
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Brother (Golden Sun), Myself and our Ole Dad!
10th Annual Freedom Trail Festival: A.S.I.A. Information Booth

Peace Ya’ll! Today I wanted to share with you the Transcript of an Interview of Knowledge Gahib Divine Allah; the First Born of Power Hill (Philadelphia, PA). This Interview was conducted by The Enlightener for the Black Family (E.B.F.); a Group of Gods and an Earth (Allah Universal Lord Life Justice Shabazz, Universal Savior Shabu and Quinsheba Khadiija) who came together to produce a Professional Publication that represented the Power Hill Community of Gods/Earths. This Interview appeared in the first Issue of their Publication on February 4, 1984 -alittle over 25 years ago! Consider some of the issues that were being addressed over two decades ago in this Publication and ask yourselves if some or all of these issues are still effecting us today. Most importantly, if some or all of these issues do still exist, ‘What can we do to resolve them?” Do the knowledge and please leave a comment:

“So-called Personal Earth”
By: The Enlightener for the Black Family (E.B.F.)
-February 4th, 1984-

This Interview is an elaboration on a topic well worth the time to reflect on. This topic is the so called “Personal Earth.” As this syndrome is a product largely of the American Society and it’s cultivation, all blame and most of the emphasis on the difficulties besetting us should be placed upon the Departments of American and Western Society -for its lack of providing us (with) meaningful vehicles to serve as Institutions to create better role models for the Society at large. So we must set at doing the work ourselves. We hope this Interview will assist you:

The Enlightener for the Black Family Interviews Knowledge Gahib Divine Allah

E.B.F.: “Knowledge Divine, at one of the outdoor Rallies this Summer, you discussed the concept of the ‘Personal Earth’, as it refers to the Nation of the 5%. The Enlightener for the Black Family would like for you to acquaint our readership with your understanding of -- First, the goals of the Nation of the 5% and secondly, some of the roles that Men and Women play in reference to the Nation’s organized goals. After that point, our interview will focus on the concept of the Personal Earth. Through a question and answer format we would like to further explore your understanding of that concept.”

KGDA: “I am Knowledge Gahib Divine. At that Rally which you referred to, I talked about the so called “Personal Earth” because of certain things I was going through in my family and a lot of things I see that are at the same time going on with the rest of the Nation.

When I said ‘Personal’, I made reference to the fact that here in America, Man has a tendency to want to possess; to take something and absorb it, without letting that thing (or in this case a particular Woman) grow. What we have been shown-- I can’t say taught-- but shown through habit is that a Man generally gets a Woman and expects her to function in the same means he does. Which if we had to do things in that manner, we wouldn’t need a Woman.

Now I want to get one thing straight on the “personal” aspect, because I had to really deal with the word ‘Personal’. ‘Personal’ according to the situation means personal property. Now there are different ownerships of property; one is real or cannot be moved, and the other is personal i.e. things that are mobile and not stationary. Now our Lessons teach us that the Original Black Man is God and the owner of the Earth, So a Woman, in a sense, is one of our possessions, but that mean personal (and I will have to get a better word) as in a sense to address a situation where I am the maker and the owner of the Earth, but she-- in her own self-- has a different function. In other words, it is so much that I can control. I can control your (the Earth) revolving around me, but the Earth itself revolves (or spins) on her own axis: To show forth and prove her-- what?-- Power. Because if she doesn’t revolve on her own axis, then no life will be able to be sustained because it couldn’t stay down (on the Earth); it wouldn’t be stable because there would be no-- what?-- Gravity. So I meant personal in the way that centers around the exact opposite of the situation where you are not attached to me in a way that I control your mentally all the time.

And I want to make this clear to brothers trying to impose that on a Woman, because it is a losing battle. You will lose. And what we have done in doing this-- not all of us, but a lot of us-- is create Women that are, as far as Islam is concerned, really functionless on their own. They really have to learn to revolve on their own axis. In other words, a lot of these Sisters today-- if something would happen to their God, their children would not be taught anything. They would not know anything. The children would have no Lessons or anything because all these years, we have not given that Power to the Woman. A lot of the times, if you walk out the door, that will be the end of The Knowledge (for her and to the possible offspring).

A lot of Earths and Gods are hung up into the “more than one” aspect and that too keeps the Women away. I consider that we would be able to deal with that better, if the Woman could do a lot on her own. Then it wouldn’t be a thing about that because she would see that she is, in a sense, self supportive. Then, I don’t think, she would be as intimidated by another Woman on the scene building with her because she would know her own place. A lot of Sisters don’t teach anybody. They don’t go-- once again, I don’t say all, just most-- they don’t go out on the street and civilize. Once again, I don’t say all, just most. They wouldn’t go and tell another Woman about Islam or bring her to God to be educated.

