
Saturday, December 04, 2021

Goddess Mathematics... and a whole vibe

     For some time now there has been an idea floating around dudes who say that the black woman is God, or who call women a Goddess, are emasculated simps pandering for sex. There is also the idea that women who call themselves a Goddess are maneaters; disappearing Delilahs who throw yoni egg-like smoke bombs after snatching a man's soul. Actually, those are just some of the colorful images that I envision when I hear the Goddess mythos. If you ask some folks, this mythos has created more destruction within our family units than the crack era. Why? Well let's examine it.

       If God is truly omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent how can you add to that? What is there to know beyond being all-knowing? What power exists beyond all-power? What can be present beyond that which is all-present? The word Goddess implies that there is a knowing, power and presence beyond the all-knowing, all-power and all-present capacity of God. It suggests that there exists a "feminine" domain of all-knowing, all-power and all-presence that a Goddess uniquely inhabits. While you would be hard pressed to find this seemingly contradictive idea reconciled within our classical and indigenous societies, there is a place for it within Greek Mythology, along without many other ideas..., among the Twelve Olympians. For example, this idea of an actual God not being truly omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent is illustrated by Hades being a limited God who rules the underworld, Athena as a limited Goddess who rules wisdom and warfare and the limited God Poseidon ruling the water. Zeus, the so-called king of Gods and ruler of Mount Olympus, is also limited in his power; a monster [Typhon], child of Gaea, was capable of puttin' hands on him. So when I see and hear so-called Gods [or Goddesses] simultaneously claiming omniscience and ignorance, omnipotence and flaws, righteousness and debauchery I know exactly where these contradictions come from.

Mythology is the story of our Social Psychology
    When you study the psychodrama within Greek Mythology and struggles between the Twelve Olympians, with titans, monsters and humanity, it becomes clear that their idea of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence is not the same as we taught it within our classical and indigenous societies. Even when the Greeks defined a deity as such, there always existed some Achilles' heel. Even though Greek philosophers saw and studied glimpses of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence from the Khemetians [Egyptians], under their own Grecian power they never evolved the capacity to arrive at our conclusions or conceptualize a Monotheistic view of the world on their own. What this shows is Greek society, and their western society progeny, were not and have not been invested in the same self-knowledge pursuit as our ancestors. Their pursuits have been primarily colonial, imperial and material. Mostly external, segregative and limited in scope. This is why their history, and the history of their western progeny, is traditionally written as a bloody timeline of war, violence and conquests. Study the history of any European society and America. The most significant events that tell the psychodramatic story of that nation are dates of warfare, conquest and destruction. That timeline not only defines the overarching mythos of that nation but it also defines the collective psychology of its people. While there are many great things to learn about Greek Mythology and its society, its illustrations of deity is one of the most dysfunctional mythos we have ever learned.  
     It is important that I briefly expounded upon this because many of us have unknowingly adopted Grecian and other Eurocentric mythos without critically examining them. Without this scrutiny, many of us have just superimposed Five Percent, Khemetic, Moorish, Christian, Hebrew, Muslim, Yoruba and other ideas over the top of Grecian and other Eurocentric principles and values that we fundamentally embrace. Outwardly we may wear the clothes, speak the language, eat the foods and even choose partners that appear to represent the black/brown culture we claim, yet inwardly we are not that person. As a Five Percenter, this is why some of us could make misogynist-toned statements like, "women can't rise above equality" or "a woman don't have a mind" as if we are measuring one another vertically... Sadly, this is also why some Five Percenters have jumped on the Kevin Samuels bandwagon, faithfully "liking" and repurposing his rhetoric as if their knowledge degree in the Student Enrollment now reads, "Who is the Original High Value Man?
     As men and women we are congruent and complimentary, not conflicting and competitive. A woman represents our equality, and equality has two words in it; equal and quality. When you are of equal quality this means that you are "of the same nature [value]." That is not a vertical assessment of a woman's relationship to a man, it is a parallel or even assessment. By nature we are one and our oneness is necessary to create life and the future of humanity. What is greater than that essential bond? Think about the mindset of a woman who believes that she is more or less than that shared essence. Think about the mindset of a man who believes that he is more or less than that shared essence. Consider how a "battle of the sexes" perspective negatively influences our sense of self-worth and shapes the psychodrama in our relationships, families and community. 

