Like Father Like Sun
Peace Ya’ll! Since I’ve released the above three books I’ve been getting a lot of positive responses from people who’ve either purchased them or I donated to them as a part of my Prison House Koran Correspondence Project. Cee, I really don’t talk too much about ‘what I do’ because my “light” travels (9/Actual Facts) alot faster than “sound” (8/Actual Facts), b.u.t. sometimes I gotta slow things down for a moment to give people a practical sense of what I do-do (pun not intended) LOL! This is important so they can get a grasp on where I’m practically coming from. If not, people may assume I just intelligently talk shit! LOL! Ya’ll I’ve been accused of being arrogant with my Math, not making myself available to people particularly Gods/Earths reaching out to me, being a dissenter, etc.. b.u.t. that’s all buuuuuullshit! -shakes head- First of all, I know what I do and what I do, I do to the best of my ability. So writing, rhyming, producing music, mentoring youth, etc.. are just a few of my talents -and I do all of them well! As far as making myself available to people… particularly Gods and Earths...? I receive letters from Gods in the Injustice all across North America every week! I’m not talking about Chris Brown like fan mail, b.u.t. I do receive enough correspondences where I need to dedicate a minimum of a few hours a week just to respond. Also keep in Mind that I’ve been corresponding with people in the Injustice for “years, months and days” (36/1-40). Aside from that, I receive countless emails, myspace messages, youtube messages and vm’s from Gods/Earths and People all across North America. Include the fact that I have a couple justice cipher borns that I work -either one, the other or both- 7 days a week and you get a glimpse of the type of days I’m dealing with. In all of this I always dedicate time to spend with the youth. The rest of the time I squeeze outta my days I utilize as personal time. Now I’m not saying all of this because of an EGO or to smell myself; these are things I love to do because it’s simply in my heart. My determined idea for making a contributions to civilization is not so I can have muthafuckas standing around pointing saying, “YO, THAT’S THE GOD SALADIN”! At the same time, I ain’t knockin ya’ll who’re trying to make a name for yourselves like that; that’s just where you’re at -and may stay- in your growth and development. Anyway, sometimes I just need to make knowledge born through a Public Service Announcement like this to let ya’ll know this ain’t fun, games and gossip! I am the very change I advocate; period. Now for Today’s Article… -grin-
When I first started learning about The Nation of Gods and Earths (Five Percenters), one of the greatest qualities I admired about The Father (FKA: Clarence 13X) was his ability to magnetize and be amongst the youth. I think people reaaaaaaaly take for granted the fact that when The Father was in his late 30’s, children were breakin their neck to hang around him! All of this attention, yet The Father wasn’t a Celebrity, Athlete, Musician, Artist, Dancer, Actor, Singer, Comedian, Drug Dealer, Pimp, etc… The Father had this kind of profound effect on the youth and he wasn’t any of these 106 & Parkian Icons you cee “drawing up” (8/1-40) our youth today! He was a plain Man that said shit that made the youth forge identification cards to get a chance to cee him when he was locked up in an insane asylum!!! His words -not money, wardrobe, or social status- had children begging for Lessons!!! He had to literally tell kids they can’t be skippin school to hang out with him, and they even listened to him when he told those who had charges on em to turn themselves in! The Father had children damn near 11 years old running to round up their friends so they can come stand around and listen to what he was saying! Think about that for a second…!
Aside from the knowledge I got from my Enlightener, The Father’s real, unstaged, authentic relationship with youth is what gave me a greater insight into what the True & Living God is! Why? Because the youth have an intimate relationship with the truth and know what’s real when they cee and feel it! For the youth to welcome The Father into their “social equality” (8/1-14) like that says a great deal about him. It says even more that all he gave them was what was going on in his head -through the words he spoke.
To willingly be amongst the youth demands of a person certain natural qualities. I say ‘natural qualities’ because they have to come natural to a person who willingly chooses to be amongst the youth. This is completely different then “having to deal with deez muthafuckas”; as some of you say openly or in quietness of your own Mind! LOL! As Gods and Earths, we learn in various degrees that ‘we have a duty to teach’. While many of us learn to take on this responsibility, there are many who naturally carry this responsibility as a personality trait or value. It’s kinda like the difference between a job and career. The Father clearly didn’t cee his responsibility to the youth -and other people- as a 9 to 5. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with those Gods and Earths who approach teaching civilization -especially to the youth- as a job because they may be putting in a lot of overtime! -shrugs-
Cee, when you’re amongst the youth -and even many adults-, one of the qualities you must have is patience! People without patience cannot tolerate or deal with children, period. Think about how patient The Father had to be to handle the “swift and changeable ”-emotional, intellectual, social and economic- currents (8/1-40) the youth were going through around him. If he had no patience, he wouldn’t have had the time to build relationships with the youth. Adults who lack the patience to be amongst the youth view this relationship like they're spoon feeding an elephant.