And these were the phases that I was speaking on, when I spoke on the Personal Earth. We have to give the Woman a chance to fulfill her own needs as well and at the same time maintain our relationship as a Man and a Woman. My Woman has a career and still has the time to be here. If they were to give her a couple of more loads of work, they would throw the whole balance of the house off. Because the way things are now, you can be on a job and deal with the people at the job more than the people in your own home; on a moving, limited, talking basis. You go to work for eight hours. It takes one hour to get there and one hour to get back. By the time that you get home, it is five our six o’clock. You feed your children and everyone sits and talk for a while. About ten o’ clock, you are back in the bed. So that really gives you about 4 hours at home. So even though you are all together in the house from about five o’clock that evening to about seven o’clock the next morning, seven of those hours you are resting, so that a lot gets lost there; as far as the family unit is concerned.

In clarifying the point of the term Personal again, I don’t want it mistaken that Black Man is not the maker and owner of the Earth; he is by all means. By the same token, The Earth is of a separate equality, than that of a Black Man. And within ownership, we also have to do it. Let her do her job. Educate them to civilize. Give her the Power to civilize. And to civilize only means to teach knowledge and wisdom of the human family.”

E.B.F.: “Knowledge Divine, please elaborate a little more on the goals of the 5% Nation.”

KGDA: “The Nation of the 5% are Men, Women, and Children striving for one common cause; which is in this day and time to show and prove who the true and living God is. We are not of a political affiliation. We don’t deal with life; it’s difficulties, it’s concepts, in a pro or con manner because we are not pro or con on anything. Allah shows us that when you are pro or con, that shows a separation of one concept. It’s only one understanding and it’s right, not wrong. Pro and con can take one right thing and split it and have two people arguing over what should be whole. That even goes into the being of each person. You split something that’s right and you argue over it and neither piece is functioning without it being whole. So that is why The Father said that, “We are not pro or con”; which is why we are not into political things per se; not as a Nation. Individually, we have Gods who are into political things, but as a Nation, we do not move for a Democrat or a Republican but we move for what’s right for all. So we are a group of People; Men, Women, and Children striving for one common cause and we do not have beliefs.

We do not deal in the realm of beliefs. The one common cause that we have agreed upon is that the Black Man is God, or the God Concept of Life, because we understand that there is no mystery God and that God dwells within us; which is right now along with civilizing and refining what is around us. Being that we are a young Nation, we are actually doing that within ourselves at the same time; you are bearing witness to yourself and at the same time you are teaching, because that is our job right now. Which is why the first born in many Nations are looked at as they are the strongest people out of whatever group there was. They have to be, because first they have to clean themselves up because they all come out of the same pot. Then, at the same time you haven’t had this thing so long and you are responsible for bearing witness to it, i.e. the Knowledge and civilizing at the same time.

So this is the basic goal of the Nation right now; To civilize; which is to teach Knowledge and Wisdom. And Allah simplified that for us so that it wouldn’t be “spaced” and everybody would be dealing on the same level, he gave us the One-Twenty (120); The Knowledge and Wisdom. So that is how you civilize: You teach the Knowledge and Wisdom. That is the job of the 5%. The basic surface job. Like anything else, there are specialties that get broken down, but when giving a general statement regarding purpose, that is what we are about: Civilization and agreeing on the God Factor; because that is the only reason that we are the 5%. That is what motivates us. That is the only reason why we are the 5% because we all agree who God is and the science behind that.

Regarding the specific roles of a Man, Woman, and Child in the Nation, our Flag gives you a good picture of what our roles are. The Black Man is the Son of Man, the divine builder; so a Man’s job in the Nation is to support his Family-- not only economically, but from this Mind. For a Black Man in this day and time, you may not be able to support your family the way you would like to. But you can still stand up and be a Man and give off that light, to give your family that understanding that they need; or that light to uplift them to do what they have to do as a Family Unit. So the Man’s job in this Nation is to take that Knowledge, draw it up into that light; which is the Understanding and give it off.”

(We shall continue this Article next month. Replies invited.) - E.B.F.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Album now available!!!

