Goddesses Syndrome’ Review
I cee the whole “Goddess” Idea is gaining a lot of headlines within the Conscious Community once again. In observing this, one thing I’ve heard is the phrase “Goddess Principle” being tossed around. Now for those who don’t understand what “A Principle” is, a Principle is the Functional Law of a thing, it’s the rule or set of rules that governs how something operates. When it’s said that, “These are my Principles”, this means there are specific Laws/Rules that determines what you will or won’t do. A Principle ultimately defines what something is or is not. What distinguishes Hydrogen from Iron is not just atomic number/mass, it’s the rules that govern how these atomic numbers operate. When People loosely use the word ‘Principle’, they often don’t understand that they’re claiming to identify a rule that governs how something specifically operates. So it’s not about simply a Word. A Word (Name) denotes dominion (governance) over a specific “function”. So the question is really about Function, Operation, and Role in relationship to other people, places and things.
In “Principle”, a ‘Goddess’ must specifically function in a way that no other person, place, or thing including a Female, Woman, Mother, and God operates! As a Female, she must ask herself the functional question, “What does a Goddess do that ‘I’, as a Female, Woman, and Mother don’t already do?” She can’t name anything Maternal because quite naturally, Moms is already holding down that Principle. She can’t say anything about Fertility because that’s the natural role of a Female Principle. Another question that needs to be asked is, “What does a Goddess do that God isn’t already doing?” Anyone is gonna be hard pressed to answer that because the functions of Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence are already covered... So I would simply ask a person who advocates a Goddess ‘Principle’ to “Explain something a Goddess does that NO OTHER person, place or thing, INCLUDING a Female, Woman, Mother, AND God doesn’t do?” You’ll learn a lot about them from how they answer that…
One of the things I immediately saw in this Documentary its seamless transition from one Surah in Popa Wu’s Life to the next -beginning as a man-child and growing to this present date. Sometimes when you watch a Story about someone, the Documentary tends to compartmentalize different segments of their Life. This definitely doesn’t compartmentalize nothing! It’s unapologetically about Freedom Allah and how the World came to know him as Popa Wu. Now I’ve had an opportunity to build with Freedom a couple times, and have ceen him in action on quite a few occasions. He’s from the Streets; a Brooklyn Baby, who was drinking wine at the age of nine. Prior to me ceeing this Documentary, if I were to describe Freedom as an element, I’d strictly call him “fire”! LOL Yes ‘Popa Wu; A 5% Story’ definitely captures this “fire”, FROM THE VERY BEGINNING I might add, b.u.t. it also shows the other elements that make him who he is. For all those who don’t know Freedom (Popa Wu), this Documentary is an excellent Introduction to who he is, and for all of you “Wu” Heads, you’ll definitely gain a better appreciation for Who, What, When, Where, and Why there even is a Wu-Tang Clan! ‘Popa Wu; A 5% Story’ is Entertaining, Educational, Raw, and of course Witty Unpredictable!!
For all those who’re interested in getting a copy, you can order it directly from the ‘Five Percent Stories LLC’ by emailing the God “Khalik Allah” at: khalikone@yahoo.com.