     When women refer to themselves as a Goddess I have always wondered what they actually mean and why their body cast archetype is rarely expressed as Hottentot Venus or women with a Lizzo WHR [waist-hip ratio]. They seem to be based upon Gal Godot... You would also think that a Goddess uniquely does something that a female, woman, grandmother, auntie, mother, wife, daughter, Queen and the Earth cannot do. The word "Goddess" is an honorific title prefixing a woman's quality/characteristic. It is used to represent the deification or divine expression of qualities that females, women, grandmothers, aunties, mothers, wives, daughters, Queens and the Earth already possess. In other words, there is no Goddess in and of herself. It must be a divine expression of some quality or characteristic; such as a Goddess of Wisdom, a Goddess of Motherhood, a Goddess of the Hunt, a Goddess of Death and etc. More often than not, the everyday woman uses the word "Goddess" cosmetically and absent of any real substantive function or qualities, especially on social media. And yes, the same can be said about Gods. Many of us know an ignorant a** dude named Knowledge, a foolish Wise or a criminologist named Power. In both instances some of these lofty titles just sound and look good yet lack any real expression of divine qualities and characteristics.       

     Within our Five Percent language and worldview there is no word or concept of Goddess. We recognize the divinity of women without the need to Grecianize her. For years there have been some Five Percenters, men and women, who have strived to campaign for its acceptance. Some have even tried to canonize a sarcastic comment that Allah once made when he said a young sister was a Goddess because she was more of a God than the young brothers who were around him. Some folks took that literally. However, this Goddess push among small pockets of people has never gained any real traction within the Five Percent Nation. Those advocates either find themselves on the fringes of the Five Percent quietly keeping these sentiments to themselves or boldly sharing these acultural ideas online. 

A throne on a "dais"; an elevated 
platform where important people sit

   As Five Percenters we have various words and concepts that divinely express what females, women, grandmothers, aunties, mothers, wives, daughters, Queens and the Earth already are. Historically, yes "his"-storically, some men have misogynistically sought to destroy divine expressions of women. Some women have taken on the same crusade and promote misandry. There are those who are very deliberate and calculated about this and some who are simply blind, deaf and dumb to how divisive these ideas are. Whether deliberate or ignorant, none of these separatist outlooks are in the best interest of our people and the human family as a whole. If someone chooses to call themselves a God or Goddess, my perspective is, "show and prove it." Not to me personally, show and prove it IN, not to, the world. Don't tell us that you are the God this or the Goddess that. Do something with these so-called divine expressions -which does not include posting shallow videos/images/quotes online. If we are who we say that we are, that would truly be a benefit to our families, communities and environment.           



Tuesday, November 23, 2021

NEW BOOK RELEASE: The Incarcerated Sevens' Resource Manual


THE INCARCERATED SEVENS’ RESOURCE MANUAL VOL 1 is designed to provide incarcerated Five Percenters or their loved ones with accurate information to legally challenge a "Security Threat Group" [STG] designation or policy within the DOC [Department Of Corrections] and courts of law. This book contains a list of 85 cases filed by incarcerated citizens of the Five Percent Nation, a detailed summary of the origin and evolution of the current theological oppression campaign that began against Five Percenter from 1965 to the present and a copy of the Authors Pro Se legal brief.

Professor Born Supreme became a Certificated Paralegal/Legal Assistant through the Blackstone Career Institute Paralegal Correspondence Program in June 2021. That knowledge as a Paralegal equipped him to competently compile this Resource Manual using Five Percent language for our culture.    


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Are Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet Related?


In this 73rd Episode of Atlantis Build Talk Radio I discuss the science of our Supreme Mathematics and its relationship to our Supreme Alphabet.

Also, please SUPPORT and SHARE my Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters Renovation Project. I am renovating a property to establish a cultural enrichment early childhood learning center and after school program:

CashApp: $SaladinAllah

Friday, October 22, 2021

Where is the next home of our Universal Parliament?

Universal Parliament, P.S. 154 Harriet Tubman elementary school 
November 28th, 1982]

     For over four decades P.S. 154 Harriet Tubman Elementary school has been the home of the Universal Parliament of our Nation of the Five Percent. Now it seems to be the end of an era, yet the beginning of a new opportunity. As I expressed in my article The Political Science of Five Percenter Parliaments:

"Parliament comes from the Old French "parlement" which means to speak. By definition, a Parliament is the legislative body of a government. The role of that body is to make and amend laws and hold the government accountable for its policies, actions and spending. In the context of the Five Percent, our Universal Parliament in Mecca [Harlem] was established for our nation's citizens to function as an informal legislative body and government. The Old French etymology for Parliament meaning to "speak" means "to build" [communicate/add-on] in the language of the Five Percent. Thus as Five Percenters we come together monthly at our Universal Parliament to build, introduce and amend policies, actions and spending related to our national headquarters in Mecca [Harlem, NY].