Brothers from Another Planet

This galaxy is my cocoon, my super consciousness is moving matter like monsoons in Hawaii, all living particles within my body, vibrate, to respond, to neurotransmitters ‘Word iz Bond’, it’s on…” –Self (1998)

Peace Ya’ll!! Today I’m proud to announce the International release of the Quahadi Music/Quanaah Publishing Soundtrack ‘Brothers from Another Planet’!! As my Books can be purchased through the above Links to my E-Store,, and ordered through any Bookstore, ‘Brothers from Another Planet’ is currently available through the above Link to my E-Store and can be ordered through any Music Retail Outlet! Within the next Month, ‘Brothers’ will also be available on as both an Album and as downloadable On-Demand MP3’s. Brothers from Another Planet is a Mind Expansive Musical Journey that chronicles the creative concepts, poetical insights & living experiences of Golden Sun (my Physical) and myself. Recorded on the Cusp of the New Millennium and re-released in 2009, "Brothers from Another Planet" weaves tales of rich Atlantean Folklore, takes you on visual tour of historical places and submerges you into various realms of Consciousness that are both entertaining and enlightening!

For those of you who didn’t know it, I’ve been doing Music -Emceein’, Producing & Performing- for quite a while. Since I’ve directed a great deal of my attention towards my Youth Programs, Publishing Books, etc... I haven’t been recording Music as much as I used to -although I’ve still been producing Music. As a matter of fact, my Queens and a couple of their friends have been educating me on how to produce “Jerk” Music so a few weeks ago we got together and created a song called ‘Move Out My Way. Although I produced the Music, recorded their Lyrics and shot the Video, they wrote their own Lyrics, edited the Video themselves and created the UnIQue JerkZ Youtube Channel. It was a lot of fun and taught them a lot about the process of taking an idea from Knowledge to Born. Two days before we completed the Project we were walking outta the grocery store and one of them jokingly told someone else to, ‘Move Out My Way’ and that’s how it all began! LOL Anyway, please take a moment and check out their Video and leave a comment for them, they’ll really appreciate that! -smile- Now as far as The ‘Brothers’ Album is concerned… it’s a collaborative Album featuring myself and Golden Sun (my physical Brother). We released it as a Soundtrack because it’s the audio backdrop of another Project we’re going to be releasing in the future. -grin-

My active Music Career began in the Winter of 95/Spring of 96 when I left College and began to develop my skills as a Poet & Spoken Word Artist. I would attend various Poet/Spoken Word Venues to spit my pieces and began to get a lot of positive feedback. From there I began to write rhymes. Keep in Mind I had always been immersed in HipHop since the late 1970’s, b.u.t. besides beat boxin & breakin, I never began to seriously rap until much later. There was a burning desire for me to be heard and I began to find ways to make it happen. Mind you, this was all on the cusp of me gaining KOS. Anyway, after rhyming for a minute, me, Golden Sun and a few other Brothers -Rah Khaheeb, Basir Fhem & D Chiron Allah- formed a Group back in the late 1990’s called ‘The Lost Tribe of Atlantis’. After performing locally and producing our own Music with a makeshift studio, we eventually changed our name to ‘The Illuminists’. This is also the time I began to mess around with the MPC 2000 and learned to produce Music; what a drug! If they had ‘MPC Anonymous’ Group, I would be going. All Producers who’ve touched it or various other pieces of production equipment know exactly what I’m talking about…, them AND their significant other. LOL

Now as ‘The Illuminists’ we built a recording studio in the attic of a five bedroom house, called it ‘The Illuminist Lodge’ and began to perform throughout WNY, Canada, Chicago and NYC. For those of you Gods/Earths who were attended the Annual NGE Show & Prove between the years of 1997-2003, you probably saw us performing! We’re the one’s that NEVER spent time on stage, we were ALWAYS out in the crowd!! LOL To this day, me and Golden Sun despise mics wit cords; we always saw ‘em like ‘a rope to bind in’ (4/1-14). Well, eventually we got to the point where we got into the Offices of Razorsharp Records (RZA’s Label) and I was consistently building/meeting with his Personal Assistant (L. McCall) about addin on to the Label. Aside from being on the Guest List at the Record Release Party for ‘The Swarm’ Album, we never signed a Contract with The Wu and our Group eventually fell apart due to creative differences, b.u.t. me and Golden Sun continued to perform and make Music. This all went down in the span of about 8-10 years. Golden Sun eventually honed his skills as an Emcee and a Producer and has continued to perform while I fell back from the performance scene and have continued to produce Music for him and various local Artists. ‘Brothers from Another Planet’ is our first Project we’re making available to the public and symbolizes a musical wormhole into our parallel Universe.