The 39th Annual Show & Prove Review
This years Annual Show & Prove was the first one I attended in about the last five years, and I was very happy and impressed with what I saw in our Nation. I traveled from Power Hill (Philly) to Mecca (Harlem) with three other Gods from my Family Tree; Life Justice, Unikue Thorough Allah, and I-Born Understanding. I-Born Understanding, a Compton California native who now resides in Las Vegas, traveled across the Country to be there and it was a pleasure to finally build with my Brother in the physical. in addition to having a chance to build with Life, it was also Peace to spend some time with my A-Alike 'Unikue'. We also met up with one of Life’s Educators ‘I-Freedom Born’, so I had a wonderful time with my Brothers. “There is nothing in comparison to the mental and physical power of” TRUE Brotherhood! (32/1-40)
Another thing that I really appreciated was getting a chance to meet various Gods, Earths, and Civilized People who I’ve directly/indirectly connected with through the Internet. I think it was equally important for them to cee/meet me because I’m definitely not a “Mystery God” (10/1-40). Although I’ve consistently used my A.S.I.A. Literary/Audiovisual Networks to Show & Prove how I actually apply Living Mathematics in my Family/Community, one of the downsides to using the Internet and these Social Networks is the high propensity for “Trick-Knowledge” (4/1-14) and Disinformation. For example, I can write about how I have a Prison Correspondence Project, b.u.t. when I did a video displaying hundreds of Correspondences from People in Correctional Facilities all of the Country, it Shows & Proves that I do. Being transparent and insuring that People can clearly identify the integrity of my work has always been of the upmost importance to me! So in regards to me, and anybody for that matter, if there’s ever a question of integrity, ALWAYS consider the source; “Who is questioning coming from, and what they actually doing?”
Using Social Networking mediums, People can remain anonymous and graft a whole new identity. So although you cee the image they project in this Cyber World, you don’t know what they really look like, where they really live, what they really do, how their family relations really are, or who really even knows them! Although NOT ALL PEOPLE who strive to remain somewhat anonymous are doing devilishment, there are a lot of People who are. With those who are, by staying anonymous (hiding), it’s easier for them to “steal, tell lies, and try to master” People (4/1-14). So it was good to cee People in person and build with them on the spot! For those who haven’t really ceen me in Mecca like that, KEEP IN MIND that I do travel up to visit our School. I personally like going on the humble, like on a Tuesday afternoon or something. On days like that I really get a chance to cee what kinds of Programs/Events are going on at the School and who’s actually there. This way I also have a better assessment of what we really need, what I can do, etc..!
In addition to the Science Fair and Educational Activities going on for the Youth, the Socioeconomic Aspect of the Show & Prove was indeed the Best Part to me! I loved ceeing the Entrepreneurialism going on and Gods/Earths supporting eachother and especially our Youth in our Educational and Business endeavors. Coming together for this "common cause" (8/1-14) is what it's all about!!
The ‘Goddesses Syndrome’ Review
I cee the whole “Goddess” Idea is gaining a lot of headlines within the Conscious Community once again. In observing this, one thing I’ve heard is the phrase “Goddess Principle” being tossed around. Now for those who don’t understand what “A Principle” is, a Principle is the Functional Law of a thing, it’s the rule or set of rules that governs how something operates. When it’s said that, “These are my Principles”, this means there are specific Laws/Rules that determines what you will or won’t do. A Principle ultimately defines what something is or is not. What distinguishes Hydrogen from Iron is not just atomic number/mass, it’s the rules that govern how these atomic numbers operate. When People loosely use the word ‘Principle’, they often don’t understand that they’re claiming to identify a rule that governs how something specifically operates. So it’s not about simply a Word. A Word (Name) denotes dominion (governance) over a specific “function”. So the question is really about Function, Operation, and Role in relationship to other people, places and things.
In “Principle”, a ‘Goddess’ must specifically function in a way that no other person, place, or thing including a Female, Woman, Mother, and God operates! As a Female, she must ask herself the functional question, “What does a Goddess do that ‘I’, as a Female, Woman, and Mother don’t already do?” She can’t name anything Maternal because quite naturally, Moms is already holding down that Principle. She can’t say anything about Fertility because that’s the natural role of a Female Principle. Another question that needs to be asked is, “What does a Goddess do that God isn’t already doing?” Anyone is gonna be hard pressed to answer that because the functions of Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence are already covered... So I would simply ask a person who advocates a Goddess ‘Principle’ to “Explain something a Goddess does that NO OTHER person, place or thing, INCLUDING a Female, Woman, Mother, AND God doesn’t do?” You’ll learn a lot about them from how they answer that…