Another quality that’s important to have is understanding. You have to be very, very understanding to deal with youth because they’re young and developing a sense of direction in this labyrinth called Life. In the process, there are going to be a lot of lessons they learn, especially lessons we may have learned many years ago! Without understanding, an Adult tends to put unreasonable expectations on the youth’s ability to critically analyze ciphers and solve problems. As civilized people, Gods and Earths don’t advocate attacking (DESTROYING) the youth’s cognitive abilities -especially their own children- like the average 85er does with venomous phrases like, “You are so stupid!” “Are you dumb?!” “Dumb muthafucka!” and etc... Instead, Gods and Earths use phrases like “Do the knowledge!”, “That’s Wisdom Knowledge!”, “How you drawin that Math up?!”, etc. to BUILD with em. The downside to this is that the tone often doesn’t change, and even a phrase like “Do the knowledge!” can be impressionably interpreted as “Think; stupid ass!” by a youth who’re actually seeking encouragement -even when they don’t know they’re seeking it! So, without understanding, where the youth are at in their socio-intellectual Koran, Adults can be putting the nails in their own future coffin. Think about it; What youth do you know that loves to be around or help out some cantankerous-ass ole person who treats em like they don’t know shit?!
There are many other qualities that are definitely important, b.u.t. what it ultimately comes down to is respect (re-spect; to look again) or ‘taking a second look’ at what the youth mean to us in regards to our future on this Planet Earth. The Father focused on the youth because he undoubtedly understood that the youth ensured the immortal legacy of the Math! The Father wasn’t arrogant or ignorant enough to think -like many Adults- that he was simply going to be here tomorrow; without ever consulting and developing a relationship with the gatekeepers of the future; the youth.
Another thing to consider is that The Father wasn’t corny. Many of us are so outta touch with our “ownself” (13/1-36) that we honestly don’t know when we’re being just strait up corny! -shakes head- I damn sure know when I am and that sense of self awareness is what gives me a psychological edge when it comes to self evaluation and critically analyzing ciphers. For the youth the fuck with him like that, on a very basic level, The Father had to be a real cool dude! -grin-
To conclude Today’s Article I wanna address the nayslayers for a second. Now for those of you who want to accuse The Father of contributing to the delinquency of minors, distorting/changing ‘The Lessons’ or misleading impressionable children, how do you explain the positively productive results that came outta their relationship/proximity to him?! Many of you may disagree with The Father’s methodologies and that’s your lack of understanding. He got the damn job done, we continue to get the job done and you can never take that away from us! Yeah there are some Gods and Earths who aren’t doing their best, just like there aren’t some Muslims, Christians, Atheists, etc... doing their best too! -shrugs- One of the single most important questions to ask yourself is “Is this world going to be a better place when I leave it because I personally contributed to civilization?” I can say without a doubt that because of The Father’s caring and proactiveness to reach out the youth, he was instrumental in helping transform the psycho-socioeconomic landscape of America -and the Planet Earth as a whole- for the better! His contribution to civilization is undeniable, and through a succession of Enlighteners who have chosen to add to this legacy, I -like many other Gods and Earths- are a living breathing example of this less traveled journey! So with that said, I leave as I came…
When I first started learning about The Nation of Gods and Earths (Five Percenters), one of the greatest qualities I admired about The Father (FKA: Clarence 13X) was his ability to magnetize and be amongst the youth. I think people reaaaaaaaly take for granted the fact that when The Father was in his late 30’s, children were breakin their neck to hang around him! All of this attention, yet The Father wasn’t a Celebrity, Athlete, Musician, Artist, Dancer, Actor, Singer, Comedian, Drug Dealer, Pimp, etc… The Father had this kind of profound effect on the youth and he wasn’t any of these 106 & Parkian Icons you cee “drawing up” (8/1-40) our youth today! He was a plain Man that said shit that made the youth forge identification cards to get a chance to cee him when he was locked up in an insane asylum!!! His words -not money, wardrobe, or social status- had children begging for Lessons!!! He had to literally tell kids they can’t be skippin school to hang out with him, and they even listened to him when he told those who had charges on em to turn themselves in! The Father had children damn near 11 years old running to round up their friends so they can come stand around and listen to what he was saying! Think about that for a second…!