Cee, when you gain KOS it’s supposed to permeate any and all of your people activities; that’s a Culture! ‘Brothers from Another Planet’ is simply another angle for me to reach/teach the masses of people. By taking this Project from Knowledge to Born I’ve also developed another skill set in addition to skills I learned from Self Publishing; I’m capable of putting out an Independent Album that has shelf life. In other words, it’s not bootleg and can be ordered through any National/International Music Retail Outlets. This was very, very important to me because it says a lot about one’s work, it’s commercial legitimacy and one’s ability to produce a quality product. Ultimately, I’m dealing with the 9/1-40, “Why does the Devil teach that a Mystery God brings all this?” In this Lessons we learn that the 85% (AKA: masses of people), “knows that its rains, hails, snows and also hears thunder above their heads b.u.t. DO NOT TRY TO LEARN WHO IS CAUSING ALL THIS TO HAPPEN BY LETTING THE 5% TEACH THEM. THEY BELIEVE IN THE 10% ON FACE VALUE.” Because the masses of people usually believe in the 10% on face value, it’s important for us to utilize this information to work in our own best interest. Although my Attribute is Saladin Quanaah’ Allah, I made it my Name by legally changing it in accordance with the Civil Laws and Statues of NYS (How to Legally Change Your Name Without a Lawyer). Did I have to? Now Cipher, b.u.t. since I did, this ‘face value’ shit has afforded me a lot of mainstream opportunities to expose people to our Culture -just like any other Nation of People who literally come in their names and expose people to their Culture. So, everything I do has my signature on it and this signature represents a Nation: a collective body of people called Gods & Earths. When people find out I write Books, you don’t know how many people ask me questions of ‘legitimacy’ like, “Are they published?” which really means, “Is it just some stuff you have on paper or some bootleg shit? Is it in a Bookstore?” This doubt has nothing to do with me personally, this is based upon their belief in the 10%; a ‘religious’ belief that whatever a Black Man is saying is probably ‘thunder above their heads’. People are sometimes floored when they realize that, “Naw, you can order my Books through any Bookstore or purchase it Online.” Why do they feel this way? Because the 10% have established a quality control level of Commercial Codes/Standards that 85% ‘believe in’. This is not to say that these Commercial Codes/Standards are all bullshit because people should take pride in the products they’re putting out. B.u.t. ultimately, having them available to mainstream American Society DOES NOT make our products any more legitimate than if we’re selling ‘em at the Corner Store or outta our backpack. The point I’m making is this: Whatever we produce must be rooted in our ability to Show & Prove that we’re equal to or greater than other Nations through the science of education! So whatever other Nations are positively doing, we should be striving to do/doing equally or better! This is why I have such an issue with so-called Gods/Earths advocating uncivilized behavior and thinking/talking like savages. As Gods/Earths, the names themselves demands of us to have higher expectations for ourselves! If we don’t have, express nor strive to express these high expectations, this reveals an obvious contradiction with who we’re trying to say we are AND what we want to people to believe we are…

So to conclude Today’s Article, I want to encourage all of you with talents to began not only thinking about ways to establish socioeconomic empowerment through putting out your own products, b.u.t. putting out products that Show & Prove that we’re equal to all Nations with the science of education. We need to be putting out legitimate products that can’t be disqualified because of our lack of professionalism (bootlegism), consistency, adherence to uniform commercial standards, or mainstream availability. When you look at a Nation like (Nippon) Japan, they not only built themselves from the ground up to compete with other Nations, b.u.t. they’re leading many Nations in various spheres of endeavors. In this respect, they are an excellent model for Cultural sustainability. Although The NGE (Five Percenters) as a Nation has been around for alittle over 40 years, we’re still in an infancy stage when it comes to collectively developing a strong Economic base. Along with developing a Cultural Consensus in regards to God/Earth Values, Principles and Behavior, producing our own “legitimate” products that can equally compete with or lead other Nations are the building blocks of this base! This has taken and will take time and begins with one product at a time b.u.t. we’re investing in our future generations!! So that years from now, our children -and people in general- will be able to walk into any Store or place Online Orders for God/Earth Centered Health/Body Care products, Food, Clothing, Entertainment, etc.. that support and promote our National -not individual- Agenda; with a ‘God/Earth Certified’ seal of quality. -smile-

So in addition to the ‘Brothers from Another Planet’ Soundtrack, here are some other Artists that I know of who’re putting out God/Earth Centered Music. Please check out their Sites and continue to support Good Music:

Shing Shing Regime

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Team 'A.S.I.A.' ; Tournament Champions!!!

The Culture of I-God...

Peace Ya’ll! Today I wanted to address some current events. Do the Knowledge!

What’s da science G.O.D.?!
“85er’s sit around and talk about other people. The 10 Percent are always talking about objects. The 5 Percent speak about growth and development through ‘positively’ contributing to Civilization.” -Self

Here’s a few recent activities I wanna make Knowledge Born about:

At the end of July I appeared on a Live Online Call-In Show called Barbershop 360. A Brotha named Eric is the Host of the Show and it’s based outta Oakland, CA! The Show was called ‘The Secrets of Higher Learning’ and I had an opportunity to build about various subjects as well as promote my Literature. You can do the knowledge on the Interview here: The Secrets of Higher Learning. I was invited back on the Show some time in the near future and I’m looking forward to that opportunity to build further and promote a couple of my New Projects I’ll be launching very, very soon! -smile-

Two Weeks ago A.S.I.A. was one of the Sponsors of ‘The Political Process INC’ Youth Voter Registration Drive and Basketball Tournament here in Atlantis. Me and my physical -Golden Sun- also coached the A.S.I.A. Basketball Team to a Championship Victory! The above image is our Team Photo after the Game.

In August I was one of the Guests on a Local Television Show (LCTV) to help promote an Allstar Basketball Reunion Classic between two rivalry High Schools here in Atlantis. The Weekend Event will take place Labor Day Weekend and will be centered around an Allstar Basketball Game between Alumni Players who graduated between the years of 1980’s to the 2000’s from Niagara Falls High School (NFHS) and LaSalle Senor High! This Event is the talk of the Region and symbolizes the foundation upon which #4 NBA Draft Pick Jonny Flynn was forged! Since the closing of LaSalle and consolidation of NFHS, this traditional rivalry came to an end, so a couple of my childhood friends got together and organized this Event. Without question, this highly anticipated Event will help define and preserve the Legacy of a Legendary Rivalry that produced some of the greatest Students, Athletes and Productive Members of Society the WNY Area has ever seen -and will continue to see for many years to come! I’m also looking forward to building/networking with the Brothas I grew up competing with and against. And YES, I will be playing! -grin- For more information about this Weekend Event you can go here: NFHS vs LaSalle.

Keep in Mind that one of the best indicators of living out this Culture is what we’re actively doing! Not just what we’re doing for ourselves as rugged individuals, b.u.t. what we’re actually doing for others & the World we are living in. Gods/Earths have always been known by their Community Involvement, Youth Advocacy and Environmental Awareness! In addition to the various other positive fields of endeavor, Community Involvement, Youth Advocacy and Environmental Awareness are culturally genetic markers that have always distinguished Gods/Earths from other Cultural Worldviews. These hallmark expressions are vital components of Nation Building. So if you ever cee Gods/Earths who’re aren’t actively involved/participating in the affairs that shape their Community, who don’t have a functional relationship with youth and/or aren’t involved in projects designed to address/improve qualities of life issues and the environment, they have a gross misunderstanding of their “Duty as a Civilized Person” (18/1-40). It also explains why they’re going through -and go through- certain ciphers because they’re failing to “perform their Duty” (19/1-40). Keep in Mind that I share some of the things I’m doing to help show people -especially Gods/Earths- about this Duty. No I am not “the authority” on this Duty nor am I “THE” National Representative of The NGE. LOL! So regardless if an individual calls him or herself a God or Earth, realize that this doesn’t mean they’re Civilized or capable of performing the Duty of a Civilized Person.

Original Thought Podcast featuring Freedum Allah & Lord Jamar
“I’ll snap a Nigga’s neck!” -Poppa Wu (Freedum Allah)

For those who haven’t heard this I encourage you to please check out the Daily Podcast Section of Original Thought Metazine and do the knowledge on this Interview. First and foremost I would like to make a formal disclaimer that the views expressed by Original Thought Metazine, Freedum Allah & Lord Jamar does/did not reflect a National Consensus amongst Gods/Earths. That Interview reflected their own personal views that may/may not be supported by other Gods/Earths.

Anyway, the major theme of this Interview was Freedum Allah minimizing the importance & necessity of knowing 120. He stated that he didn’t know 120 like that word for word anymore and/or don’t know the Lessons at all anymore. Much of what was spoken was that it’s all about the Understanding, the Lessons are for Muslims and made for a Black Man/Woman of the 1930’s, and that we’re beyond that now! It was also stated that they don’t belong to/represent The NGE or Nation of Gods and Earths; Freedum Allah stated he was Allah’s Five Percent and Lord Jamar stated he named his Album ‘The Five Percent’ Album for a reason, not The NGE Album. Freedum also stated his Universal Flag has 16 points not 8 and that he gives his babies Lessons he makes for them, not no Muslim Lessons. 

Now, although I understood many of the things Freedum Allah & Lord Jamar were saying as a person ‘in the know’, there are many, many more who listened to and will listen to that Interview who’ll get the wrong idea! For those people who’re interested in learning more about The NGE, I had to consider what that Interview sounds like to them. I also asked myself, “Is this what we represent?” I think that as Gods/Earths we emphasize alittle too much “How I cee it!”, and need to be alittle more conscious of “How we’re ceen!” We must always be considerate of this because a major part of KOS is being aware of our surroundings.

Well, I built with the ‘God’ Life about the Interview and the idea of, “It ain’t about the Lessons no more!” and he plainly stated, “I can cee how this idea benefits an enemy, b.u.t. I don’t cee how this idea is of any benefit to us.” When you consider this, it puts not only this b.u.t. many things Gods/Earths express in perspective! Another thing that was continually emphasized in the Interview was, “It’s all about the Understanding”. This is Peace, when it’s expressed in the proper context! B.u.t. to make this statement and then turn around and minimize/dismiss the Knowledge (Lessons) that our Understanding is based upon isn’t right or exact. It’s like slowly sawing off our own legs while we’re standing there advocating the benefits of standing up. LOL We need to keep in Mind how these things sound to a person who’s interested in learning about The NGE, because 85% of the time they’ll be the one’s who’re hearing us. 10% of the time THERE WILL BE people “listening” to this with hopes of using this information against us for a profit!

Make no mistakes about it, The foundation of The NGE, Five Percenters, Five Percent Nation, Allah’s Nation, Allah’s Nation of the Five Percent or whatever name you wanna use to call us or yourselves has always been 120 (The Lessons). This is, was, and continues to be one of many Traditions that distinguishes us from other Nations of People. In the 1960’s, Gods/Earths were getting questioned about their Memorization, Recital & Breakdown of our Lessons (120), not some Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet! If our foundation was based upon using Supreme Mathematics & Supreme Alphabets, do you know how many people would be considered Citizens within The Nation of Gods & Earths?! Just thinking about the maaaaaany characters within the Rap Game itself who have used and still use our Math & Alphabet to pimp dey lyrics gives me a migraine. Now imagine aaaaaaaall the people surfing the Net and coming across info about The Gods/Earths in the Media, reading God/Earth Centered Blogs/Literature, Watching Gods/Earths Vlogs, etc…-shakes head- In otherwords, if it’s ultimately all about, “Knowledge is 1, God is 7, B is Be or Born, W is Wisdom, etc…”, what actually distinguishes us from anybody else? All Cultures produce a Numerical and Alphabetical System and use these interrelated Systems to solidify ideas & construct words that eventually give birth to a language. A language is used to define, express, preserve and perpetuate these ideas, and these ideas become the building blocks of that Culture’s Worldview; Principles and Values. Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet were designed to be used in conjunction with 120 (The Lessons). So when a God or Earth is building with/about Supreme Mathematics or the Supreme Alphabet, they usually go into the related Lesson that corroborates what they’re saying! Why? Because it’s not personal. It doesn’t mean that what we’re personally saying isn’t valid. What this means is this, “Let’s utilize what we both know to be right & exact as the standard upon which our views/perspectives are measured.” The Lesson itself will determine if we’re right & exact, not my personal feelings/beliefs or yours! It’s a Quality Control Mechanism to maintain the integrity of the Square (Truth) and a Preventative Maintenance Method for those who wanna be on some other shit! For example, if a person is doing all this talking about, “Knowledge (1) Build (8) is ‘R’ in the Supreme Alphabet; Rule or Ruler” b.u.t doesn’t know or even care about the 18th Degree in the 1-40’s, “What is the Duty of a Civilized Person?”, think about what they’re missing!! This is just one example! On another level, we may be personally beyond certain Lessons in our life because there are certain things we may have personally learned from. B.u.t. we must always consider those who’re not beyond these Lessons! Sure I know my 120, b.u.t. me not knowing my Lessons now-a-day and advocating that it’s no longer important to know them by heart, puts myself and other people at risk of falling victim. How? Because if I don’t Know I can’t be Wise enough to gain an Understanding nor help others do the same. As light bearers, it is our responsibility to teach “…Civilization to others.” (19/1-40). If I just came out dismissing our Cultural Tradition of Memorizing, Reciting & Breaking down our Lessons (120), What will people have to go on? What will serve as their cultural basis and foundation for their growth & development?!

All of these questions and many more came to Mind when I heard that Interview and I must strongly disagree with what was “loosely” advocated in regards to 120! Much of what was said was expressed in the wrong context and there wasn’t enough elaboration -especially for people NOT in the know- about the importance of the foundation (Knowing 120) and then building upon this foundation (gaining an Understanding of 120).

120 is something that NO ONE IS ABOVE being questioned about! If a person proclaims that they’re a God/Earth within this Nation, then they’re proclaiming that they deal with 120! In what capacity? It’s for them to say and for anyone to have the right to ask, regardless if ya Buster Rhymes, Poppa Wu or whoever! Some people are deliberately trying to distance themselves from or advocate against our long standing Tradition of Memorizing, Reciting & Breaking down our Lessons (120) because they simply don’t want to be questioned about anything! Not saying that this is the intentions of Freedum Allah or Lord Jamar b.u.t. regardless if it is or not, advocating an idea that means taking an emphasis off our Lessons will allow people to be above questioning -while giving them all the benefits of proclaiming they’re Gods/Earths without necessarily knowing or doing anything to corroborate this! Also, the Lesson(s) you are misquoting, dismissing or forgot is usually the very same Lesson(s) you’re presently learning in life or strait up fallin’ victim to!

I-John Doe
“I'm alone, alone, alone... I'm losing command” -Capt. James T. Kirk

When I was young, unbeknownst to me, I had an opportunity to meet a person who would forever be an integral part in my journey towards gaining Knowledge of Self (KOS). We’ll call him ‘John Doe’. John was able to recite the dialogue from every original Star Trek Episode that was made, with clarity & precision! John was amazing b.u.t John also suffered from Paranoia Schizophrenia. I met him because he was one of my Ole Earth’s Patients at the Mental Health Facility she was a Case Worker at.

John played a key role in my Life because I learned at a very young age that regurgitating alot of information doesn’t automatically equal mental stability. As I got older and eventually became a Citizen of this Nation, I brought that valuable Lesson with me. TRANSLATION: It never really impressed me to cee and hear Gods & Earths reciting their Lessons. Maybe children, b.u.t. definitely not adults. As a matter of fact, it also never impressed me to hear people reciting Bible Scriptures, Koran in Arabic, Kemetic Incantations or spittin long ass Afrocentric Spoken Word Pieces off the dome! -shrugs- I’ve always been much more interested in and impressed at how people actually lived their lives. Through John, I realized that people could be completely outta their damn Minds and/or completely dysfunctional, while at the same time they’re seemingly demonstrating some so-called “said ability” (20/1-40).

People I’m not minimizing the fact that it’s important to “know” your Lessons, Scriptures, Surahs, Telemarketing Script, etc.. word for word and be able to access this information at the drop of a dime. I’m emphasizing the fact that repeating information often tells you very little about a person’s mental instability, illogic, uncivilized attitudes and dysfunctional behavior. Regardless of a person’s ability to recite some information, they could be suffering from mild/extreme mental, emotional and even physical disorders that undermines their ability to actually apply this information to their lives! This is often the reason why various Gods/Earths can appear to be highly intelligent on one hand b.u.t. simultaneously show obvious signs of a mental/emotional disability. It is my position that many of the Cultural distortions we cee within The NGE and within Original People in general are the expression of various mental, emotional and even physical disabilities and ALL OF THESE ISSUES can be etiologically traced to the Trans-generational effects of Slavery & the present day Social Construct of those of us living the Wilderness of North America, and Colonization of those Original People abroad. Herein lies another problem; What da hell do we do about it?

First of all, we can’t wait for somebody else to solve problems they may not have the intelligence, expertise, financial interest or empathy to even resolve. Once we recognize it, we become the one’s responsible for doing whatever we can to fix it. This does not give the people or person immunity who had a hand in causing it either! They will of course have to answer for their own deeds -regardless if we’re around to cee it-, because ‘Justice’ is a universal corrective force and no debt in the Universe goes unpaid. Sometimes we may be dealing with problems where we honestly need some kind of Professional Help. What further compounds the problem is the fact that many of us have a hard time recognizing our own issues -especially those of us who call ourselves Gods/Earths! If some of you recognize that somebody may need Professional Help with Mental Health issues, Parenting Skills, Drug/Alcoholic/Sex Addictions, Domestic Violence, Homelessness, etc… then please build with the person about it and/or provide them with information to some Agency that can help them! Having 120 is a beautiful opportunity for us to have access to information that’ll help solve various problems in our lives, b.u.t. there are many problems, often complex, that we had and still have in our lives before we even got 120. It was these problems that had ‘John’ classified as Mentally Ill, even though we was intelligent enough to be able to recite a whole bunch of information.

Relationships (and their stability)
“God is a group reality ceen through individual eyes.” -Life Justice

I’m approaching my Honorable Day when I finished learning 120, and it’ll be 14 short years since I’ve had this information on cap. Along this journey I’ve been learning many things in regards to the reality of being the True & Living God. One of the most important things has been this; God is a Group Reality ceen through Individual eyes. What this ultimately means is that the reality of being God -and Earth- hinges upon our relationships. I don’t care what Religious, Metaphysical or Spiritual Text you study, when you ponder the Concept of God, Goddess, Neter, The Creator, The Great Spirit, etc.., the highest value always lies in His/Her/It’s RELATIONSHIP to His/Her/It’s Creation! Therefore, our ‘relationships’ with/to ourselves, eachother and the Planet ultimately expresses our conceptualization the True & Living God. Culture is the sum total of all of our people activities and these activities are ‘relationships’ we develop with ourselves, eachother and the Planet. There is no idea, concept or expression of Culture without such ‘relationships’, and forms of alienation, isolation, separation, anti-social behavior and our inability to create/maintain relationships is symbolic to the ‘Island-like’ “place where the Devil was manufactured” (27/1-40). Show me a person who has a chronic problem with establishing positive productive “functional” relationships with themselves, other people and the Planet and I’ll show you a person who’s estranged from the concept of God…

I’m saying all of this to get people -Gods/Earths in particular- to begin to realize that there is no Nation, Family or even a function Individual without ‘relationships’. These are very, very basic things to understand yet many Gods/Earths over look this. Cee, People don’t really care about how much we know until they really know how much we care. Care is consideration and consideration can only exist if a person has a relationship (connection) to that which they’re considering. Many Gods/Earths are simply very inconsiderate, have an infantile level of maturity when it comes to relationships, and are an outright embarrassment when it comes to their words/actions in relationship to being a God/Earth. Some of these growth & development issues come from the fact that they’re holding on to things that they consider more valuable. Some of these issues are a direct result of childhood trauma & dysfunctional family issues they still haven’t resolved. Some of these issues are simply because Niggas don’t give a fuck -for various reasons that often unknown to them. Regardless of what these reasons are, the fact is that the inability to create/maintain positive relationships is dysfunctional and bears no semblance of Civilized behavior or personal refinement.

We, as self defined Gods/Earths, need to clean ourselves up by working on our relationships -past & present! Therein is where our “4 Devils” (10/1-14) lie… In taking on this task, we need to develop higher “behavioral” expectations for ourselves and be exemplary when it comes to defining, articulating and preserving this Culture. If you need help in certain areas, ASK FOR IT!!!! We only make ourselves look like a bigger ass when we try to use the Title of being God/Earth to mask transparent insecurities, self delusions, grandiose ideas, lies and various other Devils we’re obviously dealing with. I’m not the sharpest pencil in the box so if I can clearly cee these things going on amongst Gods/Earths and our People in general, I know many others can cee this too! Again, it’s very, very important to work on stabilizing our ‘relationships’. For those of you who’re confused about what I mean by ‘relationships’, I’m referring to ‘your connection’ to a person, place or thing. The Universe itself is interrelated and as Gods/Earths we learn that “Supreme Mathematics are the key to understanding our relationship to the Universe.” When it comes to gaining KOS and living out the reality of being God/Earth, we need to really learn how to talk to/connect with people in positive ways. We need to learn how to treat ourselves and other people with more respect. We need to be more considerate of our environment and develop better relationships with our families -the family we were born into and the new families we’re trying to develop. These are fundamental things to our growth & development not only as Gods/Earths b.u.t as basic, human, beings! How much more should we expect of ourselves and how much more do people expect of us because we carry the Honorable Titles of Gods/Earths? If you’re saying you don’t care what other people think or how they feel, that’s cool… B.U.T. at least consider what you’re thinking about your ownself, because our words, ways and actions are an undeniably expression of this personal relationship.
