The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters is a global institution founded in Niagara Falls, NY that promotes educational programs, creative arts, cultural initiatives, audiovisual projects and commerce that supports Knowledge of Self and the positive growth and development of youth and families. This space features bi-monthly articles that highlight the social commentary, current events, and creative insights of its Founder, Saladin Allah [S. Quanaah]. #AtlantisBuild #FivePercenter
to Universal Shaamgaud Allah, the architect of the Five Percent Nation's
Universal Flag, it was the best of three that he completed in May of 1966. Upon
completion, he along with two colleagues [Black Seed and Gykee], went to visit
Allah in Matteawan State Hospital to
present it to him. Allah was in Matteawan because in May
of 1965 he was arrested along with several other men for unlawful assembly and
disorderly conduct at a rally in front of the Hotel Theresa in Harlem, NY.
Allah was arraigned in criminal court before Judge Francis X. O'Brien and held
on a $9,500 bond. Four months later he was shipped off to the Psychiatric Unit
at Bellevue Hospital and would remain there until a final psychiatric report
submitted to Judge O'Brien stated that "he did not understand the charges
against him." Thus Allah was remanded to the NYS Department of Mental
Hygiene for indefinite confinement and remained in these institutions, Bellevue
and Matteawan State Hospital, for two years.
When Shammgaud, Black Seed and Gykee
arrived at Matteawan State Hospital to present the Universal Flag to Allah, the hospital
administration would not allow them to bring it inside. Thus Allah did not receive it
until he was released from Matteawan in April of 1967. Our Five Percent Nation’s
flag, Shaamgaud gave us this explanation of its symbols:
The Universal Flag and its architect Universal Shaamgaud Allah
"The five-pointed star symbolizes Knowledge, the Seed, the Child with the power, the Supreme Knowledge that was manifested by W.F. Muhammad and revealed to us by Almighty God ALLAH, it is solid Black! The Crescent Moon symbolizes Wisdom, the Women (without child); it shows reflected light (Truth or Knowledge) and is not yet at its fullest equality. It also symbolizes the Divine Wisdom that was manifested by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and revealed to us by Almighty God ALLAH, it is solid yellow! Together the Star and Crescent stand for Knowledge and Wisdom, which is the unity of knowing it and speaking it! (Teaching) It also symbolizes the Earth (woman with child); a planet that has life, and the dominance the Woman has over the Seed (the child or the Knowledge) while it is young, and it has been the symbol of Freedom Justice and Equality since the awaking of Islam in the West of North America.
The 7 has seven sides. It symbolizes the Original Man, the True and Living God, the Supreme Being, Almighty God ALLAH. Since the very creation of mathematics 7 has been the mathematical terminology for the Creator of the Universe. It is solid Black. Together this stands for the Supreme Understanding that was revealed to us by Almighty God ALLAH himself, it shows a unification of Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding, Man, Woman, Child and shows the authority of ALLAH over the Planets and Stars and the proper order of the Universe. The seven symbolizes the male seed in full bloom, it shows that God must be the Most High, the Master of Wisdom, Culture and Equality at all times, because they are six, and can never dominate ALLAH, so they must remain in six or distill back to whence it came! This no part of the crescent moon should ever show over the top of the seven!
The white background symbolizes the white clouds of deception that have drowned our people in a sea of ignorance, and the feeble attempts of the wicked to conceal the true and living God which is the Son of Man! The Cipher (circle) around the Allah Crescent Star is Black, the Original Color of the Sun (anything that burns that hot and that long can't be yellow!) This symbolizes the Sun, the Universal symbol of Truth and Light, and whose power can evaporate all clouds of deception (lies).
The Eight Points are the symbol of the ever-expanding Universe, and symbolizes the rays of the Sun, and the speed and distance that the Truth is capable of traveling. There are two shades to each point, the Left is Black. The left represents the Original Black man, the Right side is Gold. The Gold represents Brown and Yellow seeds (from the first of the Brown to the last of the Yellow). Just as Jacob separated the seeds, 200 years from Black to Brown, 200 years from Brown to Yellow and 200 years from Yellow to Caucasian, ALLAH taught us that each brother should have a seed thus he reunited the seeds, united they are one! The eight points are a sign of He who is the Master builder of Rain, Snow, Hail and Earthquakes! The sixteen sections of the points, one for each year and degree that our seeds (child) must master before he is at the age of self-responsibility and required to teach civilization." -Universal Shaamgaud Allah
(L to R) Mayor John Lindsay, Barry Gottehrer, Sid Davidoff
When our Five Percent Nation began to grow amongst the youth throughout the boroughs of New York, Mayor John Lindsay, a Liberal Republican, formed a relationship with Allah through his Aide Barry Gottehrer and Executive Assistant Sid Davidoff. Mayor Lindsay was a clean-cut lawyer by profession who graduated from Yale University. A
former U.S. Congressman and a gunnery officer in the United States Navy,
Lindsay was also affiliated with the Bush family; he ushered at the wedding for
Nancy Bush where he met his bridesmaid wife Mary Anne. Nancy Bush is the sister
of former CIA Director and POTUS George HW Bush Sr.