I go on to further explain that:

"Our Parliamentary Procedure, whether nationally in Mecca or among our international, regional and/or local legislative bodies of Five Percenters, is based upon our nation's principles and customs, namely the concept of social equality. Coming together for one common cause and being equal in everything insures that any present member of our nation, regardless of their age, gender or physical ability, has the right to build upon policies, actions and spending at our Parliament. If a decision needs to be made regarding a certain policy, action or spending, all input is gathered by the present members and a decision is made based upon majority rule [vote]. If a decision cannot be made, the issue is tabled until the next scheduled Parliament.

   The global pandemic surrounding COVID, the 2020 shutdown, social gathering/distancing restrictions and now vaccinations mandates has been a huge adjustment for all of us. Educational institutions had to pivot to online learning models that most were not prepared for. In the mid 2010s I taught a free online self-development course via the Periscope App and since then people contacted me about teaching another one. This was prior to the LIVE function being incorporated into the Facebook and Instagram Apps that people use today. It was through that demand for an online course and my desire to create something more comprehensive that I created seven Youth Outreach Development Courses in 2018. Pre-pandemic and during the initial shutdown from February to May 2020 I also co-taught an Online Class For Women via the Zoom App. Heck, prior to this podcast wave we currently see everyone with a voice riding, I had a Gabcast talk radio show in the early 2000s before Blogtalk Radio existed. Even with all of this forward-thinking making these digital learning opportunities available, I was still not fully prepared for the huge adjustment this pandemic has caused. Even though I received some criticism from Five Percenter colleagues in regards to teaching online, the majority of them had to reassess their stance. When the shutdown happened and people were not allowed to gather in public spaces, some of these colleagues adapted and started looking for online platforms to build/connect with one another through. Along with classes, some even began to hold online Parliaments, which I've had the opportunity to attend. 
    As the country began to open back up with some restrictions, and people have been allowed to gather, we [Five Percenters] recently learned that P.S. 154 Harriet Tubman is no longer available to us to hold our Universal Parliaments or any group. According to School Administration Staff whom I spoke to, the auditorium space is not available to the public due to COVID gathering restrictions and unclear vaccination status protocols. While we have been able to adjust during the Summer months by holding Parliaments outdoors, as we approach the Autumn and Winter months this will become problematic without an indoor gathering space. As I shared above, we have utilized Harriet Tubman for over four decades. How we handle this critical point in our nation's trajectory will shape the future of our nation. In my perspective, whenever there is an absence of something, that is my evidence of opportunity.

So what can we do about this?

      One of the obvious solutions is to simply find another location, which will not be around the corner from our Allah Youth Center. While challenging, this may also be a great opportunity to establish a collective presence in another community! Once we find another location we should be expected to rent that space which means we will need the money to secure and sustain it. This will require more than a few people pitching in to keep things going like we sometimes see with Five Percenter projects, programs and initiatives. Another solution is to continue our online Parliaments until the Spring or Harriet Tubman becomes available to the public again. Lastly there is a current initiative being promoted by Born Black and Divine Prince for 100 Gods to contribute $100.00 to purchase a $10,000 heat sustaining enclosed tent that is 30ft wide x 40ft long and 12ft high. That tent will be assembled and erected inside of the courtyard next to the Allah Youth Center and used for Universal Parliaments and other projects, programs and initiatives going forward. 
     Whatever decision will be made, if any at all, we will still be here as the Five Percent. However, whatever decision we make, if any at all, will affect our social norms and how we congregate moving forward. That can be a positive or it can be negative. We can build upon these challenges to grow or allow these challenges to destroy our tradition of Universal Parliaments. It is on us, as it has always been.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Niagara Falls Indigenous Peoples Weekend Welcomes Chief Crazy Horse Descendant!!

(L to R) My Queen Anusha, Me, Chase Iron Eyes, Chief Bear Cross and Ken Cosentino

(Niagara Falls, NY) — The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters in collaboration with the Haudenosaunee, the Niagara River Iroquois Dancers, the City of Niagara Falls, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Niagara Falls Public Library and Canada's Niagara Illumination Board welcomes Wounded Knee descendants Chase Iron Eyes and Chief Bear Cross to WNY in celebration of Niagara Falls' 1st Annual Indigenous Peoples Weekend October 7th through October 11th.

This weekend celebration began at noon on Thursday October 7th at Niagara Falls City Hall with an official raising of the Haudenosaunee wampum by Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino and Tuscarora Chief Brennan Ferguson, Turtle Clan. At 6pm that evening an Opening Ceremony took place by the Horseshoe Falls at Terrapin Point in the Niagara Reservation State Park. This included a traditional welcome by the Haudenosaunee for internationally renowned Standing Rock Activist Chase Iron Eyes and second-great grandson of Chief Crazy Horse and Lakota Wisdom Keeper Chief Bear Cross of the Ghost Nation. Chase Iron Eyes and Chief Bear Cross are Wounded Knee descendants and were distinguished guests for the Indigenous Peoples Weekend celebration. Following the traditional welcome a ceremonial dance by the Niagara River Iroquois Dancers took place and a raising of the Haudenosaunee wampum at the State Parks by Tuscarora Chief Tom Jonathan, Turtle Clan. The Opening Ceremony concluded with the Falls being illuminated in the colors of both the wampum and the Ghost Nation flag.

On Friday October 8th, 4pm-5pm there was a Speaking Engagement at the Niagara Falls Public Library. Topic of that discussion was Sacred America: Breaking 500 Years of Silence." Following a brief Invocation by Chief Bear Cross, Lakota Elders shared their experience from Wounded Knee before Chase Iron Eyes discussed the power of Indigenous culture, sovereignty and water protection. This event was free and open to the public.

Chief Crazy Horse second-great grandson Chief Bear Cross

Saturday October 9th at 11am Wounded Knee descendants Chief Bear Cross and Chase Iron Eyes, Seneca Elder and Historian Paul Winnie and Niagara Falls City Councilman Bill Kennedy held a Press Conference at the Hyde Park Veterans Monument in Niagara Falls. In honor of Indigenous Peoples Weekend, speakers shared statements on the history of Wounded Knee, the plight of indigenous people and raised awareness about the Remove the Stain Act; landmark legislation that revokes the Medal of Honor awarded to soldiers for acts that occurred on December 29, 1890, at Wounded Knee Creek, Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota. The bill requires the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard to remove the names of those award recipients from the Medal of Honor Roll for their role in slaughtering hundreds of Lakota men, women, and children at the Wounded Knee massacre. 

Saturday October 9th at 2pm the weekend concluded with a V.I.P. Meet & Greet with Chase Iron Eyes and Chief Bear Cross on Goat Island by Three Sisters Island. 

Press Conference at Veterans Monument in Niagara Falls NY

About the Attendees
The Niagara River Iroquois Dancers are a Tuscarora-based international dance troupe which include dancers from among the Six Nations. Founded by Nina and Orville Greene and family, its mission is to preserve and share the cultural heritage of Haudenosaunee People through traditional songs, dance, stories and craft making.

Chase Iron Eyes, Activist Lawyer for the Lakota People’s Law Project, was raised on the Standing Rock Nation and now lives on the Oglala Lakota Nation (Pine Ridge Reservation). Chase co-founded the Last Real Indians media model of frontline reporting in addition to an uncensored critique of the issues of the day as a way to give voice to the voiceless, presence to the unseen and action to prophecy. Chase is married to Dr. Sara Jumping Eagle and they are raising their family in Lakota Treaty lands.

Chief Bear Cross, second-great grandson of Chief Crazy Horse and Wisdom Keeper of the Lakota People, Chief Bear Cross is the Leader of the Ghost Nation who received his war bonnet from Spiritual Leader Leonard Crow Dog. Leonard Crow Dog led the takeover of the town of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1973, known as the Wounded Knee Incident.

About the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters 
The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters is a private estate and learning institution founded in Niagara Falls, NY to teach/train youth in the growth, development and control of their powers. The mission of this institution is to globally inspire, empower and educate youth to be Ambassadors of our future.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Standing Rock Activist Lawyer to Speak in Niagara Falls

(Niagara Falls, NY) — The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters will host Niagara Falls' 1st Annual Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration featuring internationally renowned Standing Rock Lawyer Activist Chase Iron Eyes and Lakota Wisdom Keeper Chief Bear Cross of the Ghost Nation. This celebration will consist of three events:

Friday October 8th, 4pm-5pm Speaking Engagement at the Niagara Falls Public Library. Topic of discussion "Sacred America: Breaking 500 Years of Silence." Following a brief Invocation by Chief Bear Cross, Chase Iron Eyes will discuss the power of Indigenous culture, sovereignty and lessons from Standing Rock. This event will be free and open to the public.

Saturday October 9th, 11am-11:15am Official Press Conference at the Veterans Monument at Hyde Park in Niagara Falls. Chase Iron Eyes will briefly speak on the history of Wounded Knee and plight of the Lakota People. Media Interviews will follow.

Saturday October 9th, 2pm-4pm V.I.P. Meet & Greet with Chase Iron Eyes and Chief Bear Cross at an undisclosed location. Tickets are $40. Tickets can be purchased online at: HERE 

Chase Iron Eyes TEDxCharlottesville

"In the spirit of solidarity and in celebration of the original people of North America, Indigenous Peoples Day was created to honor the past, present, and future of indigenous peoples, acknowledge the legacy of colonialism and to raise awareness of its present day impact on their communities. To celebrate the 1st Annual Indigenous Peoples Day we are honored to have Six Nations members, the Seneca Mothers, internationally renowned Standing Rock Activist Chase Iron Eyes and Lakota Wisdom Keeper Chief Bear Cross of the Ghost Nation to represent their voice and rich cultural legacy."

About the Speakers
Chase Iron Eyes, Activist Lawyer for the Lakota People’s Law Project, was raised on the Standing Rock Nation and now lives on the Oglala Lakota Nation (Pine Ridge Reservation). Chase co-founded the Last Real Indians media model of frontline reporting in addition to an uncensored critique of the issues of the day as a way to give voice to the voiceless, presence to the unseen and action to prophecy. He is also a spokesperson for the Leonard Peltier freedom campaign as well as the public relations liaison for Julian Bear Runner, the president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Chase is married to Dr. Sara Jumping Eagle and they are raising their family in Lakota Treaty lands.

Chief Bear Cross, Wisdom Keeper of the Lakota People, is the Leader of the Ghost Nation who received his war bonnet from Spiritual Leader Leonard Crow Dog. Leonard Crow Dog led the takeover of the town of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1973, known as the Wounded Knee Incident. Chief Bear Cross also received the very last war bonnet ever given by Spiritual Leader Leonard Crow Dog while he was still alive.

About the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters 
The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters a private estate and learning institution founded in Niagara Falls, NY to teach/train youth in the growth, development and control of their powers. The mission of our institution is to globally inspire, empower and educate youth to be Ambassadors of our future.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Digital Missteps in a Cancel Culture Industry


   The Internet, and social media in particular, is doing more than reshaping our brain architecture and how we explore and attend the real world. 

     In my article Is Social Media The Digital "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out"? I wrote, "Fifteen years ago National News was a mainstream talking point for at least a week. Nowadays National News has about a 48 hour life unless other information is shared in connection to that information. This is why stories are now shared in segments and you rarely get all of the details when a story breaks. This is not because of lack of information, it is often done in parts to lengthen the life of a story. Sometimes the wrong information is deliberately shared in order to retract it 24-48 hours later, which insures web traffic for another two days. Keep in mind that I am speaking from personal experience, as a writer and as a subject who was catapulted into the spotlight in 2014 when I was cited by as a subject matter expert by the international and national press on Jay-Z's Five Percenter Jewelry." 
     In regards to this digital landscape I went on to elaborate that, "All social media formats use a scroll screen model. This enables users to easily scroll through pages without the cumbersome task of reading anything. If reading was not considered cumbersome, social media Apps would not limit the character count to convey a thought. While some people have learned and are learning to use these limited/ideal character counts to refine concise truncated thought, many others have found themselves becoming less and less equipped to communicate, online and offline. This technological shift coincides with what we are also seeing across the country with the closing and defunding of libraries, the historically low ELA competency levels in primary school students and the moving away from handwriting in exchange for typing."

    With these changes and the creation of D2C [direct-to-consumer] mediums where people can interact without middlemen, there has also been a paradigm shift in how people navigate the digital landscape, interact with one another and engage the media. With the proliferation of Cancel Culture, these mediums have become problematic for many people, especially public figures, who feel as though they can Like/💓/😂, tweet, post/repost, comment, inbox, DM or LIVE Chat whatever they want. Sha'Carri Richardson is just one example of numerous athletes, entertainers, public officials and etc. who have found themselves in hot water because they clearly lacked "professional advice" on what to say, or not say.., publicly. Some people have literally lost their careers, and the ability to financially support their loved ones, because of digital missteps. Many athletes, entertainers, public officials and etc. have been lured into the illusion that because social media enables them to directly connect with people, investing in professional consultants to help curate their content and engagement is not necessary. In regards to freedom, I understand. Paying folks to give their professional advice on some of our thoughts before we share them may feel like a lot. Yet it is not nearly the price many of us end paying without that advice. 
     Gossip Blogs, Podcasts, Reaction Videos, LIVE Streamers, Mainstream Media and etc. all thrive on Digital Missteps; resharing, recreating and recycling it as traffic driving monetized content that they feed off of. This is an entire billion dollar industry based upon digitally amplifying imperfections. An industry that Generation Z [Zoomers] now look at as a viable career like my Generation X looked at college. And hey, I understand. YouTubers like DJ Akademiks don't even need to spin records to make a living. All you need to do is talk about people and instigate beefs; the same thing some of my elementary school students like to do. Now adults make money doing it. 

    As a cultural content creator I could share a different article, video, book, class, presentation, animation, album, song, poem, news story, podcast, interview, project, program or initiative that I have created/co-created every single day for the next 5 years without reposting anything. I am not talking about posts or tweets just sharing my thoughts. I am talking about sharing a different example of actual work that I have successfully completed, every day of the week, for 5 strait years without fail. Being a Five Percent pioneer in this space, this has enabled me to establish a global digital footprint that pushes our culture forward into uncharted territories. I am very proud of that. I am especially proud of the fact that none of my content is based upon gossip, instigating beefs or ambulance chasing for views. 
     For over a decade now I have also worked as a professional consultant. In this capacity I have had the opportunity to advise many athletes, entertainers, public officials and etc. on how they should best answer interview questions, respond to panel discussion topics, craft email correspondences, pen think pieces, issue public statements and etc. Because of the confidentiality of this kind of work I would never betray their trust and share who I work with. Yet if people are observant enough they could possibly tell who these people are based upon my global digital footprint and self-styled wisdom. So it is from this vantage point of view that I am assessing this changing digital landscape and what I see as a vital need for folks to invest in professional consultants. If not, we will continue to see the best of our athletes, entertainers, public officials and etc. living with a Cancel Culture sword above their heads.


Saturday, September 04, 2021

I minted my first NFT this week! So what the hell does that mean?

I just minted my first yet to be released NFT [Non-Fungible Token] via the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters and I am super excited about venturing into this technological territory. 

What the heck is an NFT?

An NFT is a digital asset or unit of data that represents real-world objects like art, music, videos and photos. It is stored on a digital ledger known as a blockchain. That blockchain records every transaction associated with that NFT and certifies proof of ownership, that it is unique and not interchangeable.

For example...

Imagine if you took a rare photo of Michael Jordan in a Chicago Bulls game during his rookie year and he autographed it. After that you made a digital copy and stored the original photo in a secure location that would preserve/protect it from damage, theft and copies. The digital copy you convert into an NFT. That NFT is stored on a digital ledger [blockchain] that certifies its authenticity, proof of ownership and allows you to securely transfer ownership, license or sell it using cryptocurrency [Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.] or electronic money [U.S. Dollar]. You can either include the original copy with the sell of the NFT or keep the original copy and only sell its NFT. You can also assign a 10% royalty fee every time that NFT is transferred to someone else. 

Even though NFTs go back to 2012, what really got the world's attention was the above NFT that was created and sold by digital artist Beeple [Mike Winkelmann] in March of 2021. This piece titled The First 5,000 Days sold for an unbelievable $69 million dollars. Yeah, that wasn't a typo. I said $69 million dollars and now Beeple is considered one of the top three living artists. The First 5,000 Days is a digital collage of online images Beeple has posted over the last 14 years. Vignesh Sundaresan, [AKA MetaKovan], the person who purchased the NFT, received a JPG, a hyperlink and some limited rights to publicly display it; giving him multiple opportunities to further monetize it. Imagine if Trump harvested all of his tweets and turned it into a digital lookbook  NFT. People would pay millions for that sh*t. Even the most liberal serial entrepreneurs would buy it just to resell it for more to some wealthy racist. Crazy huh? Well that is just a peak into this digital landscape. Keep reading.

NFTs are like digital heirlooms and they don't need to be some rare Michael Jordan photo or digital collages either. They can be voice clips, music, graphic art, even tweets! Some Influencers are even creating NFTs that can be redeemed for personal messages and live video chats that can undoubtedly boost the purchaser's brand recognition. Folks are out here buying/selling digital rocks for $200,000 and an all-NFT wine brand is now out on the market. Just this week an article came out about a company called the VCR Group who will be launching the first NFT restaurant in NYC the autumn of 2022; offering an exclusive membership-only dining experience for people. According to their website:

"VCR Group will be launching the 1st NFT Restaurant concept in the world. To experience the restaurant, guests will require a membership. Memberships can be purchased through an NFT (Non-Fungible Token). The NFT will represent ownership of your membership which will provide access to the restaurant throughout the month, in addition to unlimited enjoyment of the cocktail lounge and access to private culinary experiences. There will be 3 different NFT Tokens representing a multitude of experiences in the restaurant. Each NFT is an asset and can be sold or transferred in the secondary market."

The possibilities are endless the more that we learn about this technology. Your grandmother's wedding ring. The family home. Other inheritances. Imagine 100 years from now your family also owning rare, valuable digital assets that you created. This is not a wave, it is a technological paradigm shift in how we can redefine, reevaluate and preserve our legacies. My first NFT is just one of a series of rare collectibles that I will eventually make available to the public and I look forward to seeing many of you also investing in this digital space. There is more than enough room for all of us.



Saturday, August 21, 2021

WATCH HERE: United Nations Panel Discussion on "Resistance"

     On July 29th I participated in an online panel discussion hosted by the United Nations Outreach Programme on the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery. This panel highlighted the Samuel L. Jackson award-winning Enslaved docuseries that I appear in; Episode 5 "Resistance." 

     Every year on 25 March, the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade offers the opportunity to honor and remember those who suffered and died at the hands of the brutal slavery system. The International Day also aims to raise awareness about the dangers of racism and prejudice today. As a part of this year's National Day of Remembrance, the United Nations Remember Slavery Programme consisted of a series of panel discussions and episode screenings of Enslaved. 

     I am thankful for this opportunity and you can view our Enslaved Episode 5 "Resistance" panel discussion at the link below.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Animation Series: Student Enrollment [1-10]


In this Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters Animation episode we share the Student Enrollment AKA 1-10 or knowledge to knowledge cipher.

Please SUPPORT and SHARE my Atlantis School Renovation Project. I am renovating a property to establish a cultural enrichment early childhood learning and after school program:
CashApp: $SaladinAllah


Friday, July 23, 2021

StoryTime Animation: UNSPEAKABLE; The Tulsa Race Massacre


To promote literacy and literature, StoryTime is a Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center program and Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters produced series that highlights children's books that are inspiring, empowering and educational.

Today's book is titled "UNSPEAKABLE: The Tulsa Race Massacre" Written by Carole Boston Weatherford. Illustrated by Floyd Cooper.
The views, opinions and words expressed in this book are those of the Author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center or Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters.

Please SUPPORT and SHARE my Atlantis School Renovation Project. I am renovating a property to establish a cultural enrichment early childhood learning center and after school program:

CashApp: $SaladinAllah



Wednesday, July 14, 2021

StoryTime Animation: Love You That Much


To promote literacy and literature, StoryTime is a Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center program and Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters produced series that highlights children's books that are inspiring, empowering and educational.

Today's book is titled "Love You That Much" Written by Momma Bandy.
The views, opinions and words expressed in this book are those of the Author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center or Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters.

Please SUPPORT and SHARE my Atlantis School Renovation Project. I am renovating a property to establish a cultural enrichment early childhood learning and after school program:
CashApp: $SaladinAllah


Friday, July 09, 2021

The Atlantis School's Placement and Mission

The Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters was founded in the historic Suspension Bridge Village District of Niagara Falls, New York. A 501(c)(3) private estate and learning institution, the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters is dedicated to helping our youth grow, develop and control their powers through actualizing their purpose. 

Thank You everyone who checked out the Spectrum News story about our Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters HERE! If you are interested in supporting our project you can email me at in regards to items you would like to donate. You can make any financial contributions below:

Donation Website

PayPal Donation

CashApp: $SaladinAllah



Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Thank You everyone who checked out the Spectrum News story about our Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters HERE! If you are interested in supporting our project you can email me at in regards to items you would like to donate. You can make any financial contributions below:

Donation Website

PayPal Donation

CashApp: $SaladinAllah



Thursday, June 17, 2021

Falls To Be Illuminated Red, Black and Green For Juneteenth


June 17, 2021
Contact: Saladin Allah

    On Saturday June 19th, 2021 in honor of the U.S. Senate passage of the Juneteenth National Independence Act, the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters in collaboration with Canada's Niagara Parks and Niagara Falls Illumination Board will be lighting up the Falls in honor of Juneteenth, which is also known as Emancipation Day.

   At 9pm, 10pm and 11pm EST the Falls will be illuminated red, black and green in the colors of the Black Liberation flag; the Pan-African flag for black people across the diaspora and in Africa. The above Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters animation episode "What is Juneteenth?" will also be shared on the Niagara Parks website/social media which teaches the history and significance of this federal holiday.

   This collaborative effort between the Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters, Canada's Niagara Parks and Niagara Falls Illumination Board to honor Juneteenth is in its the second year and speaks to the cross-border commitment to raise awareness about the plight of people of African descent and our cultural visibility in the U.S. and Canada.

Please take a moment to CHECK OUT, SUPPORT and SHARE WITH YOUR NETWORKS the Atlantis School Renovation Project

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Atlantis School Animation Series now on UTV!!


I am EXCITED to announce that my Atlantis School For Gifted Youngsters animation series will now be airing on UTV [Urban Television Broadcast Communications Corporation] via ROKU, Firestick, Android TV and streamed on their website:

UTV is a public, independent network sharing family friendly programs intended to inform with cultural values. UTV reaches millions of households via digital television, internet streaming and mobile distribution.

Peace,                                                                                                                                                    Saladin

Friday, June 11, 2021

The 50th Science and Educational Show & Prove

     Every second weekend in June we [the Five Percent Nation] hold our Annual Science and Educational Show & Prove at the Harriet Tubman School in Harlem, NY [Public School 154]. This coming June 13th, 2021 marks our 50th!! 

   The first Show & Prove took place on June 13th, 1971 at Harlem Prep following a December 4th, 1970 dance that was organized six months earlier in Queens, NY [AKA: The Oasis in the Desert]. I mention this dance because it was the first collective gathering of Five Percenters since the assassination of The Father [Allah] one year earlier on June 13th, 1969 and the spark to ignite the Science and Educational Show & Prove. This annual youth-centric event was established to celebrate The Father's legacy through showcasing the contributions and accomplishments of our family members who are building upon this legacy. Founded by several young Five Percenters such as Allah B, Prince Allah, God Supreme, Dumar, Gykee, Takesha, LuAsia and others, the Show & Prove highlighted a youth science and educational fair and has expanded over the years to include a marketplace, food vendors, speeches, performances, and a Meet & Greet/Cook Out the day before. The largest single gathering of Five Percenters each year, the first Show & Prove on June 13th, 1971 was said to have over 2,000 people, most of them youth, in attendance. The first Show & Prove that I attended was twenty-four years ago in 1997. 
   As I've mentioned above, our Annual Science and Educational Show & Prove is the largest single gathering of Five Percenters each year. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, we did not have a Show & Prove last June. As we begin to loosen gathering and mask restrictions here in NYS, this year's Show & Prove is the first large scale opportunity for us to congregate, network, support our businesses and build. By "build" I don't mean talking. Five Percenter concepts such as "building" have become common nowadays. It, among other concepts, were adopted by Hip Hop culture and have since taken on the generic meaning of "talking." This concept is now as empty as the glossed over eyes of a Millennial rocking a box with no knowledge of who Big Daddy Kane is. Talking is not its original meaning. Five Percenters are scientists of life and building is the oral presentation of one's work/research to other members of our scientific community for peer review. And just like any scientist, upon review of that work/research, if something needs to be added on or taken away, we go back to the lab and make the appropriate adjustments. 

     This year's 50th Science and Educational Show & Prove will take place outdoors in the yard and schoolyard of Allah Youth Center and Harriet Tubman School [Public School 154] on Saturday June 12th and Sunday 13th. CDC COVID-19 Guidelines will be enforced and the days events will consist of food, games, musical performances, a science fair, a pull up competition, the 22 Points Team Youth Program and other family fun activities. 