Aside from the knowledge I got from my Enlightener, The Father’s real, unstaged, authentic relationship with youth is what gave me a greater insight into what the True & Living God is! Why? Because the youth have an intimate relationship with the truth and know what’s real when they cee and feel it! For the youth to welcome The Father into their “social equality” (8/1-14) like that says a great deal about him. It says even more that all he gave them was what was going on in his head -through the words he spoke.
To willingly be amongst the youth demands of a person certain natural qualities. I say ‘natural qualities’ because they have to come natural to a person who willingly chooses to be amongst the youth. This is completely different then “having to deal with deez muthafuckas”; as some of you say openly or in quietness of your own Mind! LOL! As Gods and Earths, we learn in various degrees that ‘we have a duty to teach’. While many of us learn to take on this responsibility, there are many who naturally carry this responsibility as a personality trait or value. It’s kinda like the difference between a job and career. The Father clearly didn’t cee his responsibility to the youth -and other people- as a 9 to 5. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with those Gods and Earths who approach teaching civilization -especially to the youth- as a job because they may be putting in a lot of overtime! -shrugs-
Cee, when you’re amongst the youth -and even many adults-, one of the qualities you must have is patience! People without patience cannot tolerate or deal with children, period. Think about how patient The Father had to be to handle the “swift and changeable ”-emotional, intellectual, social and economic- currents (8/1-40) the youth were going through around him. If he had no patience, he wouldn’t have had the time to build relationships with the youth. Adults who lack the patience to be amongst the youth view this relationship like they're spoon feeding an elephant.
Another quality that’s important to have is understanding. You have to be very, very understanding to deal with youth because they’re young and developing a sense of direction in this labyrinth called Life. In the process, there are going to be a lot of lessons they learn, especially lessons we may have learned many years ago! Without understanding, an Adult tends to put unreasonable expectations on the youth’s ability to critically analyze ciphers and solve problems. As civilized people, Gods and Earths don’t advocate attacking (DESTROYING) the youth’s cognitive abilities -especially their own children- like the average 85er does with venomous phrases like, “You are so stupid!” “Are you dumb?!” “Dumb muthafucka!” and etc... Instead, Gods and Earths use phrases like “Do the knowledge!”, “That’s Wisdom Knowledge!”, “How you drawin that Math up?!”, etc. to BUILD with em. The downside to this is that the tone often doesn’t change, and even a phrase like “Do the knowledge!” can be impressionably interpreted as “Think; stupid ass!” by a youth who’re actually seeking encouragement -even when they don’t know they’re seeking it! So, without understanding, where the youth are at in their socio-intellectual Koran, Adults can be putting the nails in their own future coffin. Think about it; What youth do you know that loves to be around or help out some cantankerous-ass ole person who treats em like they don’t know shit?!
There are many other qualities that are definitely important, b.u.t. what it ultimately comes down to is respect (re-spect; to look again) or ‘taking a second look’ at what the youth mean to us in regards to our future on this Planet Earth. The Father focused on the youth because he undoubtedly understood that the youth ensured the immortal legacy of the Math! The Father wasn’t arrogant or ignorant enough to think -like many Adults- that he was simply going to be here tomorrow; without ever consulting and developing a relationship with the gatekeepers of the future; the youth.
Another thing to consider is that The Father wasn’t corny. Many of us are so outta touch with our “ownself” (13/1-36) that we honestly don’t know when we’re being just strait up corny! -shakes head- I damn sure know when I am and that sense of self awareness is what gives me a psychological edge when it comes to self evaluation and critically analyzing ciphers. For the youth the fuck with him like that, on a very basic level, The Father had to be a real cool dude! -grin-
To conclude Today’s Article I wanna address the nayslayers for a second. Now for those of you who want to accuse The Father of contributing to the delinquency of minors, distorting/changing ‘The Lessons’ or misleading impressionable children, how do you explain the positively productive results that came outta their relationship/proximity to him?! Many of you may disagree with The Father’s methodologies and that’s your lack of understanding. He got the damn job done, we continue to get the job done and you can never take that away from us! Yeah there are some Gods and Earths who aren’t doing their best, just like there aren’t some Muslims, Christians, Atheists, etc... doing their best too! -shrugs- One of the single most important questions to ask yourself is “Is this world going to be a better place when I leave it because I personally contributed to civilization?” I can say without a doubt that because of The Father’s caring and proactiveness to reach out the youth, he was instrumental in helping transform the psycho-socioeconomic landscape of America -and the Planet Earth as a whole- for the better! His contribution to civilization is undeniable, and through a succession of Enlighteners who have chosen to add to this legacy, I -like many other Gods and Earths- are a living breathing example of this less traveled journey! So with that said, I leave as I came…