Barry Gottehrer was an investigative journalist prior to becoming an Aide in the Lindsay Administration. His insightful award-winning newspaper series "New York City in Crisis" laid bare the racial and socioeconomic problems in NYC. Considered a political hatchet job, this New York Herald-Tribune series attacked the policies of current Democratic Mayor Robert Wagner II and painted an untainted picture of the Herald-Tribune's endorsed candidate Congressman John Lindsay. This compelled Lindsay to add Gottehrer, and his narrative shaping expertise, to his Administrative Staff once he was elected Mayor.
Sid Davidoff was Mayor Lindsay's troubleshooting consigliere. Another lawyer by profession and visiting lecturer at Lindsay's alma mater Yale University, Davidoff was considered one of President Nixon's worst enemies; named among other political opponents as part of Nixon's covert "Political Enemies Project" list that was revealed during the Senate Watergate Committee investigating the Watergate scandal.
With Allah's street knowledge and cultural worldview, he along with Lindsay, Gottehrer, and Davidoff were able to successfully produce projects and initiatives that Five Percenters used to positively transform the landscape of Harlem and NYC as a whole.
Upon Allah's approval of our Universal Flag design by Universal Shaamgaud, the image was given to Mayor Lindsay to create flag lapel pins. Allah was not anti-government so in collaboration with Mayor Lindsay's office, Lindsay had our lapel pins created by Eagle Regalia; a manufacturing company that was founded in New York City in 1910, specializing in the production of banners, flags, emblematic jewelry, buttons, badges, plaques, and trophies. In addition to our lapel pins, Eagle Regalia also created the licensed badges of the NYPD and other government agencies in New York. According to our nation elders, young Five Percenters would be given a Universal Flag lapel pin with their righteous name inscribed on it.When a Five Percenter chose a righteous name and earned or was given a lapel pin, it was distributed at the Street Academy [Allah School]; a property given to the Five Percenters with a ninety-nine-year lease by the Lindsay Administration in 1967. To receive a lapel pin Five Percenters were required to write down their honorable name [birth name] in a book and their righteous name beside it. Some lapel pins had names already inscribed on them. Other lapel pins were blank and were sent out to have their name inscribed on them. These lapel pins were more than just decorative symbols of our cultural identity, accomplishment, and pride. They enabled Allah, in partnership with the city government, to better organize, document, monitor, and deputize a growing youth movement into an unrivaled dynamic of power. A powerful segment of New York's citizenry that the NY Daily News partly described as "the neighborhoods most respected."
On the night of April 4th, 1968 when Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated, Mayor Lindsay contacted Sid Davidoff and Barry Gottehrer about coming to Harlem to pay his respects and offer his condolences to the people. Against their advice to not come because they could not guarantee his safety, Mayor Lindsay came to Harlem anyway and met with Gottehrer and Davidoff along with Allah and a group of his Five Percenters. As they began to walk the streets of Harlem, people began to join them and together they successfully stopped the Harlem community from rioting.
During those early years of the Five Percent Nation our Universal Flag was protected and functioned like closed-source software or informal intellectual property that was not made available to the general public. Anybody could not just get it or wear it. Times have since changed with the growth of the internet and social media. Up until the mid-2000s, it was rare for people to casually wear or use our Universal Flag. If vendors in New York City were selling items bearing the Universal Flag it was common for those products to be destroyed, taken and/or the vendor accosted by Five Percenters.
Nowadays, with the expansion of the internet, social media,
and e-commerce, our Universal Flag has taken on more
of an open-sourceexpression. Thus it is freely available, redistributed, and modified in the public domain and across digital space by people who are not a part of the Five Percent Nation. This has
become problematic because these outsiders are using our Universal Flag to sell merchandise, provide services, edit Wikipedia content, publish articles, create/monetize content, make social media profiles/pages, create/manage websites
and share disinformation about our Five Percent Nation. One of the solutions that I have suggested over the years is for us [Five Percenters] to invest in creating such a large digital footprint of positive, accurate, authentic content that it drowns out the disinformation and cultural appropriation. This is no easy task and requires the same or even greater level of commitment to content creation than me -and I have been helping consistently expand our Five Percent digital footprint for more than two decades. We are not quite there yet and as we continue to push our culture forward into this Blockchain Age, it is important that we give all that we have and do all within our power to protect and control our narrative online and offline, or outsiders will continue to...
Our Universal Flag has done more than exemplify our righteous names, reputation, and overall culture of the Five Percent. During the night of MLK's assassination, other instances throughout the Lindsay Administration, and the years that followed, our Universal Flag lapel pins became symbols of empowerment. They became emblems connected to our ability to teach, resolve conflicts, and address issues of truancy and juvenile delinquency in the place of law enforcement and other government agencies. In addition to Shaamgaud's important meaning of our Universal Flag, it was and will always be, a badge of honor.
**This original article appears in the Culture Is Free publicationHERE**
It is an actual fact that the United States is the most "litigious
society" in the world. Litigious means 'prone to engage in legal maneuvers
or lawsuits.' Our disagreement with that statement does not change that actual
fact nor does it prepare us to do something about it. This actual fact is
especially important to understand in this digital age of content harvesting,
online marketplace expansion, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and
a 552.17%
increase in NFT trademark submissions between August 2021 and January 2022. In
my article The Content
Era: 2022 is the Year of Creatives and Entrepreneurs I
explained, "we are now in a Content Era. Streaming services are in global
competition over it, Podcasters and Bloggers need it to survive every week and
it's like that Frank Lucas [American Gangster] blue magic to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and
YouTube users. For THAT Economy to sustain itself Content must be
consistently harvested from Creatives and Entrepreneurs who are sometimes
trafficked through digital internet rings..." Content is another name
for intellectual property [IP] or legal assets; the
basis of this article.
During the COVID-19 shutdown, many people
took advantage of that time to learn new things and develop new skills. I've
known folks who completed Herbology courses, Music Engineering programs, and
apprenticeships in different industries. While I had already studied the
subject, I invested my time in learning how to file provisional patents,
utility patents, and trademarks. One of the things that I immediately learned is
the small number of patent and trademark lawyers, especially black lawyers, in
this specialized area and the increasing demand for their services. By learning
this skill I became more proficient in this specialized field of law. Even more
proficient than lawyers who worked in other areas of law. My reasoning for
learning this skill was to ultimately provide this service to folks who had no
knowledge and/or capital to file a trademark or patent; which costs about $400
to trademark something and about $18,000 to patent an idea. In addition to the
various projects that I was already involved in, and my
peripheral research, this investment began my direct experience with securing legal assets or
intellectual property. None of this article is based upon a casual Google
search, a Wikipedia scan, or hearsay from folks on YouTube talking about what
they have never done and do not own.
Before we go any
further let me first define what a legal asset or intellectual property is. A
legal asset is defined as “real or personal property that has value.” Intellectual
property [IP] refers to “valuable assets that we legally own such as
inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; symbols, names, and images.”
The value or worth of a legal asset or intellectual property is inherent.
Meaning, that it is essential or built in its creation. It is not an asset because
someone acknowledges or likes it or not. It is an asset because its nature is
valuable. It is sort of like when we say the Black folks are divine. Our value
is not because someone acknowledges or likes it or not. We are divine, or an
asset, because our nature is valuable. When we create inventions; literary
and artistic works; designs; symbols, names, and images they are also valuable.
If you have been following the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in response to the
United States sanctions on Russia, Russia has stripped away legal asset/intellectual
property rights from U.S. companies doing business in Russia, along with
foreign companies from 23 other “unfriendly” territories. According to the high-profile
trademark attorney Josh Gerben, “companies like McDonald's and Starbucks that
have left Russia to protest its invasion of Ukraine can do little when Russian
businesses steal their trademarks. In fact, trademark applications were filed
in Russia this week that bore a striking resemblance to marks belonging to Ikea, Instagram (FB), McDonald's, and Starbucks. These companies can't
immediately fight back because challenges for unauthorized use are largely
limited to Russian courts.” For those of us who have carelessly looked at legal
assets/intellectual property as insignificant and unimportant, this political
power move by Russia to shift the global economic landscape should make us
reconsider our stance on the value of legal assets/intellectual property. When
we do recognize this value, the questions we need to ask ourselves are what can
we do to legally protect ourselves and our assets in a litigious society? Do
we have health and dental insurance? Do we own property? Do we have a Last Will
and Testament? Do we own any patents or trademarks? Do we have any life insurance
policies? Do we have a marriage license? These and various other legal
protections are just some things to seriously think about, especially for our
families and future generations.
With this knowledge
of legal assets/intellectual property, I was able to successfully file a
provisional and utility patent for a unique fuel cell technology. Before my
business partner and I even discuss this patent with companies we
ensure that a three-year NDA [Non-Disclosure Agreement] is signed and
notarized first. Because of our invention's inherent value, an NDA is a
standard legal document that is used to protect the value and confidentiality
of legal assets/intellectual property before you discuss them. This is the
reason why we should not openly discuss specific matters related to a trademark
filing, a patent, or any legal assets/intellectual property in the public
domain. It compromises the security of those legal assets/intellectual
When the Washington [now
"Commanders"] football organization sought to rename their team they
never had public discussions about the potential name of the team. In fact,
they went as far as filing the original trademark in a foreign country
whose trademark databases are difficult to search online. Months later the
organization then filed an application with the United States Patent and
Trademark Office [USPTO]. Knowing that this trademark information would be
publicly available and published with the USPTO, their filing was protected because
the trademark application was based upon the earlier filing date in the foreign
country. See, once a trademark is filed, there is a 30-day window to
oppose/challenge its registration after the USPTO publishes the application for
opposition. Following the above method of filing in a foreign jurisdiction is a
workaround to limit the public's capacity to oppose a registration. If Lebron James has
received legal guidance from a patent and trademark law firm then I am
sure that he used this method before it was recently announced that he filed 4
new USPTO trademarks in the names of LEBRON JAMES, LEBRON, KING JAMES and
CHOSEN1 related to the metaverse. Understanding this, when people
openly discuss the specifics of a legal asset/intellectual property in a public
forum it only informs the public of two more facts related to our litigious
1.)Those people do not actually
understand or own any digital assets/intellectual property.
2.) Those people are legally
vulnerable, and a liability to others, because of their ignorance of law and
tech illiteracy.
3.)Those people are actively promoting "IP Squatting" where someone other than the original owner(s) can acquire that legal asset/intellectual property and sell it back for a profit.
was once involved in confidential discussions regarding a unique legal
asset/intellectual property that I personally secured in order to transfer
ownership to a collective body of people. While I did not have those who
participated in these confidential discussions sign an NDA, I did
emphasize the importance of privacy and requested that they not share the
specific details of those confidential discussions in the public domain. A
short time after, I was disappointed to learn that some of the participants
were sharing those specifics, and misinformation regarding this
unique legal asset/intellectual property, in the public domain. While
I did cover a great deal of legal territory using a power-point
presentation that included an extensive FAQ segment, it was unfortunate to
learn that some of those who participated in those discussions did not understand
the importance of confidentiality or simply did not care. Either way, lacking that carelessness is a liability in an expanding litigious
society. So I ask again, what can we do to legally protect ourselves and our assets in
a litigious society? Do we have health and dental insurance? Do we
own property? Do we have a Last Will and Testament? Do we own any patents or
trademarks? Do we have any life insurance policies? Do we have a marriage
license? These and various other legal protections are just some things to
seriously think about, especially for our families and future
This society is drastically changing with the exponential growth of technology. Those
changes are not favorable for those of us who have little to no control over
any legal
assets/intellectual property. As black people, we cannot
allow those changes to happen around us. As a Five Percenter, with our Allah
Youth Center's 99-year lease quickly approaching, the gentrification of Harlem,
the constant threat of our property being taken through eminent domain, no
permanent location to hold our monthly gatherings, no legal control of our
Universal Flag in the public domain, and no economic blueprint in an expanding
litigious society, there are serious confidential discussions we need to have
regarding protecting and preserving our cultural legacy. If we don't get it
together we will be talking about these days, like our nation elders reminisce
about the old days, with no visible evidence that these days ever even existed.
Except for a street sign, of course, to mark what once was.
#NiagaraFalls Mayor Robert Restaino, Myself, City Administration Anthony Restaino
On Monday, April 4th I sat down with the Mayor and City Administrator of Niagara Falls to secure a permit for a Nature of Things documentary project that I am working on and to discuss other items regarding moving our municipality forward. Allah, the founder of our nation of the Five Percent was not anti-government. In fact, he successfully worked with Mayor John Lindsay's NYC Administration to help shape the policies that positively impacted the youth in his Harlem community. It was through his efforts that city government made various projects, programs, and initiatives available to support these at-risk youth and their families. As I share often, this is what was most impressionable to me about the work of Allah and his Five Percent. I grew up watching my parents and other adults work within my community and provide opportunities for neighborhood youth so I always recognized the value of such work, and benefitted from it myself.
Over the years of doing community outreach and youth advocacy I have experienced a lot. There have been many frustrations, times I have felt disappointed and methods I have learned to be successful in these undertakings. In terms of youth advocacy, I built this online course for those who want to learn effective ways to reach/teach the youth. You can check out my Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters Youth Outreach Development Course HERE.
On Tuesday April 4th I recorded this LIVE expounding upon various things that I have learned about community building. I was inspired to share it because I noticed some of my social media contacts expressing their frustrations and disappointments about getting people involved in community work. You can check out this recording below: